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Everything posted by Ragdo11706

  1. I do believe that it will be a buildable. I think were going to have to aquire the parts from The Warden or they'll be located in & around his office. For upgrading it, Possibly have it equipped under the Acid Trap so the Acid hits it. I don't really know about that one. But their are Two Versions of the Weapon. Nonetheless I agree about the Stock, Barrels, & Chain/Barb-Wire.
  2. This map does look rather Promising.
  3. Ohh yea, LOL, Derp.
  4. Yea, You said via a hidden room during Purgatory & I responded with one of the portals. Basically just agreeing w/ you.
  5. I believe it's called the "AcidGat" as the Upgraded form shoots Acidic Rounds. It has the same affect as Monkey Bombs or more so the "Awful Lawton". As well as it appears to have the same principals/chaining effect from (my favorite weapon) "The Sliquifier".
  6. Or you have to Unlock it by entering one of those Portals that they show.
  7. The Numbers Naitrax...What do they Mean...
  8. Whats interesing is the Loading Screen/Plan Page shows "AfterLife" = Power. I'm thinking that in the Power Room you have to enter into "AfterLife" & Shock/Zap the Power Box to restore Power to Alcatraz. But in the mean time you could enter "AfterLife" & Shock/Zap these Voltage meters to Power them w/out Power. Basically...
  9. Or 9 Lives total. That would be funny though if there's an achievement for that. "Do I look like a Cat"
  10. Wow I never noticed that before! Thanks for pointing it out. Maybe Reznov will have a secret in the Zombies Storyline... MAYBE HE's the one in control in this map????? Possibly because I don't recall seeing any of the bloody Grim Reapers in either Green Run/TranZit or Die Rise. And they appeared in every map on Blops 1 somewhere in the map.
  11. Maybe we will have to purchase or find a way to obtain extra Purgatory "tokens", so when we go down, we lose one, or we can use it before death to move around and find hidden little secrets. Yea, that's kind of what I had Imagined. But the Loading Screen/Plan Paper showed "A Cat has 9 Lives". I thought that may have to deal with "AfterLife". But maybe not.
  12. Dont know if this is of any relevance. But alot of people revolve the Grim Reaper symbols around Reznov & the New perk Electric Cherry has the Reaper symbol on it. Also in CotD our 2nd DLC for Blops1 we had the VR-11. Always reminded me of Victor Reznov.
  13. What is odd to me is No Quick Revive. I wonder how that will come into play on Solo. Also with the Power-Ups, You can retrieve them by throwing the TomaHawk at it you get from the HellHound.
  14. Did you recently pick up an Insta-Kill in that spot where the Green Poof was. I know for a fact that wherever you Pick the Insta-Kill up at is where the Poof occurs. Meaning if you had gotten an Insta-Kill there then that's why, If Not, well I'm at a loss on that.
  15. Are you talking about riding the Bus through the Tunnel entering the Diner, or walking from the Diner back towards the Bus Depot. I would like to go check this out, But I want to make sure I know exactly what you mean.
  16. Yup exactly what I do. Another thing is instead of buying the 1000 pt Couch, I ride the Elevator beside the Remington & drop back down.
  17. I do this all the time. All you have to do is hold the button Down. No need in spamming it. When you fall simply press & hold it. Works for me everytime.
  18. A51, makes me immediately think of Area 51.
  19. The Second symbol looks very familiar. I believe if you go into Theater, Green Run/TranZit go to the Hunters Cabin & do an Aerial view of the Stump out front. Im almost 100% positive that symbol is one of them. The Third Symbol "The All Seeing Eye" I have seen on different PaPd weapons. It even has the little Orb at the Top. I normally see it as RussMan on the AN-94 PaPd. Not sure about the other 2 though.
  20. Yea S1ipperyJim made a video a while ago about NEVER buying Jugg that way once you pass Round 15 if you ever go down you Whos Who character also has the Persistent Upgrade. I've yet to test it because I thought that you lost it on Round15 but TBSZ proved that wrong. So Now I'm going to go test Not buying Jugg & after Round 15 if you keep it & if your Whos Who character has it.
  21. I believe Der Reise is "Somewhere Near Breslau, Germany"
  22. For me, Since the Patch instead of running at farm like I used to. Now I run in the Town. The reason for this is because I have the Electric Trap & the Jet Gun & I simply use the Re-Grab method on the Jet Gun. It's by far the fastest strat that I know of on TranZit even before the Patch. You group them all up (Zombies), Take them into the Bar & unload the Jet Gun at the top of the stairs. Group them up again & grab the Electric Trap, while letting the Zombies break the Jet Gun then grab a new one & Rinse & Repeat. The good thing about this is if you go down, Jugg & Stamin-Up are right there, as well as the Bank. As far as weapons I use either M&S & RayGun or alot of times the Chicom CQB (Fridge) simply because its mobility is far more superior than anything else.
  23. There may actually be 2 different versions of this. The reason I say that is because any time I go into TranZit & unlock it that way. No matter what, I ALWAYS lose it at the beginning of Round 15. I've even played up to Round 15 with 0 Perks & 0 Downs & I still lose it. Yet I've seen other people who have been able to keep it up to the point where they go down when they have Jugg as a Perk, No matter what the Round is at the time. Don't jump down my throat on this one. Let me know if you guys agree/disagree/maybe.
  24. ^ Yea I Actually agree with this. ^ EDIT: Although Since I Lost it I have yet to Re-Obtain it. & if I remember correctly, I had just got Jug from a Crawler. Then I went & bought DT2 where I lost it.
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