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Everything posted by Ragdo11706

  1. Haha, whatever the hell color that is, Being Color-Blind sucks.
  2. @Conzul Yea I definitely think there is more to the "Gateworms" than just activating a Ritual and picking them up. There must be a reason why we can leave them above the Altar, they emit a bright light, and they have a "Heartbeat". I've also noticed with the "Gateworms" in your inventory, they have that "Glowing Sparkle" effect. Similar to the way the "Golden Pods" look. When you fire the "Apothicon Servant" if you watch when you reload, the ammo counter has the same "Glowing Sparkle". I also find it weird how once we place an item at a Ritual Altar, it makes that weird noise like something is being built. Possibly we need to place all 4 items in the correct order, before activating the first Ritual. We may even need to have the "Upgrade_Ready" Quote Trigger after the items have been placed, but before a single Ritual has been activated, and maybe not holding the "Summoning Key"... If I had to guess I would say the correct order in which everything should be done; Canals Waterfront Junction/Rift Footlight The reason I feel this may actually be the Correct order, is based on the Checkered Flag pattern painted on the top of the buildings leading to the Footlight District, basically screaming this is where you finish. _________ @83457 I agree, the Noire Mode may very well be the "Key" to all of this. I don't get why we can shoot down the pictures, where one leads to the "Noire Mode" while the other one we have to have a PaP weapon. Upon shooting it down, nothing even happens. _______ P.S. The Crystal Skulls in MotD could only been seen in "Afterlife".
  3. What did one have to do anyhow, I remember seeing something a few weeks ago, since then I can't remember.
  4. Make sure to check before you start the PaP Ritual, don't know if it matters but this is also on Solo not Co-Op.
  5. Nope not on Current Gen. I have the new update (Bye Bye Arbgwaoth) :-( I will check and see if this still happens. Currently playing Shadows (imagine that haha) on Round 26 and cannot seem to get XenoMatter. _________ I have noticed quite a few changes I find rather interesting. The Shadow Man no longer speaks to you once you enter a Ritual Area, I also noticed once you begin the Ritual you no longer hear the, "Here we go!" Only the *Ding. However, once I did the Footlight District I'm pretty sure I heard "Here we go!" (2nd Ritual). Once I did the Canal Districts I'm pretty sure I heard "Your sacrifice has been chosen!" (4th Ritual). __________ I've also noticed the Parasites seem to act really strange when you Activate the Tram during a Parasite/Elemental/Margwa Round. They tend to Hover over specific locations, as well as stay close to the track itself. I also noticed once the Tram has stopped if I step off, they all tend to crowd inside the Tram.
  6. That's what makes it seem like there's some other use for it, so long as we don't "Accept the Arch-Ovum". Why would we be accepting something that literally overrides something else. Why not just "Take" or "Grab". There is something else going on here.
  7. Can I just say, Thank GOD for the Color-Blind feature, Treyarch finally added. Playing the game now, no longer kills my eyes. I noticed the Fire, it's a Yellow/Purple before then like a Mixture of Yellow/Blue/Red after.
  8. Yea but that makes it out to seem like it would serve a, "Higher Purpose" (if that even makes sense). Are the flames still "Purple" after opening PaP?!?! _______ I was checking just a minute ago, once you acquire the "Apothicon Egg" you have it in your inventory. Once you've gathered enough "Souls/Energy" you see the clear blue "Stone". When you return it to the "Sword Altar" and leave the Sword (Altar will be smoking), the Blue stone stays in your inventory. As soon as you take the "Apothicon Sword" the "Apothicon Egg" is placed back into your inventory. Yet we can immediately go "Accept the Arch-Ovum..." Which ironically enough overrides the "Apothicon Egg". Now what does all the "Giant Inter-Dimensional Eggs" mean. ________ I had a crazy thought earlier, what if when we are the "Beast" we need to grapple something and immediately go through one of the "3" Portals while still holding on to whatever until we "Find" the correct Portal.
  9. @Phat130y69ps4 Can you do a written tutorial, a lot of people including myself would be interested if it weren't a 2.5hr video.
  10. Alternate Ammo Types. ______ Yes, this is a better way to word it. Seems like there's a reasoning behind it though. ________ I'm almost certain that the "Apothicon Servant Upgrade Quest" has been fixed and can now be obtained (hell it may have been available all along). That image I thought was a "Bump" Image. Either way, it makes sense to me how you explained it. Is it likely that the "Key" to "Apothicon" is the "Gateworms".
  11. This is new only to Last Gen. On Current Gen it's always been this way. ___________ You are talking about the "Apothicon Egg" you originally pick up right.
  12. On Current Gen it has been like this since the beginning. I'm updating the game now to get the DLC, but on build this is how it's always been.
  13. These are located only in the Canal District, each subsequently at one of the Locations a "Cocoon" can be hung. All with the exception of 3. There is one directly in front of "Easy Street" in the Junction. Another one is located at the entrance to Waterfront, and the final one can be found in the Junction as well, at the Entrance to the "Footlight District".
  14. @Conzul _______ Have you ever noticed these before. Do they not look like "Gateworms" to you?!?!
  15. Now we need to figure out what this image means exactly...
  16. @Conzul ______ When we initially pick up the "Apothicon Egg" it appears Brown with Webs/Cracks covering the outer layer. While filing it with "Souls" it begins to turn clear with a Blue Hue, similar to the same Blue that protrudes from the "Gateworms". Until finally the outer shell is gone completely and you see the "Larvae" on the inside. Upon placing that into the Sword Altar, you can see it enter the "Sword", Appearing no larger than a golf ball. This results in our inventory being replaced once again by the Original "Apothicon Egg", Brown covered in Webs/Cracks. Now the Original "Apothicon Egg" is a lot bigger than the Blue one used for the "Apothicon Sword". Why is this, what purpose do all these different "Eggs" serve. ____________ "It's all about the Transferal of Energy"
  17. @83457 ______ I still think once you place the "Apothicon Egg" back in the statue, it smokes for a reason. An indicator not to pick up the "Apothicon Sword" just yet. That Little Guy growing inside the "Apothicon Egg" is definitely the "Apothicon Servant". ________ When you were in Waterfront, did you make sure to stay back near the Doors for the "Rift Portal". I still think it's very odd on Last Gen once the PaP Ritual is completed the Fire is "Purple". On Current Gen once you've placed the "Gateworms" the Fire is "Purple" then it changes. Seems to me like something was done incorrectly. ________ I toyed around with the "Thermal Scope" for a while, May have to try it out again.
  18. @Conzul __________ I agree about the Widows Wine Grenades, same as with the "Elementals" being referred to as "Meatballs". You should definitely have a look at the article I posted about "Wasps & Zombie Spiders". We know "Arbgwaoth" means "PowerUp" & not "Upgraded" as one would think. _______ Ok, the lightbulb, in Footlight District. Next time you play, once you've opened the Doors to access the "Rift Portal" when you go up to it and...Hold (X) to activate. Just stand right there for a few seconds & the Lightbulb on the Table will turn on & get really bright. If I'm not mistaking, I believe another "Corrupted" Skull is on the Table as well. __________ It's the inside of the "Apothicon Egg", this is why I mentioned Meta-Morphism. We have an Embryo, a Larvae, an Ovum, & an Immature Adult. We Upgrade it, so it becomes a "Mature Adult" and the main priority becomes..."Reproduction". Originally the image belonged to Glitching Queen, but she has given me permission to use content of hers here. __________ The "Glowing Object", is located in the Waterfront District. If you look back at he second image, where you see the Window Boards on the wall. Directly beneath those, you can see a rectangular box that's black. In between these you can see something "Glowing". It's best to just check it out for yourself in your game. Standing at rhe "Rift Portal" in the Waterfront District, face the Mystery Box location. As you begin to move towards the Box, you'll see this object begin to "Glow". Once you get too close it goes away. __________ Have you ever noticed once you've completed filling the "Apothicon Egg", once you've placed it back in the Altar, as long as you don't take the Sword the Altar, "Smokes". What is the point in making it do that, what purpose does it serve.
  19. @Conzul _______ Thank you for the response, what do you think/know the 4 "Symbols on the Sword Altar mean?!?! ________ Another thing I have recently noticed, pertaining to the Ritual Altars. The Waterfront, Junction, & PaP all have the "Corrupted" Skull on the left side of the Altar, each containing a "Dagger" and each having a "Liquid" substance in it. The Footlight District has the "Corrupted" Skull in the center of the Altar. There is also a set of Handcuffs present & no liquid. The Final one is in the Canal District, which is the only one that contains 2 of the "Corrupted" Skulls. One on either side of the Altar, the Left & Right. There's also a "Dagger" present however, this one is stabbing through something into the Altar. _________ In the Coding the Widows Wine "Grenades" are referred to as "Cocoons". Is there any specific reason why this is the case. Would we use these to "Feed" the "Gateworms". Or possibly even "Feed" the "Apothicon Servant" in order to feed the "Gateworms". Another thing I've yet to understand, when you initially place the "Gateworms" in the PaP, they are surrounded by "Purple" Fire. However, once you've opened PaP, they change to a Mixture of Blue & Red. The thing is, on Last Gen the Fire stays "Purple". ______ The "Parasites" name makes sense because the Host they use is either a "Margwa" or "Golden Pod". Why is it they "Dive-Bomb" once killed. http://news.sciencemag.org/biology/2015/08/wasps-force-zombie-spiders-weave-cocoon-webs _________ It almost seeems as if we're actually going through the stages of Meta-Morphism or possibly even Meiosis. ________ "Norie Mode" could play a key role, as we know how to "Start" this specific Easter Egg/Side Quest. Yet no-one has ever found the way to actually "End" this. Even though it's clear in the "Coding there is a "Start" & "End". For some reason we become "Color-Blind" however, the "Beast" remains unaffected and can still see in "Color" for some reason. What's up with the lightbulb in the Footlight Districts "Rift Portal" area that turns itself on. __________ This is the "Creature" inside the "Apothicon Egg". Looks a lot like an infant version of the "Apothicon Servant". _________ There's a place in the Waterfront District, directly above the "Civil Protector" Box, while standing near the "Rift Portal". I'll try to screen shot it really fast. "What the hell is that glowing." It's to the Right of the Crosshair. _________ I'm sure there are things in forgot to ask about.
  20. @Tattoo247 Would love to, unfortunately where I live I currently don't have access to internet. @Bigyayay This very well could be true. I just hate how having to have the internet, is a requirement in order to get the full experience of the game. No longer, will I be able to acquire "Perk Bottles" in order to obtain all the Perks in a map.
  21. @Tattoo247 Try my theory if you can, of never moving the Mystery Box. Similar to how you receive a RayGun from the "Purple Pods" in Shadows, as long as the Box has never been moved.
  22. @Conzul Do you have any inclination at all what, "Zoroth Orrotha" means/could mean. _________ Here's another thought, why in the F**K do the "Gateworms" actually have a "Heartbeat". Seriously, what was Treyarchs reasoning behind making them "Alive/Living". __________ Have you ever seen the "Creature" inside the "Apothicon Egg". _________ P.S. What is it you mean by "Gymnastics"?!?!
  23. If your talking about the Brown Paper Bag, on the Bridge in Canal leading towards the Tram & Dead Reporter. If it's the same one, bottom left, 3 Railings down, sitting on the ground directly in front of that 3rd Railing. This has always been there. Sorry to be the bearer of Bad News, but I just now checked, as I currently play on the Original build the game was shipped with. _________ On another note I had a thought, and completely F*****g forgot. When I remember I'll be back!
  24. See that game where I went to 94 while playing as Nero, I thought the same thing, when firing the "Apothicon Servant". I would gather all 24 Zombies, fire 1 Shot and he would either say nothing at all or some random ass comment. However, I began keeping count of the Elementals/Meatballs and every time, without fail he would make that quote on the 10th one. _________ I'm not saying this is anything. But stupid little shit like this should actually mean something, as opposed to a random ass quote.
  25. Ohh, ok. I still haven't played the Map, I was going off what I've seen in gameplay. Only a couple more days...
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