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Everything posted by Ragdo11706

  1. @83457 ___________ Here are some images of the "Keepers" & their "Markings". ____________ Original image courtesy of PTG. I know some people here frown upon them, regardless you've got to admit, the quality of there videos are superb.
  2. Or possibly shoot something Specific, & suck it up (lol). Similar to how you started Ascensions' "Side Quest". *Ok, ok, get your head out the gutter Josh*
  3. & you know what happens when you Ass-u-me things...
  4. I do, unfortunately I don't have internet access where I live. I'm aware of the Spider Webs, a few of them anyway. Best thing I can say is throw a Widows Wine Grenade at them, or somehow try to get a Spider to drop on or around one. *One last thing, we already have a Thread for this.Check the "T-Virus Thread".
  5. @UnleashThePwniez I understand where your coming from, a better example would be the Window Boards, the Cthuluh Skulls, and that flying carpet from your pictue. Now too me, going off that very picture, the box you have labeled Neros Altar, I believe is the Box containing the "Summoning Key". The Spider Web across from Q.R. appears to be in the "Loading Bay" containing the "Drop". I could be misinterpreting the image, but that's how I see it.
  6. @UnleashThePwniez ________ With all do respect @NaBrZHunter has been a member here for a long time (he also just so happens to be the current UotM) which speaks volumes around here. It took me over 3 years to obtain the "Cyan Robes". With that being said, this is NOT "Reddit" if you want to talk to people that way, I think you know where to go. Here, were a different bunch, thus why this forum was created to begin with. Your kind of demeanor/mannerism, will NOT get you far here, I promise!
  7. Ok, how do you know this is part of an, "Easter Egg", that's a pretty BOLD statement to come in a be making, on a new account, providing ZER0 evidence, other than some "Silly" theatre trick, in a half-glitched "Theatre Mode".
  8. @UnleashThePwniez Welcome to the forums, hope you like it here. __________ One thing I would suggest, "Pictures Dempsey, Pictures........Or it didn't happen!" Seriously, even if it's from your phone, I do it all the time. _________ I've looked at those "Spotlights" many, many, times. The one in Neros Landing, appears to be the same one that shines Green on him in the Cutscene. I've also seen the "Open Late" sign you speak of & thought that was odd. There's a sign at the entrance of the Footlight District, that says Matilda the first being a gold color while all the other letters are white, which I find weird. There are "2" Apothicon Servants" because there's a way to Spawn in "Cocoons" to Upgrade one, then someway you can obtain parts for another version, that have these specific names; Urgnar - Maroth ZMWEAPON_IDGUN2_1 Arkorgua - Astagua ZMWEAPON_IDGUN2_2 Gortar - Ullaqua ZMWEAPON_IDGUN2_3 Ullamargor - Zarozzor ZMWEAPON_IDGUN2_4 ___________ Have you ever checked out anything to do with the Cthuluh Skulls lying around.
  9. @83457 Here are the buildings, they are the two on either side of the path leading towards the Footlight District. Honestly they stick out like a sore thumb, why are just those buildings like that, makes it seem like a checkered flag/finish line. I've never noticed anything left behind by a "Turned" Zed. I have noticed the "Light" on the Front/Back of the Tram. It looks similar to that of the one on the "Rocket Shield". It's definitely the same shape as the "Orb" that's shown in the picture. *One thing I forgot, there are no "Black Dots" inside the shade when the "Dot" is NOT present on the front. _________ @Jami San With the Widows Wine drops make sure you let a Z smack you, after you've picked it up. Just be sure not to shoot it or mess with it in any way. I do believe we are all 3 on separate consoles, 360, XBone, & you are.... The Keepers do spawn relatively colse to the Doughnut carts now that you've mentioned it, I had never thought of that before, even though I've used them. Personally I believe we are actually "Destroying" the Carts, therefore we should "Destroy" the Holly carts, leaving the Devil-O. However because of there being 4 sets, maybe "Destroy" the Devil-O leaving the Hollys.
  10. I think it may, along with their bodies, kind of like tattoos. I know there a specific keepers that have a symbol/symbols on the forehead.
  11. The Keeper Symbol that looks like this..... The + in the center, is the same one where you place the Arch-Ovum, ⊙
  12. I finally got the "Purple Fountain". The only thing I'm wondering is why in the F**K is it Purple & RED. Not too mention, I swear I heard Arnie "Growl" soon before, the same one he does when he's ready to be upgraded.
  13. Yea, I enjoyed W@W & Black Ops I. However Black Ops II was a let down, they made it seem as if they were just sittting back laughing at us. I thought this was due to Jimmy Z, but it seems like that may not actually be the case. Now with Black Ops III, it appears to have a lot of potential, however it's being overshadowed by the amount of frivolous shit they've added in the maps, including the overuse of annoying ads Bosses that should only appear every 5 or 6 Rounds, not every other Round. Then by them changing 2 hit down, to the Exo-Zombies 3 hits, they've justified it by changing the Zombies speed, how fast the hit, & how often the Bosses do spawn. Then to top it all off, with that "Electric Cherry" Activision made them make up something where Micro-Transactions could become a thing. Instead of remastering maps & releasing them that way. They come up with something that now has made it where in order to obtain more than the basic 4 Perks in a map, instead of an Easter Egg to acquire them. Now you've all you gotta do is simply buy them, making everyone who plays in Co-Op immediately quit once they go down.
  14. Yea makes sense, bc you already placed a Gateworm. Speaking of your 1 & done occurrences on Tranzit 2.0 this seems like another one. I had it happen before, then never again in all those games I played. I just recently deletedt files from my game, as you know, and now it finally happened again for some odd reason.
  15. I'll let you know about Fireworks asap. I'm currently on Round 80, I'll gather a few hoards and see how it does down in the Rift. I'm at the end of the Round staring at this Purple & Red fountain Arnie finally decided to leave me.
  16. That's due to the Memory showed in the Apothicon/Keeper sheet. Once it's done, it's done, on to the next. As soon as we find them all, the Cocoons will unlock..... Shit wrong thread.
  17. @83457 I didn't think DF knew yet, he was waiting on D.E. to be released for XBone & PC so he would have the correct files to go through to see, I've seen where he himself even stated something has changed as that particular files size is now bigger than what it used to be. Watch that be Iike the NavCards for Black Ops I. I'm calling it right now, those Keeper Symbols are symbols were going to see throughout the DLC, which we've already seen the Cross in Shadows and 1 or 2 more in D.E. and by the final DLC, the entire file will be unlocked, once weve defeated the Keepers..... Oops did I ruin that...... @Nieno69 Possibly, maybe not the Sword though.
  18. @83457 Hahaha. Alright so let me get this straight. I've never bought Q.R. he gets me up 3 times, the machine no longer disappears. If I have bought Q.R. he gets me up, each time I keep Q.R. after 3x the machine don't disappear. Occasionally, if I'm having a bad game and down too many times during the same round, he's going to treat me like a noob because he's tired of getting my ass up and give me Q.R.
  19. Shubozzor Ullagua ZMWEAPON_GLAIVE_APOTHICON_0 Ullamargor Zortuk ZMWEAPON_GLAIVE_APOTHICON_1 Astanar Nethurgast ZMWEAPON_GLAIVE_APOTHICON_2 Maroth Zorguamat ZMWEAPON_GLAIVE_APOTHICON_3 Kreesaleet la Ahmahm ZMWEAPON_GLAIVE_KEEPER_0 Kreelasha lu Ahmkhaaleet ZMWEAPON_GLAIVE_KEEPER_1 Goahlo lu Kortahn ZMWEAPON_GLAIVE_KEEPER_2 Shaitahn lu Kreemahogra ZMWEAPON_GLAIVE_KEEPER_3 Urgnar-Maroth ZMWEAPON_IDGUN2_1 Arkorgua-Astagua ZMWEAPON_IDGUN2_2 Gortar-Ullaqua ZMWEAPON_IDGUN2_3 Ullamargor-Zarozzor ZMWEAPON_IDGUN2_4 Urgnar-Maroth Arbgwaoth ZMWEAPON_IDGUN2_UPGRADED_1 Arkorgua-Astagua Arbgwaoth ZMWEAPON_IDGUN2_UPGRADED_2 Gortar-Ullaqua Arbgwaoth ZMWEAPON_IDGUN2_UPGRADED_3 Ullamargor-Zarozzor Arbgwaoth ZMWEAPON_IDGUN2_UPGRADED_4 Kor-Maroth ZMWEAPON_IDGUN_1 Mar-Astagua ZMWEAPON_IDGUN_2 Nar-Ullaqua ZMWEAPON_IDGUN_3 Lor-Zarozzor ZMWEAPON_IDGUN_4 Kor-Maroth Arbgwaoth ZMWEAPON_IDGUN_UPGRADED_1 Mar-Astagua Arbgwaoth ZMWEAPON_IDGUN_UPGRADED_2 Nar-Ullaqua Arbgwaoth ZMWEAPON_IDGUN_UPGRADED_3 Lor-Zarozzor Arbgwaoth ZMWEAPON_IDGUN_UPGRADED_4 _____________ So this may be a bit of a stretch, but going off the code, it seems like we would have to do everything for the Apothicons, while not doing anything for the Keepers. This is going off the Apothicon Sword - Ullamargor Zortuk & the Apothicon Servant 2 - Ullamargor Zarozzor. Basically this would become our reward for helping release them, possibly. I've never tried it, but I wonder if possibly, doing all the Rituals in a single round, keeping the Margwa alive the entire time, and opening PaP as well, would change anything. You would probably have to have the Sword as well.
  20. Hmm, I wonder if it has anything to do with the ability to obtain it from the Wunderfizz. Still wouldn't explain why the machine would only allow you to purchase it twice. As the probability in obtaining it from D.W. is < 1%, so it would seem.
  21. Length wise though?!?! Overall yea, given the verticality of it, but Origins just seems so stretched out, plus I've never played Der Eisendrache, I was just going off the gameplay I've seen. :-) Soo, I assumed....
  22. So the Plunger Easter Egg has been fixed, and now you can 1 hit melee the Panzer to kill him. I believe this will be essential for Solo players going for a High Round, in combination with the Claw Helmet, should make dealing with the Panzer a breeze. *So talking with G.Q. just now, she told me the effect still only lasts about 2 minutes, once you've killed the Panzer. However, she did point out that during the Keeper battle, it would be a good idea to have this equipped. She also told me the official name of the Easter Egg itself, which I've fixed in the Title.* Here's a video thanx to GlitchingQueen showing it in action. Thank you for always saying yes to let me to use your content here :-)
  23. Damn that sucks. @shirtlesservice Yea, I understand D.E. is smaller than Origins, it may be easier to find, I just thought it was a really cool feature of the Machine itself.
  24. Every time I use B.F. on the Margwa all the Zombies around her get scorched but nothing ever happens besides that.
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