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Everything posted by Ragdo11706

  1. I just updated the OP. You can easily see where as it has *EDIT*. Yea I've been saying for a while now that I believe the "Apothicon Egg" relates to the "Apothicon Servant". I'm not guaranteeing it but I feel as if they are definitely connected somehow. Especially knowing what grows inside of it. Yea 3 is definitely something reoccurring in this map. We also have 3 different Bose types. A 3 headed Margwa, a Parasite, and an Elemental. We can have a max of 3 Beast uses. 3 Locations for the "Cocoon" or possibly 3 different ways in obtaining one. 3 different upgrade ready quotes. This is the thing growing inside the "Apothicon Egg". To me it looks like the fetus/embryo of an "Apothicon Servant". If you notice the Tail, then compare that to when you build it, the Tail has the same design as the outside of the Egg itself. There's also the snout on the face and the litlle legs, that eats the Eggs we feed it while reloading.
  2. This is what I was wondering if I should make a new thread based upon. From what I've been able to gather, I'm almost positive the quote we get is based on what stage of the "Apothicon Egg" we're on. If you think about it there are 3 stages. It's original stage when you first pick it up. The middle phase if you will, where we are filling it and something inside of it is growing. The final stage is when we put it into the Sword. Now every time I've gotten the "Zornash Na'Orujja Zornash" Quote I've been in the process of filing the Egg. Last night I decided to not even grab it, and I got the "Upgrade_Ready_2" quote. Now I've finally been able to recreate the "Zoroth Orota" quote, what I did was filled the "Apothicon Egg" completely, placed it back it the Sword & left the Sword on the Altar. I did NOT pick it up. When I went and started the first Ritual, immediately the audio Que played. Just a side note. All the tests I've ran were while none of the Rituals had been completed. I tested it while having the Ritual Items, not having them, and even placing them all at each individual location. Also remember I'm on Version, which I highly doubt matters.
  3. Oddly enough I have the Lor-Zarozzor which is the one that I Never receive for some reason. I'm not aware of the Translations for that specific quote. However I feel as if I've made another breakthrough in regards to the quest. Just now looking back at the Coding, I realized something. I noticed that there may in fact be 3 separate ways in obtaining a "Cocoon". The reason I say this is in the Coding it specifically states, idgun_cocoon_0_found idgun_cocoon_1_found idgun_cocoon_2_found Ironically enough when it comes to the "Upgrade_Ready" Quotes in the Coding they read as follows; Upgrade_Ready_0 Upgrade_Ready_1 Upgrade_Ready_2 Now I'm not sure about you, but when I see both of these, and then compare them. It suggests to me, there are in fact separate ways in obtaining each "Cocoon". Depending upon which "Upgrade_Ready" you've received.
  4. Yea I agree. Yes as a matter of fact I believe I've worked out the solution as to the cause of each individual "Upgrade_Ready" Quote. The only problem is do I update this Thread or start a new one. P.S.) I'm playing right now & have it paused, I just now began my first Ritual with the Apothicon Servant and I didn't have to fire the weapon. I immediately got the quote "Zoroth Orota" as soon as the "Keepers" began to spawn.
  5. Yea I understand, the only proof I can provide is the version I'm still playing on. I can assure you without a doubt, all 3 "Upgrade_Ready" Quotes are in this specific build. I'm aware of who D.F. is, l wasn't necessarily saying you in general. I was speaking as a whole, the vast majority of people take everything he says as actual, FACT. Without him ever providing any concrete proof, he's even stated, "In my Opinion". Meaning he's not 100% sure about it, he just thinks it. Even then people still take it as if he's actually confirming it. Yes he may have looked through the coding and seen things we were unaware of at the time, he's also the same guy that stated, "There are still Sword Levels we've yet to reach". However this turned out not to be true. @DaveLo07 & @Difintel
  6. @83457Yea I'm not exactly sure what he's saying. To me it sounds like "A(r)kazor Gwanash". Which would imply something "Robot". However I could see us having to "Grapple" it in while in "Beast" Mode. I'm a little confused though, are you saying you think "Zornash" means "Grapple"; or where did grapple even come from.
  7. @DaveLo07Where I live I don't have access to the internet. If I can get this quote again, I would have to record it on my cellphone. I happen to be working on recreating this right now, just ironing out what exactly needs to be done before you build the Apothicon Servant. I believe it has to do with whether or not you've completed the Sword Quest. As it seems every time I get the "Zornash Na'Orujja Zornash" Quote, I've either got the Apothicon Egg, or I'm in the process of filling it. So I feel as if I need to leave it alone all together, or have it filled completely. I'll figure it out though, eventually. ____ @Difintel Unfortunately where I live I don't have access to the internet. With that being said, I've been a member of this community for a long time & therefore wouldn't lie or make something up. I could give a rats ass what D.F. says. I don't understand why for the life of me, everyone thinks this dude is some God at COD Zombies, and knows everything he's talking about. But if you want proof ask @Nightmare Voyager. He's a very well known member of this community & he also just so happens to be the person I was talking to the night I got the quote. He's also the one who told me if I felt I had enough to go on to make a "Thread" on the topic. So I did just that. If I hadn't gotten the quote in-game for myself, I never would've known that particular quote was linked to the "Keepers". The only other thing I can do is write down your name on a piece of paper and take a picture next to the build version, this will just verify the fact that I still play on, but it's better than nothing I suppose.
  8. Well I'm glad someone agrees with me, I will go ahead and confirm it for you though. See the thing is I still play on build version; I'm not exactly sure what build you are on by now, I'm on the Xbone as well. Everything I've been able to achieve so far is on this build version. That alone goes to show you, these quotes have been in the game from the beginning, and not just now added in with the most recent patch. I really wish they would stop spreading, an assumption they have everyone believing. Skin through my Original Post here, there are a few pretty good, "Logical" ideas I had. Especially when pertaining to the "Upgrade_Ready_0" Quote. After all that's the spark that started this fire.
  9. Well this isn't exactly news to me, as I had this occur some time ago. If you check the Thread I created here http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/topic/181756-~ragdolls-keepers-are-key-magic-book-theory-enjoy/ you may be able to make a little more sense out of it. Also I just want to throw this out there, but the recent update has NOT added this quote, or anything else relating to "Upgrading" the Apothicon Servant for that matter. Everything that's in Shadows has been in Shadows from the beginning. Nothing is going to be added in through any sort of "Patch"/"Hot Fix". I can confirm this 100% without a doubt, as I personally still play on build version, Basically this is the first patch they implemented into the game.
  10. So I'm not exactly sure how many of you guys/gals here follow https://www.reddit.com/r/CODZombies Well regardless, I go over there and check it out from time to time. So apparently today one of the more "Popular" Redditors, noticed something, so he tested it & ended up getting the results he was searching for. Now I know for a fact @DeathBringerZen knows exactly who it is I'm referring to. Anyhow, I haven't bought the shit since the beginning, along with DBZ (I believe). I've also seen a lot of the "Bigger YouTubers" covering this guy's shit, all the time. That's all fine and dandy, with the exception of a vast majority of everyone is literally taking this persons word, that there is in fact no way possible, "As of right Now" to upgrade the "Apothicon Servant". Meaning it will be patched in later down the road, this is simply asinine. Without ever providing any kind of actual "Proof" or 'Evidence" of said claims. Again I've been saying all along the same things, "I believe it exists and is obtainable right now", "I also believe it involves us being on a specific Round", as well as, "I believe the "Keepers" are "Key"! So today the person has stated, he has in fact solved what causes the "Upgrade_Ready_Quote_0" (Link to Quote) http://vocaroo.com/i/s1pyp95MEXk2 and to his knowledge, not one person had ever received said quote, in-game legitimately. As "Luck"/"Fate" would have it, a while ago I was having a conversation with @Nightmare Voyager and that same night, I just so happened to receive the exact same quote. I remember telling Nightmare, as it was the only quote of the 3, I had yet to hear. After discussing, we came to the conclusion that the announcer was indeed saying, "Zoroth Orota". Coincidentally, this quote is the very reason this "Thread"/"Theory" came to fruition. See the important thing here, this Quote is the only one we Receive, without the presence of a "Margwa". More importantly, too obtain this quote, you must have "Keepers" spawned in. If you wait to complete any of the Rituals, until you've built the "Apothicon Servant". If you've done this correctly, upon beginning the first Ritual, and shooting at both "Keepers" & "Zombies" you should receive this exact quote. Why is any of this important, well there's always the possibility this doesn't mean anything. We know "Zoroth" means "Transform" and since the quote involves, "Keepers" in order to be triggered. Leads me to believe "Orota" means "Keeper". This results in "Transform Keeper", which is exactly what we are doing, during the "Totem Running" phase of the "Main Quest". We Transform, the Keepers Soul to his Body. Now all of this could just be Coincidental, it also has the potential to be a step in the right direction. Could this in fact mean there are indeed 3 completely different ways in obtaining the "Cocoon", based upon which of the 3 "Upgrade_Ready" Quotes we receive. I'm getting ready to start up a game now, I will update the O.P. if necessary. I really hope this is the case, as I have a pretty good idea on how to acquire the "Cocoon" from this particular "Upgrade_Ready" Quote.
  11. See I was thinking this exact same thing, so of coarse I had to test it out. What I have found is I don't even need the "Rift Portals" to be open to hear it. Furthermore, I tend to hear it best on the opposite path in the Canal District. The side with the Devil-O-Doughnut Carts. It's really weird to be honest, it'll seem as if I'm actually getting close to it, then all of a sudden it seems to go to the opposite end. Have you heard this same exact sound in either the "Footlight" or "Waterfront" Districts respectively. I just recently began to hear it in the "Footlight" District.
  12. Shhhhh! Let us rejoice in our T-Virus lead thoughts. @83457 It does almost sound like a "Parasite" or it's a noise closely resembling that of which the Parasites make. However when I have this occur, normally it's very early in-game. I can also assure you there are 0 "Parasites", "Wasps", "Elementals", or even the "Long-Winded" goofball, present anywhere at all on the map. As I'll be running around, at the end of a round. Doing random shit with one runner left. I almost always hear it upon entering the City section to the Footlight District, when I'm going under the bridge and about to make contact with the pavement. I also hear it underneath the Tram Station in Footlight. Keep your Eyes & Ears open, mess with your volume settings. Turn up the Sfx & Voice while leaving the Music & Cinematics off.
  13. @83457 One thing that I can say for 100% certainty, if I grab the Badge from the Canal District, go straight into the Rift for the first time, gather all 6 Keepers, every time I do this, I always get a Power-Up Drop. The thing is why, I don't ever remember any other time where the Keepers would leave me a Drop.
  14. Well regardless of any limitations or not, I can 100% confirm everything that @83457 just stated. I play on Xbone btw. For some reason the game is coded in a specific manner for the fucking"Gateworms". You always place the Belt down First, followed by your current characters then the other 2. That's when your carrying all 4 at once. However you can in fact do all 4 Rituals without ever picking up a single "Gateworm". I've also stated in the past if they were nothing, why give them a fucking "Heartbeat", seriously why?!?! Here's actual proof that you do in fact place down the "Belt" first, while holding all 4 of them. The second worm you place is always your corresponding characters. The final thing I'm going to speak of concerning the Gateworms is as follows, simply because I've already driven myself crazy over them one time before.... "A place for EVERYTHING & EVERYTHING in its place, EVEN WORMS! With all that being said, I am curious. Have anyone of you ever noticed the little "Cricket Chirp" noise you always tend to get in the exact same locations every time. I mean the exact same locations every time you hear it. There are different areas within each District of the map, but there always the same. It almost sounds like you've stepped on something, or were supposed to be looking at something. It's very weird indeed. Finally there is this thing, which is also connected to some other thing, that apparently we haven't figured out yet.
  15. @83457 It couldn't be a glitch since I've gotten it to happen & now you have as well. There's no way in Hell that's actually a glitch. This is something they have programmed into the game itself. I Would always go from Junction then to Canals & finish with Waterfront then Footlight. I believe one time I saw it on all 4 locations, and honestly I believe that's the last time I've ever seen them. I'm ready to release my other Theory, but I need more proof or evidence. So I believe, this time around, Treyarch have made it where you unlock certain shit the more & more you play Shadows. Thus why in the beginning you were never seeing this occur when upgrading the Trip-Mines. Coincidentally enough when I would be playing and was ready to collect the Symbols for the Sword, the Window boxes would be glowing red. Now all of a sudden when I go on a Parasite Round, they are completely Blacked out, with the exception of the Symbols that are still glowing red. Honestly it makes them a lot easier to see. Another thing I've started to Notice while playing is this "Humming" sound in the Canal District, well now I've started to hear it in he Footlight District as well. Not so much in the Waterfront District, as I don't ever really find myself doing anything Mid-Round here. Oddly enough now I see the Beast Symbol for "Breakable" Objects on the flower PODs. I thinkn you can see where I'm going with this, he only downfall is I don't have enough actual evidence or hard facts, this is in fact the case and what's really going on here. "This is not a Sprint, This is a Marathon"
  16. Haha, The Virus is Really, Really, Real people! Seriously though, I'm convinced that door at the far end of the Canal District, directly across from "Rubys Rabbit" can somehow be destroyed, opened. The Harsha Hotel or some shit like that. I know that Coffee Shop you speak of @DrVonstool the one located on the side path of Canal District. Looks to obvious. I'm also convinced that the "Debris" in the "Ladys Secret Room" with the Lions & there open Mouths. Can be destroyed/opened to access that fucking door across the Bridge that just seems way to obvious. Furthermore if you look at the Tram Map, this very location is represented by a Black Dot, a fucking Black Dot. Why please do tell me. Is this the area we need to use the "Goddard Apparatus" on, I'm still convinced there's more to that P.o.S. than going through the trouble of "Bowling a Perfect Game" only to have to do it all over once the shield is broken. Why do I keep getting these canisters all the damn time, even if I've never boosted with the shield, not once the entire game. Yet I'm still receiving these Nitrous Tanks, like I'm stuck in a Fast & Furious Movie. You want some Mind-Fuckery because I'm about to give you a full dose of it. Here in the last day or two, opening "Purple Pods" empty, poof "Magic Book" purple glitter glow everywhere. What the fuck kind of sick shit is this Treyarch. Ohh yea, I almost forgot the most important thing. The Beast symbol for "Smashing" shit, on PODs now. Yup I said it, why do I see these symbols on the fucking PODs now?!?!?
  17. As well as Transmogrifing the Zombies, while in Beast Mode. Normally I kill at least 24 Zombies on Round 1, on top of the 2x, I end up with roughly 7500 points.
  18. @83457 Ironically enough, when I would see this happen, it was always in the Junction. Maybe possibly we've got to do the sequence of 4 in a specific order starting with the Junction to have this occur at all 4 locations.
  19. * Update * I wanted to go ahead and update this Thread, in relation to actually being able to upgrade the "Apothicon Servant". I feel it's the most important. Now in the past I've made mention of games I've played, where I would spend 100k or more on the Mystery Box, and not once would I ever receive the "Apothicon Servant". Well up until now, I never really knew why this would happen, & It's very possible that I still don't. However, while playing earlier once I built the Apothicon Servant, immediately I bought the Vesper (don't think this matters) off the wall, ultimately replacing the "Apothicon Servant", therefore putting it back into the Mystery Box. Now the reason I believe this may actually be of any importance at all whatsoever, pertains to an area in the Coding that states; take_sword power_on zmzod_idgun_quest remove_idgun_from_box second_idgun_time idgun_cocoon See when I did this, I hadn't yet received the "Upgrade_Ready" Quote. Before, I never paid attention to why this was happening, even now I didn't really pay attention. I just know that's the difference in this game. Normally when I'm playing, if I've already received the "Upgrade_Ready" Quote, I get it back out the Box, in no time at all. However, with this game it's a lot like those others, I've spent over 100k on the Mystery Box, not once have I seen it. The part, remove_idgun_from_box wouldn't that mean, the "Apothicon Servant" actually has to be in the box in order for it to actually be removed. See everyone's been running around trying to upgrade this thing, while holding onto it, Hell even I'm guilty of doing so. I'm going to continue testing this, I'm not 100% positive on this being the case. But I can't see a reason for it being anything else, this would also indeed make it where we can actually "Fail", something in which I've been saying all along. ~ Ragdoll ____ * Original * So basically this all began with a response I had to @83457, however the response was becoming rather lengthy. I decided to go-ahead & make a thread to clear any confusion, this seems to be causing. Similar to that of the "Apothicon Sword" & "Reborn-Keeper Sword", the "Apothicon Servant", also talks to us in-game while using it. The difference here, is with the "Apothicon Servant". ____ Where, we are lead through a series of quotes, resulting in the possibility of actually being able to upgrade it (through a Cocoon). Whereas with the "Swords" we receive the "Player_Greeting" that gives us the name for each one, and that's as far as it goes. When it comes down to the phrases from the Apothicon Servant, I've always been under the assumption the "Player_Greeting" you receive upon building and picking it up was in fact, "The-Name" followed by "Arbgwaoth". However as @83457 pointed out, this may not be the case. Either way it doesn't really matter, as it's not that important. ____ Now we know we have a series of 3 quotes we'll receive from the "Apothicon Servant" leading to the possibility of being able to Upgrade it. Which are as follows; "Player_Greeting" "Upgrade_Ready" "Upgrade_Complete" We also know there are 4 possible outcomes for a name including; "Kor-Maroth" "Lor-Zarozzor" "Mar-Astagua" "Nar-Ullaqua" It's not yet clear on the algorithm involved with determining what the outcome of the name is going to be. I used to believe I had the solution worked out, as many of you made me well aware, I definitely did not. It could be that it is in fact, completely Random! ____ Once the "Apothicon Servant" has finally been built, as soon as you pick it up you will be given the "Player_Greeting" (easiest to hear if your Sound Settings are all at 0 with the exception of Voice being on 10 and Master Volume being on 10 as well). The "Player_Greeting" consists of 1 of 4 unique quotes, that of which will be dependant upon the name you receive when picking up the Apothicon Servant (Again I don't think these are important, as its literally just the Weapon telling you its name). ____ After you've built the A.S. and been given the "Player_Greeting", the next trigger will come from firing, "Feeding" the Weapon while a Margwa is present and in the vicinity. It's not 100% of the time you need the Margwa to be in the Vicinity, sometimes the first time you shoot the Weapon you'll receive the "Upgrade_Ready" phrase. I can confirm using the Margwa during the Arch-Ovum phase will NOT trigger the Audio Cue, you are looking for. It has to be one that spawns in during a Regular/Elemental Round. Now in my opinion this is the most important part to all of this. The "Upgrade_Ready" consists of 3 different phrases, presumably meaning 3 completely different ways of actually upgrading the Weapon. Not 1 of these particular Upgrade_Ready phrases are bound to a "Specific-Servant". Here I have provided a link to each individual "Upgrade_Ready", high quality sound files. "Upgrade_Ready_0" http://vocaroo.com/i/s1pyp95MEXk2 "Upgrade_Ready_1" http://vocaroo.com/is1u6dMdWfeCO "Upgrade_Ready_2" http://vocaroo.com/i/s1Uw2AmiIQAe ____ Now one can only presume, once we finally figure out how to actually acquire this "Cocoon" the final phase to Upgrading, will NOT be nearly as complex nor complicated. Once we've hung the "Cocoon" and received the Final "Upgrade_Completed" Quote, I would imagine were being told to use the Civil Protector, to retrieve it. I have also provided a link for this one, as these are the only quotes I feel are important anymore. Everything else we've pretty much learnt already through gameplay, or there just the basic instructions in the Apothicon Language/Symbols. "Upgrade_Completed" http://vocaroo.com/i/s1aE01w0yhg4 "TL;DR" The only quotes that matter pertaining to the Apothicon Servant are the following; "Upgrade_Ready_0" http://vocaroo.com/i/s1pyp95MEXk2 "Upgrade_Ready_1" http://vocaroo.com/is1u6dMdWfeCO "Upgrade_Ready_2" http://vocaroo.com/i/s1Uw2AmiIQAe None of these 3 quotes are bound to any 1 of the 4 Servant Names. You can receive all 3 with all 4. There may actually be 3 completely different ways in obtaining the "Cocoon" necessary for Upgrading. Presumably dependant upon which Phrase you've been given, would determine the outcome of what must be done. Finally one can only assume based on the Final quote the Civil Protector will be needed in obtaining the "Cocoon" after its been "Hung" and is ready to be "Retrieved". "Upgrade_Completed" http://vocaroo.com/i/s1aE01w0yhg4
  20. If your trying to shoot the Margwa Hearts with it, Good Luck is all I can say. I've tried this at least 50x and I can never get the "Coffee Shop" Heart in Footlight. I would highly suggest Speed Cola, if this is in fact what your trying to do. If your just running around testing different ideas and whatnot, if you've gotten the "Zornash Na'Orujja Zornash" Quote. May i suggest you trade out the A.S. and do various different things once you've done so.
  21. The RayGun is by far the easiest weapon to use. I normally have it PaPd as well. Once you are passing the Theater sign with the heart on it, crouch down a few steps away from the back of the Tram. Aim down sights at the bottom left corner and this will be the easiest way to hit that "Coffee Shop" Heart. Another thing I like to do is turn the volume all the way up to 10, then in the volumes settings, turn everythingd own to 0 except for the Voice. This will give you a clear indication on wether or not you've hit the Hearts or missed them. Upon shooting one, it'll make a growl/hiss type noise. If you miss the "Coffee Shop" Heart the first time, youb can always try when you leave and head towards the Ruby Rabbit.
  22. The next time you try anything with the Margwa, I would highly suggest grabbing the Margwa Mask beforehand. This makes dealing with them a more pleasant experience. I've also thought the fact, once you've destroyed one of the heads, it does seem rather odd how a single shot from the Apothicon Servant, makes him come to a complete stop.
  23. What about the MarKhor hanging on Neros wall, beside the stairs leading to the balcony. I'll try to get a picture of it if I can. The interesting part is the "Persian" meaning of the name, Mar-Khor, which literally translates to "Snake"-"Eater". There's also the "Grimoire" in Neros Landing, we activate to Summon the 4 Keepers. However we've yet to figure out what exactly to do with it.
  24. I don't have internet where I live, therefore I'm limited to using a mobile phone. That's why I couldn't watch the video. What I was asking, on the second head that was destroyed, did you happen to have the "Archon" Sword flying around. It would make sense the obvious thing to do next, would indeed involve a Margwa. However this could simply be pertaining to the fact, the Apothicon Servant is literally constructed using "Dead Margwa" parts. If there's anyone out there that still believes in the ability to upgrade this damn weapon, as of right now, not later down the road. It would definitely be me. I'm under the assumption/belief we actually have to be on a certain Round, before we can obtain the "Cocoon".
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