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Everything posted by Ragdo11706

  1. If you don't want to watch/or can't watch the video, which I'm presuming is Milos (MrRoflWaffles). Here's an image, you decide. Original image via @MrRoflWaffles
  2. Possibly. I'm really starting to think there's something we must achieve in the "Noire Mode". The coding specifically states "Noire_ee_start" "Noire_ee_end". However we have yet to figure that out. I believe this would be a good place to start. Simply because we know it exists. We've started it, now we just need to finish it. It's odd when you first start as the "Beast" can see color. However after an unknown amount of time, transformations, rounds the "Beast" becomes Colorblind. Could it be possible that we can go in this mode complete the Easter Egg, and the "World" resets itself. Back to normal having to do everything all over again. Also what's the purpose of Sals Laundry Receipt as well as, the Crocuta and shooting down Mark Maestas photo.
  3. I had not noticed this before. Will definitely check this out. I was just talking with @Nightmare Voyager about how I thought there may be a possibility during the "Totem" phase, upon spawning in the Keepers. Where we could possibly obtain the "Cocoon" from one of the Keepers we summoned. Similar to that of which we acquire the Arch-Ovum from the Keepers Spirit. *Damn I said Keeper a lot.
  4. Thanx everyone. It means a lot to know, any contribution I've made no matter how big or small. Hasn't went unnoticed.

    1. Tac


      It certainly hasn't!  Thanks for all the hard work!

    2. Ragdo11706


      Thanx @Tac truly means a lot.

    3. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      In the complex multiverse we live in even the mighty empires of Coca-cola and England it's self are miniscule. Everything is a matter of perspective. You work is significant enough to get you UOTM so that clearly means it's a big contribution to us. 

  5. Thanx Spider, Nightmare, Grill, & everyone else. It really means a lot.
  6. I just wanted to take a moment, from the madness that is Shadows of Evil, and say thanx to everyone here on CODz. I find myself coming here (pretty much on a daily basis) to escape from "Real life problems", and share a common interest amongst us all. I've been a member here now since 2012. I can remember a time when I was scared/nervous to even reply to a thread, must loan start up my own topic for discussion. After some time, and seeing the passion that a majority of you guys/gals had for COD Zombies was the same as the passion I had. I felt a lot more at ease. Here recently especially with the release of Black Ops III, I've become a lot more active in discussions with my fellow Zombie Slayers. Although we may not always see eye to eye, it's humbling to know that any little contribution I've made hasn't went unnoticed. Thank You guys, ~ Ragdoll ~
  7. Yes I believe so. They are also the only "Creature/Entity" we interact with in the map. Quite a few times actually. When you receive the "Reborn" Sword and you get the greeting quote does this voice sound the same as all the rest. Another thing to note. Originally the Apothicon Servant fires a "Purple" Orb. Pretty much the same identical color that surrounds Shadow Man. However once upgraded it fires a "Red" Orb. Ironically enough the same color that emits from the "Keepers". Hmmm....makes me Wonder.
  8. @Nightmare Voyager I know he knows his stuff, I never said he didn't. I actually stated its obvious he's well educated & knows a hell of a lot more than I do. With that being said you can even see in the Coding I posdted above you, the Cocoon turns "Off". If he actually got into the .gsc file that tells you step by step & it stated the "Cocoon" was disabled/un-obtainable. We wouldn't even be having this conversation. ____ @83457 I agree the "Keepers" language is something of "High Interest". However they gave us nothing to go on. We have no idea where to even begin in deciphering what those Symbols actually mean. You want yo know why I think this is. Because in my humble opinion, this is the language that actually matters, pertaining to upgrading the A.S. Why, because I think we will eventually receive the "Cocoon" from a "Keeper". I've noticed the Symbols inside the rings refer to "Keeper" language. As for the "Embers" you see floatingu p off them. What your actually seeing are the "Keeper" symbols themselves. I'm not sure how this looks on the 360, but on Xbone it's very clear. It's similar to when your doing a ritual and go inside one of the flames that spawn the Keepers. Where you can see their symbols floating around you.
  9. I don't give a F**K who DF is, I really don't understand why everyone thinks he's some kind of programming/reverse engineering GOD. Everyone believes everything he says, as soon as he says it. He's obviously well educated & knows a hell of a lot more than I do, & I'm not hating on the guy either. I've said it once and I'll say it again. In my honest opinion, as long as I've been playing Zombies, since W@W. I truly believe this is the "First" time they've made it where we can actually "Fail", to the point where we have to restart and do it again. If not fail then the possibility of it only being able to be obtained on an "Elemental" Round. This would explain why the "Cocoon" Location is turned off during a regular Round. For F**K sake it even says in the Coding "Round in Progress elemental_parasite lightning_wasp etc... Etc.... Round End_Cocoon Location OFF". Another thing I keep seeing is "World" so does that suggest the possibility that we have to be in the Noire Mode. I know for a fact that has a beginning & an end point. * More Coding * take_sword power_on zmzod_idgun_quest remove_idgun_from_box second_idgun_time idgun_cocoon p7_zm_zod_margwa_heart heart_pickup vox_idgun_upgrade_ready idgun_cocoon_point p7_zm_zod_cocoon idgun_cocoon_off wasp_round_in_progress parasite_round_fx parasite_round_ring_fx zm_wasp_round_visionset lightning_wasp_spawn )zombie/fx_parasite_spawn_buildup_zod_zmb zombie_wasp_spawner parasite_over later_round_wasp_spawners spawner_bo3_parasite_enemy_tool vox_zmba_event_waspstart_0 wasp_location zm_wasp_open_spawning parasite_start zmb_wasp_round_start wasp_spawn wasp_combat scr_wasp_health_walk_multiplier %zombie_wasp_spawn_init -> Spawned = %zombie/fx_idgun_cocoon_explo_zod_zmb
  10. I like to do the same thing. Honestly I like to build the A.S. before doing anything else. Although, anytime I wait to open the Sword Chamber or do any of the Rituals, for some reason the Xenomatter decides to not show up until the late 20s early 30s.
  11. I've gotten them a few times myself. I had made mention of it a week or so ago. Ironically enough I was running in the Rift myself. I always tend to let the Zombies smack me then shoot the A.S. at them. At some point, I don't know what the trigger is, I've seen them. Every time I get it, the next Zombie that smacks me, gets tangled in the web, followed by him/her exploding in a red mist. It actually looks almost as if it's fire consuming the Zombie. "Fire, Does anyone have any Fire, Fire usually kills things?!?!"
  12. Exactly. I've had 100 games where I've gotten it back out the Box. Same name and everything. Then there are those very few >5 that I've literally spent 30 mins and over 100,000 points and never got it back. Craziest part is, I didn't even see it in the box while it was cycling through the weapons. I thought I had worked out a formula for what determines the name, but as you and a few other people pointed out, this is however not the case. Honestly I kind of thinking it's predetermined when the game loads. Thus making it completely random. With that being said, I do know for a fact that I Never get Lor-Zarozzor. Up until the other day I very seldomly got Mar-Astagua, now all of a sudden the past 4-5 games I've gotten the Mar-Astagua every time. As far as gameplay goes I'm just going to quote something I put on Reddit. In all honesty though, the upgraded version of the Apothicon Servant was no more OP than the Ultimate Ice Staff from Origins, or the Vitriolic Withering, Hells Redeemer, & Electric Cherry combo from MotD. What made it so OP, was the combination of the "Reborn" Sword (& how fast it recharges) & Widows Wine, as well as taking advantage of the Spawn Zones. While standing in Zandis Smoke Lounge with the Train door closed, this forced the Zombies to Spawn from 2 Zones instead of 3 or 4. This is very similar to the type of thing that happened in Die Rise, with the Elevator Shaft. One shot would clear the entire Round. If you were to actually hoard the Zomies and not Camp, it wouldn't be nearly as effective.
  13. No sir they haven't. Although the other day while playing, right before I put the Sword away, the counter did read 0/0. Both of the 0 were Red. This may have been (more than likely) a result of me getting ready to put in back.
  14. Honestly I'm not surprised, however there's a few "Key" points that I would definitely have to argue against DFs claim. I. To begin with, I honestly believe this is the first time we can actually "Fail". By that I mean, I believe there's a strict path you must follow in order to obtain this. If you go to far your f**ked, restart and try again. Don't even try to say that Treyarch would never put a feature like that in a map. That's like saying they would never make up there own damn language. All so we had no earthly idea what the f**k the voice was saying. II. I would love to know when he got his results if he was still holding the damn thing. I've personally gotten to a point, where after 150,000 points I still hadn't gotten it back out the box. Better yet I didn't even see in the Rotation of Weapons inside the box. Normally it takes no longer than 2 full cycles of the box, or moving it to two differentl locations. This usually costs between 10,000 - 15,000 points. III. Finally, I understand why we have a Greeting Player Quote. Similarly to both versions of the Sword. They greet us, yet they don't have any other Ready-Upgrade quotes. So why the f**k would they leave the Ready-Upgrade quote in the game. To lead us on a wild ass goose chase for 2 months, so everyone gets pissed off at Trans(h)it 2.0. Yea, there's a possibility I guess, but that'd be rather f**ked up. Not too mention Jason Blundell stated, he was tired of us always figuring this shit out soo damn fast. As far as that guy messaging GlitchingQueen about "Thinking we would never figure out the Lil' Arnie upgrade". He knew that was bullshit. These are my opinions on the entire situation. Some of you may agree & some of you may disagree. But again opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one! /Rant Over @Nightmare Voyager As far as the Sword Counter goes, basically what happens is, when you have the "Apothicon Sword" equipped there's an image of a Sword. Once you've acquired the "Keepers Sword", when you have it equipped there's a counter next to it. It starts out reading 10/10 but for every Zombies head you cut off it goes down 9/9, 8/8, etc... Etc.. until you reach 0/0.
  15. Yes and no. The two sacs on either side of the Mystery Box are always there, from the start of the game. However I do believe this is Treyarchs' way of hinting at the A.S. going in a Cocoon at some point. As well as the fact that there's not only one form, but rather two. I also believe that this is eluding to the fact that at some point in time we have to get RID of the A.S. In other words, once we've received one of the various quotes we need to buy a weapon off the wall or acquire one from a Pod, ultimately replacing the A.S. Hell I would go as far as to say, "I know for a fact" we have to get RID of it. Simply for the fact there have been a few times upon receiving the Ready-Upgrade quote I've replaced the A.S. and spent upwards of 150,000 points and never once received it, nor did I even see it for that matter (in the box rotation). As far as the Gateworms I personally think they have some relevance. What that is however, I'm not sure. It could be as simple as you just need to do the Rituals to open the PaP room, being they literally revolve around Treyarchs' symbol for "Apothicon". I've never understood why they have an actual "Heartbeat". Like they are literally "Alive". We can't hear our own heartbeat nor the Zombies (which are technically dead so I guess they don't have one), or anything else for that matter involved in Zombies, Ever! I will say (take this with a grain of salt) in the Coding it reads something like this,
  16. You know, I could actually do this since in play on local. I'm just not one for cheating and much rather prefer to play legitimately. Especially being that I don't even buy Quick Revive 9/10 and still manage to complete the Side Quest on Round 43.
  17. You've got to find the Cocoon & place it in one of these locations. They aren't just going to appear their. Somewhere in the Coding states, "Investigate....Hold (action button) to pick up Cocoon". Further down the line it reads, "Hold (action button) to place Cocoon". Finally it says something along the lines of, "Investigate....Hold (action button) to open Cocoon".
  18. Yesss! The T-Virus hasn't set in too far....Yet! There's still hope.....Maybe!
  19. You get 10 points for each bullet hit & if I'm not mistaken 0 points for the kill. I can only confirm the 10 points per bullet hit. Not 100% on the 0 points for the kill.
  20. @83457 Yea I know. The Spider Drops are the "Cocoons" as far as Widows Wine Grenades. Completely separate from the "Cocoons" we're looking for. I've seen the Pods/Master Pod. I'm thinking that idea was scrapped. Maybe not, but I find it hard to believe there are still "Cocoons" left to be found & Pods/Master Pod. Hell they may have scraped all of it entirely. Although that would lead one to believe they would've also taken out the Upgrade-Ready Quotes. TrollArchs finest hour, SoE.... Seems large enough to me to house the A.S. Thus why I think the Pod/Master Pod idea was scraped. I believe that was how they originally wanted to go about the Upgrade. However they decided to go with "Cocoons" instead.
  21. @83457 I used to think so, being that in the Coding Widows Wine Grenades were referred to as, ww_Cocoons. However the "Spider Drops" are the Cocoons. So either there two totally different "Cocoons" or one in the same. I'm taking it there totally different, non related.
  22. How about the big black "Dot" in the center of the lampshade in the Ruby Rabbit. Ohh ok that's just representing Japan's "Rising Sun Flag". Now I get it.
  23. I just get right up in a Zombies face before I use then melee button, to the point I'm practically kissing the Bastard. Then it'll go down, 9/9, 8/8, etc.. etc.. As far as the Cocoons go, here is an image of them. Mind you these were force spawned into the game, by altering the Coding. Not from me someone else.
  24. True I suppose, but this would nullify the ability to obtain the Upgraded version in Solo. Which is highly unlikely of Treyarch. Easter Eggs/Main Quests are one thing. After Origins I don't know why they would ever make another 4-Player Co-Op Quest, but the ability to upgrade a maps Wunder Weapon. I don't see them going that far. Although I've seen crazier shit...
  25. The only problem with the Arch-Ovum, is you have to complete them in order to obtain the "Reborn" Sword. So once you've completed this "Phase", you would no longer be able to stand in the Ring and have it charge the "Keeper Sword".
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