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Everything posted by Ragdo11706

  1. Do you recall ever seeing this image? If so do you have a link for it.



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PINNAZ


      @Ragdo11706 so I stumbled across this image. From a band called Ice Nine Kills. They say something is coming on Saturday with the hashtag of Activision & Black Ops 3


      So in the picture there are guys with guns & the IX on the flag is their logo.


      Assuming they have made a song for Zombies?

    3. PINNAZ
    4. Ragdo11706


      Yea, I was talking to G.Q. and showed it to her, and she was thinking she had seen it before (a previous maps poster). Thus me asking you if you had seen it because I knew you worked on the Zombie Library. 

      I.N.K. style of music fits really well especially with the story line. Would be cool to see it happen. If you get a chance check out Me, Myself, & Hyde (mind you this single released 10 months ago).31587688_350_350.jpg.a3fd6a1871f2795540f

  2. I thought everyone said that the Civil Protector was the cause of this. OP did you happen to have him activated at any point.
  3. I've also wondered if there's a slight chance that maybe when it comes to shooting the "Hearts on the Train". Could it be possible that were supposed to use the Apothicon Servant (aka Fisty).
  4. Yea if you manage to get lucky & actually "Catch" one of the Lions Heads. You can see his mouth open & close as if he were yawning.
  5. So I've had the Screen Shake after a Ritual. That being said, in all the times I've played SoE (something like 500+) I've only had this occur once. For me with the amount of Bugs, Glitches, Lighting Glitches, & every other thing wrong. I figured it was another small E.E. Kind of similar to the Chang's Laundry Ticket. As for my controller turning around on me. I've yet to experience this one (Thank God). That seems like a recent patch may be what's causing it.
  6. This is exactly what you heard almost like a Yawn-Roar. I'm curious though if this may be indicative of something. Especially since the "Empty Machines" tend to do this as well.
  7. This is what's going to lead us to figuring this "Unsolvable Puzzle" out. Nice thinking guys. Now I think that the Upgraded Trip Mines are a necessity or "Required". I cannot confirm this. However, in that game I had me some Devil-O-Doughnuts. Speaking of that game. I did almost all of the achievements. I ate my entire pack of GobbleGums. The Spider & The Fly: Kill 10 Zombies ensnared by a single W.W. grenade. Strike!: Kill 10 Zombies with a single boost with the Shield. Para-Site Seeing: Kill 5 Parasites in a single Train Ride. From the Shadows: Spot the Shadow Man 5x. Sorry we're DEAD: Kill 10 Zombies in a store. Beat Cop: Summon the Civil Protector in every District. On top of all this I did a few of the Upgrade quests. Upgraded Trip-Mines: Devil-O-Doughnuts Upgraded Lil' Arnie Upgraded Sword Acquired Margwa Mask Almost forgot, I listened to every single phone call. The ones before the Ritual, after the Ritual, & the Train calls as well. I'm pretty sure I got the heart from doing the PaP ritual. I let all the others fade away. I built it in the Footlight District.
  8. Very nice post @ChinaRepublic. You have some very good points. Especially the Trapezohedron being found in an "Alien Looking" Box. Not just of Alien Nature. I've got something I'm working on now, that hopefully I can have written up sometime today. Pretty interesting stuff. @83457 I'm not exactly sure what it is your referring to in Chang's. I'm going to taken a look real fast and see.
  9. Seriously go look at the post I made from my game like two weeks ago. I even stated then it was a weird ass game. I can't remember exactly what I did, but it was around the time that @Chopper had told me about how to make the Margwa not spawn in. I was messing around with the "Apothicon Egg" after I built the "Apothicon Servant". Somewhere in between the madness I ran out of Ammo (W.W.) & replaced it for the Vesper (Canals-Rift). At the time none of this code had been released or revealed to anyone (AKAIK).
  10. Well @Chopper here it is. After all this time and still no patch, I kind of feel like this was implemented into the game for a reason. Unless it hasn't become public until now, in which case I could see Treyarch patching it.
  11. If you guys would listen to me I've had the next "Step" happen to me. Look at my post on here from a week or two ago. This was before we ever knew anything about a "Cocoon" even existing. I'm trying to tell you why no progress is being made. Eventually you've got to put down the Apothicon Servant. In other words replace it with another weapon. No wonder no progress is being made. Everyone is running around still holding the damn thing. By doing so, this allows the first one to be taken out of the Mystery Box. Therefore the next Step becoming activated. Which then will lead to progression and the second form being built. It's not that far fetched if you actually stop and think about it. We have made this way more difficult and complicated than it needs to be. It's right in front of us but everyone has tunnel vision, so there not seeing clearly.
  12. Well the Cocoons have been spawned in game. Forcefully but they are in there nonetheless. I've got the image & would like to share it, therefore I can give you my hypothetical view on what this may actually be. (Mods delete this if it shouldn't be in here, I just wanna figure this out). So as you can see this is what the "Cocoons" in SoE look like. Now let me give you my opiniono n what we need to do. If you look closely at it, it looks very similar to what the Arch-Ovum we acquire from the Keeper. Now we have the Apothicon Servant & we have an Apothicon Egg. When we first receive the "Egg" it appears to be covered in Spider Webs. Almost as if it's forming a Cocoon. If you listen to the charactersq quotes while fillingt "Egg" you can hear them talk about how big & how heavy it becomes. Now once we receive the Arch-Ovum, it appears that a Cocoon has actually formed. Not too mention whilst in the Keepers hands it's the same color, & not Black how it appears in our menu. My thinking is this. Once we've gotten the 2 quotes we've been getting. We then need to take the "Apothicon Servant" and put it inside the "Apothicon Egg" so it can Upgrade itself. I know it's an Egg & the first ones used for the Sword itself. But I believe Treyarch have done this to throw us off course. We never actually do anything with the Arch-Ovum. We just give the Keeper the "Apothicon Sword" & they Upgrade it to the "Keeper Sword". At which time I believe, if done correctly would also be the point in which the "Apothicon Servant" would be upgraded as well. Thus explaining why we can only do it Once per Round. Giving it time to Mature. @DrVonstool I'm glad I'm not the only one that God forsaken "Book" has driven crazy.
  13. But see I've tried this. What would you have to do all of them in one go. Or just all of them eventually. It doesn't make sense to me. Like why are those Beast Symbols on the boards the chains come out of. Supposedly the second version of the Apothicon Servant uses one of those hearts.
  14. Here's the thing I don't understand. Why is it the chain traps have the Beast Symbols on it. Everything the Beast is able to interact with has those exact same symbols on it. To me it seems like there's something we have to do to one of them or all of them.
  15. Also in the Waterfront District. There's this Rock underneath the Tram when your down on the docks. I know what you thinking ok so there's a rock. Well this isn't just any rock. This rock is special. What it does or what we can do to it. I don't know. So basically if you are on the docks. Turn around so your facing the gym. Go over to the left side near the Water. Look over at the rocks. You should see one that has this weird ass Red/Orange glow to it. Well knowing how SoE iis based heavily on H.P. Lovecraft. In his stories he referred to an artifact known as the Shining Trapezohedron. Well the 44-Dredge once PaPd is called the Trapezohedron Shard. I thought this article was pretty interesting. http://demonbane.wikia.com/wiki/The_Shining_Trapezohedron
  16. I don't know why, but something tells me that were all going to be using that final workbench for the alternate Version of the "Apothicon Servant". ;-)


    Now where would one hang a Cocoon.....

  17. I've gotten this quite a few times actually. I believe it's how you Upgrade the Bowie Knife.
  18. I don't know why, but something tells me that were all going to be using that final workbench for the alternate Version of the "Apothicon Servant". ;-)

  19. You know thinking about it now, I wonder if this also stops progression of upgrading the "Apothicon Servant". Maybe that's why people aren't getting audio cues.
  20. Do you have a picture or a screen cap of it in game. I'm curious what it is your seeing as I don't really recall ever seeing anything like it.
  21. I would say start by building the Apothicon Servant. You should get the audio cue by doing so. Then I would go to PaP. If don't get the audio cue the entire round, wait for a Margwa to spawn. Either way if you get the Audio Cue or not, the next thing I would do is go to the Ritual room. After you've done this, keep trying the other locations. After everything else then get rid of the Weapon. Lol, no no. That was me trying out different things, and I thought it was odd. Although you could try having the Margwa slam It afterwards. I'm going to continue to try and grind this out this weekend. Hopefully we make some progress. EDIT: I'm calling it right now. Were going to be building the 2nd version of the "Apothicon Servant" ;-) Still gotta figure out how to Upgrade them both.
  22. I agree. But as I stated earlier, I wouldn'tb surprised if there are multiple ways to upgrade depending on the name.
  23. I feel like there's more to it. But that may just be me.
  24. At first I was mad about the E.E. but now that its a few days shy of being a month old. Yet we still haven't even figured out how to 'Upgrade" the Apothicon Servant. Must loan how to get the Alternate Version. I'm almost positive once you've captured the Shadow Man that's not the end. They've put so much in this map. Honestly I believe this is Treyarchs finest hour, a Masterpiece. We didn't even know about the Bouncing Betties or the Goddard Apparatus when we completed Solo side.
  25. You have to throw Widows Wine Bombs in the Lions mouths. Once you've done all 4, one of the Lions has a White gumball in its mouth. Grab the gumball and place it on a White plate in the candy store window. After a round or two, it'll be bigger & be a Free Mega Gobblegum. Also, I'm not positive but I feel as if we're going to have to build another Apothicon Servant using a different Margwa Heart. Basically combining the Two, thus giving it the Two names.
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