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Everything posted by Ragdo11706

  1. Ok, So I F*****G hate Treyarch. It was weird this game was. First off I built the Apothicon Servant in the Footlight District. I got the Audio Queue when I picked it up. So I went and did my thing at the PaP. Once I got the Audio Queue & because I was "Jackie fucking Vincent." (I love this btw) I went to the Canals obviously. So here's where it gets weird. I got a bunch of kills at the portal & in the Ritual room. I ran out of ammo on the A.S. so I traded it out. I got the rocket launcher & PaP it. When I shot the statue, in Canals it didn't break but all these coins went flying everywhere (I guess that's what it was). And I heard this noise, "Kachingalingaling". Well I had 120,000 points. I spent them all trying to get the Kor-Maroth back. Never did, the craziest shit was I didn't even see it in the box. Not once, I checked the table in Footlight & it said will be available from the Mystery Box later. So I did the only other thing I could think of before just quitting. I ran to the table in the Waterfront District. When I went up to it. It read, "Need more parts." Or "Not enough Parts." I ended up dying. Because I had no points, no weapons, & Round 30 Zombies. My conclusion is this is not going to be as easy as that one guy said. What I was telling you guys about the different variables in this map pertaining to which name you get when you finally build it. Each one is going to have its own Quest to Upgrade to the 2nd form & to become the Arbgwaoth. In either form A or B. I'm almost 100% sure of this.
  2. Well see what happens. Luckily I'm already playing and getting ready to get started doing everything. Update: Alright guys here we go. Round 20 Sword Upgraded Margwa Mask Kor-Maroth Heading to PaP now, then the 3 Rift Portals.
  3. From where though. There's no where around either of these 2 in particular that makes them useful.
  4. I will try. If your going into Footlight it'll be on the right, right after the Window with the symbol. If your leaving Footlight it'll be on the left, right before the Window with the Symbol.
  5. I knew it. I fukn knew it.
  6. I also like how the buildings next to each other have a checker board paint job. I don't understand this spot either. As well as the one in the Footlight District that leads to a pointless catwalk. What's the purpose for it. There's nothing to open in the City other than the Burlesque. Here's something else I want everyone to check out. Then tell me what you guys think. Theater mode glitch would be perfect for this. So when you leave the Footlight District on the Tram. Looking to your left, right before the Window with the Symbol in it. There is this one Window, that is blatantly obvious. Out of the entire map, that is open & you can see inside of it. Not only that but the amount of detail is crazy.
  7. You activate the book to "Summon" the "Keepers". Once you've done so & even completed the E.E./Side Quest the "Magic Book" is still there floating, chilling. There's got to be a way to "Finish"/"Close" the book. makes no sense why we wouldn't. I have a gut feeling this may have something do with what @Chopper is working on?!?!
  8. Yes. That I have yet to try. I have a feeling though whatever district your in when the Margwa Spawns in will determine the name of it. Well here goes nothing...
  9. So I'm leaning more towards it being which Ritual you actually do first. Again I'm not positive but twice in a row I've done Neros Ritual first & both times I've received the Mar-Astagua. Once you've opened PaP & the map has turned Red. Even if you haven't opened the Sword Chamber the Symbols out front of the Rituals are glowing red with these weird Symbols. I would start here.
  10. Ok. Once you open the chamber the swords are housed in then everything changes. By doing so, wherever you place the "Apothicon Egg", for the very first time. Is what decides the name of the "Apothicon Servant". See where I listed the names of the "A.S." when placing the "A.E." in said locations statue to begin the Sword Quest. Kor-Maroth: Footlight District Mar-Astagua: Waterfront District Nar-Ullaqua: Rift (Which you then confirmed for me) Lor-Zarozzor: Canal District Now if you play without the Swords & leave the Chamber closed. By keeping the map pure. Everything is totally different. I've yet to work it all out because it's more complex. But 2 of the 4 names I know. I just haven't had enough time. I do have to thank @MixMasterNut for embedding the idea that it had something to do with the names. As well as @Chopper at this point I'm not 100% sure it's not a Glitch. But here's the information I've gathered. Honestly I believe this is what everyone has been missing. Could be wrong, but it seems like to much of a coincidence if so.
  11. If you don't do the Sword Quest at all. Leaving the Chamber door shut, the Apothicon Servants name will be based on what Ritual was completed to pick up the Margwa Heart. I still haven't had a lot of time with studying outcomes playing this way. On the flipside of this. If your playing & you do decide to do the Sword Quest. Once you begin to fill the "Apothicon Egg". This is what determines the name of the Apothicon Servant. So if you start out by placing the Egg in this location first then this will be your result. Canal District: Lor-Zarozzor Footlight District: Kor-Maroth Rift: Nar-Ullaqua Waterfront District: Mar-Astagua I would almost bet, in your game last night when you got the Nar-Ullaqua then the Swords. Your second Ritual was in the Canals, where you killed the Margwa & got the "Canal" heart. Unless you had already started filling up your egg before you built the Nar-Allaqua. In which case you put your egg in the "Rift" statue to begin filling the "Apothicon Egg". As for the Arbgwaoth. This is the name thats added once the "Apothicon Servant" has been Upgraded. The one that shoots the Red Portal. Not too mention there's a 2nd variation similar to that of MotDs Blunder Gat & Acid Gat. They as well get Arbgwaoth added to the name once upgraded.
  12. You know how there lit up once you've activated PaP. Even if you never started the Sword Quest. The name of the Apothicon Servant has a few different Variables. Depending on the actions you've made in the game, will depend upon which name you receive. I'm still working it out, basically it all depends on if you've started the Sword Quest & obtained the Apothicon Egg before you build it. Another thing to note is the Arbgwaoths Portal is Red not Purple. Just to get that out of the way. Now, I've been talking about this for a few weeks. That Damn floating book that we activate & Never do anything with. Has that nice Purple glowing animation like the Shadow Man. I think well figure it out soon (hopefully sooner than later). But we have still got to figure out how to obtain the alternate version.
  13. Haha the sorry ass places it always decided to Spawn you at. Every time I had it I would always spawn in where the entire group of zombies were.
  14. I was wondering the exact same thing. Or maybe you be got to roll back to back "Perfect Games". Haha G.G.
  15. Yea that's along the lines of what I was thinking, @Nightmare Voyager
  16. I'm going to test this out right now. Normally with Jug you get "Red Screened" once he does the slam. So I'll see once I get the Margwa Head. Also I wonder than if this would be the "Lion Tamed" E.E./Side Quest I've seen people talking about. Since when you shoot the final Margwa Heart, it kind of does sound like a Lions "Roar".
  17. The 4 Lions in the Canal District with there mouths open, seem very out of place to me. Note between them it says "The Ladys Secret"

    1. Cheesegrater28


      There's now video of people throwing widow wine grenade's in the lions mouths and getting a white gumball from them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRxyUpzJ2wM

    2. The Clay Bird

      The Clay Bird

      Good call!  looks like you were definitely on to something!

    3. Ragdo11706


      Haha I knew it.

  18. Here's what I don't understand though. So we know it's called the Goddard Apparatus. It's not "Easy" to obtain. So why go through the trouble of doing this, if when it breaks you have to do it all over again. What's the point. To me it seems as if once we've obtained the Goddard Apparatus, there's something we have to do with it. Just doesn't make sense to me that this would be a "Glitch".
  19. Speaking of Die Rise, who remembers the Elevator shaft spawn control where the Galva Knuckles were. Man that shit was fun as F**k. How about when you could run around where the Trample Steam was & they didn't spawn from the Tower. Or when you could run in the little cafe for days with the Chicom CQB equipped & the Sliquifier effect kept on "Chaining". Now I understand why they patched all these problems. Because you could take serious advantage from them. As for the Round 100 crawler patch. I mean really Treyarch Really. It's shit like this, I will NEVER understand about Treyarch & Zombies.
  20. Now that I've had the opportunity to use this in game, which I'm currently trying to complete the Side Quest in. I really want to know what the Floating Book is for, other than activating the Keepers. Which does not disappear once they have all been Summoned. As well as had time to think about it. I really don't think it's a glitch. Simply because by now, as well as knowing how Treyarch are. They would have patched it. Not to mention how meticulous you have to be in what you do. For an average player or someone that don't play all the time. It could become quite the challenge. It also makes the possibility of a Solo E.E./Side Quest seem a lot more plausible. Co-Op at this point almost seems impossible. You would all have to grab the A.S. at the same time (which seems like a glitch). Or spend a ton of points on the box and get very lucky. Being that the Shadow Man has an actual animation and he's not just "Stuck" there "Frozen". Makes it seem to me as if it was coded. Back to the topic at hand. Another tip would be if you search one Purple Pod, the next time you search you don't have to worry about that one again. The tail will always be in a Purple Pod you have yet to open.
  21. What we were discussing earlier would be my #1 tip (especially if it turns out not to be a glitch). I've also realized waiting to do the Swords, becomes he'll of a lot easier after you gotten the A.S. Now I don't know if this is anything or not. As far as upgrading the A.S. When it comes to the Receipt from Chang's Laundry. Earlier this morning I was playing & I had done the "Glitch" to upgrade it. Well I went over to the window. Threw the sticky bomb like normal. When I went over to pick up the receipt, it wouldn't let me.
  22. Yea I've heard the one with Campbell & the Giant worm mommy. I always laugh at that one. Makes it seem as though he knows, but don't really know. I've also gotten a quote from Jessica when you buy the Trip-Mines & once buying the Bowie Knife. "Maybe this is part to some unsolvable puzzle." I also know for a fact that once you do the 4 player Side Quest. Her quote goes, "Was that it, did we just solve the unsolvable puzzle."
  23. I'm getting ready to start back playing. I'm going to search around for anything new/different. I know people have been doing this since the first week. Maybe not day 1, but very early on. I think by now, knowing Treyarch & how they like to patch anything helpful /useful in the game that shouldn't be. This is one of those things that definitely would have been patched. I also agree, this may be there way for a Solo only Side Quest. Could be a possibility.
  24. Just wanted to say thanx to @83457. I now find myself Transmogrifing more Zombies than ever. Mainly because I had no idea what I had done all those times I had 15 Zombies on Round 1. Instead of the 6 that spawn normally. Definitely makes getting Jug or Bowie a lot easier. I can confirm that Transmogrifing Zombies does work on Xbone. The Keepers that spawn in when you pick up an item will if you do the ritual right after. However, I've yet to run away from them & they respawn into Zombies. They always just die off.
  25. You wanna know what else is weird. When playing as Nero once you pick up the pen, he says something along the lines of, "Maybe this will open a Lock, a LOCK." I've always found it weird because him & Jessica both have quotes referencing a "Lock" when picking up that pen.
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