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Everything posted by Ragdo11706

  1. Yea this happens, as soon as you pick up the fumigator, immediately pause the game, wait about a second then unpause, look towards the left side of the screen above the player image, it should say, "Picked up Sprayer". I've noticed while using the "Fumigator" it flashes blue in the same postion on screen where the wording is. Yet we never are able to upgrade it, similar to the Shovel in Origins, even though this kind of suggests it.
  2. Focus only on the "Electric Blue".
  3. Now this is crazy, I just want you guys to take a close look at these next few pictures, and see what you can make out of them. ______ All of the images were snapshotted during @Rissole25 Video. __________ Now I'm not Crazy, I may be going crazy, but I'm not quite there yet. In the first image I see what appears to be the "Cursed" Symbol where the forehand would be, (think about in like an arm. Then the thing that's Blue, looks like the "Totem" you run during Shadows. The following images are the same, I just edited the color in one. Now this one is weird. To me I see what would appear to be a "Pod", within that it looks exactly like the PaP Stone from Shadows.
  4. Imagine looking at an arm right now, from the forearm to the forehand. Where the forehand would be, does that not look like the "Cursed" Symbol. Now if you look at this next image, does it not look exactly like a Pod from Shadows. Within that I see the Shadows PaP.
  5. Honestly I feel the main reason for this, there's a specific order in which were meant to do things. If not then we'll fail, this is also a first. I noticed looking at the Ritual Altars the other day, the one in Junction, WaterFront, & PaP all have the Cthuluh Skull in the left. FootLights is in the Middle, and Canal is the only District which feature 2, one on the Left and the other on the right. Now I wouldn't have even mentioned it, however the 3 that are all the same have a liquid in the Altar itself, (in that cutout crevice), the other 2 are Bone Dry.
  6. Your definitely going to need a "Replacer". @JJMFP I have somewhere I go every time a DLC is released to d/l it. Usually runs at 100⬇ so it normally don't take very long.
  7. @Nightmare Voyager I never said they looked like the "Eggs" Rissole pointed out. Merely they looked similar, as in an "Egg" Shape.
  8. @The Meh @Nightmare Voyager In the first post I was being sarcastic. The second I was just pointing out coincidences, and ended by stating I think it'll involve something within each DLC. Have you ever seen the "Cocoons" they are definitely "Egg" shaped.
  9. Very similar. I mean the "Apothicon" translation sheet had "Memory" at the bottom. When you turn your console off, upon rebooting, the game remembers the last character which you played with (not connected to the internet & on Local). ______ Now this may all be coincidence, but the way those "Eggs" look, are similar to that of the "Cocoon". There are 3 around each statue, there also happens to be 3 holes in the ceiling. Ironically enough, there are 3 different "Cocoons" you can find. The "Cocoons" appear to be "Off", I'm curious how the coding read during Moon, in an instance where Richtofen didnt actually have the "Golden Rod" as this actually appears at the bottom of the Screen. ________ Watch it end up being something similar, requiring something specific from each DLC, in order for the "Cocoon" to finally be Found/Used. However, what if doing the "Newspaper" Easter Egg changes something within Shadows. There are 3 of them.
  10. Ohh shit, looks like you've found the "Cocoons", needed for Shadows. Wouldn't that be crazy as F**K. A multi-map Easter Egg (not to be confused with NavCard Tables), ohh the fuckery "Trollarch" could cause with this.
  11. That's exactly why we have you, " The Replacer". :-) I cannot F*****G wait until March 3rd!
  12. @83457 __________ It seemed to work out ok, killing whatever was within range, if they were tightly knitted, it would take out a majority of them. Haha, fortunately enough for me, I can still PaP the "Apothicon Servant". So I have good time. Alchemical Antithesis is your best friend. I also noticed the Meat Wagon is great at killing Maggie. I'm pretty sure, I popped two heads at once on multiple occasions.
  13. ^ Sometimes I really hate this fucking game!
  14. Ok, so.I was looking around just a bit ago, and I had never paid that much attention before for some reason or another. Anyhow, I was just checking out the Altar tables inside of each Ritual Room, and the Cthuluh Skulls are in different locations on each one. With the exception of Neros, Campbells, & the one inside the Rift. All 3 of those particular Altars have the Skull on the "Left-side" of the Table. Jessica's Altar has the Skull directly in the Middle, and Jackies is the only one with Two skulls, one on the Left and another on the Right. Now, I wouldn't even mention it, if it wasn't for the fact that the "3" also just so happen to have liquid in them, the other 2 "Oddballs" are bone dry, like why is that. Wtf would even be the point. The only thing I've been able to come up with, is the actual order in which I believe they should be completed/"Gateworms" picked up & placed down individually, which would be as follows. Waterfront Canal Junction Footlight Now even if nothing happens immediately, there may still be something were missing. Possibly the upgraded BloodHound, as it literally turns into the Meat Wagon. Which is based solely upon the "Reporter" holding the M/W envelope (and an ex NGTzombies member). Not too mention it does wonders on Maggie, possibly the best weapon to take her down.
  15. There are a few reasons why I actually believe this is Real... ____________ To begin with, when you initially place the "Gateworms" in the PaP area, they are surrounded in a "Purple" flame, which is the same color as the "Apothicons" (Shadow Man), Maggie when teleporting, the Purple Pods, & the "Apothicon Servant" once fired. I've made a post on this in the past. Next once you activate the PaP Ritual the "Gateworms" emit an "Electric Blue" looking Energy, which is absorbed into the PaP, if you watch closely, it also happens to be the same color as the "Apothicon Egg", "Apothicon Sword", as well as the "Cursed" Symbol. Once the PaP is finally opened, the flames surrounding the "Gateworms" are no longer "Purple". Now they consist of a mixture, of Blue & Red. __________ Now, I don't know how much substance this next bit holds, but it could be a way in which the Characters are communicating, to us (the player) subliminally. For instance, while placing the "Gateworms" at times you'll hear Jackie "F*****G" Vincent, say something along the lines of, "You will tell me if I'm doing this wrong...Won't you." Another example, is that of Nero whilst filling the "Apothicon Egg". Once you've filled one or two, he makes a comment along the lines of, "It would appear to be, all about the Transferal of Energy." Then upon placing the "Apothicon Egg" he says something to the affect of, "Hmm, seems like Eggs were on the mind during the creation of this Altar." _________ Now there's not a lot of evidence to any of this however there are a couple things I find interesting, in regards to comparing "Old Gen" to that of "Current Gen". As I'm sure your already aware, incase you aren't however, allow me to explain. See because of the limitations the previous Gen consoles are faced with, the only thing presented within each map, are the most important features involving the Easter Egg/Side Quests. For example on current gen when you go inside the Ruby Rabbit, there are bottles everywhere, furniture, decorative shit, the works, noticing the Shadow Man's cane is difficult. Now once you hop on over to your trusty, Old Gen console (which I still happen to have), upon entering the Ruby Rabbit, the Sofa is present along with the Cane, and that's about it. I used to use this all the time on Exo-Zombies, however I never did buy Black Ops III, although I'm tempted. _________ Back to the differences, as @83457 pointed out, as he plays on the 360. The two buildings at the entrance to the Footlight District, so not have the "Checker Boarded" finish line, looking paint job. When you activate the "Rift" Portal in the Footlight District no lightbulb automatically cuts on. This one is the kicker, when you activate the PaP, the flames surrounding the "Gateworms" stay "Purple".
  16. @83457 Here's something interesting, I'm not sure if you are aware of it. Hell I'm not even sure why they've implemented it, but you know how if you get a drop then immediately following get another drop (similar to what you experienced with the x2). Well I'm not sure if you've ever paid attention or not, but when this occurs they do not stack, the length in which they last doubles. For some reason now if you grab a "FireSale" and immediately grab another one, they do stack. Instead of being a le to only hit the box a couple Times you can hit it quite a few times.
  17. @Drewxke Those are "Apothicon" Symbols the Keepers drop, but I do agree there is definitely something we are missing. @83457 So once you've opened PaP on 360 the flames are still "Purple". That all makes sense, little details they didn't add, because it's simply not needed. Don't mean you can't still obtain the Cocoon. @DaveLo07 What, I didn't even notice a black smoke behind the machine. There's just one thing that keeps making me.feel like this is NOT fake. The guys YouTube channel is small, he don't have very many followers on Twitter, no more than I do. Obviously he didn't Give it a lot of thought, or put a lot of time into it, because he simply didn't think it was that big of a deal. Fuck he's not even a regular Zombie player, he just plays it every now and again, and posts a video about it. It almost seems accidental. "D_str_oy th_ st_t__s" could have stood for, focus only on the Ritual items needed and don't worry about the boxes surrounding the statues.
  18. I've already been talking to G.Q. she said it's fake. What gave it away for her was the way the icon changes, she knows how to edit specific colors whilst editing videos, upon doing so changes that specific color everywhere, not just something specific.
  19. Yea she had told me about this when I originally made the Post, but I don't talk about anything like that, until after she's already made the Video for it. She trusts me enough to tell me things, and in return I keep my mouth shut. Now if only I could get internet where I lived so we could actually play together...
  20. @Drewxke Yea I've seen that post, I've even tried what was said, to no avail. Anytime you shoot off a Margwa Head, once you shoot the "Apothicon Servant" it'll get trapped for the duration of the "Portal". It still seems as if there's something more to this, as every video I've ever seen showing this, has just so happened to be the same color "Purple" which just so happens to be the same one used within Shadows.
  21. @UnleashThePwniez Can you link me the videos, where it explains what to do. I've made a Thread on the "Purple Gateworms", it has to do with you placing them originally, the flames surrounding them are "Purple". Once you activate the PaP, the "Energy Transfer" is what makes it (The PaP) appear Blue. Afterwards, the flames appear to be a "Mixture" of Blue & Red, something wasn't done correctly... __________ Obviously something must be done in order for the "Purple Energy" to be "Transferred" as well, as that is the color of the "Apothicons" (based off Maggie teleporting) The most logical explanation, I can think of pertains to the "Cursed" Symbol itself. It starts out "Blue" if we use them all, it appears "Red". Maybe this is where we mess up. Then there's the possibility, that you have to do a specific Ritual each round, one per Round. Then on Round 5/6 depending on when you did the first, activate the PaP Ritual. I've done this before and the "Parasites" will actually kill the "Keepers", and immediately following, the Round is ended. ___________ I definitely think there is something more to this, what that may be I don't exactly know. The "Noire Mode" filter may even be needed. The subject deserves its own thread, however, because you've never encountered this yourself maybe you should make a post in the T-Virus Thread, as that is basically ideas thrown around, that probably lead to nothing, but could be something.
  22. @83457 Are the buildings the same way on the 360. @DaveLo07 Yup, right there with you. I was just pointing out the fact I had never seen a Purple one before. Than what made me even more curious once I finally did get the "Purple" one was the "Red" mixed in with it. Similar to that of the "Apothicon Servant" when firing it there's a mixture of "Red & Purple", at least after the "Upgrade_Ready" Quote. ___________ On a completely unrelated note, did you guys see the Video that guy posted, showing the PaP being Purple, along with the "Cursed" Symbol. Im not saying it's "Real", even if it's fake, I find it weird how the flames are the same color Purple when you place the Gateworms, as the Energy inside the PaP.
  23. That first video was debunked by TheRealDF, I'm not exactly sure how. The original video, "D_str_y th_ St_t__s" was the one "An Employee Leaked" supposedly, if you notice he's holding the Second Version of the IDGUN. As for the second, it seems kind of odd, he only made the one Video, & I even checked on Twitter. I would probably have to go with "Fake". However, with him making no big deal about it, almost makes it seem "Real". As he doesn't seem to be a very big Zombies player in general. _________ @M16 EPIC Haha, I'm a little older and it's something that I was told as a child quite often, anytime I would assume something. Because at the end of the day, almost always when you do assume something, you end up making an ass out of u and me. I had no idea, a bunch of people were using it as of late, pretty funny though as it's something I heard over 20 years ago.
  24. Yes sir, the animation is pretty cool as well. Should definitely help with that final battle.
  25. I've tried this actually, hard as F**k.
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