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Everything posted by Ragdo11706
@83457 Haha. I'm dead right now. *wouldn't that be some shit if looking through the shield in Noire Mode made it turn to color, because of the Spotlight. Hahaha. Get up, come on get down with the Sickness!
@Jami San __________ Haha, the checkerboard buildings, still to this day I'm like wtf is up with the checkerboarded buildings. Yup, the game I'm.currently playing, I've got 2 green fountains spewing from Arnies, don't know why though. I've been trying to get a "Purple" one, from the Upgraded form. I swear I heard the Purple one "Growl" similar to the way he does when he's ready to be upgraded. Still haven't seen a Purple fountain though. ________ Yes, the black dots, or Japan's "Rising Sun" flag didn't appear on the lamps until after the first update, I've got a thread in here somewhere that's labeled; "The Infamous Black Dot lamps in Ruby Rabbit" ________ Definitely agree about Noire Mode, and there being something else to it, funny that you mention it, I've never thought about the Phone Booth being directly in front of those two buildings. "There it is in Black & White" *Turns around looks up and sees B&W checkerboarded patterns on two buildings, which lead to cinemas during a period of Noire Films. _______ I was one of the first people here (on this forum) to bring up the "Red Spiders" that are dropped from Widows Wine. I also don't get why they cycle between images of Lips & something else (can't make it out). One thing I can tell you, from experience of you pick up one of the drops, let the next Zombie that smacks you be, don't mess with it. Every time the head will explode causing the Zombie to explode in a Red type mist.
I had it happen the other day again, I never did jump, it just got stuck. However I finally realized he way to fix it, once I finally got all the gateworms, upon placing the first one, it went away. I noticed when placing the second the screen has a similar effect.
So in Origins if you looked in the Sky, you would see lighting bolts, signaling the Wunderfizz' current location. I've seen a couple people talk about it moving around and having to find it in Der Eisendrache. My question is, are the lightning bolts still present or not. I hadn't seen it mentioned anywhere, and would be disappointed if it didn't return, as it's a really unique/useful feature.
Wait so the Civil Protector reviving you, is no longer considered as one of your 3 Buys on Solo. It very well may have something to do with the Wunderfizz.
Yea, I'll have to play with them a little more (lol), I really hope they decide to add some new effects. You would think with the Alternative Ammo Types, there would be an Easter Egg involving shooting something dependant upon which one you had. For example; the random sparking Wires would obviously use "Dead Wire". In regards to the Teddy Bears, obviously "Turned" would be used. The last one I can think off the top my head, would be regarding ,"Thunder Wall". Used to knock down those damn Punching Bags in the Anvil.
Haha, yea me and you both. Often thought about it, never attempted it, (picking up the Boost canisters). I thought the same thing about Boosting all over the Map, seems silly to me, especially if it isn't used for anything, other than the G.A. It's weird though, I wonder if by holding the shield out and looking through the little Window with the Spot light shining, if that would make a difference. I also find it strange, the shield on Der Eisendrache, is the Exact same, except instead of the Spot light, it has the 935 Symbol.
Ok, yea maybe it's the same way on the XBone, I just assumed (and we all know what happens when you ass-u-me) there were 2 pm either side. I just found that interesting, as I've got "3" on the mind. Speaking of which, even the "Cursed" symbol appears to have "3" Claws, a?, and a .
Yea it really don't make sense why the Apothicon Sword, has an image of a Sword, yet the Keeper Sword has a counter of 10/10. You would think they would both have the same thing, if in fact the 10/10 was nothing. I've also wondered the same thing about the shield, like they're indeed telling us, Boost, Boost, & Boost some more. With all the random tanks lying about, then the Purple Pods spawning them as well.
This is the original photo Treyarch released, before the map was ever announced/revealed. The second picture can be seen in the cutscense, I've yet to see it in game. The Lamps with Black Dots, do NOT exist on the Original build the game shipped with. Although, if I had that photographers Camera, and took a picture, it would sure as shit shine like 3M. Haha. ___________ Seriously on a side note, I just realized in the Rift where the "Sword Altar" is there are 4 crevices, 2 on either side. 3 of which are lit up, almost as if something could spawn inside 1 of them.
@Nieno69 I understood you just fine. Yea that's basically what I was trying to say, we need to first figure out what the Symbols in the Windows mean, then try progressing from there. Unfortunately, on Solo there's no way to see these Symbols in Beast Mode.
Had you bought it three times?!?! If not that's weird as F**k.
I've noticed with "Turned" the Zombie seems to stand in one position a lot, as well as the Zombies seem to ignore him/her, a lot more than before. They used to have a similar affect to that of the Monkey.
So I keep trying to wrap my head around why there are actually "3" different "Cocoons" you can possibly find. Wether or not that be "3" different locations or "3" ways in obtaining one. I'm starting to think it's actually just "3" different locations on the map, in which they can spawn. So I have "3" in my head, and thinking of everything to do with "3", why's this significant. _________ I seen something, going back to the screenshots I had taken of the recent patch notes, that caught my attention. Now it's been theorized the Upgrade_Ready Quote; "Zornash, Na'orujja, Zornash"at in fact be translated to, Altar, IDGUN, Altar. So as we all know of course typical "TrollArch" at its finest had to include a shit load of different Altars in Shadows, to make this that much more difficult, as if it weren't already. So how any different types are there exactly, Ritual Altar Sword Altar Beast Altar Why is this important, 1 of 2 reasons, there's a chance the "Cocoon" could spawn at one of these "3" locations, or out of the "3" only 1 is important. __________ Now with the Sword Altar, Nero has a quote upon placing the Egg back in it to the effect of, "Eggs must've been in mind during the design of this Altar." As you know we have to obtain "3" Symbols from a specific location in order to access this. We also have to use the "Beast Altar" to access it. The important part of this I believe, is figuring out what the "3" Symbols mean, as there are 9 of them, which is divisible by "3", then applying that to a specific "Beast Altar", which there happens to be 15 of which again is divisible by "3". Now the combination of the "3" Symbols we obtain on the Tram is astonishing. I have an entire sheet full of #'s 1-9, of every game I've played and obtained these "3" Symbols. Only a couple times, have I ever got the exact same #'s, Even then I'm not sure if the Windows were the same. _________ I noticed earlier while playing, after obtaining the "Upgrade_Ready" Quote, the more I used the "Apothicon Servant" upon firing, there seems to be Red mixed in with the Purple, but why. Now, going off the "3" rule, we can have a max of "3" Beast uses at any one given time, where we can use "3" different "Beast Altars" in the Same round. Those of which, turn from "Purple" to "Red". If "Noire Mode" somehow is involved, it makes sense being that once we use a "Beast Altar" we see color once again. There's a certain trigger, (I would definitely have to test further upon), which nullifies this affect, making even the Beast, Colorblind. There's also an ending to "Noire Mode" which we've yet to find. Which I think consists of "3" possible coordinates (however I can't be for sure). *I used to call them Basins, but as you can see they are indeed "Altars". *Does anyone know what this particular visual issue could be.
@Jami San ___________ I agree, I'm a high round player myself, and I find it frustrating this has happened. Even in my case, I don't have internet where I live, therefore I play on the Original build the game was shipped with, I can still do the PaP glitch to get the Arbgwaoth. However, I tend to never do so simply because I spend more time searching for that needle. Even still after a 3 year wait to only receive Shadows and nothing else outside of DoA II, which is a really good gamemode this time around, even better than the first. I find it a little underwhelming, if that's all there is to the map, as far as the story is concerned. This is why I truly believe the "Cocoons" are in fact in the game, possibly even the "Plague Pods" as well, maybe even both. _________ As far as it (Apothicon Servant Quest) being "Removed" and put back, I think it may have just been "Glitched" due to them fixing the "Glitch" to PaP it instead of Upgrading it. What I mean by that is, on the Original build the game was shipped with, (delete all updates & patches) no matter what you do you cannot freeze the Shadow Man, preventing the Margwa from spawning. This leads me to believe once they fixed that particular "Glitch" made this particular "Glitch" possible. ________ Another possibility, is that of which pertains to the Noire Mode Easter Egg, there is an ending to this particular Egg, however no-one has been able to find it/figure it out. This made everyone believe it was just a filter added to the game, similar to that of Double-Take mode on Exo-Zombies. Which in fact it is not, the coding specifically reads zm_Noire_EE_Start/zm_Noire_EE_End. We know how to start it, but how do we end it, hopefully when the Update is released for the XBone & PC, someone will figure it out :-)
Haha, that's a good possibility, how prominent they made it in the reveal trailer, "The Shield is quicker than the Eyyyyyeeeeee". So yea damn well could be a possibility, as they just recently fixed the shield upgrade, where once it's upgraded nd breaks it stays the G.A. when you get a new one. I'm convinced, one way or the other, Noire Mode and/or the Upgraded Shield/Goddard Apparatus has something to do with the recent patch. We know the Noire Mode has an ending, one of which we've yet to find or figure out, I really feel this is the best place to start.
I'll try now and see what happens, I may even try in Reverse order.
Well regardless of whether or not it's garbage, I still think there's something wwe're meant to Boost through.... Omg...... make it stop......
Hahahahahaha.......that street lamp had me fu*ked up for a minute, I thought the same thing.
@83457 Na he's there, just weird how he wasn't released when the game came out, but if you delete all of the patches and go back to build you can use him and everything. Ok I will test this out and see what's up. @Nightmare Voyager Why not, it's fun hearing the Bowling Pins, beside I'm finally going for a Round 100+, I finally got Lil' Arnies on the second box pull, now I don't have to move the Box, no Fire-Sales more Max Ammos. Plus I can still use the Arbgwaoth... ;-)
I did that, however the name went back to Rocket Shield, no longer was it the Goddard Apparatus, I didn't notice if it was stronger or not...Fail I also noticed last night on the original build version, if I go into multiplayer, I can see the 9th specialist, the flamethrower guy.
@Saneman2011 __________ I remember, for the description of Der Riese on Black Ops I, it said something along the lines of, "The Giant is rising. Face the might of the Nazi Zombies in their heartland. This is where the master plan took shape. Is this where it all ends?"
It really seems like this is related to the Upgrade Quest of the Apothicon Servant. As stated in one of the patch notes.... *Second Bullet* It was a rare issue because most of the time if not 100% of the time, the only time this would happen was during a Solo game.
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