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welsh skipper88

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Posts posted by welsh skipper88

  1. I certainly hope so.

    Treyarch has the perfect opportunity to surprise their fanbase in the most epic way ever. The date on Misty's hat, the Gamestop "Eclipse" display, and the given theme in zombies this time around has set them up perfectly for something to happen. It could be something as small as adding new guns or something similar to Double XP, like Double Points Day. I hope it is more story based though.

    Honestly, I'll be a little disappointed if they don't. It would be another fourty-eight years before another "end of the world" :lol: . They have a chance to joke about it in an awesome way.

    My thoughts exactly ;)

  2. could you check the script for the three teddy bears? I keep hearing there are three songs ranomised if you do this or that. the three songs are carrion(seems to always play no matter what you do), imma gonna try it out(activates before update), and carry on by avenged sevenfold(in the trailer, but rumored to be a musical easter egg)

    Ok, I have found multiple songs in the hidden audio. Looking in the S / C though, I can see a couple of triggers, but only for stuff like dying. I could be wrong, but I think that the songs you're hearing aren't triggered by the bear.

    Could be like on MOON when you heard A7X - NIGHTMARE after being downed in that greenhouse thing?

  3. Q: Is this evidence of another bus? (Found in the linked .txt file below)

    Hold ^3[{+activate}]^7 To Open

    Hold ^3[{+activate}]^7 To Close

    Hold ^3[{+activate}]^7 To Climb To the Roof

    Hold ^3[{+activate}]^7 For Emergency Exit

    Hold ^3[{+activate}]^7 To enter bunker

    Press ^3[{+activate}]^7 to start the bus [Cost]

    Hold ^3[{+activate}]^7 To go up

    Hold ^3[{+activate}]^7 To go down

    Is this code just from TRANZIT? Or is Nuketown in it aswell?...

  4. Strange... I can only get it with misty... I know this sounds a loooong shot but is it anything to do with which character you completed the EE with?

    Hmmm...Now that is an interesting theory...I like it!

    OK, well rolling with that for a moment, presuming it is character-based, we should hear this voice every time we're that character, no? So, the question is, are you hearing it every time you happen to play as Misty?

    Now, even I was Misty last time I heard the noise but I don't remember if I was her when I last did the EE; I will, however, from now on be sure to note when I hear the voice and when I'm playing as Misty, as I know that I haven't done the EE again aince I last heard the noise.

    EDIT: Actually scratch that whole thing. In that video I linked, the guy hadn't even done the EE (there's a part in the vid where he goes through the cornfield, and the Pylon isn't glowing at all). I just don't know what to believe anymore!

    P.S. Do you ever get the noise to play when you start a game Solo? I only ever hear it when joining Public Matches with other people. Incidentally I even just started a Solo game as Misty and didn't get any voice.

    Ye I noticed it tonight when I started solo run was tryin to get Samuel to see if I could find anything on Richtofen EE and noticed the 3 times I got misty out of about a dozen starts I would here that voice and wouldn't with the others... But looking at what you posted might just be a big coincidence lol :)

  5. Wow that's true even if it does not sounds like sam but you still can clearly hear the word "danger"! And you are sure that only Misty can hear this voice/noise ?

    It does sound more like Sam when you do it yourself in theatre and yep 100% definately only Misty started about a dozen games with different characters one after the other and every time it was Misty I heard it ;)

  6. Ahh this is pretty interesting, ill have to checkthis out when I get home. You better not be fuckin with us haha!

    Nope I ain't a troll. I'm fed up of trolls with this EE lol this is genuine but make sure you do like I say with pressing pause and going back to the clip and skip to beginning then fast forward otherwise you won't hear it if you just watch it... Kind of makes you think they were tryin to hide it...

  7. I've seen a post on here before about a voice that sometimes says "behind you" when you start a game... Wrong

    In actual fact it only happens when you start as Misty only she can hear it and if you go into theatre mode when video starts press pause, then go back to the video and skip to the beginning again, then just forward as fast as u can (6x) and you will here a girls voice saying "DANGER!"

    Only question is Danger from what? Or WHO?.... Could this be Samantha talking to Misty??

    UPDATE: I'm currently running solo to see if I can hear any more of those voices.. Running train outside diner threw an EMP at all the zombies and same voice came up!! Still in game so haven't been in theatre to check what it says now but it did sound different!! Could be on to something here!? Will update with vids after the game!

    "maybe, just maybe, listen to the voices" I believe the riddle said? lol

    UPDATE: other players have confirmed hearing this on different characters but it still only occurs on some games not all

  8. I personally think it's over and i can't wait until they make a Sub forum or a sticky topic to keep all these theories from clogging up this section of the forum.

    And i don't mean to offend any new people like yourself (Welcome to the forum by the way) but i honestly think they need to make it where you have to have a certain post count to make a topic. It seems most people now are just joining to post a theory that they have and not using the search function.

    Agree with that first part but as for the small print? thats just stupid. all you need is a sticky post with all the tried and tested/debunked theories as bullet points... then people will see if there theory has already been tried... if so dont post

  9. Ok Seriously we were all there doin the EE for Ascension, Shangri la, COTD and MOON you all remember how many steps there were to those maps right? we had to do all kinds of crap to get them done, and without the likes of NGT i personally wouldnt of got half of them done cos of the amount of things we had to do. Now your really gonna say that after they've released Black Ops II: Zombies and made a huge fuss over it saying its never been such a big part of black ops and its going to be amazing and the story "will depend on the decisions made in previous COD: Zombies maps" That there going to release an EE on the first map (which is a bigger map and has much much more to do compared to old Zombies maps, buidables and such) and the steps for it are thus:

    1. Build & Use Jet gun (not counting turning power on cos thats not a step)

    2. Kill some zombies

    3. Throw a couple of EMP's

    4. uhmmmm oh ye THATS IT DONE?! :|

    ...... REALLY? come on i know were all expecting it to carry on with DLC and be one big Story/EE that explains all, which i agree will happen... but that would just be stupid if thats it for the first map, which weve all been waiting for! knowing there was going to be more big easter eggs and more of the Zombies story explained..

    personally i just dont think its over... but good job to Jimmy Z and the other guys we are all trying any theories that anyone throws out there (trolls) because we all believe that no way could that be it....

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