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Posts posted by Naitrax

  1. Nai looked at Festo as the group trudged through the streets toward Maxi HQ. "I simply showed them who I was and they left. I used to be on the Council, but a condition of my resignation was that I be given the power to override any military operations for the good of the City."

  2. Boom, thats how we roll. We be doing duplication glitches.

    Damn straight. It's like a Ray Gun orgy


    A loud boom from the speakers scattered around the street snapped everyone out of their reverie. "Attention all citizens, the Siege conditions have been lifted. The Sout Gate is secure. All residents must head to the closest Faction HQ at their earliest convenience for a grave announcement. That is all." the speakers crackled as the message ended. "Maxi HQ. Go!" a Satani soldier yelled over the sliding sound of the Gate closing.


    The group turned down the street and ran in the direction of the tall orange building flying the Maxi flag.

  3. Well that fixes that problem.


    Nai walked over to the corpse of the man and picked up the Ray Gun. "Here, you wanted this?" He handed it over to the man who had not introduced himself yet.

    Nai then turned to look at Boom. "You... You just killed it... Without even a second thought? You truly are a monster. I never believed the stories, but they were true."

  4. Nai ran over to the Gate, and walked through to the outside. 

    It was a scene of absolute chaos. The smoking wreck of the shuttle was steaming inside a small crater. The Satani soldiers were clearing out the last of the zombies. Nai ran over so they could hear him. "This is an override of your current orders. Return to the city at once!" he yelled at the top of his lungs. He flashed the nearest soldier an identity badge, and he nodded and started calling his soldiers back through the Gate.

  5. Nai smiled as the man thumbed back the hammer. He took another step closer to the man so that the barrel of the revolver pressed into the skin between his eyes.


    "Kill me, and you won't get what you want." he whispered to the man. "I can see the papers hanging out your side pocket..."


    The man lowered his gun.

  6. Nai heard the man before he landed lightly beside him. He turned, drawing his weapon and pointing it at the strange man's head. "State your business!" Nai said commandingly.


    Note: Nai's memories have been changed. He is no longer Richtofen, but an unknown scientist associated with the construction of the Key.

    This was changed due to a space shuttle messing up my story arc. Carry on.

  7. Nai saw the crash, and felt the impact jar his bones. He quickly ducked around a corner and pulled a first aid/makeup (what, it's not weird) kit out of his bag. He looked in the mirror. His face was unrecognisable. However, he could not risk being recognised. He bandaged his neck, being careful to cover the scar on his neck completely. 


    "What are you, alien?" he heard Festo ask the unknown man leaving the shuttle.


    Nai ran back around the corner and stared in disbelief at the Ray Gun in the man's hand. It had survived! 


    Nai adjusted his jaw, and ran over to meet the man.

  8. Have some more time, so now I can make a full list.


    I just cannot for the life of me play with a pair of shoes on. I also push my feet against the back of the desk when stuff starts getting intense.

    I find it hard to play with music on/without game audio at the best of times. It feels just wrong to me. It's also why I, like Speedo, play solo with no parties, unless I'm just messing around with some close friends who don't talk much. However, sometimes I'll run my earbuds into one ear and just keep the headset half on, I do this often because my ears get reeeeeeeaaaaaaalllly hot and I need to air them out. Only do the earbuds in Solo.

    I also cannot play a long game then jump straight into another. I need time to cool my ears down  ;)

    I also MUST, without a single doubt in my mind play in a refrigerated environment. This is very important in the Aussie summers (I mean, it's damn hot all year, but when it's summer here it keeps at an average of 40o C) and it also helps me sleep.


    I have a 60-inch flatscreen hanging on my summer bedroom wall, but still play on my 23 inch monitor. I just like to have everything compact and available via peripheral vision. 

  9. Samantha's Dark Side

    Buried Alive Song Analysis

    Avenged Sevenfold







    Welcome one and all to my analysis of the Avenged Sevenfold song Buried Alive, a song previously thought to have no relations to the story of Zombies at all, and with good reason too. It has never appeared in a map. However, while listening to this song after my MPD revelation, it just stuck out to me. I am now going to try to persuade you to share my views.


    Here is the original post where I came up with the MPD theory:



    What if, now bear with my craziness for a minute, Samantha was referring to herself when she said there was something much eviler than her in there. What if there was her soul? This would cause me to believe that Samantha may have Dissociative identity disorder, formerly known as Multiple personality disorder or MPD!!!! This leads me to believe Sam has 3 personalities:

    The "Real" Samantha, the German one.

    Her "evil" counterpart who control's the Zombies on Origins and tries to kill the players.

    Her American version, seen throughout Origins.


    When someone with MPD switches personalities, they have separate minds and memories. They will not realise they have switched because they believe they are truly that version of themselves. This would explain why our Samantha in Origins has no recollection of the events from Moon. When some unknown event on Moon caused her to enter Agartha, she switched to American Sam and tried to escape back to her home...


    This is definitely going to be expanded upon later by me.



    Firsts things first, what would this song analysis be if you didn't have a means to listen to the song?


    Let's amend that, shall we?






    Now that we have that out of the way, the song analysis shall commence. Thank you.


    I believe this song to be from the point of view of Samantha's dark personality, the Ancient Evil.



    Take the time just to listen

    When the voices screaming are much too loud,

    Take a look in the distance,

    Try and see it all


    Lines one and two are telling us that we should try and listen, even if it is too loud.

    On lines two and three, the voice is commanding us to take a look at the bigger picture. We must look at this on a larger scale.


    Chances are that ya might find,

    That we share a common discomfort now

    I feel I'm walking a fine line

    Tell me only if it's real


    The voice is telling Samantha that however distant their personalities may be, the voice and her are the same person and they share a common discomfort: the state of not being in the Aether. In the Aether, Samantha's 3 personalities could divide freely, but now that they are once again trapped in the same body, they now share the hate for Richtofen.

    They are now walking a "fine line", which means there are no grey areas. Straight and simple. The voice feels they are walking along a path with no deviations.

    Line four refers to the fact that Samantha is the real one in control, and though the Ancient Evil thinks it knows all, it doesn't know whether certain events are true or not.


    Still I'm on my way,

    On and on it goes,

    Vacant hope to take


    This stanza tells us that they will continue on the path, however dangerous, and that however false the hope is, they will still take it.


    Hey - I can't live in here for another day

    Darkness has kept the light concealed

    Grim as ever

    Hold on to faith as I dig another grave


    The voice is now fed up with being held captive within Sam's body. The whole fact of having a shared body has kept the truth from it's eyes.

    The Evil is as grim as ever, meaning it is very grim...

    It is telling us in the fourth line that it must keep faith as it makes another kill.


    Meanwhile the mice endure the wheel

    Real as ever

    And it seems I've been buried alive


    The "mice" are the other members of the Post-EE Moon crew, who the Evil always saw as beings who just kept on going, repeating the same tasks over and over again.

    It is now saying how it feels everything is finally real, being down here in the situation of fighting the Zombies, instead of controlling them.

    It has been buried alive under the power of the other two personalities. This is where the Evil looses its hold on the body, and the personality switches.


    I walk the fields through the fire,

    Taking steps until I found solid ground

    Followed dreams reaching higher

    Couldn't survive the fall


    The voice is telling us how it walked the long distance through the hardships which burned like flame.

    The Evil has found something to hold on to finally. Lines two through four are talking about how it found a hold, then followed it's dreams, reaching higher, and when it was finally taken from the MPD, it felt it couldn't survive the fall from power, much like how a drug addict would feel if you took away their substance.


    Much has changed since the last time

    And I feel a little less certain now

    You know I jumped at the first sign

    Tell me only if it's real


    The Evil has learnt much since it was last in the position of controlling a body, and now it feels uncertain with what would be pushing the body too far. It jumped at the first sign of pushing the boundaries, and now it is not sure whether it actually pushed too hard.


    Memories seem to fade

    On and on it goes

    Wash my view away


    The memories are beginning to dissipate, and it is growing, consuming more and more memories.

    It has washed the view away, giving the Evil a standard opinion.


    Now, the chorus repeats, and I believe this to be another point where the Evil's control is relinquished. However, I am going to point out a few lines which have changed.


    And I'm chained like a slave, trapped in the dark

    Slammed all the locks, death calls my name

    And it seems I've been buried alive


    The voice has found it's shackles (a possible reference to Abracadavre?), it's restraints.

    It is trapped in the dark, the truth once again obscured.

    All the locks have been turned, sealing the Evil in. Death is calling for Samantha.

    At this point, the Evil has been securely barred from control.


    Here, the viewpoint changes. We are now seeing it from the point of view of the original controller of the Zombies, the one who controls the Templars in Origins. We know it is not Richtofen because of Eddy saying he did not get his turn in the Origins Ending.


    Take you down now, burn it all out

    Throw you all around, get your fuckin'



    The controller is talking to the group. He is demonstrating the power he orchestrates in this area.

    He is telling them to get away while they can.


    What's it feel like? Took the wrong route

    Watch it fall apart now you're knockin' AT THE WRONG GATE!

    For you to pay the toll, a price for you alone

    The only deal you'll find, I'll gladly take your soul


    The controller is telling them that they made a wrong turn by coming into his domain (Origins). He is telling them that their plan has failed, and their pleads will fall upon deaf ears (knocking on the wrong gate)

    To escape, once must pay a toll;

    Their soul.


    While it seems sick, sober up quick

    Psycho lunatic crushing you with



    He is now giving them a quick decision. They can either pay the toll or die by Richtofen's hands (since Richtofen is a psycho lunatic)

    Samantha then offers herself up.


    Shame to find out, when it's too late

    But you're all the same

    Trapped inside INFERNO AWAITS!


    It was a shame for Sam to find out too late that her 3 personalities were all the same, trapped inside, fuelled by the fires of revenge.


    Evil thoughts can hide, I'll help release the mind

    I'll peel away the skin, release the dark within


    The controller is exacting the process of absorbing the soul.

    However, the "dark within" is much more than he expected, and the Evil is now released at full strength.


    The Evil takes control of Origins, and the song's view changes back to it's. Samantha is now in control of Origins, and as a whole, they force the controller down below the surface.


    This is now your life

    Strike you from the light

    This is now your life

    Die, buried alive


    The Evil has taken over control. Now, the controller is "struck from the light", left to only control the zombies left in the Templar tombs.

    The controller has a new life.

    He shall die, buried alive.


    The controller was guarding a gateway to Agartha. Samantha enters and is now trapped in and out of dimensions, all three personalities free to roam once again.


    Now in full control, Samantha wipes the memories of the Post-EE Moon crew, making them forget their hatreds of each other. Since Richtofen's body now contains no soul, she places a new soul in there, based on the Richtofen she knew before he went mad. 

    She gets them to free her from Agartha, and we do not know whether they really succeeded or failed.



    Thanks for taking the time to read this very very very long post, and I hope you have enjoyed reading it.

  10. What of, now bear with my craziness for a minute, Samantha was referring to herself when she said there was something much eviler than her in there. What if there was her soul? This would cause me to believe that Samantha may have Dissociative identity disorder, formerly known as Multiple personality disorder or MPD!!!! This leads me to believe Sam has 3 personalities:

    The "Real" Samantha, the German one.

    Her "evil" counterpart who control's the Zombies on Origins and tries to kill the players.

    Her American version, seen throughout Origins.


    When someone with MPD switches personalities, they have separate minds and memories. They will not realise they have switched because they believe they are truly that version of themselves. This would explain why our Samantha in Origins has no recollection of the events from Moon. When some unknown event on Moon caused her to enter Agartha, she switched to American Sam and tried to escape back to her home...


    This is definitely going to be expanded upon later by me.

  11. As Nai's head finally cleared, and the tendrils of death slowly retracted from his mind, he began to see the colours in sharp detail. His hearing was returning, and the first sound he heard was the scream as Festo was toppled by a zombie. Nai's vision returned as he saw a zombie's corpse lifted of the man by a glinting light: Boom's Bowie Knife.


    Nai grunted. "He's alive!" Proji shouted. "I'm alive?" Nai whispered quietly.

  12. Drifting in and out of consciousness, Nai became aware of a great many things. He became aware of how cold his body felt, and how warm the slowly dulling pain in his neck was. He could feel the creature's claws burrowing into his neck, finding hold around the corner of his windpipe, and beginning to tug. His vision went completely black, and he could only feel the strange... warmness as the creature lost hold and pulled back. His mind began to go dark. The cord which tied him to this body was slackening, slowly unravelling as it began to pull him gently into the embrace that was death. He had come close to death many times before, working on the super soldier project at The Giant, before the creatures had forced him out. He had felt this feeling only once...


    He also became aware of how loud the screaming was. His hearing had gone when the windpipe was tugged, but the screaming and the chatter was as loud as ever. Almost as if they were back... Hello, *static*. Did you miss *static* company? *static* missed you too.


    His head was suddenly filled with a bright light, and he was standing in a field, viewing the event from afar. No, he thought. This isn't how it happened. I wasn't here, it was... THERE! He pointed to the four men standing in a circle, weapons drawn, trudging through the field. The German looked to the others. "I know you don't like this, but it is the ONLY way! There can be only one..." Dr. Edward Richtofen said loudly. The American, Tank Dempsey stared the German with weariness. "Tell me again, why you are telling us this? This is your plan? You want to take control over the maggotsacks?" he said, turning back toward the small, low-lying structure in the distance. "Why do we set these up? Why help you?" the Russian, Nikolai Belinsky asked with curiosity. "Because," Richtofen answered "I have something you all need. Something so dear to you, you would sacrifice life itself to protect it." Tank turned rapidly, drawing his weapon and aiming it at Richtofen's head. "Not her..." "Oh yes! You understand!" Richtofen jeered. He flicked a switch on his pocket watch, and 3 blank faces greeted him, the 3 slowly regaining their memories, all except the events of the past 2 minutes. "The Spires... We must be able to heal ze Earth once this is done! All we require is the Vril energy to be lined up in the triangle and then use the Key, and the Earth shall be saved!" Edward had said.

    Nai observed the transmission on his computer screen at his secret lab. He looked over the designs for the weapon that could heal a nation torn by war: the Key. His own designs would be used for Richtofen's evil purpose. He had to stop it. Remember, this is one of Nai's memories. Your characters don't know this :P


    Nai was jolted out of the memory by feeling. A sharp pain in his neck was injecting the poison through his body. The poison he himself had designed to keep his enemies and subjects alive for prolonged torture sessions.


    As Nai's vision cleared, he felt guilty for the first time in centuries. Nai was much older than he looked. The power surge from the MPD had given him the ability to take on any form he wished, and however much he wanted his body which the little brat had, he wouldn't be getting it without risking her regaining control. A part of her was still there. Here... all of them were here. The voices. The dark evil... The girl had been telling the truth. Trapped in the Aether, there was a being much eviler than himself...

  13. Chapter 2: A Stolen Soul


    Nai turned to the group as they reached the Gate. "Now, no matter how much you want to kill each other, we have a common purpose now," Nai said as a barrage of pounds fell upon the Gate. "Do you all understand? We're sealed in now, so even if you want to run crying away, Sout is sealed." Nai turned away and signalled to the Satani manning the sentry turrets, who began to open fire on the horde.


    "Okay, unless they breach, our plan is to open a Gate at a time, and funnel them in." At the quizzical looks of the 4 men standing in front of him, he replied to the question which was plaguing their minds. "I do a lot of reading in my spare time!" Nai ran to a control panel on the side of the Gate. "Gate 3 is now... OPEN!" They heard the grinding sound as the outer metal gate was opened. 


    Suddenly, the sounds of the Undead filled their ears. Then a scream, then a howl. "Wha-" Nai began, but stopped as a hand reached through the fence and grabbed him around the neck. The creature's claws dug into his skin, peeling away the layers of flesh around his neck. His vision began to blur.

  14. Blunt, I'd like to know whether you could possibly PLEASE provide a written guide to your steps? We know you want the community to figure it out on their own, but I'd like to see if we could make it occur more than once. If we can, then you've got yourself a crew of damn good easter egg hunters to get this sorted.

  15. Okay, this is going far enough. Don't insult Mega. That's just rude. He's trying to help you for god's sake! You joined the site yesterday, and he's been here for over 2 years. That's not on. He was also a Moderator, which means he has dealt with problems like yours a billion times over.

    Also, making another thread after a moderator locked the last one is plain ignorant. You saw GRILL's requests for it to be unlocked. So far, what you've delivered us is a picture of a graphical glitch which was PROVEN to be a glitch a while back. Seriously, the nerve. I think you are a decent person, and everyone deserves a chance, but this is a site for people who take the game seriously (sometimes a little too seriously, and I personally am guilty of this stuff. I took 3 days off school because of Origins) and unless you can deliver definitive proof, then this must be locked AGAIN. If you have super proof, then you should have waited until you had compiled it into a good quality video before posting this. If you've waited days and days for this, I'm sure you could have allotted 2 more hours to get it done properly. 

    Also, most of your "proof" contradicts one another. One second you'll be saying you won't tell us the steps, next minute you're saying that we need to go deeper here, as if you have found a slight lead, but not a full thing. Also, at the beginning, you said "The achievements don't lie" and so far, I see no secret magical hidden achievements in this game. If you have everything achievement-wise in this game, it will say "100%", not "Kinda 100%, but not quite."


    Please, don't take it personally, but unless you can give proof very soon, even a half-baked video "progress" would be enough to satiate us enough to give you the time to get a perfect "guide" (which you say you can't tell us). Also, even if you think you can prove it exists, there are always doubts about modders and cheaters, so unless you provide a guide to replicate your steps, even roughly, there is a much higher chance of you being believed.


    Take into account what I have said here, and if you are as serious about Zombies as you say you are, make a post over in the Introductions section to get a fresh start.

  16. Nai's hands came to rest over the Galil. This weapon has served me well over the years. It just feels right at home in my possession. Nai picked it up and cocked it, loading the first magazine into the weapon. "Just like old times..." Nai muttered under his breath. 


    He walked over to the wall and pulled out 4 bulletproof jackets. He handed one to each of the members of his strange posse. "Russians do not need protection, other than weapon in hands and bullets on belt!" Vladimir objected, but took the jacket anyway. When Nai came to Boom, he lowered his voice as to not be overheard. "Put the Key in the top left inside pocket. If you die, you don't want this lost. I don't doubt your strength, Boomhauer, but you failed once before, when Satani needed you most..." The expression on Boom's face was emotionless. However, his eyes radiated hatred for Nai. He took the jacket and threw it on.


    Nai turned to the rest of the group. "Now, let's go save a city, shall we?" he announced loudly, turning toward the door. "Let's make this as clean as possible, shall we? Also, take these," he said, handing a suppressor to each of them holding guns, attaching the 4th to his own Galil. The crew walked through the open door and began the walk toward the Gate as the last glimmering rays of sun drifted out of view, and the whole city was left to the electric street lamps and the light of the moon far above.

  17. "Up here on the right, there is a weapons cache. The Satani use it to equip their soldiers, but since the Gate is under attack, I'm sure they won't mind." Nai called back to Festo. 


    When the group reached the building, Nai walked over to the door and opened it. "Be my guests."


    When everyone was inside, Nai walked over to the wall and pulled a large crate full of guns and ammunition over to the table in the centre of the room. "Take your pick, but take into account recoil and ammo capacity."


    Your choice of weapons are:



    M1 Garand

    ​Galil (½ ammo of in the game and reduced power)

  18. Both sides are canon. Just like how in one universe I had cake for breakfast and in another I had pie. (I'd have to be crazy in that universe probably. I don't like pie.)


    Anyhow, I think the concept for this post is great. As there are many unanswered questions. However, there are many questions that do have answers, just not fully proven ones. Many of the questions already posed do have answers you can deduce. I think the big mystery stuff is to think bigger, like, who exactly made up The Flesh? Or, what exactly was the Ultimate Plan? Perhaps there should be a "degree" of the mystery? Like:


    Degree 1: We know the answer.

    Degree 2: We are pretty sure we know the answer.

    Degree 3: We can deduce the answer.

    Degree 4: We have an unlikely theory on the answer, but it is the best we've got.

    Degree 5: We have no idea whatsoever.


    So, is it okay for me to give a whack at those questions? (even though Slade already did a good job)


    I agree wholeheartedly about the degrees. Is it okay if I quote your post into the OP?


    Everyone can answer the questions. All answers will be put in, this is a huge project, multiple perspectives and ideas are required to make it work.

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