The image that we see from a frame of the trailer is the Solitary Confinement 14 in that cell happens a lot of paranomal things, look
Solitary Confinement 14
There are more tales of paranormal activity associated with solitary confinement cell 14 than anywhere else on the Rock. The inmates called solitary confinement "the hole", because there was only one small window in the door, which could be closed to seal off the cell completely. The single light was supposed to remain on, but was often turned off by the guards to intimidate the prisoner further. A hole in the floor was used for a toilet, and other than that the cell was bare. There are rumors of suicides taking place in cell 14, along with the sighting of glowing eyes in the darkness of the cell. It was the only place where we felt anything odd at Alcatraz during our visit. There was one particular place in the cell where (separately) we both felt light-headed, a little dizzy, and the room seemed to move.
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