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Everything posted by StealthClown

  1. First of all, this is my first thread,so please take it easy! Mob of the dead, all the easter eggs the searching, the songs, the DNA Formula, afterlife, but can we connect anything from MOTD to the previous maps and how? Is there a link? Does it have anything to do with the whole storyline after all? I'm so confused someone please help me! Thanks in advance.
  2. haha, me too man, me too
  3. You cant see the whole pic, just Right Click & Open Picture in new tab to view it. So i'm really excited about the new map Die Rise, sounds familiar? Destroyed City, Zombies with blue eyes, meaning it takes place after the nuketown events for the storyline fans. Also, if we zoom in we can see a helicopter, maybe its just a graphic, but i really doubt it, maybe a way to move around this (Big) map? Like the bus in Green Run? Also a new weapon is gonna be added (Hopefully For Zombies too) The Peacekeeper SMG , pretty badass name ! And not even puck a punched! Let's hope it's not just fake, but i guess all we gotta do is wait and see.. So yeah, thats all about it right now, i'll update the thread once we have more clues on that. PS: This is my first post so if it has been reposted please message me or Tell the Mods to remove it, sorry for any grammar mistakes im from Greece!!
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