i just ran up to round 29 on the bridge in the center most part that is shaped like a 'V.'
Here are a few things I noticed:
1. Not quite sure what triggered this but for at least 7-8 rounds, somewhere around round 11, I did not encounter a single slow moving zombie. Every single one was running like in the older zombie games. I was downed after a denezin patched on to my face while running around. Then when i was back up, quick revive, i started to encounter slow moving zombies.
2. The denezin are not very frequent, they ranged from 0-4 per round. I had the Bowie knife so it was that bad. One thing I did notice was if they were on fire and I knifed them and the exploded they dealt damage to the zombies if they were close enough. Not sure if this is common knowledge but it was new to me.
3. When the bus comes through and you are mid round it is a huge pain in the ass. I used monkey bombs to distract them until the bus crossed. But just an FYI the monkey bombs can fall between the middle crack.
4. There are two things I need to go back and look at. One is there was a max ammo that I received that wasn't glowing and looked very different. Probably just a glitch. The second was there was a time when my screen shook like when the floor cracks open at the bus station, but this was after that had already happened.
5. I was using the RPD for most of this game. When I had a larger group there were serious frame rate issues. I'm on XBOX and haven't experienced this anywhere else.