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Everything posted by Ethijee
Seriously, We can post a thread in the form of an answer and give another question?
I'm sorry for the fidder fodder brother. Its Just Give the post a read and see if anything they may have planted before the plan to use the song as a hint helps you along I'm nobody move along, nothing to see here.
I never asked anyone to respond or do anything in the map. I simply posted messages from the Creator of the game that had been completly overlooked, like magic I have proof. You have a usual accepted post. Its why the players are failing, you keep playin. "Twenty One Twelve Five Point One" CAN U DO THAT?
I just threw out too much information Sorry it would have been easier to do what they told me too. Next time I'll use the seemingly usually accepted post motive like Post any and ALL IDEAS!!!!! OR NEW EASTER EGG AND TRUE MEANING OF NAVCARD PLUS HIDDEN HINTS IN THE CREATORS TWEETS!!!!! PROOF PROMISES PROOF PROMISES So LETS ALL BAN TOGETHER AS A COMMUNITY AND FOLLOW ME THE MAD POSTER HAHAHAHAHA!!! Followed by something like PLEASE LIKE PLEASE SUBSCRIBE WE CAN DO THIS!!!!! In plain sight but out of mind, without me you would be blind. (Its THE WOOD IN FRONT OF THE CABIN YOU NEED TO RUN THERE AND AX A ZOMBIE TO WAKE UP!!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm Sorry I should learn proper Forum Babble I guess. I know you all have been beat dow by shitheads you dont know what to believe, so just have fun with it. Mabye it'll click and make sense to a smarter man.
if the navcard is for whatever you said then why do we need the NAVCARD for the NAVCARD READER. you're post in its entirety makes no sense. good day sir. Shortest answer to your question is that we should figure out what the NAVcard is since NOBODY HAS ONE YET THAT WORKS,.....I keep hearing about it but have never used or senn anyone use a nav(IGATION)card, Consider the FACT that its the first time weve had any money transactions between players to complete goals (Almost Exact Definition of a NAV btw First Time Weve Had a Bank. and mabye he's refferring to the song you cant always get what you want because we cant always keep the pack a punch open. I dont know. Have fun
Sir we have not met and I've given you my name. I'm Ethijee, Thank you
Check a video on utoobe called "trouble hacking" mabye you will understand. I believe it will help with my NAVcard link as well. Thank you
Thousands? Do me a favor and give me four songs and bands mentioned in either of those quotes. Link it Solid to The Creators words. Only 2 tweets, By Them, 2 Bands With track numbers and quotes mentioning a charactor named after the Creator, might help;)
Its not about me, please enjoy the message I posted I hope it helps, Remember the power of the 100th monkey? You know the answer is in you all or it will be soon. Thats a FACT as well.
Thank you for your time. You found most simple corrolations so here is the one you thought I did not tie in Jimmy is found talking of the dead in the You Cant Always Get What You Want" Song I went down to the Chelsea drugstore To get your prescription filled I was standing in line with Mr. Jimmy And man, did he look pretty ill We decided that we would have a soda My favorite flavor, cherry red I sung my song to Mr. Jimmy Yeah, and he said one word to me, and that was "dead" I said to him Its not the "stones"; its The Rolling Stones Like a book the mouth is wide open, hes basically lying to you my friend to help you.
I really do think the attutude of HELP! Wont get us out of this I dont want treyarchs help...ITS CALL OF DUTY NOT CALL FOR HELP lol Its really not that hard They made the game, they tweeted you clues. You missed the meaning behind them all of us did because not one person has shown me a nav(igation)card I only hear NAVcards and see them referred to by everyone as such. I'm saying everyone was right the NAVcard has 2 fazes/faces The song lyrics bieng written off as random is a huge mistake, If it werent directly from SOURCE, I could let it pass. In the other tweet the complete album and names a song magically appear. Sorry if too many assholes have been giving you guys the jerk around but I am not one. Ive offered nothing but direct tie ins to these for you to enjoy and possibly be the one.
The value is bieng given back what was intended to fit in properly. These people are clearly not tweeting for fun. Why not be ever so clever and try to understand its not random songs, it happens to be the songs They (The Creators) posted in the forums directly after a series of other tweets that was mistaken as not having any meaning. Everyone thought to dismiss these perfectly strong hints of what they told us. There are way too many scenarios for me to say... play the song and it will unlock something, would be easy. I'm not asking anyone to get up and play my way, I'm saying "hey look back here, somebody left several notes we did not read correctly" Mabye there is more. I dont tweet, I was shown the tweets by my sun asking me what I thought they meant, and stumbled across these Facts. Please Enjoy Them
Mabye a bad Idea but would you consider Editing it for me? I can update it to the rest of the boards as well. If not its cool Thanks for the sum up.
I linked every dropped message to songs and hidden (overall) messages, with thier direct tweets. You wouldnt believe where I'm from but I reside in Visalia California, and Work in Hanford CA. 2 Nav is something of a motion not a place I'm Suggesting we as a team need to sacrifice our earnings for a large purchase. its something you do. Its how you devide your money together to complete the goal. Should I have just said that? So Sorry You wouldnt beliieve who I am, but if for a second you could imagine I'm not a troll I'm simply offering more. Personally I'm working on my "Skewing The Beams Theory" and I think they might want people to see the game in the new 3D setting. The glasses are 4 for $11.99 so its not alot to ask for new way to see the map. But no PROOF ON THAT just what I'm working on. Just wanted people to know they looked over something in only three tweets I looked at.
I'm merely pointing out they spoke LOUDLY! and were not listened too PROPERLY, and the...... NAV CARD HAS TWO FACES/FAZES (PROVEN BY EVERYONE BY THE FAILURE OF IT EVER BIENG USED FOR ITS BELIEVED INTENT) There is a simple video on utoobe as well on words and how gamers accel at numerous tasks, Anyway You have agreed amongst yourself and your way of speach its a Nav(igation)Card So Show Me This NAV(igation) Card? Missing Steps is all I'm pointing out FACTS Help like there is a BANK, There happens to be a way to exchange money through the BANK using the NAV (System) as well. Noone has a Navigation Card Yet But Everyone Has a NAVcard you are correct to that extent. But we want to figure this out not run circles, so here is my offer to you...Information
Its updated now. Srry
PLEASE FEEL FREE TO REFER TO YOUTUBE FOR AN EASY REFERANCE TOOL TO SEE THE TWEETS I'VE DRAWN OUT 10 Edits should be enough) J. Zlskee "Overlooked and never found". But one does simply run around --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick note on how its easy to make us all confused.... Did you know a Wizards staff or a Magic wand Is Made from wood of Holly Tree? The Birth Of HOLLYWOOD Anyway, not saying The game is about songs but these people listen to songs and passed several right under your noses..... As well as other stuff (Nowhere near a troll am I) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - I Was The One Collecting Most Of The Data, Bieng Stolen From Is no Fun, I discovered where to stand to stop the denisons as my teamates walked freely around the map, I Discovered the denison cages and the panels but since I didnt want to waist your time with another utoobe video stolen from my posts on other sites. I've come to give you this first hand. Ethijee. so I've decided to simply post my findings on ALL zombie boards, in hopes you all find the path you enjoy in your game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------ Your ORDER! Has been at the harbor of my patience for ahwile now. So please allow me to illuminate one precarious situation in which we have all found ourselves in. Here is the tweet by Reza Elghazi @ 2:52 - Dec 20 1012 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooo "Twenty-one twelve five point one #rush" oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------- Now The #rush is in grey unlike every other word every time in every tweet. In game your perks are grayed out while the power is off...... There is a HIDDEN MESSAGE and a SONG on the 1976 "Twenty-one twelve five point one #rush" Do RESEARCH... during the first several attempts to film and or record this album, it WOULD NOT RECORD OR TAPE PROPERLY. .. You Can choose From 2 Number Fives To Power ON or PLAY in the Collectors Edition One is Marked V for 5 or TRACK 5 Both are below, notice the songs mention sodas spiral stairs and Jimmy as well, Enjoy V. Oracle: The Dream Words by Neil Peart, Music by Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson ..."I guess it was a dream, but even now it all seems so vivid to me. Clearly yet I see the beckoning hand of the oracle as he stood at the summit of the staircase" ... ... "I see still the incredible beauty of the sculptured cities and the pure spirit of man revealed in the lives and works of this world. I was overwhelmed by both wonder and understanding as I saw a completely different way to life, a way that had been crushed by the Federation long ago. I saw now how meaningless life had become with the loss of all these things ..." I wandered home though the silent streets And fell into a fitful sleep Escape to realms beyond the night Dream can't you show me the light? I stand atop a spiral stair An oracle confronts me there He leads me on light years away Through astral nights, galactic days I see the works of gifted hands That grace this strange and wondrous land I see the hand of man arise With hungry mind and open eyes They left the planet long ago The elder race still learn and grow Their power grows with purpose strong To claim the home where they belong Home, to tear the Temples down... Home, to change. Or... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- Number Five on the Album #5 Track Rush #5"LESSONS" Words and Music by Alex Lifeson Sweet memories Flashing very quickly by Reminding me Giving me a reason why I know that My goal is more than a thought I'll be there When I teach what I've been taught You know we've told you before But you didn't hear us then So you still question why You didn't listen again Sweet memories I never thought it would be like this Reminding me Just how close I came to missing I know that This is the way for me to go You'll be there When you know what I know -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - SEPERATE FROM THE HIDDEN MESSAGES Nav/Not what U think YET/ U R All Correct It Has 2 Sides NAV GOOGLE IT! Abbreviation Net Asset Value This number is important to investors, because it is from NAV that the price per unit of a fund is calculated. By dividing the NAV of a fund by the number of outstanding units, you are left with the price per unit. In our example, if the fund had 4 million shares outstanding, the price-per-share value would be $40 million divided by 4 million, which equals $10. This pricing system for the trading of shares in a mutual fund differs significantly from that of common stock issued by a company listed on a stock exchange. In this instance, a company issues a finite number of shares through an initial public offering (IPO), and possibly subsequent additional offerings, which then trade in the secondary market. In this market, stock prices are set by market forces of supply and demand. The pricing system for stocks is based solely on market sentiment. Because mutual funds distribute virtually all their income and realized capital gains to fund shareholders, a mutual fund's NAV is relatively unimportant in gauging a fund's performance, which is best judged by its total return. To learn more about NAV, read the Mutual Fund tutorial. Google it people........... Its why its, RIGHT NEXT TO YOUR POINTS NOT IN YOUR ITEMS OR PARTS! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------ To Informative, you know this by now right? POSTED BY THUH MAN HIMSELF: Jimmy Zielinski Tweeted on 20 DEC at 12:05 2012 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooo Some say "Tell us" and many others tell me keep my mouth shut. I will say this: I know what I want til I get it. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooo 3 Hidden MESSAGES 1. The Rolling Stones LOGO IS A PERMINENT OPEN MOUTH (Others tell me to keep my mouth shut) 2. "TELL ME is a song by The Rolling Stones 3. "You cant always get what you want is a song by The Rolling Stones In these songs they speak of Jimmy and sodas as well as other interesting things these guys probably incorporated through thier design and preferences. ----------------------------------------------------------- "Tell me" by The Rolling Stones Lyrics --------------------------------------------------------------- I want you back again I want your love again I know you find it hard to reason with me But this time it's different, darling you'll see You gotta tell me you're coming back to me You gotta tell me you're coming back to me You gotta tell me you're coming back to me You gotta tell me you're coming back to me You said we're through before You walked out on me before I tried to tell you, but you didn't want to know This time you're different and determined to go You gotta tell me you're coming back to me You gotta tell me you're coming back to me You gotta tell me you're coming back to me You gotta tell me you're coming back to me I wait as the days go by I long for the nights to go by I hear the knock on my door that never comes I hear the telephone that hasn't rung You gotta tell me you're coming back to me You gotta tell me you're coming back to me You gotta tell me you're coming back to me You gotta tell me you're coming back to me Most believe its him saying there is not much more.... but I'm Ethijee so.... Here are the lyrics to the second song he hinted towards: YOU CANT ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU WANT: The Rolling Stones Songwriters: JAGGER, MICK / RICHARDS, KEITH I saw her today at the reception A glass of wine in her hand I knew she was gonna meet her connection At her feet was a footloose man You can't always get what you want You can't always get what you want You can't always get what you want But if you try sometimes well you might find You get what you need And I went down to the demonstration To get my fair share of abuse Singing, "We're gonna vent our frustration If we don't we're gonna blow a 50-amp fuse" You can't always get what you want You can't always get what you want You can't always get what you want But if you try sometimes well you just might find You get what you need I went down to the Chelsea drugstore To get your prescription filled I was standing in line with Mr. Jimmy And man, did he look pretty ill We decided that we would have a soda My favorite flavor, cherry red I sung my song to Mr. Jimmy Yeah, and he said one word to me, and that was "dead" I said to him You can't always get what you want You can't always get what you want You can't always get what you want But if you try sometimes you just might find You get what you need You get what you need--yeah, oh baby I saw her today at the reception In her glass was a bleeding man She was practiced at the art of deception Well I could tell by her blood-stained hands You can't always get what you want You can't always get what you want You can't always get what you want But if you try sometimes you just might find You just might find You get what you need You can't always get what you want You can't always get what you want You can't always get what you want But if you try sometimes you just might find You just might find You get what you need The Rolling Stones or Jay-z. Believe it or not Enjoy! Ethijee
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