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Everything posted by schittus_d
Why so much HATE towards shotgun rank?
schittus_d replied to Murdah4Hire's topic in General Zombies Discussion
When I enter a random lobby, I mostly either get told to back out because I'm obviously either a glitcher or I'm going to quit early (I don't use my mic with randoms so I suppose that doesn't help, but that has zero effect on my ability to help the team), or I get loads of friend requests, followed by game invites before even getting into a game. The requests and invites are fine, I can ignore those and then add later if they play reasonably well and don't quit themselves. But unfortunatly I can see why they don't want me to join, most (at least 90%) of the shotgun players I find in public games are exactly like mmx describes, and there is nothing to distinguish me from them. I don't particularly want to rank down, but if it happens I don't care, it's only a game and I can always try and get them back with a few solo games anyway. Lobby leaderboards would have maybe gone a partway to solve this problem, but we aren't ever getting them again. -
When you go into afterlife to grab the wardens key, does anyone else have a problem levitating into the portal? Sometimes I can spend the whole time I get in afterlife just jumping and failing, and finally make it with seconds to go, which is annoying because then I have to use another afterlife to power up other things in the area. I'm obviously doing something wrong, but I don't know what I'm doing differently when I do finally get in. Has anyone else encountered this, and is there a technique that I'm missing?
Ranks are the ruin of zombies
schittus_d replied to BriggzyJ97's topic in General Zombies Discussion
only time my K/D ever takes much of a hit is playing drunk grief which i do from time to time. But those saying knives is "easy" maybe if you have the time to play 12 hours a day and amass those amounts of kills to offset downs, but for those of us grownups who have lives, its not so "Easy". Once it was determined that k/d had an affect on rank i tried to limit downs, not get perma QR not get perma jug etc. ive raised my kd from in the 40s to around 90 but still no knives. and now with almost 1200 downs, i would have to play literally for days without going down once to raise it to 100. so quit with the knives is "easy" bulls***, i have had skull since the week the game came out. round 66 on mob solo with multiple runs in the 50s and 30s coop and same with die rise. the fact of the matter is, I've learned you absolutely can gain no knowledge of a players skill by their rank emblem. the two seem to be completely unrelated after 6 months or so of experience To be fair I honestly thought that a k/d of around 90 would be a knife rank, I originally got the knife when mine was less than that. I have several friends who still have knifes now with a lower k/d than you. If you don't get the knife rank soon I would be surprised. I understand that if you got loads of downs early on it won't be easy to recover from, and I'm not saying it would be easy for me to achieve if I had that many downs. I am an adult as well and I don't always have the time to play COD just to boost my kills. But the point I was trying to make is that even when I was getting 43 downs in a game with around 260 kills (still my accounts highest co op on nuketown) I still ranked up to the knife pretty quickly. If you are getting round 50's then, assuming you are playing solo you must be getting around 3k kills a game, that would push up your kd by around 2.5 each time providing you aren't going down. I can see how that would take a while to get your k/d up but you can't be far away from the knife now. As for rank relating to skill, I'm not sure if i agree with you there or not. While I have friends with knifes and some with just skulls who can out perform me with shotguns, i'd say at least 80-90% of the skull ranks I meet in public lobbies are just ok players. Average at best. Whereas knife players are often as good as or better than myself. Anyone who has shotguns but refuses to work as a team, or even refuse to stay in a lobby with lower ranked players is a dick and doesn't deserve them in the first place. I would rather die on a low round trying to revive 3 1-bone players and rank down than just look at the menu jumping out of lobbies for 4 hours :roll: -
I would add a Hard difficulty to Custom Matches, where all the zombies from round 1 onwards are sprinters (pretty much the opposite to Easy) and possibly even remove all barriers. I know you can start games on a higher round for a similar effect, but that is offset by the points you start with. Plus, you can't start on a higher round for the story maps anyway.
Ranks are the ruin of zombies
schittus_d replied to BriggzyJ97's topic in General Zombies Discussion
I have to agree that the knife is very easy to get. I've had my stats reset twice, and earned the knife emblem 3 times. The longest it took me was just over a week, and that was when the game first came out, and I was getting as many as 43 downs in one game at one point(technically that was someone else playing on my ID, but they still count as my downs) Last time it took me 5 days, my stats were reset the day before I got Die Rise so I was getting loads of early downs then as well. I am a good zombie player, and a good team player, but I am far, FAR from being amazing at zombies. I am shit without juggernog, for example. I've only seen round 30 twice on public games. But my point is, if I can earn the knife in a few weeks, then any decent player should have already earned it 6 months after the game came out. I understand that some people like playing challenges, and playing grief games with no magic your k/d is bound to take a hit. But it would seem to me like the rank should be based on the whole zombie mode, not just the easier games. In which case you should be playing every part of zombies, regular solo/public, grief, as well as the more difficult custom games. And if you do that, getting a decent KD and/or rank should be no problem. I admit though that I avoid turned, I know it's pathetic to avoid a game mode to preserve rank but I have played it a few times on another account, and didn't really enjoy it so I know I'm not missing out. -
Ranks are the ruin of zombies
schittus_d replied to BriggzyJ97's topic in General Zombies Discussion
I have the shotgun rank, and even I can't get into a game with other players with shotguns. I see them occasionally in the lobby, but they either back out after about 5-10 seconds or they quit before the game has even started. I don't understand the point, I prefer to play with lower rank players now because they are sometimes surprisingly good and are less likely to rage quit, as they have nothing to lose, or if they are bad then I can get a load of revives! Plus it's much more fun reaching round 18+ with weaker players than it is to train constantly for 30+ rounds. By the time I get to 25 on multiplayer I'm bored anyway so once I reach that I am just waiting for everyone to die so I can end the game. -
I was playing tranzit again earlier and this time, I took the bus and I had issues rebuilding as well. In fact, the whole game was glitchy as hell. I had issues hitting the box again, I heard the sound of the electro dude being killed while i was running through the fog (I was on solo so god knows what triggered that!) and the Porters X2 Ray Gun looked exactly like the standard ray gun after I switched from it. I mainly play Tranzit now cos the glitches in Die Rise annoy me, but it seems they are slowly coming into tranzit as well. At least none of these were game breaking I suppose.
I haven't noticed this, but today I struggled to use the box when it was at the depot. It only seemed to work when I approached it from the right, and was facing left? On two seperate games I struggled hitting it and ended up losing two guns because I didn't take them out on time. Don't know if this was just me and if it is related to what happened to you on the bus?
Official Ranking System Discussion and Theories
schittus_d replied to way2g00d's topic in General Zombies Discussion
I never buy it in solo either, and that was a big factor in how I ranked up. If i didnt keep going for round 40 or 50 in solo I would have been on the knife forever. I must admit, I did play a couple of split screen games with a dummy 2nd account just to boost my revives, over 100 each time and both times my rank didn't change. Plus my k/d to get shotguns was higher this time then it was before my stats were reset, yet I got the knife at a lower k/d! So, essentially I don't have a clue! I might try ranking up the dummy 2nd account - it has like 4500 kills and over 500 downs - it will probably take a LOONNGG time but as there is nothing to aim for after getting shotguns other than not losing them I may as well give it a go. -
Official Ranking System Discussion and Theories
schittus_d replied to way2g00d's topic in General Zombies Discussion
I'm still not sure about revives, when I got the knife in the past it was after a public match where I only got around 60-ish kills (I can't remember the number but it is in this thread somewhere) but I got 5 revives. My k/d took a sizable dip (it was one of my first non solo games after a great start like you) but I still ranked up. Maybe it depends on what games you play, as for instance if there were 2 equally great players, who always play at the same time but one only played solo and the other only public matches, you would expect the solo player to have a much higher k/d, but fewer/no revives. Would that be fair on the player who only plays with randoms, getting loads of revives then dying at an early round because of their teammates lack of skill, to be ranked lower than a player who has full control of the game, access to any weapon and ability to pause when needed? I think part of the ranking criteria is dependant on what games you play, and if you play a lot of solo,then revives wouldn't count as much (if at all, seeing as getting revives in solo only come after a down anyway.) -
Official Ranking System Discussion and Theories
schittus_d replied to way2g00d's topic in General Zombies Discussion
I finally got the shotguns back today, after a solo game of Die Rise round 53 with 3 downs. I've been raising my KD gradually after getting loads of downs when Die Rise first came out, I passed 200 a few weeks ago but that didn't do anything this time. Although I played a few public games, I played far more solo than last time. I also lost my blue eyes for the first time in months, a few days ago after taking a couple of days away from the ps3. The funny thing is, although I was attempting to reach a high round of Die Rise it took me 4/5 attempts to get past round 5 , I was trying for as many knife kills as I could early on and I kept failing. I had perma jug at the beginning of that game, which helped but I didn't get it on purpose! My stats after ranking up: 46792 kills 136704 bullets 190 downs (246 k/d) 433 revives 1228 grenade 8688 headshot 120 death 48092 gib 410 perk 484 door 303212 / 2.22 hit 579 mile -
What's Your Main Reason For Downs / Ending Games?.
schittus_d replied to nockscitney's topic in General Zombies Discussion
Pretty much the same with me. Sure, there is the odd time the game will crash, or I get severe lag playing online which kills me. But most of my downs are easily avoidable, yet I don't seem to avoid them. I could easily reach round 50+ regularly on solo, but I never have yet because at some point in my game I will get cornered or fall off a building by making a simple mistake. So frustrating. -
Black Ops 2 Zombies Die Rise Navigation Table Guide
schittus_d replied to MrCaffiene82's topic in Die Rise
Aha then that is probably why! Cheers for that :) -
Black Ops 2 Zombies Die Rise Navigation Table Guide
schittus_d replied to MrCaffiene82's topic in Die Rise
After you insert the card, on subsequent games if you pick up another card does it let you insert it again? Maybe someone else has inserted a card and therefore I can't put mine in? I can't check my 2nd account at the moment but maybe someone on here knows perhaps? -
Black Ops 2 Zombies Die Rise Navigation Table Guide
schittus_d replied to MrCaffiene82's topic in Die Rise
No, and it doesn't say Parts Required either. I've tried walking up to it with either Navcard and I don't get a prompt at all. I didn't build the table myself, but it's always there even when I play solo. I did the Tranzit EE on split screen w/ 2 controllers, and the account that I used as the 2nd player gets the prompt with either card in hand. But all my stats got reset on my main account, so for in game purposes it appears that I haven't done the EE. Other than that, the only difference is I built the table myself on my second account. -
Black Ops 2 Zombies Die Rise Navigation Table Guide
schittus_d replied to MrCaffiene82's topic in Die Rise
Someone built the table when I played a custom game and now I always have it, but I can't insert either navcard into it. I don't even get a prompt when I walk through it. I've played on another account though, one that has completed the tranzit EE, and I get a "Press [sQUARE] to insert Nav Card" prompt with either card. Is it to do with the EE or is there something else I've missed? -
Official Ranking System Discussion and Theories
schittus_d replied to way2g00d's topic in General Zombies Discussion
Well I think you are on to something with your improvement theory, looking at my post from a few weeks ago I got off to a great start with my stats. I had 11287 kills with 11 downs, a k/d of 1026, 317% accuracy with 32 revives, and the skull emblem. It wasn't until I played a game online and got just 55 more kills and 5 more revives when I ranked up to the knife. Now this time, my stats were reset around the time when I got Die Rise, so my first few days of playing were terrible and I was getting loads of downs and hardly any kills. After getting better at Die Rise, I then played a few games of Tranzit, and after getting to round 47 on Tranzit with over 3500 kills + 1 down (on easy mode) I ranked up to the skull w/knife with what I would consider WORSE stats than last time: 9176 kills 59 downs 155 K/D (at one point this was in the low 20s, it was 97 before I started the round 47 game) 13 revives 18% headshots (poor but when I play Tranzit I always get the knuckles on round 1, so thats 13/14 rounds of 0 headshots) 346% accuracy So other than my accuracy, every other stat is worse than last time and I ranked up quicker (just 4 days to go from 1 bone to skull w/knife). Also a good percentage of those kills were done on easy mode, I don't usually play that unless I'm invited to a friends custom game, but I thought I would try it out to see if it worked. So in summary, it would appear that improvement is the key to ranking up. But it must depend on other factors too, because I have a 2nd PSN account that I have used before for boosting my revives on my main account, and I have tried ranking up that account as well over the last week but I have had far too many downs and it took me many games to go from 1 bone to 2. I don't play on that account very often though so who knows, there are obviously many factors in play. If and when I get the shotguns, I shall update here again. Unless of course my stats are reset yet again!! If they are it might not be such a bad thing anyway, it seems easy enough now to get to at least the knife level in less than a week! -
Official Ranking System Discussion and Theories
schittus_d replied to way2g00d's topic in General Zombies Discussion
Well, I finally heard back from Activision Support today, they said they had restored my stats, so I thought finally, I have my shotguns back. It only took them 10 days to get back to me, but at least they finally did. So I boot up my PS3 and have a look. Turns out all they have done is reset them again. I'm back at a single bone for the 2nd time in 2 weeks :evil: :evil: I'm so annoyed, I spent extra money pre-ordering the Hardened Edition just for Nuketown Zombies, just this morning I paid another £42 for the Season Pass ready for Die Rise tomorrow, and this is how they repay me, by resetting my stats time after time. If I hadn't just bought the Season Pass I wouldn't bother now, I'm really not in the mood to rebuild my stats yet again. And redo the bloody Easter Egg as well. I was going to refill in their Stat Restore form again, and really kick off with them in the comments section, but chances are they will only just do the same thing again in a couple of weeks. I'm best just starting up fresh, for a third time, and forgetting about getting shotguns ever again.. I know this is completely off the topic here, but I needed to get that off my chest! At least I can where I rank up this time, I will continue to post my findings for the good of the community here if it is of any help to anyone. And Smok3y, I will try this time starting off with some average/not great games then knock out some consecutive 1000+ K/D games and see where I end up. My first ever game of Nuketown Zombies I was carried to round 27 with 43 downs :oops: , that record is still on my leaderboard now and I still managed to get shotguns with that in my history. Whereas last time when I started off with over 1000 K/D it took me a while to reach the knife emblem. -
I usually train in the diner area, then when I want to go to the bank I take the last zombie and a fresh shield with me. That way the shield can take a few hits while you deposit your points, then you run to where you get Semtex from, then back again. Then once I am done I teleport until I'm back at the diner, let the zombie finish my shield off, replace it then dispose of him.
Tower of Babble Maxis splitscreen-SOLO method guide
schittus_d replied to Why1sTheRumGone's topic in TranZit
I managed to complete this last night, it took me just under 2 hours altogether, first 70 mins was spent on round 1 getting everything together. I found that by getting emps for the dummy player then using them at power on the last zombie made it relatively easy, as I never had to control 2 guys at the same time. I put the dummy on the bus to the diner, then got my main player to take the zombie on the bus to depot. As the bus left town though, the zombie died and the next round started! I panicked but then remembered there is a lamp in town so I had to use that quickly. I got the achievement about a second before my main player went down. What I would say to anyone else who is thinking of doing this, at the end to maybe instead take the dummy to depot with the zombie, emp it there and then main guy could use the lamp near the corn field. There will be much less chance of the zombie respawning or even just dying out. One of the players would probably go down shortly afterwards but that wouldn't matter as you would get the achievement first anyway. But anyway, thanks Why1sTheRumGone for your guide, I honestly thought this wouldn't be possible on split screen with one player but I was wrong! -
Tower of Babble Maxis splitscreen-SOLO method guide
schittus_d replied to Why1sTheRumGone's topic in TranZit
I tried this last night and failed, Avogadro didn't spawn till round 6 and I threw both emps too early, then he red screened me and I downed. I just need some more practise. It does take a long time to get prepared for though, especially if you have bad luck with the box. One thing I discovered doing this is that you can't pack a punch with the power off so if you want to pap a ballistic knife your best doing that before hitting the power switch again. Building the machine, then having to visit depot for a fresh turbine, back to power then and then to town again took forever. I think next time I'll make sure both players get emps, so if i do beat the avogadro then getting back to the power area should be easy. -
Tower of Babble Maxis splitscreen-SOLO method guide
schittus_d replied to Why1sTheRumGone's topic in TranZit
Nice guide, I tried doing this myself a few weeks ago but I couldn't even get the 2nd player to the obelisk, I didn't think to use the sleeping zombies at the beginning though! I will have to try this again, I just know I will probably end up going down getting both players back to the power room and then with 2 controllers in hand there's double the chance of one of them smashing my tv haha :) -
Level 3 refers to the skull emblem, I've had one of these messages in the past but I don't know what caused it. I'm pretty sure it's nothing to do with the persistant upgrades. The ranking system is, confusingly, referred to as your persistant rank, so I can see the confusion.
Official Ranking System Discussion and Theories
schittus_d replied to way2g00d's topic in General Zombies Discussion
I now have 11287 kills and 11 downs, k/d is 1026 and I still only have the regular skull. My accuracy is 317%. That is playing solo only, plus 1 split screen game that I used to bump up my revives (I have 37, 3of those are from buying quick revive on solo). I have 3650 headshots, which is around 32%, but the elite app on my phone says my headshots are just 4%?! I thought I would have at least the knife by now, but I haven't the slightest clue what I need to do other than keep trying. I have someone with shotguns on my friends list, his k/d is 104. He consistently had less kills and more downs than me but he never lost them. This ranking system is ridiculous, that is the only thing I know about it for sure! EDIT: I just played one game online, only got 55 kills with 1 down and 5 revives, everyone I was playing with kept turning off the power then going down so I suicided when they were spectating me, and I got the knife. So my k/d dropped to 902 and I got a higher rank. :? -
Official Ranking System Discussion and Theories
schittus_d replied to way2g00d's topic in General Zombies Discussion
Before I got the shotguns I was mainly playing solo tranzit to get my kdr up, setting myself up on round 1 so I didn't make any stupid mistakes before getting jug, and not buying quick revive. If I got into a situation where I thought I was gonna die, I quickly ended the game to avoid adding another down to my record. I was usually getting into the 30s and a couple of early 40s so my kills were going up by a few thousand each time. I also played a lot of Farm, starting on round 15 or 20 because they spawn in quick there and you can get a few hundred kills in just a few minutes of playing. I mainly did this after dying on Tranzit and not wanting to spend another 15-20 mins running around on round 1 again. I did play with randoms every day though which sometimes brought my kdr down slightly as well, but I was trying to balance having fun as well as ranking up. I enjoy solo but sometimes it gets a bit boring.
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