First of all, I want to get something out of the way that keeps bugging me. To all you people that say that die rise is going to suck, you are judging the map based on the IDEAS it is based on. What you dont understand is that any, and I mean ANY idea can be made into a MASTERPIECE in the right hands. And I sure as hell think that this map is in good hand. With that out of the way , i will list things that arc is probably going to do RIGHT, that will make this map good.
1. Verticality
I think that the verticality in die rise is going to be a fresh breath of air, and its gonna be fun( jumping on top of a zombie knifing him)
2.Its a claustrophobic map
I dont know about you, but everything i remember about Cod Zombies is mowing down zombies with guns. I dont remember running circles as a fun time!
But who said its gonna be all tight spaces? In the Revolution review of OneOfSwords, he states that some of the thing his team unlocked while playing were a crumbled shop, a lobby etc. So what if its smaller areas linked together via tight corridors!
3.Perks in elevators
Everybody seems to think its gonna be dumm getting perks because you only one player at a time can get a per in a brief moment. Now think, what are one of the main transportation methods in die rise: elevators. I think you can get get on top o a Perk-A-Cola elevator get your perk and leave the at the next floor. This can be done by multiple people at the same time.
4.Zombies dropping from the ceiling
This is something that cant be bad if 3arch does it right. I hope that they dont make it so a random zombie can drop out of nowhere, swing at you immediatly and down you. i think there is going to be a tiny period of time where the zombie is stunned after it drops, giving you a chance to make your way around him.
5.Random cut outs in the floor
I dont understand why people get mad about this. FOR GODS SAKE ITS NOT GONNA BE BAD. It aint gonna be a maze where random floor parts fall out. They just want you to to take it easy and learn your environment!
6.Special zombie round
Finally! This is another thing that can be awesome if 3arch does it right. I hope they make it as good as hellhounds and monkeys. Them bringing these rounds back is logical, as people missed hellhounds in tranzit.
7.No PHD!Oh NO!
I am sorry, why cant they have phd? What? It breaks the map? Well what if they put it in the same room as PaP further into the map. It wouldnt break the map because the PaP part of the map symbolises the part were you become your strongest. Phd would only make this felling better. And God i hope we get to sky dive via Phd out of the scyscraper!(Possible EE maybe?)
Anyway, this was all i had to say! Hope you enjoyed it! :D