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About Bawgz

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  1. Hey guys, I've been reading through some of the threads on here and there's a lot of really cool stuff. I came here to get some good strategies for getting to higher rounds in Tranzit and I have not been disappointed! So far I haven't been able to get very far in Tranzit so I will have to try these strategies out. Well a little about my zombie experience... In WaW the only strategy I knew was to get 4 people to camp in a corner with you and hold out until your ammo runs out. I finally learned about training or kiting from Syndicates videos early on in the Black Ops days. I don't really have any high round games to brag about. My best is 36 on Ascension. Tranzit I've only gotten to round 21. I'm definitely hoping to improve on this, possibly play with some people from the community as it would be nice to play with people who know what they're doing. I still have yet to complete the easter egg so it would be cool to possibly get into that! My GT on XBOX is "IBawgz" and I'll be sure to post in the Teammate Finder when I'm looking to play.
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