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About Scoldon

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  1. This is an excellent thread, as all of your threads are, PINNAZ.
  2. Yeah because Nazis existed as an official political party in the German Empire in 1918. the cross pattee is not an exclusively Nazi thing. Weimar republic used it along with Templars (and Weimar Republic was established in 1919) and so did the German Empire. and Prussia. Prussia was long dead before 1918. And they didn't have advanced robotics in the 18th century in Prussia.
  3. Yeah because Nazis existed as an official political party in the German Empire in 1918. the cross pattee is not an exclusively Nazi thing. Weimar republic used it along with Templars (and Weimar Republic was established in 1919) I know that the cross wasn't exclusively a nazi thing,but if they tie in templars, then Origins will fell like an zombie version of AC for me.
  4. Yeah, templars, sure, and after that Altair and Ezio pair up to beat them. I think they're nazi robots.
  5. My God is alive! I have waited anxiously for Your return, my Master! How may I possibly serve You?
  6. Before Origins, we thought that Rictofen captured the three test subjects from war (one of them was mexican, but the mexican died, so Richtofen replaced him with someone from our O4 that I don't remember, this isn't making sense, I'm probably drunk IRL lol) But from the teaser it looks like that Richtofen already knew our three gents. So after he went mad, he found them, and captured them. This post isn't making sense, but you guys get the idea. I hope so. Now help me out with this!
  7. We all know who's best here TAMB. And welcome to the Forums, Buddy!
  8. Haven't heard it. Bizarre..
  9. Scoldon

    Living Stone Mine

  10. Umhh.... I... I dunno. BO2 zombies were a huge letdown for me. I can't judge a game until all of the DLC's have been released. If they bring back some of the old maps (I WANT KINO GODDAMN) then I will give the game a solid 9. Currently I can give the game a 5. I hate the buildables. Takes away the fun. Same with Perma Perks. Just give me a BO2 version of Kino and Moon. Then add Flopper on Kino. Then I will give the game a 10/10.
  11. So I have played a ton of games with perma PHD and today I noticed a thing: When I fall I still take damage, but I don't lose it. Has this been confirmed?
  12. This happened to me with the box. A fire sale was on and I bought the box for 5 points, X2 points wasn't in affect. :/
  13. Samuel. I loved Richtofen. SAMUEL SENDS YOU THE BILL!!
  14. Our old planet Earth had to die, so a new world in the Aether would rise. At least Rich gets a playground. I'm happy for him.
  15. The wait was TOO long. And I have to go to golf when the DLC releases. CURSE YOUR TUESDAYS TROLLARCH!!!!
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