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YdaJdiMstr® last won the day on March 12 2015

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About YdaJdiMstr®

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  1. Sup fuckers? Haven't had much time lately to come around these parts... Anything new? You guys miss me? Even notice I was gone? :-(

    1. CobaltBluGirl


      I miss ya, among others. Especially since I went over to the dark side.

  2. Sup, guy... Glad you're on the site now... Make sure you keep the trash talking of SparklyMcSparkles to a minimum here, don't want everyone to know what a noob he is...
  3. About time, sir... Glad you're finally here... This is the coolest place to be, man, lots of fun people... See you soon in the room of chats!
  4. Let me stop, since I can't touch that joke... 360 is defo where it's at! Maybe we'll have some games soon...
  5. Call of Duty: Retard Zombies confirmed... Anything similar to dubstep in zombies would make me want to lay down and let the zombies eat me just to end it...
  6. Welcome aboard... I'm relatively new here as well, but this the coolest zombie forums I've come across so far and it houses the most respectful and friendly people in zombies... You'll love it... Come hang out in the nifty zombie chat room, Yoda
  7. o address additional comments: I absolutely love the BO2 ranking system... Similar to the rounds leaderboard, it shows whether or not you can handle a 20+ game... BO1 would give you a lobby leaderboard that states the one single highest round, this shows your average game, in my opinion its much more efficient... You still have your leaderboards with a breakdown of many useless ratings, such as gibs and headshots, single highest round, etc... I think the lobby leaderboard has been made obsolete... To the OP: I think furthering the current ranking system would be awesome... Secondary emblems to accompany the current emblems, such as maintaining a certain revive to down ratio, melee to kill ratio, etc., would be cool... I'd love to see these implemented into later games... Great topic by the way...
  8. CSAWWWW, what up son? Who said they had this happen? Someone from over on the ATVI site? I mean, other than 8357 here... Unless it was one of us from the main group over there I wouldn't count it as gold, I had a Bioshock from Origins run away from me and jump INTO the map once, doesn't mean I triggered it or that he was actually scared... Also, buddy, pal, I think it's awesome that you're holding out hope for more to TZit... THAT is passion... See you in October/November, yeah?
  9. Another zombie lady from Finland?!? Or am I a retard and don't understand what the '_FIN' actually means? Either way, a heart felt welcome to you. This community is AWESOME! Unfortunately I'm with the 'cool kids' on xbox and PC ;-) But there are so many awesome people here you'll be able to play with... See you in the room of chats! Yoda
  10. Welcome to the group, bud... My favorite MP was BO2, and favorite zombies as well... I do, however, consider Five to be the best map of all though... If you ever get on xbox or PC, that's where I'll be! You'll find more than a fair share of friendly people here, it's the best zombie site in all the lands! See you in chat! Yoda
  11. Welcome to the team, bud... Being a regular user over on the ATVI site for many years, I can personally vouch for this place as being the absolute, number one, most incredible group of people anywhere in the codzombieverse! You will feel at home, here, I guarantee it... See you in the chat room, buddy! Yoda
  12. John, you're making me blush...
  13. I'm pretty hard up in customs... I've been spoiled though, so I'm relatively picky about the maps I'll dedicate to lol... Fridays and Saturdays, my man...
  14. Revive me bro I haz MOD! Congratulations, bro... You are the one that initially got me interested in CSTM Zs, as well as about a hundred others I can think of... You deserve the title!
  15. Yo Nut I actually play KFloor with a few friends on PC... Since CoD Zs is a fucking joke right now, join us next time... We're mostly in the states so it won't be too bad for timing...
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