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Everything posted by sleepykat

  1. So today I was on an online solo run playing TranZit. Hit round 48 and had one walker left. Grabbed some ammo and killed the last zombie. Then a round change and right at the beginning of the new round my internet dropped. Fine, it happens although rare for me. What irked me the most and really turned my opinion about the new Zombies is how it didn't count. Sometimes the stats will show up but never leaderboards for rounds. This really pisses me off. It's not like it takes 5 minutes to get that high. So all that time and work put into NOTHING. This really needs to be changed. I can't even begin to see why it was done this way. I talked to a few zombie buddies last night and none of us could come up with a valid reason it was set up that way. Worse I had a game on Tranzit with 4 players and one fell asleep and kept going down so before he timed out from an inactivity sleep we finished the round at 39 and planned on downing ourselves which if you think about it is stupid for us to have to do it. So I was the last one up and I needed 20 more kills to hit 5000 and I stayed up. Guess what, he timed out. His xbox went to sleep and lagged us all out. BUT it counted. I am on the leader boards with 4980 kills, zero downs and round 39. So why does that count but my solo attempt doesn't? Frankly it makes no sense. Has any of the developers had this brought to their attention? Is their a fix on the way or is complaining a futile attempt of nothing because they don't give a crap? I am sure some of you had this same thing happened to you and know how frustrating it could be. the leader boards globally mean nothing to me. Between my actual friends we use it as a competition or sorts for some water cooler smack talk. I think it also brought in a factor of division of player types. Those who are serious (Knife, Shotguns) and those who don't are or aren't very good (skull and below). And that is beneficial in my opinion as you can decipher who is more likely to rage quit (still a huge problem) and those who likely won't.
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