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Ryan Nowell

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Everything posted by Ryan Nowell

  1. That's where Call of Duty Elite comes into play. Elite Keeps track of basically everything they want it to.. Plus Elite is free
  2. I guess.. If you completed the previous easter eggs. (Including Black Ops 1 Easter Egss)
  3. They could be part of the (Master)Master-MASTER Easter Egg when we have to go back to TranZit, Green Run and put the last nav card in the slot to start the last easter egg before Black Ops 3 comes out lol
  4. If they didn't give us NTZ I'm pretty sure special edition sales would be 1/8th of what it was. I was also one of those people who got screwed by hardened so I guess I'm siding with Ryan. It's not about whether or not Treyarch should have included NTZ in the Pass; It's about them saying "exclusive with Hardened" and then after they were all sold out "Oh yeah btw its also coming with the Season pass in 1 month!1!!". Yay right? Yeah it was pretty vulgar but that's pretty much how I felt when I first found out I got screwed out of $20. Yeah you can argue that I didn't have to spend the extra $20 but when Treyarch says they have no plans for it to be released in the future, you think "hey, I might never get a chance to play NTZ. If I do it will be in like 6 months. Might as well". I knew there were others out there who felt shafted. It's like buying a horse for easy transportation, the very day before the car came out. I'm pretty sure you're looking at that horse and thinking, "WHY?"
  5. Still Think this is a great idea. :D
  6. I never said where the "mars" idea originated from.. Just that I saw it on his YouTube channel :mrgreen:
  7. It's a black hole. And like any black hole, it gains strength and mass based on the amount of objects sucked in; Making it 'Unstable.'
  8. As you can see on Ascension's loading screen image, we see this Mysterious man who we all believe is either the man, Gersch or Yuri Zavortksi standing on the Right. (Man who was leading Project Mercury aka The Gersch Device) Yuri killed Gersch; either by hand or with Samantha's help. The next image are the 115 Rockets that were sent from the moon to destroy the Earth. On to our middle image… We all have looked at this image and saw a Jail of some sort... Perhaps we are looking at this wrong.. Looking upon this image again, (with my theory on Gersch) this does look like the area they where keeping the Gersch Device in during trials. It even fits through the slot in the Bars. And the Right image show's a Zombie with the 'Orange' Glow around him. (Which we all know by now, Signifies that Samantha was in control) I do Believe this to be either Gersch or Yuri; But most likely Gersch. Gersch is also prolly the guy from the beginning asking for assistance using the same method Maxis is using to communicate. On Call of the Dead's Loading screen, I want you to see the two corners that have been ripped off. One corner reveals Gersch (Makes me think that the Gersch Device had a roll in teleporting the crew to this map) and the other corner shows us our next map, Shangri-La. (Paradise) Signifying that the three either have something major in common or the tear on the right is there so that Gersch can be seen on the Shangri-La loading screen. And if that’s the case, Then Gersch had a big role in Shangri-La as well. As you see, The Temples of Shangri-La are in the Process of being teleported to Mars (Yes, Mars) It was believed, at the time, that the biggest zombie’s secret ever was the “Shangri-La’s Mountains.” If you look on Youtube, there is a video about the Mountain that the Developers put in the outside of the map. These mountains are almost identical to the mountains on Mars. This Theory sparked my theory on how Shangri-La got there in the first place. I'd like to thank RadAustin27 On the Youtube video I saw. Rad basically explains that Shangri-La was teleported to Mars and goes on to show the Mountains that do not belong. But HOW did they get there? On the Top Left corner, The Tear is Still There, Still Revealing Gersch. Our Heroes most likely teleported to Shangri-La. But once they got there, Shangri-La was then sucked up and moved to Mars. Where it Resides today. Another reason I think The Gersch Device became more and more unstable, is that coming from Ascension’s Gersch, you see each ripped-occurrence getting bigger. Each tear on the page is more like a circle (Gersch). I believe they used Gersch to teleport themselves without realizing what it was doing. On the Moon’s Loading Screen, we’re going to pay more attention the page on the right. (Top Left) You see the words, “Meanwhile…..” Meaning that this is taking place around the same time as we’re on Shangri-La. You also see a Pyramid from Shangri-La Floating and/or Traveling in space. You also see a shadow (Believed to be Samantha Maxis) cast on the Moon. (Bottom Left) You see a trench that was dug with the excavator in the image to the right of it. You’re also looking at either: The Pyramid that was floating in space, or a completely different one, already on the Moon. (If it’s Meanwhile, then that was a different one going through space) There is also a bridge going over the trench and 4 (or more) Astronauts in the image. I’m not sure if that’s suppose to be us on the moon, or the early stages of a crew putting the Moon Station together? But Nonetheless, The Gersch Device Is A Powerful Weapon That Creates A Black Hole/Worm Hole and Teleports Those That Get Sucked In. (Generator on Ascension, The "Metal Plates" on the Moon and Part of the Earth, Shangri-La) On DIE RISE, You hear, "Mend the Rift" being spoken to Stu. The Rift in Space and Time? You mean the Rift that the Gersch Device utterly destroyed? Yeah, All Gersch's Fault. It's a CONSPIRACY!! "Stu"
  9. I wanna see these ideas right here on this thread. Not one weapon idea or one perk idea. I wanna see a future map idea coming from the public. I can't just go and read the entire forums for ideas. If people have a good idea for a map, whynot post it on the topic, "Future Maps Discussion" ? And I've played Bioshock 1 and 2 but and I don't see the resemblance from this map. I’ve actually started working with clay and hot wheel cars to build my vision of this map hehe! I also have the perk emblem on my player card on Black Ops 2 Multiplayer. Lots of people are giving me feedback and asking questions about it. And once I start explain the perk and map idea; they automatically assume I work with Treyarch and one person tried recording what I was saying lmao!
  10. On the Natch der Untoten loading screen; it says, "ZZZZZZZZZ!" it that the teleporter or is something and/or someone asleep? On the Verruckt loading screen; it says, "Feed Power" under the map. On the Shi no Numa Loading screen; you see 6 photos (O4, one that seems to either be partially covered by swamp water or saliva and another photo that is completely covered be a leaf. Who's in those photos? On Der Riese loading screen; you see a chart? It's hard to make out what it says. On Ascension; you see a miniature jail sell that I don't know what means... Maybe it's a figurative jail sell? Like Gersch's mind and soul were trapped but his body is a zombie? On the Shangri-La loading screen; you see the level being teleported and Gersch from Ascension is still there? He must have a huge importance not only in Ascension; but perhaps Shangri-La's disappearance? On the Moon's loading screen; you see One of Shangri-La's Pyramid traveling through space with someone's shadow being casted on the Moon itself. Most say it’s Samantha, but do we really know for sure? Could be Gersch? And this next one was left out in the Youtube video. Not really sure why? I mean you see Call of the Dead's loading screen/comic book pages is a little bigger than the rest. They stick out a little more when you see the Moon's and Shangri-La's loading screen pages. So it really shouldn't be left out at all.. what evs
  11. Isn't Richtofen sealed inside the pyramid now?
  12. Wow! Glad I haven't tried it yet. And I will not play it. Screw achievements. It's not worth a measling gamerscore points rofl
  13. I haven't experienced that yet.. I have however, experienced a glitch with the who's who perk. When I go down and revive myself, half of the time I won't be able to melee, use my gun or reload. Or sometimes my ghost gets spawned in a "trapped area." Example: I'll go down where the nav card table is and get spawned where the 4th elevator is (the area where you have to drop down on) and the only way back is to drop down where you have to open a series of doors to get back. It's really anoying that it hasn't been fixed yet. I have also seen some of my friends get stuck on the last slide down to AN94 Room. They will stay there and go down after 5-10 seconds. It won't let them "wiggle" out of the glitch.
  14. Yeah, I have noticed that. I put the last piece of the wunder weapon up and picked it up and I was at the spawn area near the table. I'm actually going to start doing that more often. Only problem is, in the middle rounds before the next Nova Round, You can run out of ammo. Especially if you're on the rooftop with the PaP AN94...
  15. I did another thread about stu hearing 2 sets of voices. As we all know, Richtofen is one of them. But I think the other one is either Sam reaching out to Stu or the Demon in the moon making Demands
  16. Hey now. There's always a point in zombies. Easter Eggs, Newer and better stategies, playing with your friends, finding clues for the story line, creating theories and proving/disproving them. nach- get to a high round and have fun doing so. verruct-look for clues, turn on power, buy perks, reunite with your team. shino- find out what perks were what, find clues, hit the box and have fun using the new traps. der reise- first ever "big easteregg", use pack-a-punch and new weapons/monkey bombs,strategize and find clues. Kino- find clues/movie reels, Thunder gun strategy, Movie reals and explore! Five- youre in the pentigon with the first ever elevator.. find clues, first buildable trap, a pig to sacrifice, the elusive theif and is arguably one of the most strategic maps to date. Ascension- Another strategic map (don't open certain doors or ur screwed), Explore, look for clues (radios/Red phones), Easter egg with steps, Gersch, PHD and Stamin-Up, massive hordes and a free perk system thanks to the space monkeys. COTD- biggest map at the time, lots of room to run around, two wunder weapons, Dead Shot, easter egg you can do solo and co-op; resulting in the wunder waffle and George A. Romero giving you free perks. Shang rlla- was just all around a fun map and had the games first easter egg incentive when you get all perks using the focusing stone, you had monkeys that changed the power ups you didn't want, you had different types of zombies that really kept the game interesting. Moon- biggest step up from normal zombies in general, look for clues, there were several things out of the box that were down right retarded (That's how good they were), had two easter eggs, hacker device, a giving points system that required the hacker device, teleporting nova crawlers, look for clues, no mans land, Mule kick for first time that was then added to all other maps and another huge incentive at the end; Giving you all 8 perks permanently. TranZit, Greenrun- first time that we can build intricate items that we use, new melee weapon that works till round 14, a chance to pack-a-punch weapons a second or 3rd time, tombstone perk, lots of exploring, a bank to store money for future games, a way to give points to anybody, a fridge to store weapon of your choosing, easter egg and the choosing of 2 sides, find clues and "permaperks." AND STAY OUT OF THE LAVA!! Nuketown- Small and chaotic map with randomly dropped perks making this map unpredictable and somewhat strategic, new multi player guns thrown into the box and a mystery of malrton/find clues. Die Rise- New powerful, easy to use multi player weapons off the wall, the Slickiufier wunder weapon, is a Team Based Map which needs proper cordination to make it to high rounds and is another great strategic map (you don't have very many areas to run circles at ),elevator system, free perks so long as you're 100% accurate, new trample steam trap that changed the game really, Who's who perk that freakin rocks. so if you accidently fall and go down, you have the opportunity to either revive yourself or be revived and get all of your stuff back or if you fell outside of the map, you come back that very second so you don't have to wait a round. Find clues and short cuts all around the map for easy navigation, easter egg and again, the choosing of which side. And all of these maps have 1 or more songs to play. which means you have to go searching for the tree triggers to activate the song. And don't go online to find the bears. That takes all of the fun out of it. Sorry for the long intro to zombies. Boring right? I know I mixed up a map somewhere in the order lols. I think COTD came after Shang? yeah. anywho, long story short, We went from Kino to the Moon! Where do we go from TranZit? It'll be a fun ride regaurdless with lots of POINTS! haha! On a side note: Nuketown could've been a Zombies map that we unlocked by playing the compaign... Not worth 20 bucks :P
  17. could be Richtofen standing over Samantha... Symbolizing the takeover and transformation that occured during the maps playthrough.
  18. lol they kill themselves because they have to listen to Richtofen talking about his balls being wet all day lol
  19. Dude omg, walking/running zombies die easily on DIE RISE. it infuriates me when I can't meet up with my friends for Easter Egg/ammo buying purposes. either an elevator crushes them or they're just too stupid to navigate through the map. So annoying.
  20. didn't treyarch aquire some of the big guys from infinity ward when Infinity efd up BAD??
  21. Maybe we'll play underneath Nuketown. There are images of 'Underground bases' being built inside the craters after they were formed with nuclear tests. Maybe we'll be able to go inside the Fallout Shelter at some point in the story? Maybe Marlton forgot something vital in these series of events? hmmm
  22. Highlighted areas are recently edited.
  23. Does nobody have an idea of a map they wanna put out there? Am I the only one who doesn't mind being criticized?
  24. Is the next map going to be under Nuketown? Maybe the rest of the map will be opened too? I really hope so. Nuketown is so small, easy and Boring. Please have a better idea of my backyard map. l o l
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