Hi Guys,
Over the past couple of days I have read through loads of the Zombies theories and I am really intrigued and fascinated by all of the theories that have risen and today whilst playing a game of Tranzit I noticed a few things myself.
Petrol Pumps
I'll firstly talk about the petrol pumps at the Diner/Gas Station in Tranzit/Green Run. Whilst playing I noticed on both gas pumps there is foreign (My best guess is Russian) writing in big letters going diagonally from bottom left to top right on each pump, both pumps holding the same writing. I took an image on my phone (sorry for the low quality) which can be seen above of the text itself. What seems strange to me is the fact we know Green Run is based in America, so therefore why would there be large Russian (lets presume its Russian for now)text etched onto a gas pump. Could the text have a relation to Nikolai Belinski? Could it be a translation of another place/possible other Zombie map? (Lets not forget translating a piece of paper in Ascension read 'Moon'). It may just be nothing and I could be going off on one but its just something I noticed and seem stranged to me so I thought I would flag it with you guys. If anyone is able to translate it at all that would be great
Samuel J. Stuhlinger
During the same game as above I was playing as Samuel J. Stuhlinger and certain dialogue and events made me think. As most of you will know, Samuel is the only character that is able to hear Richtofen noticeable especially when doing the Tower of Babble easter egg, he is also the only person who is able to reload the 'Jet Gun'. It is also well known that Samuel is very Paranoid/Schizophrenic and says some strange things throughout his dialogue one line of which references being hungry after killing zombies. Another line of his references Voices talking to him as he sleeps (he refers to them as aliens). All of this made me wonder if Samuel could be more than he appears, maybe he was tested on which might explain the voices, paranoia and also possibly the strong craving for food especially after killing zombies. I am just throwing ideas out there but it made me wonder.
Let me know what you think and if anyone could translate the language in the picture that would be great
First stage of translation