Joined in January simply because I was looking for people to do the Tranzit Easter Egg with, but didn't really stick around. Since I plan on being here a bit more, I decided to introduce myself. I play zombies a lot, but haven't really found a set group of people to play with. Mainly looking for people who can get to a decent round, but also have fun doing it. This is for 360.
I'd say that on average, I can get between 30-35. After that it sort of gets boring and I haven't really found a good strategy yet to help me go farther.
My favorite map is Die Rise.
The map I think is most fun to play on is MOTD.
On black ops its Kino as favorite map and Moon as most fun to play on.
Anyways, I'm usually up for a game, if you're interested just send me a message (Gamertag: thedinobot). Also, I like doing the Easter Eggs on any map (BO1 included) so if you need help with any of those, I can help out.