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Everything posted by thedinobot

  1. Have you guys had the gas cans for the plane glitch? We were building the plane and I went to go grab a gas can on the roof, after I grabbed it, my brother told me he had already grabbed it. It then glitched so that I could not put my can on the plane. Once my brother grabbed the last can, I went again to try and put my gas can on and accidentally took off without putting my part on. After that, the gas can stay on my icon thing and showed that I had the part already while I was on GG Bridge. Once I came back it didn't let me grab any more parts so we killed ourselves.
  2. I like this combo (I think almost as much as M&S + Flopper). VW with Cherry and Zombie Shield, it's great.
  3. Yeah, you're right. My friend and sometimes me (I have dagger) have this problem when playing with randoms.
  4. My most used are AN-94 - Stock/FMJ Flak Jacket/Hardline Scavenger/Toughness Dexterity Perk Greeds one and two MSMC (MP7 has same build but has C4 and Fast Mags) FMJ/Extended Clip/Long Barrel Hardline/Flak Scavenger Tactical Mask Perk Greed one and Primary Gunfighter
  5. Rank shouldn't matter, but yeah, try getting at least 15000 kills to get the knife.
  6. For the Trapped in Time: all you need to do is turn on the traps in the cafeteria and wardens office, nothing to upgrade there. The only one you upgrade is the Sniper tower trap at the docks. To upgrade it, turn the trap on, go into afterlife and go underneath the tower. You should see the afterlife sign along with a small open power box, just shock the box until it closes and it's upgraded.
  7. Yeah, I learned this the hard way /:
  8. eaXJViEOyCQ HRCoKnrjiBY Alright thanks. I guess we'll retry it later. Though, in that video he says only one person can get it, but if I remember correctly, when my friend who told me about the Redeemer showed me how to get it, we both got it. Also, my friend keeps saying you're not supposed to shoot at all, but he was shooting in the video and killed some zombies with both gun and tomahawk. Can you shoot? Thanks again, and sorry I'm making this more complicated than it is.
  9. Okay, still not sure what I am doing wrong. *Feed the three dogs *Grab the Hell's Retriever *I build the plane *Go to GG bridge with group, kill Brutus with gun and go back to Alcatraz. *Build plane again go solo to bridge *Killed over 30 to be safe (stayed like two whole rounds) with tomahawk only *Go back again and throw Retriever into pit and it still comes back to me what am I doing wrong? I can do it on solo, but can't with four people.
  10. You can do it your self And FYI, the plane parts don't spawn until all players return to Alcatraz and the round ends Alright, good to know. Thanks.
  11. So if you're playing with a group of four (or whatever) everyone has to be on the bridge and has to get thirty kills? Or can I do it by myself?
  12. How does this work with four players? I've had the Hell's Redeemer on solo, but I can't seem to get it with a group.
  13. Yeah, I had trouble in the beginning, but every time I jumped and threw the tomahawk, it always grabbed the skull, so try jumping.
  14. Oh wow, been trying to do Maxis' side of Tranzit EE for a while. Good to know you can do it with two people, thanks.
  15. I was actually quite happy with the map the first time I played it, and that was before I found the tomahawks (love playing with those things). I was glad they brought back traps (especially in grief lol). I was kind of hoping they brought back some sort of get away slide (like on CoTD or Shangri-La). The only things I didn't like was that one zombie I was saving on either round two or three to explore the map back slapped me into afterlife, it was too early for that lol.
  16. thedinobot


    Oh, right. Edited. I play on Xbox.
  17. thedinobot


    Joined in January simply because I was looking for people to do the Tranzit Easter Egg with, but didn't really stick around. Since I plan on being here a bit more, I decided to introduce myself. I play zombies a lot, but haven't really found a set group of people to play with. Mainly looking for people who can get to a decent round, but also have fun doing it. This is for 360. I'd say that on average, I can get between 30-35. After that it sort of gets boring and I haven't really found a good strategy yet to help me go farther. My favorite map is Die Rise. The map I think is most fun to play on is MOTD. On black ops its Kino as favorite map and Moon as most fun to play on. Anyways, I'm usually up for a game, if you're interested just send me a message (Gamertag: thedinobot). Also, I like doing the Easter Eggs on any map (BO1 included) so if you need help with any of those, I can help out.
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