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Everything posted by KeredNomrah69
In my experience it's always been luck. Even when it first came out some of the games people dropped out of would still count but I've never seen rhyme or reason to the actual mechanics behind it. I've had 4p turn to 3p, rounds continue after someone drops but keeps leaderboard where they dropped at, and of course it just not giving anything. Unfortunately I think this one would be pretty hard to determine why. There are so many different factors to take into account (server status, who's hosting, are members in a party, # of players, # of rounds, ending round, # of randoms, reason for disconnection, etc etc). If we still have dedicated teams out there looking for more work then it's always worth a shot.
Well not a lot of results but thought I would share what I have done so far. Audio so far isn't helpful, atleast on it being anything significant. With 3 characters (everyone but misty) they have not said anything till all weapons are removed and just makes an out of ammo comment. As a side note I did try doing the trick on the PaP machine on die rise using the mp5 wall weapon. Attempted it 4 times with no luck and even went back to tranzit to retry and was able to do it correctly. If anyone wants to give it a shot that's done der riese then please post results so it can be confirmed.
Hmm interesting, I see the similarities you're talking about. Different way's to approach this. A. The fridge is a different entity, while the actions look the same the mechanics behind the fridge coding is different meaning this is something they did intentionally. B. The fridge is a copy of the PaP machine coding, useful because it already takes your gun, coder can remove the timer and change the display of it but functions the same. They saw the previous glitches and decided to preempt this. Whichever you choose there's really only one way to find out and that's with DieRise (only map with PaP machine near wall guns). If the same thing happens then it is a coded glitch response (why not just remove the glitch? Was it patched on the other map ever?). If the glitch doesn't work on DieRise or there's no laugh/penalty, then I would trend towards A.
Alright got some testing done and here some of the preliminary results: - You must hit the action button and Grenade at the same time when facing the fridge as stated in the video. Slight delay may be needed but seemed pretty instant. 4 laughs will be triggered. Upon which you will lose 25% of your original points for each laugh till you reach 0. - Per laugh you will lose 1 gun including your fridge weapon which will pop up into your inventory before being taken. On the last laugh you are left with empty hands. - You do not lose Claymores, Semtex, or purchased melee weapons. 3 guns are required for the transaction to take place (tried several times with 2 gun, no luck so far) -Similar weapons can not be used including PaP weapon versions. They must be 3 distinct weapons (report of being able to use the M1911 as one type, will confirm after watching videos) -There is no round limit or point limit for activation. Also can be done multiple times in a game (Done on 2,5,10. Power was not a factor, have not tried doing it multiple times on one round) Audio quote's are heard multiple times on each activation including one's I haven't heard before. I have several games and several activations to go through and to be honest hearing anything between the zombies and the laughing was difficult. I'll try to clean it up with volume tweaking and list the quotes heard
I think this is one of the greatest break throughs I've seen in a long time. This is beyond a glitch and I think needs to have everyone's attention. There are so many possibilities with this! Are you sacrificing points? Is this what we can use the bank money towards? Do we need to be doing something else at the same time or maybe use this as a step with things we've already done? Do you have to have specific weapons to satisfy? There's some comments on the video saying it's a glitch because of the laughing. What is the definition of the richtofen laugh? If anything the laughs in MoTD show progress, do we feel the same with Tranzit? Personally I'm kinda erked by the maker of the video and his statement of keeping this quiet for a long time for no reason at all. This is some of the reasons why I feel the EE's are still out there. People don't share everything and we haven't tried it all obviously or we would have 5 threads about it on here. Kudo's for the find Nock.
Thank you WarMachine for keeping the tranzit discussion going and continuing to push for new questions and answers or just reviving those past issue's that simply never were resolved. Same goes for all those that post and read the threads being put up here, there's hundreds of views still so people are definitely still interested. I'm always checking this section atleast once a day and I love seeing anything going up really lol. Always been interested in the farm. Made a write up on it which you've probably already read since its still on page 1 (farm diddy). Only thing to add onto it I suppose is the crates on DieRise as well. Its speculated there was atleast one perk machine (electric cherry) in that time existence so they could be shipping as well but then why no EC at the other american sites? Just rambling here really, wanted in on some of the tranzit action also, been working on this write up I slacked off on. Its an Orb's and Ray piece but I'm missing some fundamental things needed to complete it. If anyone's interested in reading it or helping out then give me a pm (private message, so I'm not hijacking this thread).
Green Flash on MOTD Grief (Perma Perk?)
KeredNomrah69 replied to Onesiphorus935's topic in Mob of the Dead
Hmm wish I knew more about the Grief game mechanics. So the green poof has only been seen when associated with power-up drops in grief? Only thing that I could wrap my head around as far as possible scenario is I know you can pick up drops in After-life, so I guess my question would be can you see the other team in afterlife when playing grief? If you can't then is it possible a member of the opposite team was in afterlife (since they all went down in the video) and simply waited for a power-up to drop to grab it? Would explain the flash and no audio since only the other team would hear the power-up voice. -
I don't know why but everytime this video pop ups I starting getting the nervous feeling like I'm getting spyware lol
Alright we now have two platforms down. Ihurt420 has volunteered to run the psn sides so now we are only missing a pc man to run and coordinate the players on that platform. I have the next two days off and I run any schedule so regardless of your time zone if you have some time then pm me, Skype, Xbox live, respond on this thread or the tranzit teammate finder thread that is posted up. Lets kill some zombies!
No problem man, I appreciate the positive response. To me there's only noob responses, any question is legitimate and only in pursuit of knowledge. I'm just happy people are still interested in tranzit so it gives me something to research and help out with . I'm more for indepth looks which is why I'm glad the EE crusade on motd is over and we're actually breaking down the stories presented.
Perma-Perk Incident, Kangaroo Style or Glitch?
KeredNomrah69 replied to KeredNomrah69's topic in General Zombies Discussion
Running into a slight problem with trying to do a new edited video. I've figured out the trick of fast forwarding then pulling up the scores in theater so you don't actually have to hold down the trigger the entire time but I get through 2 edited clips and it kicks me out with the fake entity error. Really wanting to get this upload because after slowing it down things get a little weirder plus a more detailed view is always nice. Anyone have some tips to stop the error popping up? I know if you pause for to long it throws you out with that error but this is while I'm actively recording that its booting me out. -
Can't say that it will work for all but with Xbox you can pretty easily get around this. I know it would be a lot better to have the function itself but for 2 players each of you will need an additional controller which you go into public match as a full 4 person game with your two guest accounts. Ready up but right before the countdown reaches 0 back out the guest accounts and the two of you will be ok. Occasionally someone might join in the split second but changing search preferences to "Best" and trying again helps out. Same of course with 3 people having just one person using a guest account. It's not full proof and PC wise I would imagine you would need two friends who will act as the "guest" accounts and have them back out before it starts.
Alright guys, here's a new one for you. Twas a weird night for zombie Tranzit style apparently. I'll skip the pleasantries this time and go straight to video, Tk17oIQ_Tc8 Alright, I uploaded from my phone so it destroyed the quality (it's saved on codtv so I'll do it correctly at another point in time) Here's the breakdown of the 7 different segments on that video. 1. This game is what I like to call Kangaroo Jack style, pretty much I spent almost an entire hour jumping. It was purely boredom and me trying to stay awake for 4 more hours to change over to 3rd shift work. After 50 minutes of jumping it was round 18 and I was holding a zombie while another person was heading back towards us. That's when the green poof appeared as you can see. 2. I did a closeup of the poof to try and pinpoint when and where exactly. It looks like its near my jumping point but slightly after. I was convinced after seeing this part that I claimed the perma perk when I landed but it activated from where I jumped from because that was my 5,000th time jumping or whatever it would be. I could not hear voice audio to be certain my character said anything to confirm the perm perk, I was in mid conversation and wasn't trying to do anything at the time but, as you can see, jump mindlessly along (it's amazing what can entertain me sometimes lol). I immediately started experimenting. Ran to town and started jumping off buildings (not qualified for that I found out, only opinion to go off of as I don't purposely jump out to hurt myself often) but no results. Did lava dances, grenade tosses....more jumping.... everything seemed the same. 3. After reviewing the video I went deeper and watched my friend who at the exact moment of my poof activated her characters Perma Perk audio. It just so happened it was the exact same time she built a barrier and the exact same time I got the poof and the exact same time I landed from the jump where the poof originated from. 4. This is simply the outside view of the bus showing her riding by and repairing but not receiving the green poof but her character still giving the audio. 5. & 6. Here is where everything gets so, so much worse. The video segment's before happened on round 18, we ended the round and started 19 where we simply just plowed through the round. At the end of round 19 I heard the Perma Perk losing audio que (hard to hear in the recording, sound was low (everyone's sleeping!)). I was baffled, but after reviewing it I came to the conclusion that Rosiefrog received steel barricades and the poof possibly glitched onto me. The biggest problem, in the game she never repaired another barrier so I couldn't confirm the switch to steel barricades. Another problem, we now know the green poofs come in all shapes and sizes. The headshot one is a little pinpoint burst, this one looks like a full body size poof but doesn't remind me of the smaller steel barricade window perma perk poof. What makes this all worse is we were split screen so there's no telling. 7. This was another weird addition I threw in. I had not played with Rosiefrog for 2 days, even then it was bus depot survival, our last tranzit game was 3-4 days prior and I had played tranzit with different people since then and hadn't played with Blackpuppy, who was also playing this game, in a week or so. Nonetheless as you see I received the Perma Perk Quick Revive after only 7 revives. So, what do you guys think? I'm on the fence, if it wasn't for the timing of the poof being the exact moment I landed and the fact I wasn't able to confirm steel barricades then I would pick the obvious "it's a glitch" answer.
As we now dive into MOTD I wanted to take this time and reach out to some of those that still visit Tranzit or those that are still fascinated with the map. I'm only trying to help go through the paces of properly testing everything out and wish for those that have like minds and are motivated researchers to join in the adventure. As we all know Tranzit is the only map with a bank. It has many uses and helps those new to zombies but experimentation is key . We know the bank max per character is 250,000, with 4 players and the ability to transfer funds that can reach 1 million (minus penalties-replaced in early rounds) in a quick fashion. There are many theories and opinions on tweets, interviews, endgames, EE's and everything under the sun. I simply just want to collect data on what has been done and to bring together those that want to try some new things in between MOTD since many have banks just sitting now never to be used except for special occasions. If your available please private message me (psn/pc) or add me on xbox live(helps this being less of a teammate finder and more of a ongoing testing thread). I will attempt to coordinate different platforms if we have multiple people. If you have previously done this then please post up what you have done and any circumstances you remember in the game. If anyone has video they have found or other information let me know as I'll be updating this thread as we continue along. Thank you for any help and possible positive suggestions you can give. Again, I'm not trying to debate the existence of what is or isn't out there, I just simply wish to use a function on a map to see all possible outcomes in various scenarios.
(Note:I usually scale down my pictures to be fully viewable in the forum thread, however I wanted to present the best quality picture so I have not cropped the original) I've actually been over this piece of artwork several times and with several people. If you notice its not actually a carving but a poster on the pole and is repeated several times along the length of it going up. If I remember right there is also another location this flyer/poster was put up but it escapes me now without going through the map again. http://www.zombiefactfinders.com/tranzitdatabase/images/poleartwork003.jpg I believe it was Om Blitz, another fellow CodZ member, who mentioned that it looked like a representation of the powerful subduing/conquering/suppressing/putting down the weak (this isn't exact, it was a while ago) because of the depiction of a powerful arm with a hammer hitting a man in bandages with a crutch. http://www.zombiefactfinders.com/tranzitdatabase/images/poleartwork005.jpg My original take on it was the hammer arabic symbol being possibly death, the arm symbol being richtofen and the lower section being a ladder with a jetgun traveling up it, representing if you use the jetgun to climb this pole (as is done in many videos) then Richtofen will kill you as we all know he laughs when you do it and down yourself. My only reasoning is possibly treyarch predicting us using the pulling feature of the jetgun to try and climb things so they put a hidden warning all over the poles. After some time of speculation though I'm more convinced to Blitz's perspective. Not only because it doesn't look like a true jet gun but also because of the Ladder/Crutch item. If it was a ladder curved like that then it would be more abstract but the artwork shows clear precise lines on the hammer and even the word labels have clean directional lines. Plus that and after blowing up these pictures (finally) the top of the crutch shows the padding. Also the hand in the hammer explosion is "pushing" down the weak man as the thumb is on the wrong side to belong to the man. http://www.zombiefactfinders.com/tranzitdatabase/images/poleartwork006.jpg Blitz also pointed out several other items: The patch on the man's shirt to show low wealth, Wooden leg meaning weakness or poor health and if my memory serves me correctly he correlated this with other artwork with the same motif. This was the early days of Tranzit though so hopefully he'll clarify the specifics. Patches and crutch padding on the top can be pretty easily seen on this one http://www.zombiefactfinders.com/tranzitdatabase/images/poleartwork004.jpg As far as the symbols go, we need a translator desperately in the language on Codz. We have multiple writings everywhere including a word/phrase on the tractor at the farm where claymores sit. I've blown up other pics of those and did the same with these. Please, if your friends with anyone you think might have someone that could lead you to some answers then print the pictures and start asking around (be courteous though lol). http://www.zombiefactfinders.com/tranzitdatabase/images/poleartwork001.jpg http://www.zombiefactfinders.com/tranzitdatabase/images/poleartwork002.jpg
BEST Solo Strategy (total description no video)
KeredNomrah69 replied to TheBSZombie's topic in Mob of the Dead
Great minds think alike lol. One problem I'm running into though, past 3 games Brutus spawns but no zombies in the shower room. Ever since my first game I've always used the function for early round points but this is kinda stumping me. Anyone know a pattern that could possibly be causing this? -
I've never actually seen death come from an EC, even with insta kill but its always later rounds and my last perk to purchase. It does not teleport them away either but shocks them in place for a few seconds. Still have to do theater mode though to check stats on it... Anyone know if there's a chaining limit on the number of zombies or effectiveness decrease per zombie shocked? or is it a burst that effects all in the radius (I'm just having fun running around still!) These are easily found and I'll research, just thought I would ask before I got on tonight to check some things off my list to play with.
Best place to hold out? Worst place to get caught?
KeredNomrah69 replied to ragawaga's topic in Mob of the Dead
As long as you go into purgatory mode, you can zap the ones away from your body. I imagine that you knew this and I misunderstood... Ah yes I see how that could be taken the wrong way. I meant the fact that if you have used your afterlife to revive yourself already and you have gone down again. Example, someone near Jug goes down, your near double tap. To get to that person you have to clear the spiral staircase to reach him, which can be an easy deathtrap. Most of the time running through the cell blocks to revive a downed teammate you will run into a horde from the downed person and have to reroute your path if you can't get through them just to try and stay alive. -
Just to warn some of those who may not know but EC only works once per actual reload. As in with LMG's long reload time, if you cancel the reload animation by sprinting and such you wont get another EC shock when you actually reload. Had a few teammates thinking it was glitched the first time through till we figured it out. One thing I haven't tested is revolver reloads, technically if you get one bullet in and fire you have reloaded but they might've put a cap on that for overuse unless its "completely" reloaded. I'll test tonight when I'm on if no one is for sure. As far as DD, useless in my opinion. Want a headshot perk? turn autoaim off and use your controller then . Same with movement, increasing your controller sensitivity is like a free perk when your able to respond faster (not helpful if its uncontrollable though, pace yourself and slowly increase it). I'm glad stamina up is not on this map though or I would have perk purchase conflicts, with EC the Speed Cola perk is multiplied in awesomeness but I would rather maneuver faster then have bullets in a clip when I die lol.
Best place to hold out? Worst place to get caught?
KeredNomrah69 replied to ragawaga's topic in Mob of the Dead
From my understanding the GG doesn't drop power ups? Has anyone gotten them? 4 games now we've held out on the bridge but not a single power up after several rounds letting everyone get money to PaP and then everyone running completely out of ammo and having to run away. Cafeteria (claymore room) is the best for me, although running into a problem of not being able to purchase the claymores to restock (could've sworn this was available on the other maps? Not an explosive user.) Spiral staircase is by far the worse place to be, running down it to revive someone below is near impossible when you have them coming from below and above, I wish I could sacrifice my afterlife usage to run quickly and revive then run back (patch it!). Would make the map size separating people more feasible with assisting still? I'm already running into the fact that it's common if someone goes down your screwed for reviving unless luckily people are near by and they have the firepower to clear your herd without being pushed another direction. -
"Where are we Going" EE Song (Kevin S. Feat. Malukah)
KeredNomrah69 replied to Undead's topic in Mob of the Dead
Alright I officially have Epicness for you lovers of this song. Completely did it by accident but gave me great results lol. If you want a longer more dramatic version of this song you have to do a row your boat type deal , Have two browsers with the songs paused, start one and at 1:11-1:10 start the other one. Your timing depends on how it sounds, you'll know in the first 20 seconds if it doesn't sound right to your music tastes. If your able to keep tempo then you want to start before the 1:12 end beat (right before makes echo like effect, little before that is a row your boat effect lol) Anyways took me a while to reproduce when I did it on accident and I found some other starter points that were really fun but the 1:10-1:12 is the easiest to get down. Enjoy your extended version! -
Ahh yes but you're not following along as its progressing. As stated above he's aware there are others, What we are researching and diving into is now the religious artifacts and events from an Aztec/Mayan point of view to further solidify this theory. I myself have spent little time diving in and have found a goldmine of references such as there worship of the sun god and how they believed they needed to power it with sacrifices (MPD power mechanism). There's also the fact that there "Gods" spoke only to the priests who were in charge of the sacrifices themselves and guided there every move but now adays would be looked at with suspicion just as some of our characters have fallen into. It keeps going from there, One Aztec creation myth is there people came from the "Seven Caves" (Alien-like artifact locations in zombies) to an island called Azlan (sp?) from where eventually they were told to travel south hundreds of miles to what is now referenced as the Valley of Mexico. You could stretch for Alcatraz being there birth place thus all the crazy warp events like perk machines as this is a crossing point they used from the caves to arrive here? Coming from caves themselves could mean they are a split off from the Vril-ya group causing chaos and maybe we will receive some help from there main group or possibly we already have without realizing it? Worse case scenario the Evil ones are the underground society and were all screwed I'm never one to go into conspiracies so the fact that I'm excited about any of this intrigues me. If any of this turns out true we now have a fundamental building block for how the backstory pre-ww2 came about. Historically speaking historians make history, thus it's certain factual backing with some personal speculation on evidence, BUT, if the zombies creators are actually basing this storyline off of something like this we have something to work with now. Even if it's a possibly twisted, time-dimensional rift, type of religious backing to what the Aztec/Mayan's were then we can try to come to terms with whats really going on. Edit: Post made in haste so sorry for the lack of sources, I will edit tonight with references and such so that others can pursue information as well. As a side note, sacrificing souls to any technology in a sophisticated society I would believe to be deemed horrific, if these gods are Vril-ya people twisted and corrupted by there soul machines or other such powers then I could see events like the MPD being hidden and them maneuvering subjects to do there bidding incase of interference from the others.
Ahh crap and here I was hoping to never have to watch Indian Jones Crystal Skull again lol. Honestly thought this is what I've been looking for, something we can actually start going full steam with. The mere fact that you can back up multiple references should intrigue anyone. I myself always loved the flesh cult theories but we haven't had a well documented religious background with which we could work on. Before the modern age religion was the inner workings of all society and we know that events started before 115 experiments by modern scientists. We've all seen 1 or 2 little hints towards different myths or religions but nothing directional towards the actual storyline as this can be. Mostly all the characters and super beings are just people (twisted as they may be), but now I will definitely devote some time to try and dive into the Aztecs more. I'm pretty sure Netflix has a few documentaries on the case ;)
A couple of things to point out. As many of you know Zombie Youtubers or any youtuber in general that doesn't have a job requires views to continue work. This is now a money making industry and the first person with an EE video out makes the most (usually). www.socialblade.com is a nice tool just to get an idea of the kinds of money there making. Either way though its a simple fact that you have to be first and the best so why wouldn't you procure a map copy before its released? You're talking potentially thousands of dollars in a few days, easy enough to slide a few hundred for someone to get you an "early release" copy. Besides that even though its been created why is no one reviewing this video instead of just flaming it? From the looks of it they are on the Bridge but at the end of the vid we have seen they NEVER put together the plane. If the plane is needed then this is fake, if not we now know we don't need it for everything (late getting to all the threads so if this is common knowledge I apologize). Final note, I'm just glad someone finally labeled a video correctly. "'Pop Goes The Weasel' Easter Egg Quest Ending". As in this is only the one EE, as in there are multiple EE's to discover. If anything this looks like one of the saddest EE game ender's and would push me to discover the other possible EE's.
Post-Update Bus Barrier building problems?
KeredNomrah69 replied to Gaycandybacon's topic in TranZit
I noticed the same thing as well but was doing warm up rounds on town survival in the jug room. Felt completely different and took a few rounds just to get down building them on the fly. I was curious so tried tranzit next and the bus felt different aswell (bus has always been a pain with movement problems though). I often build barriers for steel barricades so was surprised. More then likely though it was a slight change with the coding interaction and may just be a by-product of something else they were tweaking for the new DLC map.
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