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Everything posted by KeredNomrah69

  1. If you observe there is a picture depicting the actions on the actual telephone pole itself. It is a picture of a sledge hammer being swung at the jetgun flying up a ladder like object. Meaning if you use that device to climb things you will be killed. I will edit this post with a pic but I have no real way besides taking a pic off of a tv screen. If someone could also decipher the glyphs/symbols on them it would be appreciated
  2. May have something to report as I haven't seen this documented anywhere but its a connection between the rays and the orbs. This was before I documented everything (i.e. which character, events in the game and previous) but I hold my reputation on this and was one of those moments where I was going to go back and later review but days passed and it gets lost easily after so many games. I'll try to remember as much as possible though. No one had hit the box but maybe once or twice (crew I run with usually do not hit the box till all perks are bought and later in the rounds when we want to PaP something). One of us did not have the table built so we went ahead and slapped it together. After that went to town and started messing with the rays coming from the laundry mat activating them a couple of times. After that I went back to the box and started hitting it. It hadn't moved from the diner and after the 4th or 5th hit I got the orb which immediately shot out a red ray towards the tower while it was raising out of the box (I've only done maxis and the orb was red as well of course). I continued hitting the box spending about 100k trying to recreate this orb and ray in another location but eventually ran out of money in the bank and could not get it again. I personally believe the laundrymat ray and the bank ray are suppose to be the orb rays for the two stoplight orbs but they are glitched and dont accurately hit. My reasoning on this is 1. it only shows up on xbox 2. I wasn't aware of the second orb on the other light so my original thinking for the bank ray really suppose to be hitting the orb stop light would also work for the other laundrymat ray. 3. It has not been fixed in an update or even talked about. Possibly meaning it is part of the easter egg thats screwed up but there not sure how to fix it and are on the case but if they discuss it we would all know it is a part of it.
  3. I've heard the super gun birth one a lot as I PaP ray guns all the time, this is what they are referring too. As far as misty for some odd reason I dont get her that often at all and I've never heard her say anything about crapping a supergun lol.
  4. Alright here's my take on the whole situation. The characters in this series are storyline based and each one has a different experience (quotes and voices heard). I believe this is a storyline we must follow along with. As we all have heard from the tv audio broadcast that there are specific groups, we've even stated here it already seems the 4 characters are split up into groups. If we take the lessons from the broadcast signals we hear it exactly depicts our situation (just not as far as we've gotten yet). Without going into to much details we have pretty much followed there same storyline but we haven't recreated there situation exactly. I think by further analyzing the tv audio and recreating a timeline of specific events we will eventually be able to precisely depict and know which character is suppose to do what. i.e. the richtofen group must do this and the maxis side does this. Only when the events have been recreated exactly and all things are done in order and in time (we know there's time issues from Easter Egg parts we've done) will we then know what roles our characters are suppose to play. btw one thought but not rationalized out is they always talk about someone dieing or killing themselves, maybe one part will be a sacrifice of sorts?
  5. You didn't post anything that has to do with the foghorn or anything we are talking about besides a church bell/fire truck sound which isn't the sound we've posted over and over about. If you hear the sound that's been shown in the vids and links above please post about it . There is a church which rings its bell, you would hear it in the town and its located in the shortcut to town between the diner and the farm.
  6. Making a run tonight to investigate, message me through here or add me on xbox live to join
  7. "Thrust" to push forcibly; shove; put or drive with force "O" "Dyne" the dyne is defined as "the force required to accelerate a mass of one gram at a rate of one centimetre per second squared" The names dyne and erg were first proposed as units of force and energy in 1861 by Everett.[2] The natural units listed in the same text (see Farad in this reference), are those of the metre-gram-second emu.[clarification needed] The names were reused in 1873 by a Committee of the British Association[3] (of which Everett was reporter) that proposed using the centimetre-gram-second system for electrical and dynamical systems.
  8. Mmm here's a stretch but it makes some sense to it. In Call of the Dead it is the clear debris sound, from the video look on nuketown you have it is clear debris....wouldn't it make sense that if its the same sound they always use then it clears some type of debris somewhere? Actually better yet I have a co-theory because my original thought is that the activation actually speeds up the bus. As we all know sometimes the bus flies around and sometimes it doesn't. I meant to test it last game but ran out of time and I have to leave for a bit. What could this mean? Possibly that with the sound you have now made the bus a "clear debris" vehicle since it goes faster. I also believe the front piece only kills zombies as a fancy side effect because if you slap one on of course it kills zombies, the true purpose for the front part of the bus hasn't been discovered yet. I'm going to make a new thread something titled along the lines of "Controlling the bus". We all know it can skip stops, shut down, kick you off and all sorts of speeds etc etc. We need to have others share there experience because this is the only way to figure it out in a feasible amount of time. The tv part is a little more baffling though. It can be explained as it requiring you to progress the story line along before the debris can be cleared i.e. you speed up the bus, listen to the recordings, do something pertaining to the recording and maybe activate another clear debris sound and either after enough or certain events it continues on to what its suppose to really do.
  9. going to go get kicked off the bus now lol. Buy a gun, any wall gun but the bus and you wont hear it. Be the first to buy the bus gun, you'll hear it. Proven and done over and over 10 times now always the same result with multiple groups who all confirm the same results. I need some type of video from a phone or anything showing you purchased the wall gun besides the bus and got that sound or add me on xbox and we can go do a play through and we can show and tell for eachother lol. -KeredNomrah69
  10. I agree with the deduction. I myself have never played call of the dead. Anytime the sound was activated in tranzit others referred to it as the foghorn and after more research I found that Call of the dead also had a foghorn like sound. After I saw the post about the clearing debris sound I went online to research for audio clips and found this one of the original foghorn for Call of the Dead. http://www.zombiefactfinders.com/CotdFoghorn.MP3 Also I found some walkthrough vids which actually made the clearing debris sound and it is similiar to the foghorn but it is a lower pitch and the new tranzit sound more resembles the clear debris one. Before all of this I redid the audio for a better clip(I hope). The problem is I'm currently running off a voice recorder for the iphone to send to my email to convert on my comp and then upload the mp3. The quality is crap but I needed function over the best as it will take time to get the setup for better clips. http://www.zombiefactfinders.com/tranzi ... rchase.MP3 http://www.zombiefactfinders.com/tranzi ... vation.MP3 Either way I'm not asking what sound it actually is, I just want to know if anyone has heard it anywhere else or what there theories are on it. I will also in the next couple of hours do a gameplay for the tv audio from activation through all of the audio it has to offer. eventually I will have all the quotes listed because in them are broken messages that describe I think certain things that need to be done for more unlocks. -KeredNomrah69
  11. The new file will be uploaded within the hour so hopefully the volume of your speakers will allow you to hear it this time more clearly. I love the fact that you are referencing ways in which the fog horn has worked in the past games but I would hope before posting you would test out your theory before hand. If you have different results then me then please repost and PM me so I can get some type of gameplay or maybe even play with you. Heres my results of testing out your theories. -Purchased the m14 no foghorn -Purchased the olympia no foghorn I even went extreme with it and also purchased the colt and mp5 as well. all with no foghorn and when I went back on the bus I purchased the bus gun and it went off. I also stopped into town and bought the semtex but all I heard was the church bell. I'll do another run as well with other ways of doing it to make sure and I encourage you to try as well. -KeredNomrah69
  12. Guys, I back up anything I say. I have gameplay, audio files, other peoples gameplay, and extensive research is done into all that I do. If I say its a fact I will have the associated evidence to prove it. I actually do have the audio file up on the net for the foghorn but not really sure if its ok to link the audio file or not since its not really advertising and is like sharing an image? http://www.zombiefactfinders.com/foghorn.MP3 The audio file I'm about to go redo because I want a cleaner audio file and I would like it longer to hear the rest of the game instead of just that one incident. #1. The tv. To properly activate it your going to have to turn your tv up really high. When you are on the tv in the bottom downstairs living room right inside of the front door you simply press and hold x or circle depending on your platform. When you start holding you will here a VERY VERY faint buzzing/zapping sound that will repeatedly continue till it stops. You must continue holding it down for a period after the noise stops and then let go to hear it activate. It takes a while so get someone to hold a final zombie before you try it out. #2. The bus. The foghorn will activate only once. When someone else buys it then it will activate then and not for you (not sure if that matters, highly doubt it). Its that simple, I hear it everytime. Just run out on Round 1, get in the bus when theres no screaming zombies and buy the gun. *Note* Tried purchasing the gun while going through the tunnel and could not hear it inside. Again I played and instead bought it at the Diner and could hear it, in theater mode the sound originates from above the bus and gets quieter the further away you are from it. If you guys didnt know there is a lot of random sounds and noises that are very very quiet in this game. I always suggest playing with the highest comfortable volume level possible because they don't want you to hear it, but they have to put it in to show they have "feasible" steps in there Easter Egg. -KeredNomrah69
  13. Edit: Old post that I'm continuously updating as new things are found, the sound heard from the following post is the "Clear Debris" sound when activated and not in fact a fog horn (thank you Werqhorse). Currently in Tranzit there is no known sites where you can clear any type of debris. However, there is two ways in which to activate the sound file in this game mode. These two locations are the Farm House T.V. and the Bus Gun - B23R. Both activation sites can only be done once in the game and after completed cannot be reactivated or reset in any manner. I am on the look out for any other sites that can be used to make the same sound. In my research I have discovered a few things that I feel have warranted my attention so I thought I would share this with you. As stated before both sites can only be done once per game. Farm House T.V. can be held indefinitely (post your record so others will know) Sound intensifies as you activate the locations regardless of the order you choose. The act of being able to hold down the T.V. is suspicious to me. Even more so the fact of another sound going off after holding it down too long intrigues me, then you throw in the "Clear Debris" sound and I'm hooked. Any theories or suggestions on using this function is helpful as I will test out any random theory. I've had others try the powerline gate at the Prototype and also the power house locked door for the PaP activation. I encourage anyone that plays to try it out and if everyone is running around at the end of a round then stop by farm and have a few people try things out in other locations at the same time. Also if you hear any of these sounds on another map that we haven't identified then post up what you know so we can include it in here. -KeredNomrah69
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