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Tattoo247 last won the day on November 27 2020

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About Tattoo247

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  1. Whats up everyone, hope everyone is enjoying the new map! I haven't had a chance to play it yet, but I've spoiled as much as possible, got to say it looks pretty cool. I still lurk around the forums but I don't post anymore, not usually anyway. Excited to pick apart all the theories though, you all are doing a great job working out the details as usual, cya!

    1. Lenne


      The new map is pretty nice in my opinion. Not great, but definitely not bad and at least I didn't run into glitches yet as opposed to Zns.


      How are you doing, buddy?


      Why aren't you posting that much anymore, if I may ask?


      By the way I'm gonna try DSIII this weekend just testing it out to see if I like it. hehe

    2. Tattoo247


      Doing good! Just staying busy with work and I have a little boy now, he will be 8 months in a few days :)


      So basically that's why I haven't been doing any zombies or forum stuff in awhile, I still play my games but BO3 not so much, still getting my girlfriend into it lol


      I still read the forums at night though, lots of new faces now, and I was surprised to see the giant cyphers are still not cracked lol

      Once my buddy gets internet again, I may go ahead and get the new map pack, I just don't have anyone to play with and I've played with the same two people since BO1...


      Anyway, hope you like dark souls 3, I think its a really well put together game! So much hidden lore just like zombies.

    3. Lenne


      Good to hear that you are doing fine and congrats on the baby boy. :D


      Yeah finding the time to spend on the forum can be tough luckily I am now on vacation though for the rest of this week and the next two. 


      Tell you what: We should try to find the time to play together in the week of the 15th since you know we still haven't done that. Right now I am at my sis' who also has a baby boy by the way.


      If it is half as good as Bloodborne I'll probably buy it as well, but the setting is one I am not really interested in. I prefer Bloodborne over it in that regard already.


      Glad to see you are still checking in, friend. :)

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