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Everything posted by Tattoo247

  1. Sorry, just seen the NTZ forums section, if you would be so kind, move this topic there where it might get some feedback, or just be in the correct place, thanks!
  2. Having a full party trying the Origins easter egg, got to the final step and myself and two others go down and bleed out. Our remaining teammate makes it out of the crazy place, got all three staffs from the excavation site and placed them all back in the crazy place, just to get swarmed and die. It was one of those moments where you're so mad it just seems funny.
  3. Had a funny moment two nights ago. Samantha was going on about how we had gotten so much farther than her father, I had enough and said something in my mic like "stfu Sam for real" and no lie, she stopped in mid sentence. Pure coincidence I'm sure but I shut that girl up! I also get tired of hearing Richtofen, he just doesn't have that humor he had in BO1, and thus has been dubbed Richtalkin for his inability to keep his quotes to a two sentence minimum...
  4. I agree with MMX, I never upgrade any ray guns, or wunder weapons until I am out of ammo, excluding the staffs of Origins, I do those immediately just because it's more time consuming than PaP. I will add, the thundergun is sometimes good to PaP on solo, or in a two player game. All this time later, and the dang thing will miss point blank and it's never good if that is the last shot before reload, so in those cases, I do PaP to get the four shots but that's not to say the last shot of Zeus cannon will misfire too. I didn't know about not crawling when down, I really thought it made you bleed out faster but I'll take your word for it. -I had heard around the time Buried was released, that the Mark2 was the same damage output as the ray gun, the advantage being you get three shots per trigger pull. Of course we know that's not true, Origins Panzer Soldat is proof, two shots from the Mark two will down him, I do believe it takes 2-3 full clips from the original ray gun to down him. That's all I have, most everyone has covered the rest.
  5. BOOOOOOO!... Don't they have enough of the multiplayer experience to NOT include another company to reap the rewards? Don't get me wrong, I'm sure waiting the extra year will now get rid of Jimmy's "We didn't have enough time" excuse on the game but two, to three years for zombies? I was really looking forward to next gen zombies, guess I'll just have to be patient. Hope I can talk about BO2 for the next two years lol. This will be a real test to those who really enjoy talking/theorizing about zombies, only so many topics and subject to cover before there isn't anything left. On a plus side...I've found my excuse to get another computer for gaming only, see you in the custom scene!
  6. Great idea BS, I don't have that much skill but there's bound to be someone to answer the challenge. It was very funny for me to read about the PacMan bug, as I refer to 3arc's zombie mode as a really violent PacMan. I didn't know about the instakill rounds, all these years later and I still get to learn new things. I bet if someone fixed the bug in a Pacman cabinet they could set some new world records
  7. So many good ones to choose from, but I voted the second I saw the ones about glitching. Always has, always will be a no go in my teams. I won't say we've never tested them, but if we're going for high rounds it's legit or quit.
  8. Most people can PaP a weapon in the first 10-15 rounds depending on drops and over all skill. Leaderboards shouldn't be broke up into who uses what, in terms of weapon storage, I find little to no difference in skill or how it changes the games difficulty. I also find zero challenge in early rounds so to me, it's just a matter of saving time powering through those rounds as I get off work late and don't want my games running into the 4-5 am range It's been an ongoing debate since they were discovered, but I have to disagree on the weapon storage, to me it only saves me the half hour to hour it takes to find that weapon and PaP it, not to mention getting to the rounds that prove difficult, it just saves me time. With the bank, I could very much agree with you, I use it, but rarely. It tends to curve the difficulty to the easy side, you can have whatever you need, at any time as long as you have lots of points. I see it as a way to keep the casual player interested in the game, like I said before it's almost like a save feature but of course doesn't save rounds. Anyway, that was my vote and I'm sticking by it
  9. There was a thought I had the other day, it just occurred to me again so I wanted to write it down before I forget it again. First, why is there no Nuketown Zombies section? Or am I missing it? Now, the explosion in Nuketown zombies is never ending, it just keeps going and going. Does this sound like an explosion to you? Because I'm sure even a nuke dissolves after a while, the more I thought about that, there were two things that stuck in my head. The first, and I guess more plausible idea is that, it's just a really cool animation and they kept it going just for cosmetic effect, a great job of smoke and fire and before Origins, was my favorite thing in zombies to just stare at. It's very possible that they just intended to explain that the Hazmat, or the CIA agents don't survive long enough to see the dissipation of the mushroom cloud, basically the Moon rockets reach earth before the nuke has finished it's destruction. But how can someone survive so close to an ongoing explosion of radioactive and extremely hot material? There would be no breathable air, any skin on contact would burn and react to whatever chemicals go into a nuke. Again I could be taking everything too literal but if I had to find an explanation it would be: The Hazmat team shows up first, for whatever purpose and dies from the zombies, this is why we see Hazmat zombies. Much after, the CIA,or what's left of the CIA, are sent, for whatever purpose and it's there that they find the soldiers of BO1 and the Hazmats all turned to zombies, fending them off but ultimately dying either from the undead, or the rockets from Moon. Now the not so practical.... What if, the drilling of 115 at Nevada was a success? And the "explosion" we see is actually an eruption from earths core? It just never ends, constantly climbing to the top of the cloud, there seems to be an endless force pushing all this 115 infused lava and debris to the sky. My explanation in the shortest possible way I can type it is, after the events of BO1 Nuketown Multiplayer game, fallen soldiers remained on the battle field, either buried, or just left out depending on when exactly the nuke goes off. Just for game purposes I'll say the Nuke goes off the second after the battle has ended. This could have disrupted a pocket of 115 under the earths crust, reanimating the fallen soldiers, or what was left of them. With a wide spread zombie outbreak, it should have been common knowledge, at least to the United States Government, that this was a result of 115 exposure, thus plans for drilling began. I can't say for sure if the drilling was a success in terms of retrieving any of the element, the fact that there is no sign of the drill itself may give us the clue that it was indeed successful. Whether it was a success, or if the drill was destroyed once it hit the pocket of the element doesn't really matter. They drilled into the earth and now have created an unstable hole, weakening that very small portion of Earth. The thing is, shortly after creating this massive hole, a 115 infused missile crashes, destroying almost everything on Earth. Where these missiles predestined in their route to Earth? Why was Nuketown chosen? My bets on the pocket of 115, it was Maxis attempt to possibly disrupt specific regions that held the most divinium. One last thing, in Black Ops 2 I believe (or maybe Moon) he admits to blowing up the Earth for a greater good, but the best part about this quote is he also admits that he causes a lot more damage than what was planned, could that been a result of the USA drilling far into the earth either moments, or days before a missile from space hits in almost the same spot? Far fetched as most of my theories are, just wanted to get it out there and hope it gets your gears turning.
  10. Tombstone for sure, Tranzit solo it's a godsend. It's the easiest to obtain as well, for me, at least. I'm sure they'll have the majority of them returning but if we only get one, it better be Tombstone upgrade!
  11. I voted for Bank/Weapon storage, more for the weapon storage. Points, whatever they are fun to stack and knowing you have filled 250k points on reserve is always a good feeling, but I enjoy more the fact that I can put my weapon in storage to use in other maps, as well as the idea of creating new weapons that don't offer whatever weapon you've stored. It's a solid idea that allows for a quick start, and almost assures survival until you can get juggernog. If they removed the bank and kept the weapon storage I wouldn't mind, most weapons that can be stored are great for gathering points anyway, and the fact you cant store Rayguns or any WunderWeapon (including M&S) keeps it from being too over powered. It cuts down on box usage, a lot of times I only need one weapon well into the 20s so while everyone is hitting the box for their desired weapon, then having to PaP it, I am already set for the next 20+ rounds. For someone like me that hates early rounds, I appreciated the idea of having points/weapons, it's the closest to a "Save" that we'll get, besides it's a feature that isn't required for progression, so those who find it "game breaking" or just too easy can ignore it altogether and it changes absolutely nothing.
  12. I want to see the return of Wunderfizz, but maybe on a map or two. I don't enjoy the idea of a new perk with each map anymore, it used to be a good thing to look forward to but now they are sort of a waste in terms of importance. The first four perks are still the best I think, if you consider DT2.0 to be an original perk. I love electric cherry, it saves me almost every game, but after the mid twenties it can really mess things up and after a while it stops working all together if you do multiple reloads so I sometimes second guess stunning zombies if I have to risk passing many at once. I won't break down all the perks, but you get my idea. I think they should instead increase the drinkable perks to 5, and not allow any other means to get all perks except through easter egg endings like Moon and Shangri La. Empty perk bottles are cool but I just find it a little weak you can have max perks on Origins in very early rounds, the argument being only skilled players can do it. All my opinion ofcourse, just give me DT,QR, Jug and Speed cola and I'm a happy hunter, I like the other perks too but sometimes I think they're just close to useless *cough deadshot *cough. Besides I hear "where is the box" enough I don't want to adjust to locating the wunderfizz every 15 minutes
  13. I agree Misty doesn't have enough back story, but the fact they all have memory loss, due to the 115 exposure is the answer to why. On the plus side, this could just give her the opportunity to play a deeper role, or at least be built upon in the next Black Ops. It's strange to say that the least story backed character would be my choice to keep if I had to pick one, I see (and pray) the idea of bringing our Original heroes back in BO3 because while a lot of people liked the new crew, there were twice as many upset at the idea. I was one of the upset ones for a long time, I won't get into all the negatives and what and why they lack, but if all goes well and they DO bring back our heroes back, we're still missing the body of Richtofen, with the real Richtofen being in Aether, and Samantha being pulled into Agartha somehow, we have a fourth player unaccounted for...why not have Misty? She has a good attitude about the whole end of the world thing, a lot like our old crew. She just wants to kick ass and survive, and isn't too bad for morale. Dempsey has been begging for a girl character and I could totally see them hitting it off, so there is that... She also looks the part for the old crew anyway, it's easier for me to see her backing the old crew up rather than gangly Marleton, or Russman the decrepit. Of course, I GUESS Stulinger would be a good replacement for Richtofen because they share so much in common, and if you follow the ending of Richtofen then you already know (SPOILER) that, RIchtofen possesses Stulingers body, thus bringing him back into a playable character. I would really like to see Misty kept alive, and build her story, even if it as simple as farm life, she made the poster cover, she has the best quotes in terms of humor in my opinion, her voice actor is really good, and I think she would clash in a way with the new group that would raise all kind of new hilarious gender quotes, which I enjoy in good taste. Here's to hoping we see Ms. Briarton in BO3
  14. Make custom characters for Turned/Grief, with custom colors...and just for the true Activision feel, make some store items that are only cosmetic. Allow PaP skins to be changed on any map. Disco mode...why has there never been a disco mode???? I need to see the retun of Dead Ops mode too. Put movie filters on theater mode for those of us who enjoy editing.
  15. They should just give the new fours story to infinity ward, and let Treyarch focus on our REAL heroes (jk for the new team fans) I wouldn't mind if they "Pulled a kino" but more than likely they will continue from Buried. I thought Tranzit was fine, good even. Of course like all maps they get old and I go through fazes where I hated the map, then loved it again. It definitely looks like they had more planned, and it's a shame that they didn't get to, but I am still happy with the map, especially since they released the Persistant Upgrade that acts like tombstone, saves a lot of running around. If I had it my way though, I'd start BO3 with the events from Moon just because I'm all about the old heroes.
  16. I eat the box up, lol hope that doesn't make me a neeeeewbie On maps with a bank, it keep it full so why not go get 30k and set yourself up early? I'd rather do that than make a crawler round after round so each person can get set up. I just tuck a napkin in my shirt, and eat the box. And I'm pretty anal about Nuketown Zombies, my personal opinion I have never enjoyed an assault rifle in zombies more than the M27 (my multiplayer go to gun) so I feel like I have to have it. What I do not like, and try not to do is use the box to refill my ammo, it's such a waste of time I think, if I am low on ammo, or empty I'll get a wall weapon and PaP it real quick, rather than putting the mark 2 in the box and try to get it back out, THEN go PaP it, and hope that my team is still awake
  17. Here is a question, do any of the shields differ in sturdiness? Meaning, Tranzit's shield looks weaker than Origins, does that mean it takes less hits to break? Same with MOTD.
  18. Ok, thank ya sir!
  19. A friend posted this to my facebook page asking what it was, originally I thought it was just one of the runes that reward you for doing in game tasks, but why does it look like this? And it looks to have a scorpio zodiac symbol on it... .ipsType_richText img.emoji {width: 36px !important; height: 36px;} fef7b943a36d48940e7d72e3c91ec031 Sorry I can't find how to put the picture in the post, if a Mod would like to I would appreciate it. That link should work though.
  20. Awesome topic. Are we talking about the Kraus refribulator(sp)? Because sometimes my knives are red, but mostly they are white like usual, and this is when it's not PaP'd. I did not know teammates could pick them up, does it replenish the own of the Ballistic knife or just go towards nothing? Also, I'm sure you meant to say quitting Custom zombies doesn't count towards your stats, but it kind of looks like you're saying Custom zombies in general don't count towards stats, I've went 95% custom during BO2 and I have plenty of stats I also want to ask, on BO1, did the zombies periodically stop behind windows and grab their heads and have a fit? I either have forgotten, or never noticed on BO1, sometimes when I watch a zombie at the end of a round in the window he will keep doing that animation, I guess to show he is tired of tearing the boards that I keep rebuilding?
  21. Always wondered on here and other forums why we couldn't drag crawlers with us when they started making them bleed out faster, then Buried came out and Big Guy could pick them up, close enough. I'm still waiting on tactical insertions on zombies though, tombstone is kinda close but not really.
  22. I know so is the round maxed at 11 on the hardest difficulty? That alone makes it easier to accept I won't be playing it, I mean shotguns are a one hit kill until round 12 so I just see it being way too easy, maybe if I held the controller upside down....
  23. Next gen zombies!!!!! Came here to offer a suggestion of following posts for notifications, but I see you've already done that so...next gen zombies!!!!
  24. Those journals are pretty cool! I knew that chic was going to be a bad arse, shame I'll probably never get the chance to play, youtube videos will be good enough lol
  25. Ok, I didn't know if I could ask for files here. If you have the time maybe one day write the ones you have heard just for the sake of knowing. I'm super jealous you get to play even though I'm not sure if it would be as fun as the normal zombies, it's still new and I've always wanted a night time Verruct
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