Actually, me and my friend talk about this all the time....we believe this is gonna turn into the whole Twilight thing with "#TeamMaxis" and "#TeamRichtofen" What's funny is you never really think about siding with Maxis against Richtofen, until you actually have the option, what black ops 2 is kind of known for, whether it be the Campaign, Multiplayer or now even Zombies is the choices you make...they impact the storyline in some way....and now to have that choice to side with Rich or kinda wonder
"What team am I on" and I believe that Treyarch is planning something BIG with these Easter eggs....and maybe they'll tie together in some way...ending in one grand finale of Black ops 2 Zombies....where either you save the world...or control it...I guess we'll see in the near future...and another thing you really think about...people say that Richtofen is evil and Maxis is good...that's not entirely the case, Both Maxis and Richtofen are forcing groups of surivors to work with them....those who don't, get fact there are alot of diffrent Audio clips where it shows that Maxis is manipulating those to get what he wants....sort of like Richtofen? So maybe instead of Maxis being the hero....he's the best alternative...again, we don't know, maybe he changed his ways in the aether or wherever the hell he went...but again, that's what is so great about leaves you wondering and it leaves you wanting more....and more....and more....and more...