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Posts posted by Blitz

  1. I don't disagree at all with your theory, Blitz. This is a great theory and fits very nicely like one of those round pegs.

    I just wanted to comment about the sudden shift in storyline. We've been seeing a lot of scientific and conspiracy theory links, besides Shangri-La (which is arguable), this may be the first time religion is so readily linked to zombies. Although, I know that mankind usually turns to religion when scientific discovery fails to illuminate a truth, I was hoping zombies would not take a religious direction. I seem to recall another story that began with scientific, quantum, time-travel, paradoxical, stuff that was really cool, but then it ended with some religious reference. It seemed like a beautiful elaborate house of cards had come tumbling down...I'm talking about Lost.

    I always thought Lost ended the way it did because JJ Abrams just didn't know how to end it, so he brought the completely subjective idea of religion into it. Do you think zombies may be doing the same?

    Alright, now we are treading on very unstable territory, that can offend anyone that is devout to their faith. So, this is a disclaimer so this doesn't turn into a religious argument on the forums.

    Everything that is related to this thread is completely based off of theory and in no way do these opinions reflect on the real world.

    Where I'm getting at, is maybe there is no such thing as "God", the "Devil", or any supreme deity.

    Maybe our "Gods" are really just normal people that happened to be higher on the evolutionary or technological scale resulting in the creation of the MDP.

    It has been stated that there are more than one pyramid, the most accessible being on the moon. So this gives us the explanation of multiple gods.

    So, who ever has been in the MDP during MotD happened to be a "Satanic" thought-oriented being. Maybe he existed at the time of the Aztecs and ultimately became the Aztec's "God of the Underworld" but is ultimately a normal man in a position of ultimate power, much like Richtofen at the moment.

    We all know how the MDP is fueled, and that is by souls. Mictlancuhtli's rituals of worship involved the voluntary and involuntary sacrifice of human life as well as cannibalism. Thus, fueling the MDP.

    People don't get it. When I'm talking about Mictlancuhtli, I mean he's not a "God" he has been inside the MDP the whole time.

    Richtofen is in the MDP at the moment, do you think he's a religious being?

  2. I wasn't offended, it was directed towards you though. You were asking questions so I was answering them. Actually with your help, that gave me an idea of opening a Question and Answer section towards this thread. Thanks. :D

    Sorry, I never explain myself correctly. I should just include this disclaimer in my signature lol.

    To clear myself up-

    When I was referring to sacrifice I was talking about paganism which has been associated with Satanism. I was not talking about Christian Sacrifice, but of pagan sacrifice like, what Julius Cesar thought of the Celts.

    I am completely sorry about that one. I shouldn’t have put “Classics/Christianity” in the same sentence. Sorry for the confusion. I should have said "connection to European Culture and History" and then broke it up into a section for the Classics and a section for Christianity.

    Speaking of European Culture,

    How do you connect Mictlantecuhtli to the Vril People who are fictional descendants of the subterranean escapees Noah’s flood? (Since we have established that Mictlantecuhtli, a god, is the announcer we would have to assume that the religious interpretation of the Vril People is correct i.e. aliens are out of the picture)

    And my mega-confusing question. I may need to explain this in better detail. I can’t quite figure out how to word this so if you are stumped please just ask me and I can translate my ramblings to you.

    I completely agree that ALL religions are the same in this context and any name for the “devil” is interchangeable, but do you think Treyarch is making their own death god?

    It seems that they are pulling from many different sources and descriptions of “evil” throughout history. My question is where do the artistic liberties take over? Where do you think Treyarch borrows from history and where do you think they add their own artistic interpretations?

    By this question, could we say Mictlantecuhtli literally encompasses every aspect and feature of every death god throughout history? Meaning, he has the likeness of Hades, Pluto, Osiris, etc.

    A simple example- Mictlantecuhtli is Mictlantecuhtli in name, looks like Hades in psychical form, and acts like Osiris in personality while still maintaining the qualities/aspects of these and every death god made by man.

    A better example would be “Cerberus”-

    Now we have established that Cerberus” is Itzcuintli and that Itzcuintli is Cerberus, but what does he look like? Does he look like the Greek puppy or the Aztec puppy?

    For example, In Lithium’s thread there is a post that contains a picture of this puppy. This picture below looks like the Classical description of the Greek Itzcuintli, Cerberus. See the three heads on one body?

    I know they are both the same dog, but the depiction makes him look more Greek.

    Now let me take this question of overlapping religions/cultures and bring it on a macro scale.

    Could we say that-

    The announcer is Mictlantecuhtli (Aztec Influence)

    He is connected to the holy site of “Shangri-la”(Tibetan/Chinese Influence)

    Whose death hound looks like Cerberus (Greek influence)

    And who is worshiped by the Vril people ( English Influence)

    Do you kind of see what I am getting at? Where does Treyarch decide how much of fact to include and fiction to make?

    Could we just say he is the collective term for evil incarnate? Should we refer to him just as The death god?

    Is all of this possible?

    Sorry for all the questions

    Sir, its no problem. I know of connections of all your questions, some of them is going to take a bit of research to actually find some "fact backing."

    Its been taking a bit longer than expected, but I have a complete new chapter to "Lord of the Underworld". I'll be working on it this week. Just keep your eyes open, I'm going to try to have it up by Wednesday night...hopefully.

  3. I don't think we should even bother assuming which form of the Devil it is. We know it's a devil with a fiery pooch, which is commonly shared between religions, one way or another. There's just a lot of evidence pointing towards Mictlan. We can all call him whatever we want. Can we leave it at that?

    No Offense Sir, I will not leave it at that.

    The fact that Mictlancuhtli is part of the story opens a huge chapter of "what we thought we knew," a lot of theories will change if this thread turns out to be true. Most of the facts are more than coincidences, so it appears that Richtofen is battling it out with a "God" inside the Aether. Guess he should of listened to Sam.

  4. It has been mentioned by some, that they believe it may be Cerberus, depicted by the 3 separate heads that make up the door to the Hell's Retriever. I do believe that this is a possibility. Like I said before, Let's Assume that All Religions are the Same". Meaning that, Cerberus, Xolotl, or Itzcuintli are all the same. Need evidence?

    Characteristics of Cerberus:

    -Depicted as a Hellhound with 1-100 Heads, most commonly with 3.

    -Guards the River of Styx, preventing the living from entering and the dead from exiting.

    -Known to Devour entire Bodies.

    -Was the Loyal Servant of Hades.

    -Often depicted as being on Fire.

    Characteristics of Itzcuintli:

    -Depicted as an entire group of dogs that assist those towards the afterlife.

    -Carries the soul across a river allowing the departed to reach Mictlan.

    -Known to Devour the Posthumous soul.

    -Were the loyal servants of Mictlantecuhtli.

    -Believed to bring fire to man.

    So, lets tell all little story shall we.

    Itzcuintli (Cerberus) is the faithful servant of Mictlantecuhtli (Hades). It was his responsibility to make sure the posthumous soul crossed a river (Styx) to make sure it reached Mictlan (Hades). It was known to devour the soul (Body) to carry it over the river (Styx). Itzcuintli (Cerberus) was also depicted to be on fire, thus bringing fire from Mictlan (Hades) to the humans of the world.

    The stories are almost exactly the same, all you have to do is replace a few words.

    *All Updates Will Be Posted as "Spoilers" to Prevent Unnecessary Bulk to the Current Page*

  5. Like I said, I completely agree with your theory. I have never seen a better backed up theory. Spot on IMO. Just trying to throw ideas your way. Can't wait to see what else you got!

    Hope it didn't seem like I was trying to prove otherwise.

    Oh, I understand, I have no problem with questions and positive criticism . I just have had A LOT of people mentioning, "I think your wrong, I think its Satan." When in fact I believe it is "Satan" also, he just has a different name... Mictlan.

  6. Someone's motioned the skulls so I thought I'd add this


    Although the article says there is no evidence to back up most claims, the beliefs of where they came from does tie into your theory.

    It was suspected that they were created with "Modern" Jewelery tools in the 1800s or even later. Now that's up to speculation, it whatever you decide. This thread is going to be greatly expanded upon. So, expect to see further updates.

    As for "Mictlan," (Which I'm going to refer to him for the remainder of my posts), is indeed "Lucifer" aka "Satan." I'm relocating a part of my thread to the top because it appears that people are overlooking the "Most Important" part of this post.

    As for connections and answers for the questions I've been receiving, I can guarantee that I'll have supported connections to each of the questions asked.

  7. Its a very simple if that seems to happen. Just take a few steps back and slowly walk forward. If you are right up against the plane it wont work, you have to be standing on the middle of the pallets on the rear side of the plane for the command to prompt. I had the same problem, then I discovered this little simple trick.

  8. By the logic of 'all religions are the same' you could go ahead and say that Hades is the one really in charge =p.

    Personally I think its Satan/Lucifer for 2 reasons.

    1.)The bible verses that were on walls back in Verruckt

    2.)Looking at it from a business POV,what would be a bigger seller,a map fighting some unknown Mayan God or a map fighting what is arguably the most infamous demon of them all and his minions in Hell.

    The Quote you are about to read is straight from my thread.

    Now for the most important piece of information about Mictlantecuhtli!

    In the Colonial Codex Vaticanus 3738, Mictlantecuhtli is labelled in Spanish as "the lord of the underworld, Tzitzimitl, the same as Lucifer".

    We all know who Lucifer is, at least I hope you do. Lucifer is Satan, aka "The Devil." If you ask me what hell looks like, I'd pretty much describe it like Alcatraz in MotD. Just saying, but back on subject.

    Before you decided to criticize a post, be sure to read the whole thing, because you just disagreed with something you agree with. :D

  9. -This image is a representation of Mictlantecuhtli, it was created from ancient descriptions of his characteristics. Here's the actual text from the picture.

    "For the first time in Mexico presents a historical reconstruction of Mictlantecuhtli god, god of the dead Mexican. It has been prepared by the company Charon Lab with academic support Marco Cervera de Before our era. Never before in the history of our country had tried to reconstruct in this way one Mictlantecuhtli of these features. Much of this is based on the piece found in the fifth season of exploration Temple in which Cervera participated. In the photo, the front Cervera Mictlantecuhtli"

    -Definitely looks like a Zombie!

    * All Updates Will Be Posted as "Spoilers" to Prevent Unnecessary Bulk to the Current Page*

  10. This is ridiculous. It all adds up ever so perfectly. Plus, we hear his voice for Greif, too.

    Skip to around 1:05. He sounds very demonic. Also, that giant orange-ish red-ish sink hole located under the hell hound spawn they spawned in may be of importance with the whole blade-storm or river of blood?

    Seriously great work, Blitz.

    I appreciate it man! I love it when people add supporting evidence. If someone would find a video of putting 115 in the numbers boxes, so I can get the voice saying "Not This Time" that would be awesome.

  11. Whats going on guys? I know there are many of you that need help when it comes to completing the Easter Egg (Pop Goes the Weasel).

    Here's the deal, I have pretty much mastered this Easter Egg, I know all the steps by heart and have completed it as early as round 13 in little over an hour.

    So, if there are any of you that needs help with this, I'm more than willing to do so.

    :arrow: The only reason why I'm posting this in the Mob of the Dead section is because I want people to get caught up with whats going on the story. Its really important that everyone understands what had actually happens in MotD because it puts a huge twist in what we know right now.

    If you are interested in me helping you, send me a message on Xbox Live (oB Blitz). Friends requests are ok also, just include a message that you want help with the Easter Egg. Please don't send a party invite, I may be doing something else at the time.

    Blitz Out!

  12. :idea: In regards to the Members who have noticed the Aztec style music. :idea:

    I'm definitely going to look into this, because I haven't really noticed this myself. Thanks a a lot guys for bringing this up. We need more people doing more research and surveillance into this subject.

  13. I'm sorry. I know this is your opinion and all, but all religion is not the same. It doesn't take much research to find that.

    Also, not all religions reject others. I went to India this past summer and when we attempted to share Christ with them, the Hindus readily accepted Him. But they didn't understand. We were asking them to believe in one God. They just were thinking "well I have all these other ones, why not one more?" Hindus like their gods.

    I understand exactly what you are saying, but you misunderstood exactly what I meant. I was regarding what I said as just for this post.

    What would you say if I told you that "All Religions are one and all Gods are the same."? Would that blow your mind? Of course not, because there isn't total proof just a lot of coincidences.

    Lets just assume that all religions are the same just metaphorically different and misunderstood.

    "Lets just assume that all religions are the same [for this post] just metaphorically different and misunderstood."

    Do you understand what I meant now?

  14. How can we be playing as prisoners of Alcatraz on December 31st, 1933, when Alcatraz wasn't a prison until August 11th, 1934?

    Did Failarch really miss that obvious factoid?

    Because of its isolation from the outside by the cold, strong, hazardous currents of the waters of San Francisco Bay, Alcatraz was used to house Civil War prisoners as early as 1861.

    Alcatraz was officially designated a long-term detention facility for military prisoners. Among those incarcerated at Alcatraz were confederates caught on the west coast, and some Hopi Native American men in the 1870s.

    The Fortress was deactivated as a military prison in October 1933 and transferred to the Bureau of Prisons.

    Alcatraz has always been a prison since the mid-1800s. It didn't become a Federal Prison until October of 1933.

    So, it is possible that they were using this group as an expriemental group of inmates prior to it becoming a Federal Prison, because these immates were a huge problem in normal prison systems OR they were some sort of military prisoners.

    They are military prisoners because of the ADFGX cipher found on the loading screen, here's a little evidence of them possibly being military prisoners.

    The most famous field cipher in all cryptology is the ADFGVX cipher. Fritz

    Nebel (1891 – 1967), a German radio staff officer, invented the cipher, and the German army began using an earlier version of it, the ADFGX cipher, on March 5, 1918, on the Western Front.

    The cipher was created by the German's during World War 1. So is it possible that these guys may have been some sort of war criminals from World War 1. If not, then how would they understand how to use the ADFGX cipher, that's not something that someone would know only a few years after the War, keep in mind the internet didn't exist back then. So, they had to know of the code by some other means.

  15. I'd like to change it too "Lord of the Underworld" that'll grab more peoples attention. I just want to get this subject out there, because it seems that people are all answering the same question that it is "Satan" but have no supporting evidence of why.

    I personally believe we are dealing with a certain religion here, Christianity.

    You say, Christianity. The main thing we are dealing with is the fact that all religions are the same. We all worship the same deities, we just gave them different names and worshiped them in different ways.

    The Deity we are dealing with is not the one that is well liked. That being Mictlantecuhtli, Satan, Lucifer, the Devil, Hades, and the list goes on and on. Its all the same ruler of the underworld. He just has a different name given to him by different cultures, which is a result of the Tower of Babel in biblical times.

    The Tower of Babel:

    The Tower of Babel forms the focus of a story told in the Book of Genesis of the Bible. According to the story, a united humanity of the generations following the Great Flood, speaking a single language and migrating from the east, came to the land of Shinar, where they resolved to build a city with a tower "whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth."

    God came down to see what they did and said: "They are one people and have one language, and nothing will be withheld from them which they purpose to do." "Come, let us go down and confound their speech." And so God scattered them upon the face of the Earth, and confused their languages, so that they would not be able to return to each other, and they left off building the city, which was called Babel "because God there confounded the language of all the Earth".

    This is just further proof, yes it was from the bible, but it shows us that we were all one utopia. We were then broke apart, upon breaking us apart and scattering us across the face of the Earth. We all began new languages, new cultures, and new beliefs. Hencing, that all religions are the same, but they all have different names and metaphors for their beliefs.

    So, yes, you are right. It is Christianity, along with every other religion on Earth, because they are all the same.

  16. Mictlantecuhtli aka Lucifer aka Satan is in control of the zombies. Want Proof? Check my thread.

    In the Colonial Codex Vaticanus 3738, Mictlantecuhtli is labelled in Spanish as "the lord of the underworld, Tzitzimitl, the same as Lucifer".

    Brutus happens to be an extra tormented soul, every single one of the zombies in Alcatraz look tortured including Brutus. Brutus is definitely not the Warden. Perhaps Brutus is the "Head Guard" and his sole purpose is to further torture the zombies in the prison. He does seem to have a mind of his own.

    Brutus sounds more like Napa from Dragon Ball Z than the voice from Die Rise.

    I believe that Al aka "Weasel" sold his soul to the Devil, "Mictlantecuhtli" so he would live instead of die. Weasel knew what the other 3 were going to do that night. Weasel started the plan as of normal and then Satan took over, transforming the prison into hell itself so that the other 3 were forced to attempt to escape instead of kill weasel. Since in History, they were all meant to die, escaping the prison wasn't an option. So, every time they escaped they were forced to return. Now, if Weasel completed the contract with the Devil, which was killing the 3 himself then they cycle would be broken. Hence, that is exactly what happened.

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