Does anyone know what I need to get the shotgun emblem?
Like , do i need to work on my headshots or rounds or grief or some other things.
Here's my stats with the dagger With 2 tallys (have been busy because of college)
Kills: 130,334
Bullets Fired: 538,557
Revives: 1012
Grenade Kills: 8094
Headshots: 30,640
Deaths: 372
Gibs: 134,413
Perks Drank: 1542
Doors: 1088
Bullets Hit: 1,113,707
Accuracy: 2.07
Miles Travelled: 1,614
Kills/Downs Ratio: 217.9498327759197
Time played: 12,220 minutes
% from cod elite
Accuracy: 206%
Headshots: 23%
Green Run:
Solo> 49
2p> 10
3p> 11
4p> 29
Farm Survival:
Solo> 27
2p> 27
3p> 25
4p> 25
Town Survival:
Solo> 7
2p> 27
3p> 15
4p> 23
Bus Depot Survival:
Solo> 6
2p> N/A
3p> 11
4p> 12
Town Grief: 5 wins and 7 losses
Farm Grief: 15 wins and 7 losses