Dude.. This is the cockiest shit iv'e ever seen on this forum. Please tell me the secret of how you're so good while maintaining a social life.
Anyways.. I'm going to go ahead and say K/D doesn't show your true skill. True skill is getting out of tight situations, being able to run trains in awful spots, the mental focus needed to get to 100+, and much more.. There's no way they could make a formula for those, so they took the easy way out and made it Kill/Death.
You are quite a cocky person saying that your so amazing and do all this great stuff and "carry people to around round 60" no one really wants to hear it tbh all i care about is stuff about how the ranking system works not how u play the game :?
Just one thing to say to Darksungaming.. LOL! And to the rest of you I have a solution. Head to head solo match... Whom ever makes it farther is the winner. Everyone agree that would be the best test of skill? I GUARENTEE the winner has a higher K/D. And also, I've never played with another guy who has shotguns who was bad. But I've played with plenty of skulls who suck. I gotta go with Darksungaming on this one, it's the best that can be done.