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Weapons would be from all the games in the box. Wall weapons and perks are stretched out through the map in their usual places.
Ok this has been a thought that has been floating in my mind and I wanted to write it down here. I was thinking about a time travel map. How it works is that you start out in Nacht Der Untoten and go through up until Origins. It has no impact on the storyline at all, it's just for fun. Lets say at round twenty your screen looks like something like the transporter form Der Reise and you spawn in Verruct and you play off from round twenty till round forty and you transport to the next map.
So I was thinking about perk idea's for future zombies. One idea was something like the Pack-A-Punch, I know alot of people made a name up for it. It would be called the Perk-A-Punch. I was thinking it would be a machine where you enter it and it takes your perk and give you a new one. But I also came up with a new perk idea! It's called The Mixer or The Bartender it mixes perks! Like if you mix Double-Tap with Speed-Cola you would get something called Gunslinger. You can mix two to four perks together, I could only think of one mixed perk. Comment more mixed perks ideas!! Also maybe you could also upgrade the mixed perks!!
So I was thinking about new idea's for new zombie maps in the future. One of my idea's was a Carnival. It may just be like a little side map that has little to no impact on the zombie storyline. Parts Of The Map Midway: It's sort of like a arcade/booth area. Very close quarters and you can get trapped easily, has four entrances/exits are located in the north, south, east, and west of the building the midway is in. It has broken down arcade machines and has trash and blood all over the place to show that the zombie infection has made it's way here. Jugger-Nog and Electric Cherry are found here, Jugger-Nog can be found somewhere along the back of the midway has one enterance to it and one escape route, be very careful. Electric Cherry is found near the north entrance of the midway. Fire and Electicity traps can be found here, also this is the area where the power is most likely found, yes you heard me, most likely. This map includes a few new features, one of them is the power switch changes locations, another new feature is the point range. Every time you play a game each perk, trap, ride, wall weapon have a different price. Every perk's price range variey's from 1000 to 4000 points. Ride price points will be put down in the section below. Trap's price range variey's from 250 to 1000 points. Wall weapons prices variey's from 250 to 1500 points and wall weapons are random from past games. Rides: This area is includes classic rides but however there are only a few as the rest have been destoryed, is slightly open to run around in. To activate the rides you must find the power first. A Roller Coaster, Ferris Wheel, Drop Tower, Octopus, and a Kidde Ride are the only operational rides. The Kidde Ride is one of the interactive rides, costs about 1000 to 1500 points. It's a little cartoony train that goes on a track and goes into a tunnel that protects you for a few seconds so you can catch your breath, it's very slow. The Octopus is another interactive ride, costs about 2000 to 3000 points, you can ride it for a few seconds and kills the surronding zombies that are close to it, you gain about 800 points for the zombies that are killed by the ride. But there is one flaw to this ride, it leaves your character dizzy and disoriented. When you get off the ride your screen is slightly moving and is blurry. This lasts about one minute. The Drop Tower is not an interactive ride, it costs about 500 to 1000 points. There is an opening inside of the ride, when the seats go up you can run inside, inside the ride there may be the power or the Pack-A-Punch. If the ride shuts down you can shoot the control panel through the metal to open the ride. I suggest not to stay and camp inside the ride as the zombies will climb the ride and drop down from the openning in the top. The Ferris Wheel is another non interactive ride, this is where Double-Tap and Speen-Cola. The ride costs about 250 to 300 points. The ride spins and you could get a seat with a perk or an empty seat. The Roller Coaster is a interactive ride, costs about 2000 to 4000 points. It has a big drop, a loop. It's a wooden roller coaster, in the center of the loop is a thin platform where the Pack-A-Punch or the power may be. You have a small amount of time to jump off the ride when it reaches the top of the loop. The way to make it off the ride is to jump back onto the tracks and run to the starting area of the ride but be careful you can get hit and knocked off the ride and either be downed or get a read screen depending on the perks you have. That is all that there is to this park of the map. Picnic Area: A very open area to run around in, doesn't include much here. Der Wunderfizz is located here, costs about 1000 to 1500 points, includes every other perk thar doesn't spawn in the map. This is where the box is also located, the box doesn't move in this map. Also you can but semtexs for about 100 points. Big Top: This is where you can obtain this maps Wunder Weapon. The weapon is calle the Saw Shot it's a weapon that shoots saw blades that you can pick up. Has 2 saw blades ready to fire, shoots one at a time, ammo capcity is about eight saw blades you can hit the zombies with it but there is a slight chance you may lose a saw blade. When upgraded it tuns into the Mutliator, ammo capcity now holds sixteen saw blades and has four saw blades ready to fire, shoot two at a time now. When the sawblade hits any zombie, special or not, sticks to it's body and wildly cuts deep and also moves on it's body. You can also use it as a chainsaw as the sawblades move while waiting to be fired. You can also saw down zombies if they get to close. Well that's the parts of the map. Special Zombies Clowns: If your afraid of clowns, you will absolutley love these brain munchers ! They look like the zombie clown from the movie Zombieland. They are as big as the wardens in Mob Of The Dead. You do the most damage to the clowns by shooting there head but when you do it, there will be a honk sound as they have a huge read nose. They come after round ten and you will know when they come when you hear the following quotes that are said in a demonic tone, almost like pennywise from the movie It, "Who wants a balloon animal?", "Who wants to hear a good joke?", " Honk Honk". Firebreather: This zombie looks like it was burnt in a huge fire, it's ash black and is very skeletal. When it gets close it blows a huge fire at you which does a ton of damage. When you come into contact with the fire your screen looks somewhat similar like when you run over fire in Tranzit. They appear after round fifteen. Their weak spot is the chest and head. Knifethrower: This zombie doesn't have a distinct look. It can really mess you up if your not ready for the guys. The only way you can tell them apart is the a distinct dark blue hat that they wear. They have straps like the ones that hold bullets but these straps hold knifes. They can throw knifes from a distance but they have a chance to miss you. Other Things The song for this map was something I really didn't put much though into so just suggest songs in the comments ! But to activate the song you have to activate all the rides. All of the melee weapons are included in this map. Drops are the usual including zombie blood, fire sale, bonfire sale, random perk bottle,( appears only if you kill the special zombies with melee weapons) and blood money. Buildables on this map include: a zombie shield, and a brand new one called the auto-arrow. Now this one is a turret but shoots arrows that impales zombies fire rate is moderate, you can also upgrade it which is another new feature in this map. When you upgrade the shield it can now have a gun slot for you to shoot through and lasts longer and blocks more zombie attacks. When the auto-arrow is upgraded it is now able to shoot metal poles and the saw blades you can get from the Saw Shot it fires faster and when you run out of special ammo for it, it shoots arrows till you obtain more special ammo for it. Speaking of special ammo this map includes special bullets for every weapon you get, including the Wunder Weapon. Each ammo type include shock, poison, incendiary, armor percing and explosive rounds. Which you can find around the map. Shock, poison, incedndiary, and explosive ammo can be added to the Saw Shot. When you use the explosive ammo type with the saw blades you lose how many saw blades you use it with( and yes I did get the ammo type idea from CoD: Ghosts and the game Dead Island) Well that's one of my idea's, I'll post more Idea's when I think of more and I'm sorry for punctuation and spelling errors. Tell me what you think!!!!
I was on Die Rise when I heard a voice coming from one of the TV's. The voice came from the CDC, (Center for Disease Control) it said that the rockets from moon had released 115 into the air. Could this lead to the characters becoming zombies throughout the storyline?
I was playing Die Rise with the voice volume down and the SFX volume down because the song just started when I noticed one line "In vitro planet earth" it made me think, is something living in the earth that we don't know about? Think about Agharta, basically it has to do with a advanced race of beings living in the earth. Maybe the next map will lead us to one of the entrances to Agharta. Or maybe to the hollow earth itself. 8-)
All of you have played the Black Ops 2 zombie mode, right? Then you would know that Nacht Der Untoten is in TranZit. For all of you people who had read my post (Look up Old maps returning as easter eggs?!?!) I only said that because of one article that I found on a website (link on the post) I never said it was true and I'm pretty sure that treyarch only put Nacht Der Untoten as a little reminder of how and what started it all. Treyarch MIGHT put the other four original maps as reminders on the future DLC maps or they MIGHT not. One last thing, for all of you people who say that Nacht is Germany and Tranzit is in the U.S.A, you are right. It's only a reminder. :|
Old maps returning as easter eggs?!?!
ZombieKnight115 replied to ZombieKnight115's topic in Die Rise
Of course I did, what does the trailer have to do with my theory? -
I was searching on the internet and I found something interesting that may have the many gamers that love zombies anxious for the upcoming maps. "The gamer says that you can go back to Der Riese to undertake an achievement in the map pack. This is called “Where it all started” and here you need to find a giant. Interestingly in Germany Der Riese is a giant. This tells you that the Easter Egg is going to take players into the old map." This is from an article that I read pointing to what might be a key element to the zombies community ------> http://www.examiner.com/article/new-bla ... s-revealed
Call of Duty Zombies (CODZ) is a fan-managed gaming community centered around the popular Call of Duty franchise with central focus on the Zombies mode. Created in 2009, CoDZ is the ultimate platform for discussing Zombies theories, strategies, and connecting players.
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