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  1. Do we know the GT's of his teammates? His friend list is full, but whoever suggested that we'd be able to watch what they did through their player channel is correct. Now I'm not interested in taking their stuff and uploading a video. I just have a burning desire to know how it's done like everyone else...
  2. another part has been discovered: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2x0daggjhNU
  3. Well I went into easy mode to see what it looks like. Pretty much confirms you have to get the orbs from the dragons' mouths to the lion looking statues at the start. You probably have to either match the gold tiles by standing on them or possibly shooting them with snipers? I know there are a few matching sets of them..just some thoughts..
  4. I doubt these guys are trolling, they've shown proof. Also, why would they want to share what they've found until they're done? They've already spent 10+ hours racking their brains on figuring this thing out. If I was them I'd be doing the same thing that way I'd get the rightful credit for being 1st to figure it out. Chill out and be patient or better yet go in and work on it yourselves.
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