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Everything posted by ETEl2NAL407

  1. So...do you think we will completely re-do the whole cycle from WaW all the way through to Moon with the O4 and get one extra prequel map? If so, do we completely disregard everything related to storyline previously? Are they just making a huge rewrite, you think?
  2. I think he means that this Richtofen will be the original Richtofen, prior to Samantha, prior to 935, etc.. Which is probably accurate and I did not think of that. I suppose the body transference should be taken into account. I am puzzled now.
  3. ...And access to all gun chalks, and all wonder weapons in the box. Yes please.
  4. I don't think so because I think this Robot will be working against us. I'm thinking the EE might be Richtofen, having succeeded in the future with the help of our N4, using his new powers to go back in time to the beginning and try to create a new timeline from this point with him in control. So as we help him, we do certain things that might ironically be bringing this Robot to life and since we know Maxis can communicate through electronics, perhaps he then is able to control this Robot and tries to stop Richtofen. From there, perhaps Richtofen has to flee with the O3 and since he's travelling back to when they were still ignorant of his plans, they accept to flee with him and thus the time-loop is created.
  5. If that's true...Any information he could gain that way would be a leak and should not be referenced on this forum. This is a borderline violation of CoC, so I think we should get back on topic regarding our own speculations, else I may just use that "Report" button...
  6. Easy question. Answer: Absolutely, yes. It's one of the best perks because it gives me what I've always wanted in Zombies: Stealth. The fact that it also lets you retrieve ammo, extra points, and shows you where everything is, is like saying, "Here's a pile of $100 bills, there's probably 10,000+ bills in this pile and they're all yours...and, by the way, there's a briefcase buried under it full of pure gold bars." Ummm...ok, thanks? Are you insane for giving me all this? Nevermind, I won't ask questions. Thank you!
  7. So, you think this Giant Robot is Maxis' Plan B? Should Richtofen ever get close to accomplishing his goal for global domination, send this thing back in time to kill him and erase everything he's ever done?
  8. I'm blown away by this, even though I saw it coming... Now, to speculate: The letters revealed that the O4 we're all headed to a "site" in Northern France to investigate a newly discovered element. Tank's letter shed more light onto this "site" about rumors of a plague, giant metal men, and lights in the sky. I've always known Tunguska to be the original meteor crash, but what if that was a cover-up? Maybe WWI, since it was the first war to use very effective mass killing techniques, caught the attention of the Vril or some other Alien race and they sent this Giant robot to stop us. Kinda philosophical, but bare with me... With the robot also came a healthy dosage of 115, perhaps it powers the robot? If the robot is stopped, the soldiers and everyone else present on the battlefield would be free to disect the technology and run experiments, hence the creation of group 935, the capture of Tank, Takeo, and Nikolai (because they have to be silenced about all of this), and subsequently the private quest Richtofen adopts to rule the world. I don't believe the robot is another Maxis creation, as it seems we're giving him credit for creating much of the technology...too much, and its sole purpose is to stop Richtofen in the past before he begins his mad quest. That's too paradoxical, for me, but I suppose it is possible. The Terminator tried to do something similar by sending a robot back in time to kill John Connor's mother. I just think there are more grand implications with this story instead of just the battle between Maxis and Richtofen with the O3 being just pawns in their elaborate chess game, but I could be horribly mistaken. In any case, this is very exciting!
  9. These kinda seem out of order...We may be missing pieces, but I can definitely see that we should be matching up the shadows and lighting. #1 should be next to #4 because of the dark at the bottom. #2, #3, #5, & #6 all have a horizontal line across the top. so maybe those should be in the middle and all together? Infest, did you just jam them all together or have you tried to rearrange their order at all? It also looks more like old parchment paper instead of stone to me. Some ancient Vril document stuffed inside our comic book, perhaps?
  10. A great explanation for that, Shooter, would be that any newly discovered element is given the name Divinium as a temporary identifier until a more suitable name is formed that accurately describes its properties or is named after the scientist responsible for discovery/testing.
  11. I actually think Divinium is a name they give to Elements that are not yet classified. It's like saying TBA (To Be Announced) instead of 7:10 Pm for the scheduled start of a sporting event. This might be why it could appear on some periodic tables and not others...
  12. I wish I could, but that was a total guess. Lol...
  13. Divinium, maybe? So, 115 is a chalcogen, huh? Interesting...
  14. Why is anyone saying a prequel map couldn't be the next DLC? Why are so many sure that there even will be a BO:3? If we're to assume there will be no BO:3, then a prequel map could wrap this story up nicely. That seems to be a trend in most recent stories/films being released now. Look at Prometheus (prequel to the Alien saga) as an example. Unfortunately, Prometheus just continued the story instead of wrapping it up. In the end, we're all just speculating and we should really try to avoid words that illustrate finality. I think the next DLC will reveal that our characters are in a time loop, a cycle. Perhaps we, as players, will get to decide whether this cycle is broken or not. MotD was a foreshadow to this. Foreshadowing is a literary term which basically means, "remember this because it is like a mini story that reflects the whole of the actual story." CotD, comparatively, also foreshadowed the ending of BO:1. Our O4 were trapped and unplayable. Since BO:2 we've all assumed they've been trapped on Moon and obviously were unplayable. It just makes sense for Treyarch to follow a trend like that. They want us to read between the lines. So, a prequel map that shows how this whole story began is exactly what we need. Imagine if this prequel explained that we've been navigating this time loop the entire time we've been playing. That would make for a great ending in the tradition of great stories that involve time travel. Whether the ficitonal characters continue to navigate this loop, or if they manage to break out of it, I think, will be up to us.
  15. Speed-Cola was always my 2nd perk in the BO:1 maps (unless playing in Solo, then it was 3rd just b/c of how QR works in Solo), so that's a given. Vulture-Aid is an unbelievably powerful perk. Ammo drops, point drops, stealth mode (finally!) and directional points of reference. Wow! That's a lot of help from one perk. My third choice was the most difficult and it's really a toss up between the 2. PhD Flopper or Mule Kick. I chose Mule Kick in the end simply because it can be beneficial on any map, whereas Flopper won't be as beneficial on certain maps. They both help with higher rounds and ammo shortage (MK for obvious reasons, Flopper because you can kill without shooting), but Flopper is much cheaper. Flopper also has a slight drawback because in order to get the most from it, you want to select certain weapons like M&S, RPG, Ray Gun, etc.. whereas MK gives you benefits without also limiting your weapon selection.
  16. I think there's definitely something to it related to story. I think after the events of Moon, the O4 went back in time to re-do the BO:1 maps to arrive at Moon and on and on...This creates the time-loop. Our next DLC will probably have a map or maps that illustrate how our O4 were introduced to begin with. Since in WaW, they first appeared in Shi No Numa (A Japanese swamp) and these letters are illustrating operations in France/Tunguska, perhaps we'll see the transitional map(s) that lead to SNN without teleportation of time-travel. Maybe the rumored France map is where initial 115 experiments were taking place before Der Riese was built and sanctioned for 935. Remember the NDU loading screen made reference to time-travel. We see years from left to right going backwards from the 60's (Moon time) to the 40's (Classic map time). We see the same in Kino, but going forward at the last comic frame. So, if normally the O4 were at Tunguska and the map(s) for the next DLC, then wound up at SNN and progressed until Der Riese lead them to Kino and so on, this new alternate timeline must have been created after Moon. The O4 went back to NDU from Moon and are now stuck in that loop. I think our next DLC will give us the proper beginning to the story of our O4 and simultaneously explain how it ends.
  17. Peter is what my money's on. It's either that or Richtofen is referring to himself in the third person, but I'm actually leaning towards Peter because wasn't he supposed to be a playable character? Absolutely. I believe our next map will occur in between Moon and the Classic WaW reboots, because the appearance of Mule Kick in those reboots and the O4 being playable hints to a different time. They, more than likely, time-traveled back to the Classic maps so they could arrive at Der Riese, then Kino and follow the progression from there to perpetuate the loop. That's quite a revelation. I did not even think of that, but that implies that Richtofen may have been aligned with more powerful people and 935 was just the secret name for his group that was to be a smoke screen for the true group and motivations that drove him. Could he be Illuminati himself?
  18. ....Or Prove Torturous. I definitely see an 'I' in the word following 'prove'...It's out of place, but I doubt Nikolai would ever win any spelling bees. The context can't be ignored. He has just received orders for a vital mission in Northern France, thus because he's received the orders and feels important now, he's saying that his exile from Russia (the Motherland) is actually a good thing, so prove fortuitous fits. Furthermore, if you look at the 'F' in the last word 'from' on the first line, it matches the 'F' in 'foruitous' and the 'V' in 'prove' matches the 'V' in the word 'have' on the last line. Lol! I did that edit before I saw your agreement post.
  19. Prove fortuitous is just a fancy way of saying, "It's going to be good." It's usually used when initially the cause was expected to have negative effects, i.e. Before anyone ever knew what the 1911 turned into after PaP, they wouldn't have wanted to keep such a gun, but after discovering the existence of Mustang & Sally: Holding onto the 1911 may prove fortuitous.
  20. PROVE FORTUITOUS not prose tortuous Context, gentlemen, context.
  21. Nah, WaW is the actual story, the BO1 maps are not "reboots" they are just replays. They are for nostalgia and gameplay only Remember that whole thing about hundreds of alternate timelines? Yeah. I think the BO remastered collection was just that. Nice, Grill. That makes sense and also kinda confirms my theory. Suppose WaW was 'normal' or the original timeline. Once our O4 were taken captive by 935 and Richtofen hatched out his brilliant master plan, perhaps that's when we see the new timeline as the WaW maps in BO:1. Richtofen went back in time with them all...
  22. World at War has always been the true story for me. Tank Dempsey was the leader of a group sent into Verrückt to rescue the "playable characters" that we're stuck inside. The Black Ops versions only feature - - Comic Book loading Screens - Nacht Der Untoten has an additional secret song - Verrückt has an additional secret song - Shi No Numa has a radio that explains time travelling to far into the future, it's nearly the same as the Call of Dead audio. Apart from the characters, that is the only differences. ...But as we all know, this story has evolved over time. Perhaps we should discount everything from WaW since Treyarch made the Reboot maps after the story and popularity really took off. If so, I think the story of origin for our characters should also be thrown out.
  23. My biggest problem is that in WaW we don't see the O4 until SNN, but in BO:1 they're in every map. Which game should be taken as legitimate for the story?
  24. I disagree. I think time travel is almost a necessity at this point in order to make the storyline sensible. There are too many holes as it is, but if they can cleverly introduce time travel as it relates to everything else they can neatly patch up all the holes.
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