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Everything posted by ETEl2NAL407

  1. I actually tested the randomness of this and this can be controlled. If you place just one part to any of the buildables before you have Simple Jack build it, he will complete whatever has been started. i.e. If you want the Head Chopper in the Courthouse, just find one of the parts for it like the large blade, build the blade at the courthouse table, then bring Simple Jack to the table and feed him candy. He will finish the Head Chopper. Aside from that, this is a nice quick reference guide. Thanks!
  2. That is much better than trying to get a lucky box spin for the time bomb and since using the time bomb you still want to open all doors/have Simple Jack smash all debris, I think this way is about the same length time-wise.
  3. ROFLMAO Puh-puh-puh-puhleeeasse don't hit me.
  4. This is only speculation, as I haven't been able to work all the steps yet (time constraints), but as far as the Richtofen EE and the lever part. As confirmed above, the lever part is in the ghost house in the room after the hidden bookshelf hallway on a couch. It looks like a square metal plate with light bulbs and a lever. Not sure how to activate it, but I do know there is a similar device in the courthouse. On the left side of the courthouse, opposite the stairwell, there is a small room and there is a box that look identical to the lever mechanism. Same texture for the metallic plate, but it's a cube. It also has the same light bulbs on top. To me, it looks like these two things are connected somehow, as if the lever part fits onto the box part or vice-versa. Hope this helps.
  5. It's just anything within the vault doors that must be fragged up until the stairway. I'm pretty sure you can lead him into PaP and kill him too.
  6. There is a camp spot that might work. The PaP room can be opened, but it doesn't close unless you leave the very back room. If you sit at the top of the stairs when the round changes, no Zombies will spawn in the PaP area, thus you can just camp for the Zombies coming in from Town and those spawning from that window/wall hole in the vault. It's a very fast spot, but easy to get overwhelmed. If you get overwhelmed, though, you can escape down to PaP, but must be at the top of the stairs for round change to stop the spawns from below. The caveat to this spot is HIM. If he spawns in Town and comes into the vault, he is invincible there. He can't be killed, no matter how many times he's hit or EMPed. He'll hang out and zap you or just annoy you to death in ball form. He must be lead out of the vault and killed there. Probably could do this without PaP open, but there would be no escape route and if HIM came in it would be ridiculously difficult.
  7. Diner loops are faster than the Tunnel, but the spawns really make you dodge frequently when hording them up, so it's an exhausting place to train. Quick, but tiresome.
  8. If that door is still moveable when it's in the map, maybe it could be wedged in the sign to stop the wheel...Maybe different counts could make a code, or once a zombie is killed after the counter is jammed something awesome happens, or maybe it could be stopped on 00 and make the perks all spawn...? Still not sure about the bicycle, or why Marleton is locked in the bunker, though.
  9. That's an interesting chart. Had to scroll all the way to the bottom to see the info about point loss due to death...They did not find the cool thing I did, though. It's 11.5% not 25%.
  10. Sorry, I wasn't aware this had been covered. I looked and couldn't find anything, but yes...I performed this research on BO:2. I will also research this for BO:1 and see if it's different.
  11. Have you ever been playing Zombies, tearing those little freakbags up and then one of your team mates goes down? Most of us try to rush over and revive our fallen friend, but sometimes we don't make it there and they bleed out...If that wasn't bad enough, as soon as they bleed out something happens to your points: You lose some. Oh the humanity! How many points do you lose though? Is there a rhyme and reason to it? I will answer both of those questions. I played a few games and calculated the points my team mate had prior to me dying or 'bleeding out' as it's commonly referred to. Here were a sample of my findings: Round 1 Player had 1560, Player dropped to 1400 Difference of 160 Round 2 Player had 510, Player dropped to 450 Difference of 60 Round 3 Player had 1750, Player dropped to 1570 Difference of 180 Round 4 Player had 2020, Player dropped to 1810 Difference of 210 Round 5 Player had 2160, Player dropped to 1940 Difference of 220 From this small sample, we can tell the amount of points you have as the death occurrs determines how many points you lose, that the point loss is proportionate and it doesn't scale as the rounds change. The only mathematical formula which can fit such a bill would be a percentage. So we're going to hypothesize that a set percentage of points is lost due to a death. A simple forumla for determining percentage is to divide the numbers in question, so for the Round 1 example, we'd divide 1560 by 1400 and we'd get 1.1142... We drop the whole number since that's merely indicated 1560 has 1400 within it, but the hundreth is what we're after, and in this case it's 11.4 % rounded up to 11.5%. Well, that makes sense. 11.5 %, Element 115...We may be onto something there. Let's just see if it works in other circumstances...Round 2 was 510/450 = 1.13333... Well that's 13%, not 11.5%, but those were very small numbers. Let's try another. Round 3 was 1750/1570 = 1.1146... That's 11.5%. Another. Round 4 was 2020/1810 = 1.11602...That's 11.5& So out of all our examples, the most common result was 11.5%, which given the heavy reference to Element 115 in game, makes the most sense. If we reverse engineer this formula we'd take 2020/1.115 = 1811.65 or 1810, 1750/1.115 = 1569.50 or 1570, so it does work out. As always, I encourage everyone else to test this for themselves, but for me this is solved. When a Player dies or 'bleeds out' Team mates will experience an 11.5% point loss.
  12. You didn't know?! What have you been living under a rock? Seriously though, I think it's just because I usually baulk when Caffiene asks me to play anything besides TranZit, lol, but yes I am hugely invested in that map. I do want to do an Ultimate Training Guide, just for Green Run/TranZit. I'll need a graphic designer for charts/maps that display spawn points and detailed training routes players can use, as well as someone with the ability to record and upload high quality video. If you guys want to help with that, just get at me on XBL. You're both on my friend list.
  13. Advertising the Olympics is a terriffic idea...Why didn't I think of that? I've seen MrCaffiene's YT Channel and he definitely has some great content and exceptional quality. If MrCaffiene and you, darkjolteon, are ok with it. Maybe Caffiene and I could whip up an ad video for the Olympics...Yes?
  14. Although I am a big advocate for discussion regarding this 'rift', I'm starting to see it differently. Instead of getting too deep into meanings and stretching our imaginations, perhaps 'mend the rift' simply means our N4 should not 'fall off the buildings'. Weasel drawing skyscrapers is intriguing, but not enough evidence to directly tie him to our N4. This is a paramount connection. We have strong examples of Al using Icarus as inspiration. It can easily be determined that Al is fascinated with Icarus and/or the story's morales. For those unfamiliar with it, Icarus' story is about a son and father working as inventors of sorts. They fashion artificial wings made of wax and feathers and attempt to fly. Icarus flies too close to the Sun and the wax in his wings begins to melt. He dies as a result. I now believe our entire story, from NDU to now, is following a similar morale. I believe our O4, namely Richtofen, and the scientists of Group 935 are playing the part of Icarus. Instead of inventing artificial wings, they're trying to reanimate the dead, create super soldiers, and develop teleportation. Perhaps the wax in our story is 115 and since 935's experiments rely so heavily on 115, just like Icarus relied on wax, our characters may be flying too close to the sun. The zombie outbreaks are a direct result of Group 935's meddling with forces they cannot comprehend, just as Icarus' death was a result of man trying to fly. This would give our story a fitting morale: Don't mess with the natural order.
  15. Welcome to the forum. Lots of great players, theorists, strategists, and just fun people are here. We're all very helpful and enjoy a strong sense of community (you'll see). Now's a particularly great time to join because registration for the Olympics is underway. As everyone stated above, 50 rounds requires some definite skill, so why not put your skills to the ultimate test and join the Olympics. You have nothing to lose, but everything to gain. Even if you don't win a prize, you'll at least meet many new and old members of the forum. Follow the link in my signature. Once again, welcome to the forum! :)
  16. Welcome, fellow slayer. This is a great time to join as registration for the Zombie Olympics is now open to all. Follow the link in my signature if you're interested in flexing your slayer skills among the top players in the world. If you've been lurking, you should already be familiar with all the great theories and strategies here. Glad to officially have you as part of the community!
  17. Welcome to the forum, friendo! You'll find lots of helpful information here and plenty of Zombie slayers. Great time to join because registration is currently open for the Zombie Olympics. Please follow the link in my signature if you want to register. Hope you enjoy the forum, we have an excellent community here!
  18. Green Run. Team was two double bones and one skull, all randoms, but all had mic, thankfully. I did my usual Co-op strategy on Green Run, get 1k points, teleport to Town, open bank, withdraw 10k, head to power, pick up Bowie on the way. So, great we have power on by round 3, the other skull decides to train in town, I'm busy collecting perks before I head back to Tunnel, and our double boners arrive at the power station (they were clinging to the bus)...What do they do? They turn off the power. Not a big deal, but definitely ::
  19. I think Quake III was my first ever shooter, I was maybe 16 or 17. After that I played Rainbow Six and CoD (both the originals), Goldeneye (who hasn't?), and various other FPS crossing multiple platforms, PC, PS3, PS2, Xbox, & Xbox 360. I first started playing BO and Zombies around the age of 24 on PS3. I'm now 28 and I play on the Xbox. I was raised by sailors, so I'm desensitized to profanity, not the person to comment about this. I think if a person can operate the controller, read, and speak, they can be taught the finer details of Zombies and everyone should be able to enjoy this game regardless of age.
  20. Welcome friendo. Any friend of TAMB's is a friend of mine. You've come to the right place to learn the storyline and there's great strategies here too. Enjoy this forum, it's the best!
  21. I have gotten the Long Barrell attachment before, but it was a rare occurrence. I was playing Green Run and PaPed at least 6 times before it came out of the machine with the obvious LB...That gun is awesome with the LB, but I've never been able to get LB for it on any other map after countless PaPs.
  22. Now this really intrigues me! Are we onto something here or does Activision just have no clue? I think some experimentation with dropping Turbines by the light orbs is in order...
  23. It was hillarious. Here I am just hopping over to my bank account, I hear Grill exclaim about his Turbine running away and what do I see upon entering town? That absconded Turbine just floating through like it owns the place... The thing I noticed was that it seemed like it was running along the same paths that the light orbs take around the map. So, most likely it just glitched, but that really begs the question. What do the Turbines and light orbs have in common? If the light orbs are just graphical content, but the Turbine an interactive model, does this mean that the light orbs may be interactive somehow?
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