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Everything posted by ETEl2NAL407

  1. Been following me for a while,have you? Lol...You make me sound like a stalker. STRANGER DANGER!!! You rock man, you know you do. You just need to get Xbox so we can have a match together.
  2. Yeah, Dr.Professor.Sir.Mr., whatever... WKZ or TAMB (as I'm calling you now, buddy) is an awesome sauce user. If you incur his wrath, be prepared to unleash hell. Aside from that, since it seems apologies are now made and the misunderstanding solved, I will say that I think you've done some serious work discovering all this. Great job. That's definitely an exhaustive analysis of the Maxis quotes pertaining to the EE. I have helped numerous people with completing this EE and I've been able to rush through it, regardless of the quote timing and had success. I don't think the EE is dependent on the quotes, but the quotes are dependent on the EE. What I mean, is you don't have to wait for a certain quote to continue the next step. I had a run where we turned on power and immediately turned it off, It worked. Another where we threw the Turbines down as soon as "Him" approached and threw our EMP instantly, that also worked. I'm thinking you may be onto something though, as in there's more to do to uncover a larger EE. I saw very strange happenings the other day while playing GR. One player had a turbine spin out of control and into the air, then rocket away. Later I approached the Town via shortcut and saw this turbine come flying through the center of town. Same game, we could not kill "Him" while camping at the entrance to PaP...As soon as we coaxed him out into the bank we killed "Him". Oddities...
  3. ...You brought it up. Lol. My point is that right or wrong is completely perceptual and changes depending on who you ask. If gaining money is what's right for Treyarch, then anything they do to gain money becomes the right thing to do. I agree, this right or wrong debate is going nowhere, but keep in mind, if I think something is wrong, it's implied that is my opinion. Though I view my opinions strongly, I still understand they are not factual and would not desire to convey that message.
  4. Right and wrong are completely subjective. There really is no such thing, they are not factual, they are only perceptions, so I disagree with this statement: If I perceive something as wrong, it's wrong for me and my perception is what creates my reality. It may not be wrong for you, but it is for me. For instance: Theft. For the shop owner that purchased a bushel of apples to sell and make money, a thief is wrong for taking an apple, but to the hungry thief it would be wrong NOT to steal the apple. We really don't want to start a philosophical debate about this...Wars have begun over such. I am not a person who accepts what others perceive as truth. I seek my own truth and I question everything.
  5. It would definitely be more like a real MMO with dungeons and raids. We could probably throw some bosses in, but in order to make them fit the storyline, I don't know if George or Brutus would work. Even though, an exciting thing to imagine in this world is that some Zombies may have mutated or evolved higher intelligence and Richtofen may have granted some Free Will, so we could see Boss Zombies that have evolved to be more powerful, larger, or even learned how to wield guns...Oh shit. Boss zombies might even team up with other free-willed zombies and create their own faction. They become renegade zombies and cause tons of problems for players. There's a ton that could be done with a game like this, the possibilities are nearly endless.
  6. Wait...I can't have an opinion about Treyarch? Does that statement make any sense to anyone else? Excuse me, sir, but my opinion can be whatever I want it to be, remember it's my opinion. Though you may disagree with my opinion, does not make your opinion anymore or less accurate than mine. These are opinions, not facts. We can debate all day about our opinions. I can suggest evidence that I believe supports my opinion, just as you can, but that evidence is not empyrical, scientific, fact that proves our opinions because opinions cannot be proven this way, only explained. For example: I love Lobster. It tastes great, it fills me up, it's fun to eat and crack open, and it's expensive so I feel like high society when I eat it. Here I have explained my opinion about Lobster. Someone else may hate Lobster because they don't like how it tastes, they don't think it has enough meat, they hate having to crack open their food, and they hate spending a lot of money on food. Do you see what I did there? You see, opinions don't affect the facts about anything, but the facts definitely affect opinions. Those opinions are completely up to the individual who has them, so I apologize if I come off as condescending, but I will viciously defend my right to have an opinion.
  7. I would want the gameplay to function very similarly to the Zombies we love, so, yes, kiting would be one way, but the waves would not be continuous. So, if an area you were exploring or questing in had say 100 zombies, they'd all come at you, you could kite them up, slay them, but then you'd be free to explore until you access another area. Some areas would have jump scares as well, so there'd be a lot more strategy than just kiting them all up and slaying. Players could invest skill points into stealth (something never seen in any CoD Zombies) and if they invest enough points zombies might not even see them sneak through the areas. Without stealth, though, players may have to be weary which areas they access as some areas might have stronger Zombies and if the player's skill doesn't match the Zombies' skill, they might get swarmed and go down. If you take the best RPG's and dungeon crawlers and mix them with FPS Zombies, you get this game idea. Pretty epic, if you ask me.
  8. Lol...Yes it's my idea! Now I did borrow some ideas from other games like Fallout 3, obviously CoD: Zombies, and RPG's, but those are all games I adore, so why not have them smashed into one game? Who really wants to get up and change discs anyways? Thanks, WKZ...I truly appreciate your praise. You rock too, man! :D
  9. Tombstone Soda 2.0 Old Effect: Guns and perks saved as retrievable "tombstone powerup" when player bleeds out; adds option to bleed out quickly when downed New Effect: "tombstone powerup" may be retrieved by any player with the perk; if a player other than the player that created the "tombstone powerup" retrieves it that player trades perks and guns with the player that created the power-up New Price: No Makes the perk interesting in Grief and also helps players in case they are spawned far from their tombstone, a team mate could retrieve the power-up to "help" the player.
  10. Hey guys. I saw a bit of, "I'm a better player than you." type stuff and I just want to take this time to shamelessly plug the upcoming Zombie Olympics...If you both register, you'll finally be able to back up your superior skills with the results of a well documented tournament. So, save your pissing contests for the Olympics. ...this has been another thread bent to the will of ETEl2NAL and violated for plugging purposes. Thank you and goodbye!
  11. I get the Machete in BO:2 Campaign. Why can't I have one in Zombies? Extended range for melee, better power. Would be awesome if we could PaP it and get a Machete with barbed wire or electricity running through it...Oh wait, Dead Island already does cool chit like that. Take a hint, Treyarch.
  12. They should really fix this issue. The M1911 should not be included as an eligible "Favorite Weapon/Most Used". I think only if the player PaPs it, and uses M&S like crazy should we ever see that gun there. C'mon, Treyarch...good idea, poorly executed.
  13. This should make the Uzi the go-to wall gun for MotD. I honestly think the Tommy is a huge let down. Sure it has tons of Ammo and very little recoil, but it's weak. Even aiming for the headshots, I find the Uzi carries me much further than the Tommy. An Uzi should not feel more powerful than a Tommy gun.
  14. You actually can't pap more than once if i remember correctly. But yes I totally agree with you in the fact that since you have to aim, it can't be the best. and to the op, remember you also have to have deadshot daquiri to get one shot headshots to 45 You can PaP the SVU many times, but all I've ever seen more than one PaP do to it is give it either a zoom scope or not, so you'd just be going back and forth between zoom and no zoom. DSR, on the other hand, will eventually give you iron sights which makes it better than the SVU in that regard, but the less ammo, recoil, and non semi-auto fire evens the guns out comparatively. I actually prefer the DSR because of the recoil, feels more like a gun and less like a toy, but I'm just weird like that.
  15. The SVU is great. It's definitely in the top 5 wall guns. It has great power, as you've stated, and it's not that expensive. It has a large amount of ammo for a sniper rifle, and will allow semi-auto fire unlike most other sniper rifles. The only thing that really keeps this from being the best wall gun is the scope. The only way to really make this gun effective is by ADS, and that means looking through a scope. No matter how many times you PaP the SVU, unlike the DSR, you can't get an Iron Sights attachment, so you must look through that scope to make it work well. This hurts peripheral vision. Peripheral vision is highly important in Zombies, in certain circumstances effective hip-fire could save your game. Because the SVU lacks in this, it can never be the best, but it is surely still great.
  16. the an94 wants to have a word with you... So does the PPSH!!! (if it was a wall weapon) ...and the MP40, especially the MP40.
  17. For being so tired, you made your points very eloquent. Brains to you, that was a great post. I really love Green Run/TranZit because it's all about options. Sure I still have to quest a little bit to turn on the power or PaP, but the beauty is that I can still have a good game without doing any of that. They've made the map function so that I don't need a lot of extras. I can have a good game just by grabbing a gun from the wall and using the map to my advantage (training). MotD, doesn't function the same way. Sure I can still grab a gun off the wall and try to use the map to my advantage, but I won't have the game I'd have on Green Run. Everyone must admit that. Foregoing perks, the box, and PaP, which map is going to flow better, GR or MotD? It's that flow that makes a great Zombies map, IMO. I want that flow first, power, PaP, perks, EE's, that's all just icing on the cake, to me...It's good to have, but no matter how sweet the icing is, if you don't have a good cake to put it on, you have a bad cake. The flow makes the map, not the extras. I think MotD put too much focus on these extras and not enough on the flow.
  18. For a challenge, you might want to see about my Tournament idea (link in sig). It's going to be like a Zombie Olympics. Juuuuuust sayin... sorry for the plug 8-)
  19. I agree with InfestLithium's first point... Don't do it! Wear your crappy rank like a badge of honor. You suffered through horrible randoms, you didn't exploit glitches, you made your mistakes learning the maps, you're a team player, you don't take yourself too seriously.
  20. mind elaborating on "game-breaking functionality changes? only thing you could possibly be referencing is afterlife... and it doesnt break the game, the game functions the exact same way Here's the thread for debating my hatred for MotD You probably won't change my mind, but you're free to try.
  21. Maybe the Campaign team bet the Zombie team they could make a better map. Jimmy Z has been silent because he doesn't want to promote the campaign teams' map and lose his bet. I know I'm in the minority here, but I loathe MotD. The new mechanics are NOT zombies and I find the map unplayable for my style of play. I do love the artwork, but that's not enough to make me like the whole map/mode. Shame, too...Everything was done well except for all the game-breaking functionality changes. If they truly did make a bet about MotD...I give the loss to the team that created MotD.
  22. The perks I always get are: Juggernog Speed Cola Depending on the map I will get in addition: Mule Kick Double Tap 2.0 Stamin-Up I usually never get Quick Revive unless either playing Solo (almost never) or I see my team mates going down quite frequently. The guns I usually go for are wall guns and wonder weapons and they vary from map to map: Wall Weapons- M16 - SkullCrusher MP40 - AfterBurner PDW - Predictive Death Wish MP5 - Lol B23R - Bahahaha As far as equipment or tacticals is concerned: Monkey Bombs Claymores/Bouncing Betties Semtex This explains the gear I am usually after. If you have a Wall Weapon and a Wonder Weapon, you really don't need any other guns from the box, though I am pleased to receive the following: Galil - Lamentation (hopefully I get the cute lil snuggly bunny wabbit) Executioner - Voice of Justice (Long Barrel) HAMR - SLDG HAMR (Fore Grip) DSR 50 - Dead Specimen Reactor 5000 (Iron Sights) FN FAL (FAL) - EPC WN (hopefully I get the cute lil snuggly bunny wabbit)
  23. Yes...Could have been an EMP, but sounds like your team was good enough to know better than that. Err, wait...Does Nuketown even have EMPs? I would think it's a glitch, sorry to hear about your game. Round 29 on NTZ without Jugg is something to be proud of. Funny about the Ancestry of the machine...I can imagine colorful words were said as well. Something like, "You son of a b**ch! Give me Jugg!"
  24. Perhaps instead of limiting the types of attachments that we can use for a permanent upgrade, they would limit the number of permanent upgrades to 1 per gun. So, as long as you don't have a permanent upgrade on any given gun, you can try out all the attachments you've unlocked and every new game the gun resets to default. However, once you designate a permanent upgrade, that's it...The other attachments will no longer work on the gun. The next time you prestige, you could swap your next permanent upgrade for an erase token and set the gun back to default. This would promote players to be very careful in using the permanent upgrade or not use it at all. I think this could balance the power nicely, but I would still use it. First chance I had, the fore grip goes permanently on the HAMR.
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