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Everything posted by ETEl2NAL407

  1. I have been playing Zombies since Black Ops 1. I grew tired of the overly competetive players in the Multiplayer lobbies and had always been intrigued by this 'Zombies' that I saw on my menu screen, so one day I decided to check this mysterious 'Zombies' thing out. I had no idea what to do, but I soon learned and I loved it. It's so much fun to slaughter the undead and watch blood spew from them. When I discovered 'crawlers' I couldn't have been happier or so I thought. Not until I played with a random who really knew how to play did I even learn about the perk machines and I said to him as we were playing, "Holy crap, so you mean this mode is not intended to end at round 10?!" as that was the highest I could ever go. The point is that Zombies is challenging, especially to the new player because there's no tutorial, no clear signs of what to do, no instruction book that tells you to buy doors or buy perks to prolong your rounds and definitely no directions on how to access the Pack-a-Punch machine. The challenge comes in cooperating with your team mates, making smart decisions with your points, choosing the right weapons and perks at the right times, discovering how to get around the map, and unlocking all the little secrets. The trend in BO:1 was to make the maps more challenging, make the secrets more complicated, add or subtract perks and guns, and keep the Zombie waves the same. So, discovering the map and the secrets became more challenging, but players got better and better at controlling and mastering the zombies. To break this monotony, we were gifted with new and exciting toys (weapons and perks), like PhD Flopper, the Scavenger, etc.. Everything was great...WAS. With Black Ops 2 we see the incorporation of game modes, like TranZit and Die Rise, now Mob of the Dead. These are more or less campaigns for Zombies. Ok, sounds like it won't be that bad. It isn't...It's only regular zombies with equipment we must build and use to unlock the secrets, oh and some weapons. Wait what? So I have to do more than just buy a door to get to a weapon? I'm not liking this, but ok. If you didn't catch that I was mainly referring to the Galvaknuckles of TranZit. That's bearable enough, but Die Rise (the mode that first tickled my "uh-oh" button) messed with our perk machines. So, we have to turn the power on AND wait for the elevator to bring us the perk? This is not good. Treyarch is beginning to make the perks a bigger challenge to get. Oh and if I don't time it right, PaP might eat my gun...Great, now I can lose 2 toys at once, not cool at all. Finally we have Mob of the Dead (the beginning of the end) and our doors have become more expensive...Grrr. But what's worse is that getting all those points to buy the doors doesn't give me a power switch or a perk. it gives me another challenge to acquire my perk. Ok stop everything! So, you're telling me I have to survive waves of zombies, discover the secrets of the map, buy all the doors, AND do crazy stuff to get my perks? No...there's more. There's also this zombie that hits really hard and comes every few rounds who will "lock" the perk you just unlocked, so you have to spend more points to use it, and he doesn't go down that easy unless you spam him with headshots. Treyarch has gone too far. This whole "making the perks a challenge to get" thing has gone far enough. First they throw them in elevators, now they do this. Perks are not supposed to be this hard to acquire, they already cost points, we already have to buy doors to get to them, and we used to have to find a power switch before we could use them. That's enough! The game modes I haven't mentioned in detail yet, but I am about to. Let's compare the maps the game shipped with in BO:1 vs. BO:2. BO:1 was Kino Der Toten, one zombie mode: survival. Here we had doors to open, perks to acquire, the mystery box to gamble with, a teleporter to access PaP with, and some secrets scattered throughout like the meteors and the song, the movie reels, etc.. BO:2 was Green Run, game modes: TranZit, survival, and Grief. Survival mode gives us easy access to our toys, but doesn't give us the secrets and chops our map into little pieces, TranZit allows us to get the secrets and our toys and keeps our map full, Grief is just Grief. Why am I comparing? To illustrate the main difference: this game mode design. We see the trend continue in BO:2 with the game modes. The secrets are now turning into campaign quests and, though this makes the game a bit more interesting, it's not needed. Look at the success of BO:1's DLC. Treyarch didn't need to single out the secrets into a game mode, just leave it be and let the players decide if they do or don't want to go after the secret. Instead, we're almost being forced to choose...Choose the game mode and go for the secrets/campaign quests or don't. Really, if we compare the survival maps of BO:2 against the survival maps of BO:1, BO:1 wins easily. This is not at all the zombies I have come to love and enjoy. This direction vexes me. I understand tha everyone loved the EE quests that became more prominent in later DLC of BO:1 and that Treyarch is thinking they should expand on that aspect of the game, but not like this. Instead of doing what they've done and making our toys as much a part of the secret as finding all the parts, they should have just left the maps a one-size fits all. If you want to go after the secret, do it, if you don't then just grab your toys and settle in to slaughter some freakbags. Instead we've lost the ability to settle in and slaughter. Now you have to do some questing in order to settle in and slaughter...Boo. I'd have much more liked to see them incorporate weapon upgrades based off experience. Just like you do in Multiplayer, but you don't get to choose your load out. You still start with the M1911, but if you love to grab the M16 as soon as possible and you have some experience points, I'd like to be able to spend my points and make the M16 better, add an attachment, boost the accuracy and/or damage, pick a new camo or skin for it, etc.. Now when I buy it off the wall, it has all those extras I've invested experience points into. What's even better is this system is already in place, it would just require a few modifications to translate effectively into the Zombie world. So, in conclusion. I dislike the direction zombies is headed. I don't think we should seperate the secrets and quests by game mode and I strongly disagree with incorporating our perks into the quests. I think it should all be lumped into the same mode (excluding Grief) and players should be able to choose what they want out fo their Zombie experience. If they just want to kill and try to last as long as possible, let them have their perks, let them find a spot, and let them challenge their self. If they want to search for the secrets and just kill for points as they need to, let them make that choice in the same game.
  2. I strongly disagree with this statement. Though that may be the main goal for you and other players, for me it is not. My goal is to have fun. I am not a competetive player, I just like shooting things. Multiplayer is cool, but not nearly as cool as shooting zombies several times and watching blood spew from their wounds, tossing grenades and blowing them into pieces (that crawl around), then discovering perks that help you and easter eggs, oh and the mystery box...can't forget that. Honestly the competetive drive in anything kinda ruins the fun of it for me. I enjoy watching professional athletes compete, but I could never match their skills. I suppose I would say the same for competetive gamers and though CoD is really on the front line of making competetive gaming a more prominent feature in society, I still don't like to be involved in competition. I think that's why I am such a huge Zombie fan because it was a break from those multiplayer battles. After it gained popularity and people started trying to achieve higher and higher rounds, the competetive nature infiltrated Zombies and that's fine. Go ahead and challenge yourself, I can choose not to. But now Treyarch seems to be playing towards those competetive players and forgetting fans like me who just want to play with different guns, enjoy the gore created by slaughtering multitudes of freakbags, and search for those hidden secrets. I want to play, I don't want to work. To me, competition is work. I work a job so I can play, I don't ever want to feel like I have to work when I play and MotD succeeds at making me feel that way. :cry:
  3. I'm not sure about the plane, more than likely yes since it's pretty much just a buildable table without the actual table, but I have never seen him lock the traps. When he locks the box it actually looks like he's destroyed it, all smashed in and retarded looking.
  4. Why are we expecting even a 3rd map pack. mob of the dead is the shizzzz I disagree. MotD has me questioning whether or not I want to devote as much of my play time to Zombies anymore. Trollarch seems to have a trend going now of making Zombies as difficult as possible. I don't want difficult games, I want fun games, but going down constantly because of crazy spawns, not having points due to super expensive doors, and no really good training spots, takes the fun out of it. If this increasing difficulty trend continues, I'll feel the $$$ I spent on the Season Pass was a waste.
  5. He doesn't destroy them. He locks them, so you can't use them unless you pay to unlock it first. I think the unlock fee is 2000 points, might be more for other things, but I've only ever seen 2000. So, if you needed to get Speed Cola, but it was locked, it would cost you 5000 to have Speed Cola. He also locks the mystery box, just the one, he doesn't do anything to the box spawns. He does smash any barriers on windows too, but I'm not 100% if that counts towards the achievement, probably would be best to just not rebuild any windows before you try for that achievement. The difficult thing that I've run into while attempting it is that he won't lock down things easily, if you're close to him he ignores whatever perk you run by and just follows you instead, so you have to run far ahead of him, so he loses you but then sees the perk machine, table, and/or box and locks them down. I think this is easier on Solo, so he doesn't get distracted and chase other players, but also takes a lot longer as you have less afterlifes and have to open all doors by yourself.
  6. The Full Lockdown Achievement...elusive to me still. Power on all perks, then have Brutus follow you around the map and lock everything down, including the mystery box and the buildable tables. Seems simple enough, but it's actually proving quite difficult.
  7. That makes sense. I just resist trying to account for these intricately intertwined storylines between maps. The plot needs to be airtight for such a massive story to work and be nice and neat. It's the same trepidation I feel when I watch a movie that has time travel. I enjoy it, but I constantly worry that the writers will have their characters wind up in a paradox and then I can't appreciate the story, only the failed attempt. I'm worried for Zombies in this same way. I would feel much more secure if I could just call seemingly vast differences in the stories isolated events that happen independent of one another. Unfortunately, this is not the case and I must accept that one day Failarch may let me down and plunge our beloved story headlong into a paradox. Of course my fears could all be in vain. I may have underestimated this small game developer. Time will tell, no pun intended.
  8. MotD was only the 2nd DLC, why are we wondering about the 4th?
  9. The rift is a lapse in control. Richtofen has control of the zombies but the path that lead him there altered too much in the fabric of space and time, creating a rift. This rift causes Richtofen to lose control of the zombies. MotD is just an example of what happens when the Zombies are left to their own devices. They feel the dark energy surrounding our Mobsters, after all...they're criminals trying to escape and the one "friend" that helps them escape ends up being killed by them. That's pretty cold-hearted and sadistic. Combine the mythology of supernatural phenomena that Alcatraz is known for and you have a mecca for demonic zombies, a funhouse for the twisted. So, the zombies decide to play a game with our mobsters. They bring with them the perk machines, powerups, and Fluffy because if the mobsters didn't have that it wouldn't be much of a challenge for our zombies now would it? Imagine if you played this map without perks or powerups...How far would you get? I can further illustrate that this rift is a lapse in control by our first two maps. Clearly Richtofen needs our N4 to do things for him and he's in control of the zombies. So, why do the zombies still try to kill our N4? Because Richtofen doesn't have complete control, because of the Rift. The best that Richtofen can do is give powerups and perks, then direct our N4 to accomplish his goals. Of course, all that effort has stretched Richtofen's control thin. MotD is the result of the Zombies breaking free and choosing their own victims to torment.
  10. How can we be playing as prisoners of Alcatraz on December 31st, 1933, when Alcatraz wasn't a prison until August 11th, 1934? Did Failarch really miss that obvious factoid?
  11. Since EC is lacking in its power to actually dispatch zombies, I think the only way to get this achievement is by going down. It seems to emit a much more powerful "burst" when you go down, so the best way to do it is let yourself get cornered without a full clip, reload to kill a couple, then go down and wait...You'll probably get the pop if there are enough zombies around.
  12. We should probably just ask a moderator to merge these threads... http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=149&t=31127 Please...
  13. Have you uploaded your video, yet? When you do, post the link here and I'll add it to the OP.
  14. This map has really got me torn. I love, love, love, the atmosphere. This is how a Zombie shoot 'em up should be. Dark, demonic looking zombies, skulls and satanic alters scattered throughout the map...The ambiance is right on. What I loathe in this map is the functionality. Perks are a huge pain to acquire. I thought waiting on elevators was bad, but I had no idea what failarch had in store. Not only must players use their precious afterlife to power on the perk, but they can be locked down. Jugg is in a horrible place and it takes forever to get to it. Next is the doors. I can see the reasoning behind having a TON of doors, this is a prison after all, but why are they so expensive?! I'm used to Z doors ranging from 750-1200, maybe occasionally a door for 1500, but in MotD they're 1000 or 2000! What's worse is there are lots and lots of these expensive doors. If you make a map with tons of doors, please make them cheaper. Combine the high cost and high quantity of doors with the excessive effort required to acquire perks (and the horrible placement of the most vital perk) and functionality on this map is broken...Officially. But that's not all. There are also ZERO legitimate training spots. There are some areas that may work, Laundry Room, Acid Trap room, huge dock circuit, but compared to TranZit and Die Rise, the training spots are practically non-existant. So, all in all, I have a map I love to see, but hate to play. It's as if trollarch has purposefully tried to eliminate the exploits we slayers have come to know and trust, not in an effort to make the map more fun and challenging, but to make it difficult and taxing. I feel like this is a slap in the face to the fans and furthermore I don't understand at all the need to make games overly difficult. I feel it's a superficial elitist thing to do, as if trollarch is sitting back while developing saying, "Oh no, that spot might work too well for training, let's add a few more spawn points to screw them up." or, "Geez, that's a lot of doors they have to open to get to Juggernog, let's make these doors more expensive than any other map and let's just throw an extra door they must open for good measure." If Treyarch intends to make maps that fans want, focus on the ambiance, the quests, the guns, the perks...The TOYS. These are the things that give us pleasure when we get them, these are our toys. Buying doors is a chore, training is a chore...Those are challenges already, we don't need to make those harder and we definitely don't need our toys becoming harder to get. Treyarch has taken 1 step forward, but 2 steps back with this map, IMO. Great job on level, character, and zombie design, quest items, hidden secrets, traps, etc.. but a huge fail on too many expensive doors, ridiculously difficult perk acquisition, and crazy spawns. There is a way to fix it, or at least fix some of it. Treyarch, I implore you...Change the zombie spawns a bit with a patch. Allow me to train at the docks. And please make some doors 750 or just eliminate them altogether.
  15. This is a how-to guide for the 'Trapped in Time' Achievement. You must upgrade all traps before round 10. I did this with one other person and I think it's too difficult on Solo, so the more players the better for this one, as you will have more afterlifes and more points as a team. 1) Farm points in the spawn until round 3. Make use of your double points powerup. 2) Exit through the cafeteria side, leading to MP5, open Cafeteria, purchase MP5, and purchase the acid trap. (You may need to start a round and farm points to purchase the trap, if you do just be careful to leave a zombie at the end of the round.) 3) Make your way across the cell block to the Warden's Office, open the office, purchase the fan trap. (Again, if you need to farm points do it here, but be careful) 4) There are a few different paths from this point, but your goal is to get to the docks. I prefer to take the Gondola, I feel like it's the cheaper route. 5) Once you're at the docks, go down by the guard tower, have one player ready to turn on the trap, the other go into afterlife. When you're in afterlife, approach the guard tower and have the other player activate the trap, look up and in between the two afterlife symbols, you will see a stone slab slide to the right and an illuminated button behind it. Shock that button as much as you can before the slab slides back to the left (it happens quickly). If you're successful, you will get the achievement.
  16. If you look at the clock above the entrance to the Cafeteria, it reads 1:15, but the second hand goes from :35 to :45 and then loops back to :35. There is definitely a loop.
  17. I played it through this weekend and tried various things. Haven't really attempted Pop goes the weasel yet, but I have found a good, quick way to build the plane. It's about the path you choose around. This is intended to have all 4 players follow the same route. Here's how we were having success... 1) Farm points in the spawn area. I open the double points, but don't get it until the zombies are spawning on round 2, this way if you accidentally shoot a round 1 zombie too many times and kill him you won't waste the 260 points. 2) Go through the door that leads to the Cafeteria side and grab MP5. With MP5, try to farm points, so shoot a few times in the leg/chest and then knife for the kill. 3) If the Warden's key spawns on the Cafeteria side, drop that while in Afterlife, open up the locked powerup, and open the door leading downstairs into the laundry. If there is no Warden's key on this side, you must go to the other side and get it...There is a doorway leading from the Cafeteria side to the Warden's Office for 1000 points. Make sure you have the Warden's key before you leave the cell block. 4) Go down into the laundry, open the Washing Machine and retrieve the part. 5) Go through to the Tunnels, get the part from the elevator. 6) Camp a round or two at the end of the tunnels, there will be no zombies spawning behind you if you are against the tunnel exit that blocks you from Jugg, with 4 players this is a good spot to hold for farming points and by this time you'll need them. 7) Open the generator room and use Afterlife to destroy the power panels in this room, if you have trouble finding them, just trace the blue cords on the floor, there is one power panel located through a portal only accessible via Afterlife. 8) Have all players acquire Jugg. If you plan on trying to camp later on in this game, leave that gate at the tunnel exit closed and instead go to the docks through the exit in the generator room, then just run up the stairs and around for Jugg. 9) One player should use afterlife to power on the Gondola and Jugg, another should open the access to the part that is near the Thompson and have a player without a part retrieve that. 10) Now that everyone has Jugg and we have 3 of 5 parts, it's time to head back to the cell block. The gondola is quicker and safer, but you can just go back up through the tunnels. Make your way to the Warden's Office and retrive the part there. With 4 players this is not a horrible place to camp, so you may stop here if you need points and also turn on Speed Cola. 11) Now everyone must head to the roof, I like to power on and acquire Electric Cherry on the way, but that is optional. Of course, one player will have to open the roof access and turn on Deadshot Daquiri, another can open the box that holds the final part. 12) All players put their parts on the plane and once retrieves the final part and adds it. That's it! You've built the plane. If you work around the map this way carefully, utilizing your afterlifes to the best advantage, you should have the plane built and 2-3 perks by round 5-6.
  18. Let's just clarify right now. Is this a guide for completing the Easter Egg, as the title suggests, or is this a guide for achievments? So far, the steps appear to be geared towards the Achievement for building the plane and escaping the island. I, and many others, do not believe this is the Easter Egg. I believe the achievement for "Pop goes the Weasel" will be the Easter Egg.
  19. Your username is a riot! Lmao... Never heard of persistent MK and I don' believe it until it's proven, so please provide some video evidence of this.
  20. I'd like to build a jet pack. Take the dolly from the shield, the engine, wires, & pressure regulator for the Jet gun, and a car battery and strap it on your back. Lift off and slaughter. Just watch your pressure gauge, if it gets too high, the engine overheats, you fall and go down.
  21. Well by all means keep looking. It makes no difference to any of us how much time others put into their games. There are many glory seekers still searching, and this thread is aimed at them. IF it continues I believe it may be round specific and point specific. JZs quote: "It may be points, or whatever you call them. Wait appropriate amount of time then continue." (roughly quoted) That speaks to me that in game we need to count our points and wait for something. Everyone assumed that he meant Microsoft points, But clearly this game is multi platform, so how (in that context) does that quote help zombie players? It just doesnt add up. The gamer that asked, never said "hey how do we continue on xbox?" he simply asked about the game itself. So keep looking if you still believe and my comments cant and wont change your opinion. I love zombies too and we all unanimously feel short changed. No one here is thinking like a 12 year old and we are all aware that adults made the game. We also are well aware of the lore involved. Still none of this has ANYTHING to do with how to continue the EE Quest. Your comment seems a bit on edge, and its unnecessary. No one else in here is being passive aggressive besides the comment you left. I don't see the comment that way. I see it as passionate about discovering secrets. I think you should keep judgemental comments to yourself, zombo187. j/s...
  22. Those numbers could be counting the number of times you've gone into purgatory. As for Pop goes the weasel, I did say building the plane would not be the EE, right? Everyone remember that? lol... To break the cycle, I'm thinking we have to use purgatory, and its wonderful electrical gifts, to our advantage. I think we send only weasel on the plane while he's in Purgatory and he has to have plenty of energy so he can short out the chairs when he gets fried. Pop goes (the) Weasel.
  23. But if you acces purgatory and respawn on the island, the plane is still on the bridge? Remember how the Jet Gun broke after you'd use it for too long, but you could pick up all the parts and rebuild it? I'm betting, the plane breaks when it hits the bridge and all the parts have several duplicates back on the island, so once we get back to the island, we just rebuild it.
  24. Not anymore...Everytime it gets juicy it gets closed, lol.
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