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Everything posted by ETEl2NAL407

  1. The box has been blue because Richtofen has been in control. Same reason the eyes have been blue. When Sam first gained control of the zombies she was using them to get back at Richtofen for his deceit against her and Maxis. He used Dempsey, Takeo, and Nikolai to help him remove Sam from control and usurp her reign over the zombies. Because of the other 3 "innocents" (innocent because they hadn't done anything to Sam) Sam felt bad for having them be collateral damage in her pursuit to kill Richtofen via the zombies, so she put a toy box (mystery box) full of guns and various magical (powerups) items to help aid the 3 "innocents". We speculate that Richtofen also adopted the use of this mystery box during his reign because he actually needed our N4 to stay alive and aid his grand scheme. This is why the box and eye color has been blue. Now that we have a different box color and eye color indicates the zombies have a different controller. The timeframe, however, suggests no controller we're familiar with, so either we have a new controller whose identity has not yet been revealed...Or, the zombies are independent. Why would the zombies still have the mystery box if they were independent? It's because that's what has been taught to them by Sam and Richtofen. Richtofen mentions "mend the rift" to Samuel and as this is still a mystery, I believe it means that his control over the zombies is faltering. Either through Maxis trying to interfere, the controller changes, or other forces unknown, somehow a rift has appeared and I think it's affecting Richtofen's ability to control the zombies. I believe this explains why even though he needs our N4's help in TranZit and Die Rise, the zombies are still trying to kill the N4. This also explains MotD. If the zombies could travel through space and time and were able to do so independently, they may visit some pretty dark places. Alcatraz seems like a perfect place, full of supernatural phenomena, rife with histories of dark secrets...an ideal place for zombies to have some sick demented fun. So, the zombies at MotD are runaways. They've managed to break free of their controller, have travelled back in time to torment Alcatraz and decided to bring the mystery box along for a challenge, as well as Fluffy.
  2. If this is true, my early suspicions are true. I did not share them, but... If any real mob boss knows he's going to prison, what does he do? He plans an escape before he goes. I think that's the character setting for MotD. All our mobsters inside are going to be related, not familial, but in some way. An escape plan is smuggled in and the mobsters are just waiting for their prime time to egress, when Zombies attack. What caused these zombies to attack? I think it's the Rift. I believe the rift is allowing zombies to freely travel through space and time and when they do they shake the chains of their controller and are independent. This would explain the eye color, as well as the more demonic nature. The zombies have been under control for quite some time though, so they are conditioned to behave a certain way. Elements of the "game" are carried with the zombies, i.e. mystery box, power-ups, etc.. because they are remnants in the Aether from their controllers that they have adopted as their own. We start in purgatory to signify that our mobsters have already been killed by the zombies, but are forced to relive the experience so the zombies can enjoy killing us again and begin round 2 of their demented game. The game that human controllers taught them. If the story leans in this direction, it harbors a deep meaning. Humans have toiled with and lost control of a power they may never understand and as a result have unleashed hell upon all of space and time.
  3. I hit the report button on that post. It's there. I'll use it.
  4. I'd take Kino and TranZit over any of the DLC's respectively. MotD is excluded because it looks epic, may be the best map we've seen yet, but I digress... I prefer the maps the game launches with.
  5. I won't have a preference until I hear their lines, then I'll prefer the one with the least annoying and/or the funniest lines. I'm betting it's gonna be either Madsen or Liotta.
  6. ...But why hang them when there are such beautiful electric chairs right there?!
  7. Only pure speculation, but "Him" could be a mobster that escaped while in purgatory, crashed at GR, was the only one to survive, and inhabitants of GR decided that this being was worthy of conducting tests upon, thus the current state of "Him" when first discovered in GR. At this point, any way to tie MotD to any other map is preferrable to no ties at all.
  8. ...But Alcatraz wasn't a federal penitentiary until 1934. So, why would you draft an escape plan from a place that you haven't been imprisoned in yet?
  9. I understand that quantum stuff is really cool nowadays and some of the more popular games use alternate realities well (Assassin's Creed), but I honestly think the whole alternate reality notion for CoD Zombies has only come up as a result of their failures when it comes to being historically accurate. Its an epidemic I notice with a lot of great stories...They start out awesome and get you so engaged, then the author doesn't know how to end it. Maybe because they've exhausted their creative efforts, or maybe because they (like their readers) have fallen in love with their characters so much that they subconsciously don't want to end the story, thus they don't ever find the proper mindset to adequately finish it, because they really don't want to. I think CoD Zombies suffers the same fate, but some historical inaccuracies have lead this story down a path of, "Well, we can just make it up as we go along." I'm only venting...I love CoD Zombies, but the incongruencies annoy me. I want this to be an awesome story, but I've been let down before (Lost) and I'm a bit weary of awesome storylines. Either my fears are true and they're just making it up as they go along now, or they have a plan, the incongruencies are by design, and they're going to deliver some epic story in the end that fits neatly together with everything else.
  10. I have been researching this and have some insights. Here is a timeline for the life of the GGB As I was skimming through these, I found one entry that perked my intrigue. "April 1934: Ray Strong’s panoramic depiction of the Golden Gate Bridge under construction pays tribute to the feat of engineering required to span the Golden Gate Strait." In April 1934, Ray Strong painted So, there is just a lone section of the familiar bridge out in the water, very close to the images we are seeing of MotD. It's becoming clear that during the construction, that main piece was more than likely a huge starting point for the rest of the bridge. As I've been reading this timeline, I've come to think that when they were constructing they started with these lone pieces, known as towers, and the following entry: "June 18, 1936: Construction of the Bridge’s suspended structure began..." leads me to believe that the bridge would have resembled the MotD images until this point. We do see cables in the MotD images though and perhaps our timeline will tell us when the cables were ran? Yes. It does. "August 1, 1935: For the first time since construction started, on August 2, 1935, the Golden Gate Strait was to be closed to shipping. Shipping was to be held up for 15 minutes while bridge workers strung the first tramway cable between the San Francisco and Marin towers as part of the operations to ready the span for the construction of footwalks (catwalks) that had to be constructed before cable spinning could begin. Shipping would be held while a barge sunk a one-inch cable to the 350-foot bottom and the cable was hoisted into the air between the towers." So, if Alcatraz was not a federal prison until 1934 and the cabling for the GGB started in 1935, but the suspended structure of the bridge began constrcution in 1936, we'd have to place MotD between those dates. Per wikipedia: Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary opened August 11th, 1934 Per the timeline: GGB cabling construction began August 1st, 1935 and GGB suspended structure construction began June 18th, 1936 MotD must occur between August 1st, 1935 and June 18th, 1936.
  11. In prison you have nothing but time. It makes a lot more sense that this plan was conceived on the date written and perhaps the author of that plan amended his "notes" with all the afterlife stuff later. It could have been an ongoing thing. Keep in mind that also in prison your supplies are limited, so you may only have a few sheets of paper...It's not like you can just go to an office supply store for more. The plans could have been written a good amount of time before we ever see them. It could be 1-2 years in the future from the date on the plans, but at least this date gives us a closer timeframe. I'm sure it's within 5 years of the date.
  12. I like this, though I don't think he goes crazy. I think he becomes more and more powerful, perhaps as a result of the Nuclear testing done at Hanford?? After he gains so much power, the Hanford residents (secret government scientists, illuminati, etc..) decide to try and harness this power and trap him in the power plant. Whatever happens to the Hanford people, happens, but Avogadro is still trapped in their improvised power plant, until our N4 come along and free him. Maybe the others were killed in the process of this testing. Only did the Hanford scientists get it right on the last one.
  13. Yes, of course, entropy would have mangled and morphed the alloys, exposure to the elements would have altered the elements of the car, the tree would have surely decayed into not much more than detritus. To an untrained eye, the scene would be anyone's guess as to what all this was, but for someone that has an understanding of forensic science, they could piece it together as a car crash. The point is not what would become of the car, but that it DID crash and the damage remains. I think, if we're going to put this MotD airplane at a crash, it would be Green Run. Not only is that geographically feasible (both Alcatraz and Hanford are west coast), but we see the power lines that could have been damaged as the plane crashed, yet no plane itself in the areas we can explore. Since we can rule out the visible plane at NDU, we can speculate that IF a plane did crash at Green Run, it COULD be the plane we're about to assemble at Alcatraz, but we are only speculating that a plane even crashed at Green Run, we don't have any direct evidence. Damage to the power lines could have other causes instead of a plane crashing... It's foolhardy to form a theory without SOME basis of evidence, but everyone does it anyways.
  14. Time travel would have nothing to do with it. If the plane took off from Alcatraz circa 1930's, crashed at Hanford and the damage it did was never repaired, it would still be there 200 years into the future, surely decayed beyond simple recognition, but still there. Not sure what you mean by, "apart from the 80 year time difference" If I drive my car into the woods and crash it into a tree and the tree falls over, we have a crashed car and a fell tree. If no one moves that car or the tree, I can go back to the same site in 100 years and still find the crashed car and the fell tree.
  15. My stance is that an easter egg discussion prior to the map's release is pointless. With no bearing whatsoever, I can theorize that the EE for MotD will be finding four different flowers scattered throughout the map that each player has to sniff in order to make a unicorn spawn that has to kill 50 zombies, etc.. The plans for a side quest that have been revealed cannot be an easter egg. The steps have been revealed and in order to be an EE, the steps must be hidden or at the very least concealed. Once you do start playing this map, you can come back to this thread and outline steps you've taken towards what you believe to be the EE, ask others to duplicate your steps so they can be confirmed, and/or post videos detailing your progress, but to simply have a discussion asking others what they think the EE will be is fruitless, to me.
  16. 1) The plane building plan can NOT be an easter egg. An easter egg, by definition, is hidden...This plane build is clearly not. 2) NDU was Marines, not Mobsters. 3) This could be the plane that was rumored to crash at Green Run, damaging the power lines.
  17. For Richtofen side, 4 players is not needed, just 4 EMPs. Since each player will earn 2 EMPs when they get them from the box, in theory only 2 players are needed to complete the Richtofen EE, however, it becomes harder as players must toss an EMP, teleport and toss their second EMP quickly. I can't say exactly what the window is, but I can say it's possible as I did this with only 3 players. All 3 of us tossed one EMP and then our third player teleported and tosses his second EMP within 30 seconds of the first toss. As I already had ToB complete with the Maxis side, it was verified by our third player, who hadn't done either side, receiving the achievement pop.
  18. An Easter Egg, by its very definition is hidden. The name comes from the tradition of children hunting for eggs with treasure inside on Easter Sunday. A Side Quest is something that is done in-game secondary to the main objective. Since slaying zombies and surviving is the main objective in any zombies game, building this plan is the side quest. Because the devs are not hiding this plane-building quest, regardless of how cryptic their "plan" for building it may be, it is NOT an easter egg.
  19. Samantha and Samuel. Both can be called Sam for short and we only ever hear players or zombies say, "Sam" unless they're speaking directly to Samuel (correct me if I'm wrong please). So, I think there's something to that. Perhaps just a way for 3arc to muddy the waters and throw us off, but still...
  20. Watched that longer preview this weekend post CoD Championship. My thoughts: Well this looks really cool. It reminds me of a funhouse, like you'd see at a state fair/carnival, but zombie style fun. You know, dark, demented, disembowling fun. I can clearly see that map traps are going to be back (Yes!) and the wonder weapons (is that an 8 round revolver style shotgun?) look awesome. Since there is a side quest that's not hidden and it looks fairly complicated, I can only imagine that the EE will be doubly as difficult. Throw in the Purgatory mode to complicate things even further and I think we all have our work cut out for us. Overall I don't think it will be a difficult map to survive as some of the areas look great for training (not taking into account the spawns as those are not easily revealed through these previews). However, I believe discovery of the EE and storyline will prove to be supremely challenging. As far as storyline, I don't want to comment as there seems to be such a huge shift from the linear path we seemed to be taking, I don't think any accurate theories can be made until we begin to play, but if I had to guess about the eyes. I'm not of the school that they strictly indicate control. Maybe instead, they're a measure of the zombies' power. Perhaps the red indicates that these zombies are too powerful to be controlled, so they control themselves. With the ghostly past and abundance of dark energy that is rumored to be at Alcatraz, perhaps that fueled our zombies with so much power that they can now forsake their controller. Regardless, this map looks awesome and I can't wait to play it!
  21. I was really lmao at the presentation of your pro-tips, EJ. You, sir, are f**king high-larious! Makes me think we should have a ten commandments of co-op etiquette/noob must knows. 1) Thou shalt not invade another player's window during the first few rounds. etc... Think we could nail down a ten commandments?
  22. A scavenger perk machine. Say instead of from human players, you can replenish Ammo and lethals/tacticals/equipment from random zombies you kill. Would have to make it so you only get one clip, one nade, one monkey etc.. from each drop or else it would be OP. Say like every 80-100 kills a zombie will drop the package and at random that package will give you either one clip for your equipped gun, one tactical, one lethal, or one equipment. Cool idea.
  23. Possible addition to the OP: TranZit buildable locations- Turbine: All in beginning Bus Depot room Airplane Fin- Under payphones Manequin- Leaning against bus map chart in middle of room Fan- In a chair close to the buildable table Zombie Riot Shield: All at Diner between gas station/garage and Diner buildings Appliance/Furniture Dolly- In the Diner either behind the bar or behind a booth Car Door- In the garage either on the driver side of the lifted car, on a table near the entrance to where the car is lifted, or on a table in the bathroom of the garage Machine Gun Turret: All parts at the farm in the farmhouse or scattered around the lawn Ammo Pack/Bullet Box- In the farmhouse on the table with the TV, or on a bookshelf upstairs Lawnmower- Outside the farmhouse by the exit near the fridge, sometimes in the shed by the tractor, accessible with a Turbine Machine Gun- On the front porch of the farmhouse or leaning against a wall by the mystery box upstairs in the farmhouse Power Switch: All parts within the power facility Control Panel- Against barrels in first hallway, against clutter near Avaogadro spawn, in room with mystery box spawn on a control board Zombie Hand- On the floor (hard to see) either before the first set of stairs a little to the right, after the second set of stairs a little to the right, or far down the right dead end path after the second set of stairs Lever- Against clutter near Avogadro spawn or in the mystery box spawn room on a control board Electric Trap: All parts within the power facility (near the lava pit and Tombstone Soda perk) Probe Table- On floor next to buildable table or on top of barrells below the scaffolding near the lava pit Car Battery- On barrels either just across the gap in the scaffolding or near the perk Lens/Screen- Sitting in windows around the walls Pack-a-Punch: All parts in PaP hallway below bank in Town Table and Leg- On top of either the cages or the crates on pallet trucks Car Battery- On top of either the cages or the crates on pallet trucks PaP Marquee/Sign- On the floor next to the crates or on top of the cages Bus Parts: These parts show up in random locations, and which part is where can change from game to game, but the locations are as follows: 1) Outside the Bus Depot door accessed via Turbine 2) Within the utility shed by Diner accessed via Turbine 3) Within the tool shed at Farm accessed via Turbine 4) Within the book store in Town accessed via Turbine There are only 3 parts: 1) Cow Plow 2) Ladder 3) Hatch Door One of the 4 locations will not have a part, but again, this is random for each game. *The hatch door part may also be used to access the Diner roof and purchase Galva-knuckles, but there is only one Hatch Door and the part may not be built twice. I am going to omit the Nav Table and Jet Gun at this time because my memory has already been tested to its limits with these parts, but if anyone wants to add other more specific places they've seen these parts and/or add in the JG and the NT, feel free.
  24. Running circles is a good tactic, but I don't recommend it without Jugg. The Jumpers can get quite a few hits in in a short amount of time, even while you're running and if you are focusing on tight circles, you run a bigger risk of getting downed. It's safest to run a train of the jumpers away from your TS so you can put distance between them and you, then run back towards your TS and try to tightly turn around it, if you get the angle of your turn just right, you can lead an etire train of the jumpers into death, if not you'll reduce their numbers and just have to repeat. Though this method is slower than running a tight circle, it's much safer. I loathe backing myself into a corner with or without other players just because I think it's stupid to eliminate any chance of escape. With other players I always try to get them to put down 2 TS with a small space between them. This is the best strategy, I think, because we can now run a figure 8 shape/slalom around the 2 TS's. This causes each player to have more changes in direction than just running a circle and the change in direction is what makes the Jumpers die. Too many times I have gotten a stubborn Jumper that will follow me around my TS indefinitely taking cheap shots here and there... [Edit] Another important detail is the way I place my TS. I present the jumper path a wedge, not a flat side of the TS. This way, since the game only needs a small portion to trigger the TS, more omnidirectional space is covered with the active part of the TS. So, when you place your TS and envision your path around it, point it straight then rotate about 45 degrees and place.
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