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Everything posted by ETEl2NAL407

  1. If this is the BO:2 CotD, we should have a grand EE that helps get our N4 back in the game. I'm thinking after they satisfied the most recent bidding for their overlords (Richtofen/Maxis) they were teleported to Alcatraz and discarded, having no further use.
  2. Ray Liotta slaying zombies? lmao How in the world will a bunch of mafia-esque actors slaying zombies in Alcatraz ever tie into the storyline? I'm completely lost...
  3. Stealth slayers. I love this idea. Bugs me why a Suppressor is a PaP attachment at this point, but if stealth slaying were a reality it would come in handy. Not to mention, we'd open up all kinds of new tactics and perks!!! Now that I think about it, that's really the only thing missing from Zombies...Stealth slaughter. Now I want to silently sneak up on zombies and cut off their head, or jam some semtex in their maw. Giggidy.
  4. I introduce my idea for an awesome wonder weapon... The L45-3R It looks like a rectangular piece of glass with prism like colors inside. It shimmers in the light. The trigger is a push button gem on the top, there is no handle. The "barrel" is basically just the glass tapering to a point. Since it has no handle, it's a two-handed weapon and will require the use of both triggers to operate. When the left trigger is held a green laser beam will emit from the end of this device. Any object it comes in contact with will not be harmed...This is your guide line. If the beam comes in contact with a reflective surface of any kind, i.e. glass, mirrors, metals, tile floors, etc.., the beam will continue on from that point as two seperate beams and the process will continue ad infinitum. The beam can travel through up to 5 zombies and still be lethal, this will be indicated by the guide line beam changing to a yellow color to indicate it cannot travel further through. For example: I have a train of ten zombies, when I point at them and hit my left trigger, I'll see a green beam extend through 4 of them and the beam from the 4th to the 5th zombie will be yellow. When the right trigger is held simultaneously, the beam changes from green to red and now any zombies (or players) in the beam's path explode into tiny bits and pieces of flaming flesh, than can potentially engulf surrounding zombies in fire that will not kill them but slow them down. The ammo capacity for the L45-3R is 15 rounds in reserve, 1 in the chamber (1/15 lol). When the beam becomes red, the weapon will animate a pretty violent power surge, but when the animation is complete the weapon will animate a cool down process in which it will steam a bit and vibrate (player's controller will vibrate during this), during this process the gem will be colored red to indicate it is not ready, it will turn green when it is ready. (players will be able to know when the weapon is ready again when their controller stops vibrating or when they see the gem change from red to green) If the player switches weapons during the cool-down, the process will be suspended and must be restarted once the player switches back to the weapon. After the cool-down, the weapon will automatically be reloaded, the reload button for this weapon will not be functional. The beauty of this weapon comes in finding good surfaces to "shoot" so that the beam can be multiplied, thus multiplying your "ammo" and the effectiveness of every shot. If I find a horde of zombies and I see a nice bathroom floor with a metal cieling, I'll point my L45-3R at the floor and when I hit the left trigger, a thick net of beams will appear, once my horde crosses in, some of those beams may change to yellow, but if I then hit the right trigger, I should be able to dispatch that entire horde. The cool-down process and the limited capacity will work to make this weapon balanced and NOT OP.
  5. Nice strategy. I really never thought about doing a big lap like that in between buildings, but it makes lotsa sense. Espcially cool is the WW tip with this and the more I play GLF, the more I prefer training in the hole on the lower level. Of course high round are best in the restaurant, but I just feel so isolated and far away right there, the hole room is much more accessible to the rest of the map. Good stuff, brains to you!
  6. 5 DLCs planned = 6 total maps = 6 points the Flower of Life can point to Someone quick overlay the globe onto a FoL symbol!!!
  7. Very sneaky indeed, sir. Grab key, move Sliq part to inconspicuous corner, hang onto key so you're not discovered for the sneaky bastard you truly are, then let the others build the rest of the Sliq and when you need it, grab your stash with both hands and make a dash to build the Sliq. It's mine! ALL MINE!!! MUAHAHAHAHA!!!
  8. This is exactly why I think Antarctica will be next. The GLF Loading screen hints that our next map appears to be underground. Based on the conspiracy reports that Antarctica houses some huge underground base and the reports that Nazis were rumored to be in league with ETs at this highly secret underground facility, causes me to think we'll make a visit. Although, we may not come in direct contact with the Vril-Ya, I think this next map will reveal that the plot is going to turn that way. I think we'll see "remnants of thei technology", as you've stated, perhaps radio broadcasts that will further set the plot in the Vril-Ya direction, and/or the EE will set us up for possibly going deeper into the Earth. Perhaps by us powering up what I believe will be the final tower will disturb the Vril-Ya in their current realm and open the plot to now having to deal with that situation. I do agree, but I actually don't think the plot will continue focused on Richtofen or Maxis. I think we'll do something to aid either of them only to have that blow up in their face and involve the Vril-Ya in further DLCs.
  9. If you haven't already, check out Way2g00's thread HERE... It has a ton of information about ranking up in BO:2. Though the ranking system is not 100% verified, the main consensus believes it to be centered around k/d. I personally think your deaths and downs should be added together prior to calculating your k/d ratio, but I digress... This strategy takes that generally accepted viewpoint and offers a way to have quick games of relatively easy difficulty primarily focused on raising that ratio. At the same time it's a great way to max out your TranZit bank account. I chose TranZit because it's relatively easy and the Z-Shield is a great substitute for Jugg that can be obtained early. If anyone has strategies for other maps that are similar, please share via steps or a YT video. I'd like to have a strategy for every map eventually and I'll edit the OP with any new guides. Also, if someone has success raising their rank with this guide or any others that follow, please share. How many games did you play before your rank changed? Did you notice any threshholds/milestones for your stats along the way? P.S. Thanks way2g00 for moving this again, it's now more accessible and will receive the feedback it should.
  10. I disagree. The song is Die Eier Von Satan (The Eggs of Satan). The chrorus is "und keine eier" (and no eggs) I thought the lyric, "Eine halbes tasse staubzucker" meant "one half tablespoon sugar" Please explain how it's no sugar?
  11. Not sure what you mean by clean. The Antarctica Triangle is about as clean as they come, the apex would be in hanford, WA and if you take into account the tilt of the Earth, it's practically a perfect triangle. I know I'm way off on my geometrical terms, I'm sure there's a correct term like isoceles or equilateral, or scalene, something... The problem comes because the Earth is round and tilted, but we all try to see it as a flat map. Imagine yourself in space, then look at that Triangle.
  12. No worries. I like your attitude, Jinro and you are correct. I went on a rant myself, but not primarily because it was moved. If it had only been moved I would not have reacted with such a rant, but there is more to this story. Because I value this forum and I don't want to be responsible for influencing anyone else's opinions of others here, I won't detail the exact reasons for my rant, but there was more to it than just a simple move. I have formed my own opinion because of this action and I'm currently contemplating the best way to approach it...
  13. OG Zombies, to me, IS that arcade style of play with announcers yelling out stuff like, "Insta Kill!" and "Fire Sale!", so I like this idea. I'm actually more fond of NTZ in BO:2 just because of the nostalgia that it brings. Though the quests are cool and interesting, there's a special place in my heart for just straight up survival with demonic announcers and yes they could say more. I think a berserker power up would be cool. It would be like a gift from the announcer for getting a heashot streak, grenade streak, killing so many zombies in a short amount of time, or just kicking ass altogether like a good escape or reviving a teammate and quickly dispatching a horde, etc.. Once the player gets the berserker, their whole game perception should change. Screen goes red and gore is doubled, the zombies flee from the player, guns go away and are replaced with fists, the player is immune to hits, but has to chase zombies down and when they hit the right or left trigger the respective fists fly through the air and cut through the zombies.
  14. Y u no embed?!? lol... and to think, it's a recipe with NO EGGS!!!
  15. Yes it's a strategy and yes it takes place in GR, but this is not a GR strategy. This is a leveling strategy. I feel it's been misplaced. It certainly doesn't belong in a Ranking System Discussion and Theory thread. It's a strategy with no home, perhaps GR is the most appropriate place, but it's a strategy that anyone focused on ranking up should attempt, therefore it will be missed by many placed here. Hence, I originally placed it in Gen. Discussion because it "did not fit into another section" and that is verbatim the description of Gen. Discussion. Are we here to help other Slayers or just alienate users with BS technicalities to try and further promote someone's own personal sense of elitism? [/rant]
  16. I suppose I should feel lucky it was moved and not closed. It was originally locked... Yet we have threads like this that remain open. smh
  17. If we're all fairly certain the Zombie rank emblem is reflective of your k/d ratio, then I have a strategy guide for trying to raise this emblem. This is purely what I use in theory. I feel it's a good strategy for what it accomplishes, but leveling, in my eyes, is a bit boring...So I'm not actively doing this. If someone else has success in raising their rank/emblem using this strategy (which I don't see how that wouldn't happen) please share. 1) Solo game of TranZit 2) Shoot each Zombie 6 times in the leg and Knife 3) Build Turbine 4) Leave one zombie unharmed and exit the Bus Depot with the Turbine 5) Check for the Knuckles part, if it's there pick it up 6) Run to Tunnel 7) Purchase M16 when you can afford to and mine points in the Tunnel 8) When you have at least 2750, leave one zombie unharmed and run to Diner 9) Check for Knuckles part in the Shed, if it's there pick it up 10) Open Diner door 11) Buy MP5 (attach Knuckles part if you have it) 12) Collect Dolly for Z-Shield 13) Buy Garage door (box spawn) 14) Assemble Z-Shield and find Car door part to complete assembly 15) Equip Z-Shield 16) Train/horde/kite zombies at Diner (if you have access to Knuckles, purchase ASAP) 17) Continue step 16 until past round 15 18) After round 15, focus on taking the Bus as soon as it arrives 19) Get off the bus after it passes the lava pool and take the shortcut to Town 20) Buy Bank door, frag vault door, deposit, end game This should yield 300-500 kills, 0 downs, and about 15-20k in the Bank. It only takes about 30-45 minutes. Once my YT is up and running, I'll make a video and edit this post with the link. Hope this helps someone rank up!
  18. I found Richtofen's theme song!!! htxZZKv4pMw
  19. I honestly don't remember killstreaks/scorestreaks being in the original CoD. I think this came about with the first Modern Warfare.
  20. Myself and a friend were doing GLF Maxis. We flew through the elevators, only spent 3 rounds in Buddha room and got the correct quotes like clockwork. Had the order already figured too. It was looking like a textbook run. We needed to set the TS and add the balls. We found all the spots in 2 rounds, but 3 of our TS died out while we were looking for the 4th. This is about round 13 now and we decide to shuffle our TS a little so we can all get fresh ones... I was training on the rooftop while the other 3 went to fetch new TS...I needed a new one too, but didn't want to run over right away, the round was still going. Then I see them start to drop like flies. I run over, blast the horde with my Sliq and start to revive, but I forgot about all the zombies I had behind me. I got one guy up before I went down, he tried to run away to the hole in the floor and MISSED the jump! Game over.
  21. Stamin-Up always reminds me of a Pink Floyd instrumental.
  22. If you have 4 players willing to do this, the best tip I can give you is: Have 1 player stay at power with it on, this way everyone can keep their perks. Have 2 players stay under the tower, at least 1 of those should have EMP. The 4th player can be anywhere, doesn't really matter. Have this player try for EMP and keep a Turbine for backup. When Avogadro spawns in and approaches the tower, have your power player turn off the power, then the 2 under tower toss an EMP.
  23. So, it's the end of March and Treyarch devs haven't even decided where the next DLC will be, let alone started programming?! WE'RE ALL DOOMED TO SUFFER BUGS AND GLITCHES!!!
  24. My money's on an underground base in Antarctica http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=103&t=29923
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