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Everything posted by ETEl2NAL407

  1. This is what I believe. I think the next DLCs are going to be much more interesting than we have anticipated. As many are pointing to more NAV tables and more towers to power up, I believe Treyarch is going to surprise us all and take the story in another direction. Throw us a curveball, if you will. I think we will power up a tower in one of the secret underground Nazi bases of Antarctica and uncover some radio/television broadcasts about the history of that base and possibly some interaction with the Vril-Ya or whatever ET presence is rumored through conspiracies to be there, or has been there. I ultimately believe the "plot will thicken" and either the remaining DLCs will open a doorway for another installment of the Zombie storyline, or will neatly end the storyline...After all, BO:2 is technically the third installment and most stories are trilogies. Well... ...What he said.
  2. If Trollarch wanted to be completely lazy buffoons and still give us something like a chainsaw, they could just take the Sliquifier and re-model it so that it shot out mini circular saws that would continually cut through zombies as long as they were horded close together. Maybe at random a certain percentage become crawlers and the rest just die. ...Just throwing out ideas in case the devs see this. Is it obvious how much I want a SAW of some kind?
  3. I get that and I agree that over-complicating things does tend to ruin good ideas, but I think to make this good idea bare fruit as a good weapon we'd need to complicate more than just holding it out in front of you and moving around to kill. Why? Because this chainsaw is too cool to dumb down for the sake of gaming restraints. I was basing those animation ideas off the Zombie Shield, as it also has three seperate animations linked to different buttons. When you melee, the player shoves the shield out and kills a zombie. When you hold the right trigger, the shield is extended outwards and you can ram zombies without being damaged. When you hold the left trigger then press the right (I have to play with this to get it to work), the shield is placed on the ground. It wouldn't be much more to do the same thing to the chainsaw. The real programming would come in which animation deals how much damage and getting all that to translate effectively. Dumbing it down though would not make it have the effect it should. You stated in your OP, I agree completely, but if the first time CoD Zombies brought me a chainsaw in game they dumbed down things for the sake of coding and didn't exploit the gore or options in slaying the undead, I'd call foul. If I want to use a chainsaw instead of my normal guns and it's not some awesome OP WW like the thundergun, the only reason I'm using it is because I expect it to be a fun change. So, I expect gore and possibly a learning curve in using it effectively. I like your idea of allowing it to create crawlers, one I didn't even think of, but if there were a 'slash' animation, that could make several crawlers, then the following slash would end our crawlers. So players would have the option of creating crawlers. I'm all for this idea and I know it's your idea, but if it becomes a reality and Treyarch doesn't give us some advanced control with the saw, I'd be disappointed.
  4. Another great idea is to regulate the animations for certain actions, i.e... When I hit the right trigger, I rev up the saw and make a swipe from bottom right (hip level) to overhead left. If I hold the trigger down, the swipe continues in the opposite direction and becomes faster (so that I end up looking like a crazed lumberjack feverishly trying to saw through anything and everything). If I hit the melee button, I perform a half of a rev and do a quick stab with the saw (intended for singular zombie kills). A left trigger could be optional, but, when held, could just present the chainsaw in a defensive posture and let it use a contiuous half-rev, blocking any zombies, but not killing them as effectively as a swipe or melee, so they can crowd in and around you and you may start taking hits if you aren't actively trying to get away while using the chainsaw to defend. So, if 30 seconds at full rev is equal to a full fuel magazine, that would mean that one full swipe takes one second to animate granting you 30 of those, individually, prior to reload. A melee animation is a half-second long and you can perform 60 of those before reloading, or you can block continuously for 60 seconds before reload. Doesn't sound OP to me, especially if a reload requires the player to tap their reload button and get that pull starter ripped properly. Many players might get so involved in slaying with the chainsaw, they forget and just hit reload then try to go back to slaying and are presented with an unstarted/dead saw that still animates, but doesn't actually hurt the zombies. IMO, wielding this weapon as a primary would require some skill and the benefits would be more points and the gory animations that should ONLY be reserved for the chainsaw. I think it would be a treat for skilled players and a death warrant for those that didn't know how to use it. Sounds like your normal wonder weapon to me...
  5. ^^^ Exactly. It does not reset each time he spawns. You must restart your entire game and try again.
  6. I like the idea of having to rip the pull starter cord as a way to reload. I'd say we'd have say 4 reloads (gas magazines), but that should be represented as a progress bar that will take about 30 seconds to use up if you hold the trigger and should not be diminished while just running in idle. The benefit should be in the chainsaws ability to save you from an "Oh shit!" moment and also in racking up points fast like with other melee weapons, such as the Galvaknuckles. So, if you're surrounded, you should be able to pull out the chainsaw without having to pull the cord and quickly saw through the surrounding horde without taking too much damage. I think if we have to pull the cord and mash a button to speed up this process, that would take away from the chainsaw being effective in these situations, thus it may lose real ability and be reduced to a weapon that just looks cool. The cord idea makes it authentic and limits its power, but it also detracts from making it a viable choice. Maybe it could be designed to only have to pull the cord when you reload, so if I have say half a bar left of fuel and I put my saw away, when I switch to it again it's ready to go with the remainder of my fuel. If I run out of fuel and have to reload, I will have to restart my chainsaw before I can use it.
  7. You've made your point now and have greatly offended me with your tactless language. It strikes me as both crude and pretentious. Simply stating that you did not feel this theory was correct due to lack of evidence directly tying into the game would've been quite enough to say, but you felt the need to boast of your knowledge, accuse me of being defensive and incompetent of delivering sufficient evidence. You may disagree with my theory. You may vehemently disagree with my theory, but when you disagree with the language you just have, expect me, if not others also, to lose respect for you. Again, a simple statement that you disagree would have sufficed. Even if you meant constuctive criticism, you came off as aggressively attacking my theory...No, more like aggressively attacking my ability to theorize. You know, I can theorize that the sky will be yellow tomorrow morning and support my claim with evidence that I dreamed it would happen. It's still a theory regardless of the supporting facts, however fantastic they may be.
  8. The conspiracies about the Nazis building a huge underground base and working with highly intelligent and powerful extra-terrestrials in Antarctica, doesn't suffice? Or the FACT that right after WWII, possibly on the heels of rumors that the Nazis were involved there, the US launched a huge naval operation to Antarctica. Chilean authorities thought they were being invaded, the operation was so large and most reports thought this look like an attack on Antarctica. All of this is in the links I provided. The question is simple. Why would the US Navy need to send such huge forces to Antarctica? Did they want their Navy to melt some ice with their firepower? What sense does that make? It's pretty simple to see they were expecting Nazis to be hunkered in and wanted to be prepared for a fight. All of this, which is factual, happened in 1947 post WWII. If the Nazis were, working with extra-terrestrials in Antarctica, it makes sense that in a fictional sense Element 115 would have been studied there, as well. And who could these ETs have been? Possibly the Vril-Ya? I do expect my readers to fill in the gaps and connect the dots, after all, this is the Asylum where readers are expected to have a good understanding of the general backstory. I don't think it's too much to ask, but one of those links has a wealth of information and I felt it sufficed for my theory. I don't mean to come off defensive, but I did take your post as a scathing review and felt I needed to course-correct. No harm, no foul. I hope this post has been the further explanation you needed.
  9. That area code is associated with the 'Seven Cities' of South east Virginia. Military presence here is most notable as Norfolk, the largest US Naval base on the east coast. Once again, clues point to the US Navy and the Atlantic Ocean.
  10. I've tried this since reading and wound up killing all my zombies on the seventh shot, not to mention I probaly missed 1-2 shots on each zombie. Totally ruined my solo nuketown start, which is vital. I think I'll stick to my ammo-conserving stategy of 4 in the chest, then knife. Next round, 6 in the chest and knife, by round 3 I just save my remaining ammo and dump it in lined up Z's, then knife away. Hopefully I have enough to purchase a gun or perk and a door or two. From then on it's either a few in the chest and knife or headshots, depending on the gun I get.
  11. How about a sandbox buildable table that lets you dissasemble your equipped weapons and rearrange the parts/mix in new parts for existing buildables, and create a new gun. ...Like dissasemble Mustang & Sally, mix with Jet Gun parts, and get a Jet Gun that sprays grenades.
  12. I used the MSMC religiously until they nerfed it. It still workd OK, but in order to have it perform the way it used to I MUST use FMJ attachment. It seems to have lost its lethality at the greater distances, so I have to reserve a loadout spot for FMJ now. That means I have to rethink my perks and my nades... It's not a gamebreaker, but a huge annoyance and has lead to me trying out different classes instead of strictly run & gun. I've learned that I suck as a sniper, but I still refuse to become a shotgunner.
  13. Actually, I searched to find Grill's thread and a lot of the same information appears there as well as in this thread, but as his thread was developed to theorize Antarctica's role in our storyline, this thread has a more pointed claim: that an underground base in Antarctica will be the setting for our next DLC. Not to mention, I'm not working directly with Grill on this research. He's exhausted most of the conspiracy topics related to Antarctica in his thread that can be found freely. I am taking it a step further and claiming that Antarctica will be the next map. If you debate that claim, please post a reply outlining your reasons, but please refrain from arguing technicalities with me such as why this is a seperate thread. If Grill notices this post and would like to add it to his, he's free to do so. If a moderator feels they should be merged, so be it. Until either of those outcomes are a reality, this thread is meant for discussion of Antarctica as the next DLC or how certain individuals feel that won't be the case...Not why this thread exists.
  14. More or less... It won't work if you set one down, travel across the map and set the other, but they don't have to be set down at the EXACT same time. Within a few seconds, I'd say.
  15. OK, let me simplify the steps here. 1) Build Turbine, each player takes one. 2) Turn on Power, wait for entire Maxis quote to finish 3) Turn off Power (this can be done later, but must be done prior to EMPing avogadro) 4) Acquire at least one EMP from mystery box. 5) Set Turbines under Spire in opposite corners, wait for maxis quote that requests more power, "like the mobile kind or the living kind." 6) Get Avogadro to spawn in the corn field (watch for the lightning just above, then change the round) 7) Wait for him to be under the spire, or at least past the threshhold of the corn and EMP him, you should get another maxis quote 8) Place one Turbine at the lamp post in Town (by the large lava pool before the bridge) 9) Place the other Turbine at the lamp post by the Diner, both must be placed at the same time (best way to do it is split up, pull out the Turbine and then count down from 3 and when you say 1, each player hits the right trigger) Immediately, you should see the Achievement pop-up.
  16. ::bows:: thank you, sir. You're kind. Though I'd not classify myself as elite, since I'm not competetive, I am definitely a connoiseurr.
  17. I guess I'm weird, but I enjoy recoil. It makes the guns feel authentic. A great example is an argument I've had with a guy about Sniper Rifles. I say the DSR 50 is the best, he says it's the SVU-AS. The DSR has less ammo, but more power in my mind. The SVU has less recoil, but not as much power. He claims the SVU is more accurate, but I disagree. I am more accurate with the DSR because I am expecting the recoil, so I aim a bit lower than the head and when I pull the trigger, my sight is lifted just enough to blow the head off. When I fire the SVU, my habitual thing to do is expect recoil, so I aim a bit low and miss. So, I enjoy recoil because I anticipate it and have no problems with accuracy. I like it, it makes the game more authentic.
  18. I don't think I could do a better job than | GRILL | at explaining how Antarctica is connected to our Storyline, but just have a look for yourself. He has compiled lots of information and I definitely thank him for that. http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=103&t=27081
  19. I'll help. I'm well versed in TranZit. Buildable locations, EE steps, bank access, achievement how-tos, etc..
  20. No worries. I think we're all actually relieved you didn't uncover some other wicked bug in this game. :mrgreen:
  21. I've been recently seriously pondering the icy continent as the setting for our next DLC and as I research it more and more, I'm becoming quite convinced. I'm going to attempt to support my claims with evidence now... First and foremost, I'll explain why. We should all be familiar with the heavy use of triangles or pyramids within the mythology of Zombies and also of conspiracies surrounding the Illuminati. Can I assume that's a given? Ok. So, with that in mind, why are so many of us assuming that the maps will work in a circular fashion with each new map giving us a new Nav card with which to insert into the following map's Nav Table? Sure, that's a linear way of thinking, but we should all know better than to keep expecting fastballs down the pipe from Treyarch. I'll agree we will need to power up another tower and it will have a Nav Table and a Nav card, but I think this next one will be the last of this trend as 3 points completes our triangle. See the map below: It won't display correctly, too big. Secondly, let's tie Antarctica into the mythology. Here are some interesting reads about conspiracies surrounding Antarctica: Underground Entrance??? An excerpt from this article read: "Conspiracy theorists recall the rumor, following WWII, of Nazi bases that were established in Antarctica. Other stories say that the Nazis contacted and were working with a group of extra-terrestrials and that there is an huge underground base there." More conspiracies... This last one's pretty lengthy, but it highlights Russian scientists attempting to drill through the ice into Lake Vostok and communications being lost, as well as a past US Naval "Attack" of Antarctica that was swept under the carpet. One thing to note that's strange is the then (1947) acting Secretary of the Navy (James Forrestall), "lost it big time" following the operation, dubbed Highjump. "He started talking about all sorts of things like the secret cabals controlling the Earth and such. He was declared insane and locked up at Bethesda Naval Hospital. His family sued the government for his release. They won. The day before the scheduled release James fell to his death from the Presidential Suite. There were scratch marks all over the window frame most likely made by a man fighting for his life not taking his life. His death was ruled suicide." …Sounds to me like the powers that be wanted Mr. Forrestall silenced once and for all, but locking him up in a mental hospital failed, so he had to have a fatal “accident”. So, we can assume there are strange things going on in Antarctica. It's surrounded by reports of UFO's, soldiers going insane after operations on the continent, scientists disappearing, and conspiracies abound...Most importantly that of Nazis building large underground bases. Combining all of this with the small tear on the GLF loading screen that hints at some underground facility as our next DLC, I can only conclude it will be this rumored underground base of Antarctica.
  22. OT, but who thinks a chainsaw would be cool?
  23. Damage is thew obvious buff here, so yeah that's fine. Lunge distance is not at all neccessary in Zombies. Would be awesome in MP, but not Zombies. Instead of amping the lunge, I'd amp the reload/cool-down time. So many times I want to knife for points, but have to knife and back away because I can't spam the knife as fast as I can hit the melee stick. I'd make this disappear, so I can knife just as fast as I can hit the stick. I'd just start slicing up hordes like Edward Scissorhands.
  24. I've also seen strange happenings with TS placement. Had a random teammate place one on the Buddha room walkway, only to have it appear below. He ran down to pick it up and replace it, and the damned thing jumped back down. LoL
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