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Everything posted by ETEl2NAL407

  1. I'm thinking now that if these letters are from our O3, their age would not matter becaue once they are trapped by Richtofen and held captive by G935 (which could have taken place shortly after all these letters) their exposure to 115, combined with the time-travel/teleportation that may have ocurred, their age as we see it in the BO1 maps might not a natural age. They may have skipped time to arrive at those maps with Richtofen taking them with as he travels through time...
  2. I think we may be able to assume this is a letter from Tank's perspective. 'Fritz' was a name given to German soldiers during WWI and WWII by British and other soldiers. Obviously the site referenced is Tunguska. Not too sure about 'Scuttlebutt' Couldn't find much information on that.
  3. Grandfather paradox...That's the term I was trying to think of. And yes, my theory does create this paradox, sort of. Now, to answer some of these questions: Suppose this is the first time Richtofen is going through this. He would not be aware of the role Maxis plays. Maxis would just be a nuiscance, but his importance would not be realized. Hope that answers the question of why he didn't go back and just kill Maxis as a child. Or maybe, Maxis' meddling with his plans actually backfire and ultimately lead to Richtofen succeeding, so Richtofen needs that. I think we're going through this with Richtofen for the first time, him going back to Tunguska has not actually occurred yet and all the events leading up to that have been orchestrated by his subtle persuasions. I think we'll discover as Richtofen does the loop he may end up in. Perhaps also, our decisions will affect things greatly. Maybe choosing Maxis helps him succeed...Mob seemed to be a bit of a foreshadow to this end, I think because of 'The Cycle'. There's still more details to hash out, but I think all signs are pointing to this as the direction we're headed: Richtofen trying to manipulate time, Maxis, the O3 and the N4 to accomplish his end result of global domination, whether he succeeds and how he accomplishes this, I think, is yet to be determined and will depend on our actions.
  4. So, let's assume Richtofen is the Doctor referenced in this letter and let's assume it is Nikolai. If Richtofen knew about Nikolai and knew about the Tunguska incident, can we not assume also that Richtofen saw Tunguska as an opportunity to begin the events of all the Black Ops we've seen? I'm thinking now that Richtofen traveled back in time, met and befriended Nikolai prior to Tunguska, then simply waited for the rest of history to unfold. I've always suspected that Richtofen knew more than he should about the events ocurring and that he was being cryptic on purpose. You can't just travel back in time and demand things...You have to persuade subtley and gently whisper things in people's ears in order to sway their choices to achieve the end result you desire. My friends, I think this is what Richtofen has been doing all along. Once he joined 935 and time travel/teleportation was discovered, he developed a master plan to take over the world. These notes are illustrating how he accomplishes this from the current time in our story. I think the next map will see Richtofen going back in time to Tunguska, so he can perpetuate the actions that lead to his world domination, but he will never get to enjoy his supreme power because he will forever be stuck in a loop. However, Maxis is the only person in a position to stop him, Maxis the only unchecked variable. This is getting exciting!
  5. My thoughts are that the first letter is a journal entry by Nikolai. Since the meteor hit Tunguska in Siberia, it would make sense that Russians were the first to arrive and set up camp to excavate. The spelling mistakes also seem to point at Nikolai since he is probably the laziest and most guttural of the O4. The handwriting is also sloppy which would be characteristic of someone like Nikolai. I can only assume Richtofen was a part of this, but the timelines don't match up well with the formation of 935 and WWII. Of course, typically throughout science things are discovered and it may take years before the discoveries prove useful in any applications. Perhaps 935 was formed back then, but was later funded by the Nazis and only after this generous funding did it really start to make any breakthroughs with the previously discovered 115. The second letter logically should be Takeo. There is no other reference to Japan from any characters we know. Russians and Japanese have collaborated on things throughout history given their proximity and I seem to remember Takeo making tons of quotes about Nikolai, as if to say that they were previously well acquainted with each other prior to the BO1 era. Due to the history of Japan being very civilized and stepped in honor could very well mean the reference to 'Barbarians' does indeed allude to the Russians and if you're Takeo and you've only just met Nikolai, you'd think of him as a Barbarian too. In summary, I believe these notes are journal entries from Nikolai and Takeo when they first began working with their respective nations about the discovery of 115 at Tunguska. Richtofen may or may not have been there and 935 could have just been a dream that Richtofen had, that wasn't fully realized until the Nazi party offered funding and more than likely hired or bought out the entire team of scientists that had been working for Russia and Japan whom were charged with testing the meteor at Tunguska. The involvement of Richtofen is puzzling...How would a german Doctor be able to know, let alone be involved with such a discovery? How could he have achieved his degree by then and even be recognized as a Doctor? Unless he was a child prodigy, the dates seem to suggest he was too young to have been through so much college. My thoughts about that are either A) The Doctor reference is not Richtofen or Richtofen may have traveled back in time to Tunguska to begin his quest for total domination. B would be awesome because it would mean that possibly the N4 and our next map will help Richtofen accomplish this.
  6. So maybe in DLC 4 the N4 will assemble Richtofen from various Zombie parts, reanimate with pure 115, and create a super Zombie...the UnEdd?
  7. There really is no need for any gun on this map besides the Paralyzer/Petrifier. Jugg + Vulture-Aid + Paralyzer + Courthouse = Infinite ammo, perfect camp spot with escape. Anything else added or done to such a strategy is just a cure for boredom. My Solo games go like this: 1) Drop down immediately. 2) Quick Revive (just so I don't have to worry about being downed accidentally) 3) Remington chalk (Draw only) 4) Open Bank, withdraw 30-40k 5) Release Giant, clear as much as you care to (Jugg and Church are musts) 6) Pin Mystery Box, keep hitting until Paralyzer 7) Acquire Jugg and Vulture 8) Go through Mansion, acquire free perk (because why not?), PaP everything 9) Fly into Courthouse, camp bottom floor, only go upstairs to escape 10) By round 30, refill your bank Such strategy only limits the rounds you reach by how bored you become. For me, that number is between 50 and 60, but to reach those rounds requires very little skill. Instead of training, the skill comes in learning how to use the Paralyzer + Vulture combo effectively.
  8. It looks like a stamp or a watermark for 935, but that's not the proper border for the 935 logo. This looks just like a cog/gear instead of the atomic model outline we normally see. I'm thinking if it's a stamp, it may have been a blueprint for a proposed 935 facility that for whatever reason was either never inhabited or was never completed and the stamp could indicate that someone in 935 approved the location. 1915 was a year in which many battles during WWI ocurred, but most notably...Einstein's theory of Relativity was formulated in 1915.
  9. I haven't had that problem. As long as someone is in the Cell, he won't shut the door. He will just cower like he does when we first open the Cell. The player holding Candy/Booze, does have to come in the Cell and wait for him to go into the "Gimme, gimme" animation, but once he does that, He'll follow that player right out.
  10. If he does run back to his Cell, you can just meet him there and he won't shut a player in with him. If that player has Candy or Booze on them, he will follow them out as soon as he gets in, but if they don't, another player can pick up Booze or Candy to come get him out. So, you don't have to collect the key again if you just sit with him in the cell until someone with Candy or Booze comes in to make him come back out.
  11. The Blue aura surrounding the map select icon indicates that the EE has been completed. The lightning animations pulsating out indicates that the correct Nav Card has been inserted. You can have one without the other. If you already have the achievement 'Tower of Babble', you should see some color surrounding the icon, red/orage if you did Maxis, Blue if Richtofen. Whichever side you have completed most recently will decide the color. If you see no color, best to have someone without the achievement start a custom game set for invite only, then invite the other players once they spawn. The correct Nav Card for TranZit is found in the Mansion/Ghost House in Buried, while returning through the house from the maze, past the piano are some bookshelves, one is fallen over and there is a fern/plant underneath it. The Nav Card is there. Pick it up and go back to TranZit so you can place it in the Nav Table. If you've done all of this and still don't see the desired icons, it's probably a bug.
  12. I did this achievement with a friend. It was boring for him, but what are friends for? 1) Point-whore kill all zombies, but one...Usually I was getting 5-6 kills. Have your friend babysit the zombie the old school way. (Do not use the Giant) 2) Draw and purchase Remington. 3) Let the Giant out. 4) Run through the stables and mineshaft to Saloon, buy Bowie Knife debris. 5) Grab Booze, open Gunsmith. (Try for long range, but 1000 points is all you really need here. 6) If you have the points now (750) open the General Store, have your friend build the Tramplsteam upstairs from the box spawn to save time. 7) Draw gun chalks. (When using the TS to get into the Courthouse, have your friend lead the Zombie towards the Saloon...better safe than sorry) 8) If another free booze spawns, use it to open the Church. If it's not free, depending on how much distance you had when you opened the Gunsmith might leave you a few hundred points short from what you need. If that's the case, have your friend down themselves a few times and get points by reviving. 9) Make the Church chalk your last one to draw and make sure you bring your TS with you. (Use the General Store to get over to that side.) 10) Before you TS into the Mansion/Ghost House yard, make sure you have at least 6250 points. 11) With Remington, walk through the house (DO NOT RUN) while aiming down the sights. When you see a ghost/witch, let them get fairly close before you fire. If you fire from a distance, you have a good chance of missing. If you miss when she's close, back-up and fire again. 12) After a witch is killed, stop aiming down the sights to get a speed boost, but DO NOT RUN. Always aim when approaching corners and doorways. 13) Best time to reload is as soon as you enter the hidden hallway behind the bookcase. Depending on how well you did prior will depend on how many shells you can get in. You'll be reloading as a witch comes at you in the Hallway, to stop reloading spam the fire trigger. You will hip-fire to kill this witch. 14) Continue on after that normally, paying close attention to the secret hallway exit. I never just exit the hallway, I always wait for the witch to pop her head around that corner and execute her before I exit the secret hallway. 15) Once you can see the garden, you can run the rest of the way, but turn around when you exit the house and kill the last one, she should drop a perk bottle and this will be your cue that you've made it. 16) Navigate the maze and PaP. Achievement will pop when you retrieve your PaPed weapon. I had this run in theater mode, but it only recorded the first 5 minutes for whatever reason. Treyarch... Hope this helps someone. Although the Remington is expensive, it's the most forgiving, in my opinion.
  13. I made a video guide about my way...might help some people, but I think your strategy is to control the number of ghosts/witches that actually spawn, whereas mine is how to move carefully through the house. ZsqHuDrGtDc
  14. Paralyzer is easily the best weapon in BO2 and it truly gives the best from BO1 (Thundergun) a run for its money. I truly don't understand how RGM2 is ranked #1... was there a vote prior to this list?
  15. Also... Giant can be lead into the Bank, 100 points gifted into a Z power-up, Candy given to Giant will make him change the Z into a different powerup, possibly a Max Ammo. So you can completely fill your bank in one round this way.
  16. That 'trick' in the spoiler, BSZombie, I think has been removed in a hot fix. Used to be you'd double jump by a post on the fence of the mansion near that rock where you can Tramplesteam over, but the other day we were playing, left the game and got a message about needing to update to the current game settings, were logged out of XBL, didn't d/l anything, signed back in, went back into game and now when we double jump by that post instead of giving us the extra height to jump over the rock, it puts us into a crouch. So, I think they fixed that 'trick'. ;)
  17. Shouldn't the first step be to withdraw all your points and then set the time bomb? If you set the timebomb before you withdraw all your points, will you still time travel back to having points?
  18. This achievement is really challenging and it reminds me of playing old school console games like Mario... You get to a difficult level and first master the initial half, but always die at a certain area in the 2nd half. You end up mastering that first half of the level and experience extreme frustration when you get through that first half just to fail at the 2nd half over and over. Great job, Treyarch, for taking me back to the days of flinging my controller at the TV screen. Instead of gamerscore for this one, I think we should earn a free controller. :lol:
  19. I would still choose Deadshot over Electric Cherry in MotD if, and only if, I didn't have a Blundergat. It's great for spamming headshots by alternating both trigger buttons quickly, i.e. hold left trigger, tap right trigger, pop some heads, double tap and hold left again, repeat... Because Electric Cherry is truly most effective with a weapon that reloads when the mag hits 0, if you don't have the Blundergat, you probably will get more from Deadshot strategically. I like this perk-weapon combos they're making. EC + Blundergat was the first, now we have Vulture-Aid + Paralyzer. Good stuff. Perma Flopper is a great way to break up the boredom, at least.
  20. I hate the idea of nerfing one gun because of a spawn exploit. Instead let's fix the spawn. I understand why everyone is against this strategy, but it's not the Paralyzer or Vulture-Aid's fault. I am totally against the suggestion to make the Paralyzer disconnect from the Vulture-Aid drops. If you're camping in the Courthouse, you have the Tunnel behind you that doesn't spawn anything. If the Tunnel was spawning Zombies, this camping strategy would not be as easy. Leaderboard problem solved. I love the Paralyzer and I love Vulture-Aid. The combination of using the green stink to hide while your Paralyzer is cooling is awesome. Just because you're upset about leaderboards is no reason to eliminate the combination. Instead we should be demanding that there aren't spawn exploits like the one in the Courthouse. There's really no need to penalize me and my fun because the already broken leaderboard doesn't magically get better with new DLC. smh @ nerfing one gun becuase of a spawn exploit
  21. If you fly to great heights with the Paralyzer and drop normally, you will take damage and lose the PHD Persistant Perk. Irregardless, it is easy to obtain AND keep, if you know what you are doing. @OP... If you do not want to lose it, then use the WW properly. If you fly over debris, then make sure you point the gun downwards while firing to cushion your drop, and even if you do lose it, it only takes around 5 dolphin dives/high drops to re-obtain it anyway. The idea with it is to obtain it when you settle into a game and are ready to run trains. You should never really lose it by that point. Firstly, irregardless is not a word. Please never use it again. Secondly, my point is still fact. The Paralyzer has no effect on the PHD perma-perk. It's the fall damage you sustain while flying around with the Paralyzer that causes you to lose PHD, not the weapon itself.
  22. The Paralyzer has no effect on the PHD perma-perk. One way to lose the PHD perma-perk is by taking fall damage without dolphin-diving. Treyarch is just thinking ahead... They give us the ability to get the PHD perma-perk and a gun that allows us to fly. How OP would that be if a player could just fly up high, then dolphin-dive down to kill the zombies? You wouldn't even need to look for a stairway or a good dive spot. So, in order to alleviate this combo being OP, they took away the ability to dolphin-dive while holding the Paralyzer. That doesn't make it impossible to use this OP exploit, but it does make it more difficult. Try flying up high, switching weapons mid-air and executing a proper dolphin-dive...It's tough. I love the PHD perma-perk. I don't really use it effectively because there's so much more to do in this map that seems more engaging, but it's nice to know it's there if I need it. What would make PHD most effective is if it appeared in every map, especially Great Leap Forward.
  23. Did you mean Eternal, instead of Pinnaz? And you really don't need the double points. If you read through my method, you can get extra points by running the Giant into barriers.
  24. I see a lot of confusion here and I know why. There is no chalk in the bank. Here's my method and it works: 1) Point-whore all zombies, but one, in spawn area. I find it easier here because there's more room and straight paths mean it's easier to make every bullet in the leg count. 2) Drop down, draw Remington, drop again. You'll now be in the stables/barn. 3) Run out to the Gen. Store, open that door, build the Tramplesteam above the Mystery Box and grab it. 4) Let the big guy out, if Booze respawns in the Cell, get him to smash the Gunsmith debris. You can hit this one from distance easily and that could get you 2k more points, if no booze in cell after first one, continue... 5) Go back around to where the Tramplsteam was built, jump over to the prison, run out on the catwalk and into the stables, drop down and run into the Tunnel. After the large jump at the end of this Tunnel, you'll be in the Saloon, 2nd floor. 6) Walk out onto the balcony and jump across to the power room. Turn on Power. 7) Drop down and repeat the last route, except don't go into the Tunnel. Instead, on the 2nd floor of the Stables, you'll see two windows, one leads back towards the Gen. Store/Jail avenue, the other looks across to the top of the bank. Place your TS in that 2nd window. When placing, you will see the Tramp is angled up, keep moving it forward out the window and it will seem to level out, place it then. 8) Fling across, then look to your right and you'll see the Gunsmith shop. Jump over. When making these jumps, it's best to be at a 90 degree perpendicular angle or straight on, do not try to jump diagonally, run and jump at the last possible moment. 9) Now you're at 2nd floor of Gunsmith, the gun chalks are all downstairs. Question Mark Locations (excluding Remington): 1) Top of stairway leading to where the TS is built 2) Saloon Balcony 2nd floor 3) Courthouse 2nd floor 4) Jail entrance 5) Church 2nd floor 10) The jail entrance and the TS stairway are both easily accessible, but the other require more effort. To reach the courthouse, place a TS on the catwalk roof of the TS building. Jump over to the jail, walk out onto the catwalk, turn left, jump across the gap, look for the hole in the courthouse building (has lots of green vines on it) and aim your TS there. To reach the Saloon, just use the Tunnel in the stables. 11) After every chalk is placed except the Church, you must shift to getting our Giant friend to open the church. If you used a free booze for the Gunsmith debris, you don't need to use the TS to acquire the gun chalk, but if you didn't read on... 12) You will have to buy the debris in the Saloon and look for free booze/purchase booze. You will probably get one for free after the initial booze, if you want more points, use it to open the Gunsmith early on, the farther away you are when the Giant gets the booze, the more points you'll get. 13) If you would rather use the free booze to open the church, grab the booze, then make sure you have your TS. Run upstairs in the Gen. Store, turn left, drop out the window, wait for the big guy and run him into the church barrier. *You can not carry gun chalk and booze at the same time* 14) To leave the church area, place your TS a few paces behind the barrier in between the Sweet shop and the Gen. Store. 15) I usually have around 7500-8500 points after I finish all the gun chalks, but I have been buying the Remington right away for the Mansion, you can buy a different weapon or go in with no weapon. I do not have a good strategy for the mansion, but I am going to try the one in the OP. I have not gotten this achievement yet b/c I keep on getting hit in the mansion, but as for everything leading up to it, this is the best way. If you want to risk some money on a box spin you can. If you get the Paralyzer, the TS is not needed, but if you don't you may as well restart unless you get a good gun for the mansion. This strategy is the safest most sure-fire way and is pretty quick. Getting through the mansion is, by far, the most difficult part of this achievement.
  25. I don't want to get into the debate of camper vs. trainer. Both strategies require different skill sets and each have their own challenges. I don't really call getting into the gas an exploit or glitch, that's the players being clever and using all their tools to their advantage. What I will offer is the issue I have with the Paralyzer. It doesn't penalize you enough for overheating it. Just not being able to use it for X amount of time is not enough to dissuade people from using it in conunction with strategies like mentioned in the OP. On top of that, if I don't get the Paralyzer in a game, I have only one option to ever get it: Player holding it goes down and I let them die. I think Treyarch should patch in that Richtofen takes the Paralyzer if the counter ever hits 115. This will dissuade players from over-using the weapon and also give everyone a fair chance to have the weapon because if the idiot 'Joe' you play with gets lucky, but has no clue how to use the weapon, he should not be able to keep it. A little part of me dies everytime I don't get that weapon. Best WW to date, by far.
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