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Everything posted by ETEl2NAL407

  1. Yes, yes, and more yes. They could give us attachment unlocks while we play, just like we get in Multiplayer. Add in a "Master" Table that we can go to while playing. Throw your gun on the table and you can unlock/activate the attachment, build it, then use it. I think we could work in a Prestige award, like the permanent unlock, but instead of a permanent unlock, make it instead a permanent upgrade. So, if we play long enough and unlock the ACOG for the Ray gun, we can build it first, then choose to make this upgrade permanent. Now everytime we pick up the Ray gun, it always has the ACOG without needing to build it.
  2. Tramplesteams are great for trolling. I like to gauge a random's train path and then sneak a TS in one of their escape routes...they go to flee and get tossed right back into their train. Reminds me of that scrawny kid who thought he'd be cool and get in the mosh pit...realizes he's gonna die and tries to leave, but is shoved right back in by the spectators. Lmao! Another great troll is to stand in the bus doors and/or shut the doors when people are trying to get on. It really frustrates most people.
  3. Kino Der Toten is my favorite for many reasons. It's the map that I perform the best on (which is probably because it was the first zombie map I played and have played it more than any other map). It has perks, PaP, and traps. The Easter Eggs are not very complex and don't require any questing so they don't detract from the essence of Zombies (get setup quickly, establish a solid pattern, slay until your heart's content).
  4. This is making sense, but some of the loading screens are just diagrams of the maps. Even though, the diagrams appear to be within a comic book, can they really be considered a part of the comic? Here's how I break it down: Nacht Der Untoten = Page 1 Verruckt = Diagram Shi No Numa = Diagram Der Riese = Diagram Kino Der Toten = Page 2 Ascension = Page 3 Call of the Dead = Page 4 Shang Ri La = Page 5 Moon = Page 6 Nuketown = Page 7 (halfway point?) Green Run = Postcard (between 6 and 7) Great Leap Forward = Page 8 Mob of the Dead = Escape Plan/Newspaper This is how I see it. Though, I agree with the OP, I don't think our comic book would include diagrams since the rest of the book has that classic story board flow. I do believe there is much yet to come. If you have a different outline for the page numbers, please explain.
  5. Really surprised no one has mentioned the MP40. "Of course zey still have ze best veapon ever made here. What could be better zan ze MP40. Look at ze sheen on zis veapon!" Yes. I miss it too, Dr... :(
  6. That makes lots of sense in a nice neat way. I can see how Treyarch is trying to explain the repetetive nature of Zombies gameplay through a time-loop storyline. Resurrection in Die Rise, the Cycle in MotD... What you're suggesting eliminates any paradoxes and seems most plausible given what Treyarch has been doing thus far in BO:2, so I have to agree.
  7. The trailer makes me think there might be some "history of warriors" type of gameplay. Maybe IW is taking a page from Assassin's Creed and sending someone back in time to relive historical battles? If that's the case, this could be awesome. I'd love to play as a Spartan or a Samurai, using spears, shields, shurikens, katanas, etc.. A multiplayer like that would also be epic. Nothing better to even up the playing field than taking the quick scopers out of their element by trading thier rifle for a spear. Although, I feel this is a stretch and would be a huge 180 creatively for IW, I think if they actually did this it would be more like getting back to their roots by creating a game that immerses the player in the history of combat. Does anyone even remember the Original CoD that had you participating as a grunt storming Normandy beach on D-Day? That game's opening scene was like being dropped in the opening scene of Saving Private Ryan. I also think all tese variants of the same basic thing are overdone now. We see nothing but modern combat with guns, grenades, helicopters, etc.. All the MW's, All the BO's, WaW, and all the BF's. Where is historical combat in the gaming world that isn't a RTS?
  8. I just have three words to say... FUS RO DAH! ...lol
  9. Get a flash drive. Get one of those cushioned suitcases and a fireproof gun case. Dig a whole 100 feet underground and bury it in case of a disastorous event 100 feet? Then when the tectonic plates shift a little, you go to dig up your "treasure" and it's gone! Lol...great advice, BS.
  10. I've got a submission...Just trying to figure out how to upload without a capture card. YT tutorials, don't let me down!
  11. I'm a huge ES fan, played since Morrowind, but Skyrim is glitchy as all hell. The leveling system is still broken from Oblivion (actually Oblivion was much more tolerable), and the game just makes me cold (too much snow). Though, if you ever want to play tandem I can walk you through the best quests and some tips on getting out of the gate and making an awesome character.
  12. My usual strategy is to gib then melee after round 2, usually the gib is a good indication that the Zombie's health is low enough that a melee will bring it down, at least in the early (
  13. It is proven. I've only gotten it a couple times out of oh, I don't know, hundreds of play-throughs? So, yes, it's difficult and not really worth it. The best way to get it is to camp two players near windows, the sweatshop works well. When a Carpenter drops, wait until you have a Zombie behind a window, grab the power-up while aiming down the sights at the Zombie and fire. It helps if you have a powerful weapon too because the Zombie has to die before the barrier is completely rebuilt. I also think you lose this if you fail to kill a zombie behind a window the next time you grab the power-up, so for only two Iron Carpenters after all that work, it seems stupid to ever try for it again. Standard Iron boards are easier to achieve and easier to keep.
  14. So, if you shoot the head off you'll get a headshot AND a gib?
  15. You don't really have to train solely in the area of the trap. Though, this is the most efficient way to play and minimize your time in reaching rounds, you can still run your train around the whole map and then use the trap. In Kino, I'd do this. I would start on the stage and get a nice train gathered, then run to the spawn room and hit that trap. Gather them up in the spawn and then run back towards the stage and hit that trap. Sure I could just use the stage and only one trap, but I don't have to. In MotD, I could imagine running a train from the fan trap to the acid trap and back again. I love traps on the map because it gives us more options in killing AND makes high rounds possible. Ideally, I think, maps should feature several traps, several perks, several guns, several unique train spots, and just a little bit of side quest/EE related items.
  16. Thank you. I honestly don't think I need the soundtrack.
  17. Hmmm... I'm not asking you, MMX, or anyone else for that matter, to violate any copyright or piracy laws. If these in-game sounds that I'm looking for can be obtained by purchasing a soundtrack, I will purchase said soundtrack and would just like some verification that such sounds can be obtained that way. Alternately, I am aware of certain copyright laws that allow sounds to be used within different contexts. Since I will be altering these sounds enough so that they won't any longer be stock sounds from the game, I'm within the law. Let's say I wanted to make a song using sounds from the Aliens films...I could record the audio directly from the film, then do whatever to the sound and I would not be violating any laws since the Alien sounds are respective to the film and not music. I could theoretically do the same with the in-game sounds of Zombies, but since most of the quotes are triggered with other sounds, i.e. gunshots, this creates an unwanted background noise. If I were very careful I may be able to capture some pure sounds this way, but it would be far easier to just have the core sound files. So, if you know of any ways outside of purchasing the game for PC and digging through the core files to obtain core audio, I would love to know. I'm not exactly sure we're on the same page here as far as my intent is concerned. I'm just after samples and I intend on using these samples to create remixed music. If you have recorded or otherwise obtained core audio files, there would be no copyright infringement if you shared said files with me.
  18. After a certain point in the game, most weapons become severely ineffective. In the higher rounds, even the strongest weapons will require more and more ammo to be used while dispatching the horde. Certain wonder weapons will surely last longer than other weapons, making the high rounds possible, i.e. Sliquifier, Thundergun, Vitriolic Withering, etc.., but these weapons are finite and eventually they will lose their effectiveness. It's because of these weapons losing effectiveness that make traps a more viable option for attaining high rounds. Traps are lethal at any round, so it just becomes a matter of making sure you have your entire horde follow you into the trap. With extremely high rounds, your weapon devolves into a way to farm points just so you can activate the traps. If you ask me, traps are your best friend, especially if you're going for high rounds, but in the early rounds I'd try to farm points instead of using the traps.
  19. No worries, NinjaNick. If MMX posts a link, we can all click it. MMX, .rar file will work fine and thank you much!
  20. I don't think I'll need a full soundtrack, just the general sounds. Need moans and groans mostly, some character quotes, etc.. The music could help, but only for the respective melodies, which will be re-written on a synthesizer. I won't actually mix the actual songs in, just take the notes and rhythm for the melody. I plan on applying the groans/moans into a synth and making some resampled basslines/effects. If you're my guy, where is your library? Do you have a cloud based file share website? Are all your sounds on your hard drive? Let me know how we can go about exchanging files either through a reply here or PM.
  21. Hey everyone. I am creating some Zombie inspired music. I am in need of any and all sounds from within the game. This could be Zombie roars/moans (preferred), radio transmissions, character quotes, gun sound effects, perk machine sounds/songs, other zombie specific sounds. I'm not asking everyone to go record me audio, but instead, if you happen to have any of these sounds, please let me know. If you know where some of these sounds are located, please reply with a link. My hope over the next few weeks is to create a large sound library and use these sounds to create some tunes. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  22. So, the glitchers are back at throwing the shield down to get a pile-up glitch? ...When will they learn? smh
  23. This is how a Zombie campaign should be. Good ideas. I definitely want to have custom loadouts/XP gains. Custom maps is a great idea. Just give us a pool of stuff to pick and choose from, i.e. perks, wall guns, teleporters, traps, boss zombies (if any), then let us drag and drop things in...I'm sure we'd come up with some awesome stuff.
  24. HQ/Leveling Class: Primary Weapon doesn't matter (whatever you're best with) _Primary Gunfighter WC or an Extra Tac -No sight attachments (so the EMPs don't affect ADS) -Semtex, C4, or Frag and EMP -Hardline and Flak Jacket -Scavenger or Cold-Blooded -Tactical Mask This is an ideal clss for playing Headquarters. Grab your favorite gun, charge for the HQ, toss your tacs and lethals, settle in and try to score. Flak jacket and Tactical Mask allow to charge in and not worry about the tacs and lethals your opponents will send in, hardline allows you to really hurt the opposition. If you can get a capture and take out a few of them in the process, you should be able to follow that up with some scorestreaks. Scavenger or Cold-Blooded is a play style choice. I find myself swapping back and forth between the two. EMP is for being a royal pain in the ass to your opposition and I suggest you spam the hell out of them (one good thing about Scavenger)...You could instead use Smoke and Cold-blooded, but I actually find EMP to be more effective, whereas my reaction to Cold-blooded and smoke is just unload at the smoke cloud until I get hit markers, then re-focus my fire. In any case, if you can use this loadout effectively and strictly play HQ, you should rake in the XP.
  25. I see some really inventive emblems...I really like the ones that look shiny. We've got some serious artists out there in the CoD world. I always go for something simple, like a shamrock or what I'm using now, Pink Floyd's DSotM album cover (made with just triangles). I don't mind the hot chicks with cleavage or booty popping out, some are not that hot, but the ones that are well done are nice, but I agree with everyone else here. The ejaculating penises are grotesque. The pooping images make me sick. But the ones that make me leave the lobby and try to get as far away from the emblem owner are the bestiality images...horses screwing women or horse schlongs ejaculating. *vomit* These kids really need to be reported and I hope Treyarch forwards the offensive emblem back to their mother's email, so she can slap the sickness out of her child.
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