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Everything posted by ETEl2NAL407

  1. Yes. Increase your internet speed, if you can. Another vitally important thing you can try to do is update the firmware in your router/modem. Using the Deafult Gateway (Windows) or Router (Mac) Address, browse to that address to access your router/modem configuration page. Then look under an 'Advanced', 'Utilities', or 'Diagnostic' section and find an 'Upgrade/Update Firmware' button. Where within the configuration page this process is found depends on the mmanufacturer of your router/modem, but most should have the option in them somewhere.
  2. Great reply Gamechanger...Thanks so much. I wanted to offer one of my opinions about this: I'm seeing with most times I play this map the initial box spawn usually at Gen. 3 or 2, so without those gennies, whether you turn on 4-6 or not, you'd still have no box. Is that right? Does anyone know of a way to make the box change locations if the initial spawn hasn't been powered on? I honestly don't think it's possible, so that almost makes the question: What's more important, Jugg, Stamin-Up, and a Reward Chest or the Box?
  3. I've got it recorded in theater mode, but when I watched it back it just didn't seem as epic. Lol. Still I'm going to try and upload...
  4. Recently on Origins... Out of ammo, No jugg, ran away from the horde to the Tank Station roof, hoping to loop them up and around and exit through the other ramp. Smart-ass zombie horde split up, FML... I managed to see a small hole in the train that was approaching up my exit ramp, leaped through and did a quick screen-shake mid air as I dropped through the hole and right down into the Tank Station, not even red-screened. Nice!
  5. Unfortunately, you're basing this support off another unproven bit of evidence. The time that the cutscene ocurrs. A mention of 'The Great War' is not concrete fact that this cutscene ocurrs before WWII. After all, we have no basis for where this cutscene takes place. Is it even on the planet Earth? Could it be an alternate reality from our own that never had WWII or even WWI as we know it? Absolutely, it could. Just because we have references to real life people in previous maps that were imagined by Samantha means nothing if the cutscene exists in a different reality from our own. We have separate realities, thus we've had separate histories. My theory does not jump to any conclusions, whereas MMX's does...and lots of them. Your support of his theory also is heavily dependent on assumptions that have no proof. My theory takes the cutscene at face value and does not attempt to answer anymore questions. Therefore, it is the simplest answer. Actually, I'm upset by people that don't accept the gift we've been given by Treyarch. This ending, as I see it, is glorious and I'm thrilled by it. Further speculation that drives everyone in circles is what truly upsets me. Again, MMX, you fail to understand me. It's seems an epidemic now that everyone is jumping to conclusions and making far too many assumptions, not only about the story, but also about debating theories and the attitudes of others while engaged in debate.
  6. Awesome guide, friendo! I'm ready to do some digging now!
  7. The charge shot from the wind staff is very similar to a gersh because it sucks escaping sombies into the vortex it creates...Js
  8. Since I've already included Staves as an option on the poll, I don't want to have a ton of options that will kinda be like voting for the same thing, but I do very much like that idea. Isn't it only one debris/barrier to open the Excavation/Dig site?
  9. Hey CoDZ... I am creating this poll in an effort to arrive at creating a challenge for the Olympics which I'm about to get going again very soon. I have been working closely with InfestLithium to create unique map challenges that promote quicker games (for recording/monitoring purposes) and help eliminate any easy, god-mode abilities. I am wrestling with Origins, though because I can't exactly nail down what makes this map easy (probably because it's not that easy at all) so, please...Vote on what you think makes this map easy. Also, make a reply with some reasons behind it because that will greatly help me in making a decision for how to craft a challenge for Origins. When placing your vote, keep in mind that if you were to do without the element you're voting for, basically you think this map would be nearly impossible. So we're having a vote to decide what element, when eliminated from the game, would make Origins extremely difficult. I'll keep this voting open for a few weeks!
  10. Where? What piece? I think of it like this: One weekend in an undetermined time at an undetermined house, two children are having a sleep-over. Samantha and Eddie. These children have betwen them both several different dolls/figures. They play together with these dolls and for the first day Samantha is doing the narrating. She tells the story. She gives all of the dolls names, perhaps with Eddie's help. She creates the story. Some may say that perhaps the story she's creating is isolated to Origins and I would say yes, absolutely, if it weren't for the comments that Eddie makes. Eddie is like the prophet because he wants to have a turn creating the story and he makes mention of gameplay elements we see in the sequel as he references aspects of the story, as presented by Samantha, that he would like to change. Let's break it into maps by who is telling the story when: WaW = Samantha BO:1 = Samantha Origins = Samantha Moon = Both (will explain this) BO:2 = Eddie WaW, BO:1 (excluding Moon), and Origins all happen on day 1. Moon and BO:2 all happen on day 2. Moon is the transitional map. As Day 2 starts, after Samantha has promised Eddie it would be his turn, she demands they make the story make sense instead of just having Eddie start it over. Moon ocurrs. As a way to make the story sensible, Eddie gets rid of the character Samantha has created for herself, but the entire time they've been playing he's enjoyed taking the role of Richtofen (perhaps this was the doll he brought over. When you were a boy and a girl invited you over, would you expect her to have toys that you liked? Put yourself in a boy's shoes...Would you rather play with a GI Joe or a Barbie?). When BO:2 begins, Richtofen is in control and the eyes of the zombies are blue, just the way Eddie wanted it. It even fits with the overall mood of the different games. Nothing but survival modes on WaW and BO:1 because the feminine motherly instinct of Sam wants to help her characters survive the zombie apocalypse. Masculine conflicts and struggles in BO:2 with the addition of Grief and the struggle for power. When you really put it all together, it all fits so nicely, but you have to first be able to grasp that nothing we ever did in game was really ocurring. "It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything." -Tyler Durden
  11. Eddie is not Richtofen. Richtofen never existed except as a figment of Eddie's imagination. None of our characters ever existed, for that matter, they were all made up by Samantha and Eddie as the two children played with dolls.
  12. Is the RGM2 truly a wonder weapon? I think that could be argued. My votes go to Thundergun and Paralyzer. Thundergun = God-like powers at dispatching hordes, only downside is limited ammo, but this is easily overcome by using the weapon wisely. Paralyzer = Infinite ammo. 'Nuff said.
  13. I take offense to your misunderstanding of my attitude, so please watch what you say. You truly have no clue who I am, so stop pretending to. If anyone is being pessimistic, it's you. You constantly try to silence others who are in disagreement with your beliefs. No one made you the all-knowing guru of Zombies, you are just thinking you are because of your inflated ego. I will stop because I refuse to share wisdom with a fool.
  14. Untrue... It's not at all giving up on the series or Treyarch. The fact that Samantha has those lines about her father having a plan and that "we will make everything OK" means the series is not over with. However, one thing that many people theorizing about lately hugely overlook is that the name Maxis is never mentioned in this cutscene. The voice sounds like him and Samantha does acquiesce that he is indeed her father (whom we know from the games to be Maxis), but the name Maxis never is mentioned. Therefore, to assume the man speaking to Samantha from elsewhere in the house is Maxis, is making a leap that can't directly be proven. To base any theories off that alone are already flawed. All we're doing is creating more holes. To say this is Maxis and Samantha as we know them can't be proven, so forming any theories based on that assumption creates holes. Whereas, taking the cutscene at face value leaves no holes and only speculation for what could possibly come next. Okham's Razor is a scientific term that basically means the simplest solution is always the best, so why are we trying to over-complicate such a beautiful wrap of the Zombies Saga part 1? I'd prefer speculation of what that siren was, what the plan could be that's referenced, why these children are playing these games. Instead everyone wants to tie this cutscene back into the games and try to open the lid that Treyarch has sealed this story with. Opening the bottle back up will only create a mess, let's leave things clean. Yes? Again... "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." -Mother effing Einstein
  15. Oh, MMX...You should have lots to say to me basing from that theory. I don't believe those lines aren't explained. Their explanantion lies in their existence. To me, that explanation is simply, "There's more to come." What I am hoping to avoid are theories which try to use previously ocurring events to explain things in this cutscene because that's an inverted way of thinking and defeats the pupose of those lines. In other words, all those lines are meaning is, "This story is not over." However, to try and use facts that ocurr in maps to explain these lines is ludicrous. The cutscene has already explained that what we've experienced in game has been within the imagination of children, so once we see this, anything that's happened within the maps cannot directly correlate to what's happening outside of the imagination. If I dream that I win the lottery, when I wake up and check my bank account to discover I don't have millions of dollars there, do you think the bank would agree that because I dreamed of winning millions, I should have millions in the bank? So, how can anyone seriously think things that ocurred in the maps (the dreams of these children) have anything to do with what's happening to them in their reality (the cutscene)?
  16. ...I think this was aimed at me, IRurG. Did you really intend on waiting? Doesn't seem like it, but anyways... The last line doesn't make this theory proven. It just means there is room for speculation of any kind. "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." -Albert Einstein
  17. I put up a thread about a possible MMORPG for Zombies. http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=100&t=28721 As it has yet come to be realized...I did have the foresight to include my own disclaimer at the end. I didn't want money if the idea happened, but I did ask for a free copy and an exclusive god-mode ability, just for me. 8-) I'd much rather have the ability to own everyone in game by a leg up from the developers than a check. ;)
  18. I am checking out of this theory, MMX. I don't want to poke holes or anything, because if I spend my time on this forum continually doing that, I would never be satisfied, since my theory of this storyline is basically that no more needs to be said. Since I don't want everyone to just stop, I'm going to be primarily focused on gameplay instead of story. (This actually frees my mental energies for the Olympics, so it's a good thing) However, I will make one last statement since I feel I must refute this new theory you have which seems to try and cap things. Ontological Paradox, better known as, "The Grandfather Paradox", but fits better for this theory as "The Chicken and The Egg". Because there exists a theory that holds no paradox in explanation, I adopt that theory. If Samantha and Eddie are just playing a game with each other of make-believe, regardless of what's really going on in their reality, and that's an explanation of all Zombie maps we've experienced, there is no need for any further theorizing. Though your theory is the most concise and evident, it has one fatal flaw that the "Make-Believe" theory does not...A Paradox. Although you may argue that the paradox spawns a cycle, we still end up with the question, "What came first? The Chicken or the Egg?" (The story as we knew it, or the story as Sam tells us) I don't expect you to stop theorizing, nor do I even want that to happen...Any of you, not just MMX (though he usually has the best because he uses evidence to support his thoughts), but I did want to mention the core reason the "Make-Believe" theory works so well. It's simple and it leaves no time-loop, no paradox, and only speculation for what the children are going through at the end of the scene. It gets us back to a linear sense of time, where we can expect the future to have not ocurred yet and the past to remain as we remember it.
  19. Try this one: These blood vials do not contain the mobsters' blood. They contain zombie blood. They're just numbered this way to classify their placement in experiments that were ongoing to manufacture zombie blood and arrive us at our new power-up. The similarity ocurred because the linking of controllers through the Aether chose those specific mobsters. Like this... "Who do I pick on? Oh, look...Here are 2 mobsters with an interesting story and they just so happen to have inmate ID numbers that match blood vials used in an experiment to achieve zombie blood." So, as a huge advocate for a storyline that doesn't involve travelling back in time. I have an actual theory which doesn't include time travel to fit for these blood vials. Instead of thinking in a complicated manner and saying that things are brought back from the future, why not think simply and say that things which ocurred in the past influenced the future?
  20. I would definitely go with the Fire staff (Kagutsuchi's Blood). I've spent a high round run in the Crazy Place on co-op and had no problem dispatching a train of 15-20 Templar zombies with the charge shot from this staff. I would not use the charge to actually create fire pits like traps, instead just use it to target the horde. You're right about the other staves... Wind is great for those "Oh shit" moments. Lightning has lots of ammo, but is weak and inaccurate. (Charge shot is pretty nice, though) Ice...I have not really used yet. I think it will also greatly depend on where you intend on training as the Lightning staff would work better with more space. The Fire staff would excel in closer quarters (as long as you're using the charge shot).
  21. I am already a believer that Eddie is not Richtofen and this is just another piece of evidence that can help to solidify my belief. The only thing I would question is: Why would a boy need a login to a mainframe database? The again, why would a young girl (Samantha)? So, I appreciate what you're saying with this, but I don't think this will change the mind of those who believe Eddie is Richtofen. Still a nice perspective about the logins. Good reference!
  22. Samantha was never a playable character or a zombie, there is no Doll for Samantha. ...And she's not like Eddie. She's a girl. Eddie wants to imagine himself being one of the characters, Samantha just wants to play a game and she wants to be the one who helps the other characters survive the zombies, hence power-ups, mystery box, and perk-a-colas (which there is an empty bottle of one laying near the kids). She has a natural motherly instinct, like most women. She's not playing as Tank, she just has him in her hand as the scene starts and the player's perspective (our perspective) shifts from Tank (Always Player 1) to illustrate that we are just now able to see what's really been going on.
  23. Ah...Deleted and re-done. I liked it better when you referred to me as a smart ass. I kinda am. Lol.
  24. Ah...Got ya. I wasn't sure which theory you accepted and almost thought you were arguing that because he's holding a doll of himself it must be him. Lol! ...yeah not sure what I was thinking, it's been a long week. :P
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