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Posts posted by BobbyOfCanada

  1. I don't think they will simply because there's no need for the Wunderfizz in the other maps.

    In Origins, there are more Perk-A-Colas than there are Perk Machines, this means you can only get certain perks like PHD Flopper for instance, via the Wunderfizz. In all the other maps, the number of available Colas = the number of available Perk Machines. So there's no reason to introduce the Wunderfizz as you can already buy whichever perk you want in those maps.

    But you can get every perk, excluding Quick revive, for cheaper.

  2. Sorry if someone covered this already, but in the map you can get 'Shepard of Fire' to play.

    Around the map there are radios that DO NOT have an audio log, when you hold 'use' on the three of them the song plays, one is in the dig site under pack-a-punch, one is in a robots head, I think it was Freiya, and the final one was in the 'crazy place'.

    These other radios can be distinguished by them having red on the little glass parts.

    (thank you for the correction Max)

  3. They're challenges, when you do them you can go to the box thats under the token board and open it for a reward, I've gotten free perks and pack a punched guns from it.

    Doesn't the box open like, super early during round 1-2? You couldn't have completed any of those challenges then.

    That is it opening for the first generator, it gives a lesser reward I assume
  4. At spawn there is a board with 4 tokens. 3 that are individual per characters in the game, and one for all.

    Anyone if they carry between games because:


    (It's kinda bad quality)

    Left to right- Turn on all 6 generators, spend 30000 points, Headshot(I forget) many zombies

    Edit: They weren't there in my next game. :(

  5. So we remember how the first intro for Origins had an older Samantha, and the real intro had a young Sam right?

    Well in the map the announcer is an older woman is it possible there are two Samanthas?

    This is kinda out there and It would involve some moving between realities, but whatever.

    Uh *edit*, while powering a generator as Richtofen, he shouts "Are you behind this Samantha?"

    Am I on to something?

  6. I don't think that is a zombie inside the robot. I think its an alien. Maybe the vril society I always hear tied to shangri la?

    It kind of looks like an alien, but I'm not sure about the idea that is a Vril. If it was, why glowing yellow eyes? Also, like Grill says, it doesn't seem to match the Vril description.

    There is this interesting image of the guy. Note the hollow, non-glowing eye sockets. Glow sometimes, no-glow other times!

    And it looks possible that his scalp could have been put back on with a new brain, but there's not really stitches or whatnot.

    At this point in the trailer I'm pretty sure it was showing him dying, the way he slumps looks pretty dead.

  7. A little glitch me and my friends encountered while doing the final step of the EE for this map.

    Okay so by now you probably know the shooting range/final step of the EE, and the time that goes with it, well while we were doing this step we activated the teddy song, and it played normally, but when it ended the firing range tune comes on.

    This would all be fine if it didn't get stuck looping until the game ended.

    Kinda sucked, we all turned off our music volume because of it.

  8. So I was playing Buried with my friends and whilst playing something weird happened, I was able to purchase things for half off. I noticed when I went to pick up my galvaknuckles, I had exactly the 6k needed, but it only charged me 3k.

    Later, when we got a fire sale, I decided to hit the box, and it was only charging me 5 points instead of the 10.

    I already had my perks so I don't know if they were any different.

    I have no idea what happened, nor can I post proof. (Sorry)

    If anyone can clear this up for me that would be awesome.

  9. When my friend and I were playing buried we had an idea.

    We went to the bank to store our points, but before we deposited them we set a time bomb. Continuing from there we stored our points then turned back time to when we still had the points, we then deposited them again. I'm not sure whether or not this doubled our points or if it counted the secondary deposit.

    I will check when I'm on tommorow. (If it works I will have 10k in the bank, if not I will have 5k)

    If this works it will be a kinda OP but easy way to double the points in your bank.

  10. Great read man.

    As for the dates, I personally think there isn't one.

    I think people are thinking too hard about the dates.

    Purgatory doesn't take place in the space and time of reality.

    It is on its own plane of existence, date and time is irrelevant.

    But that's my speculation.

  11. I haven't seen anyone post about this, but I noticed it about a week ago.

    If you look on the roof you can find the body of Al. As far as I can tell it is his body.

    If you look in the fenced off square, directly behind the pallets to build the plane, you can see a dead body, and it just so happens to be dressed the same as Al including his hat.

    You can see through a split in the sheet metal while prone. The split is in a small corner made by the "cage" and a stack of sheet metal. Look through the left most part of the splits.

  12. I honestly can't say I share these annoyances, I refuse to play the map in Public, I either play solo or with friends. As for the BlunderGat in the Warden office, I usually let my friends take it. I have a habit of getting signifigantly better box pulls then them so it balances out.

  13. I have also had 3 working boxes in one of my games. They got locked down during a fire sale, when I unlocked them they stayed there until I did a box pull. I will go back and try to replicate this again as I only did it once.

    I can verify this, it happened to me the 3rd time I played, Brutus locked down a box during a fire sale so it stayed put.

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