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What prestige are you in extinction mode ?+ Tips and Tricks
DueceCostello replied to way2g00d's topic in Extinction Mode
Oh yea, forgot to mention. Its not for sure, but what ii evicerate (ob Blitz) and i have found that if you take out the scorpions without letting them hit the support chopper at all at the barrier hives, once it reaches about 50% health, it will just blow up then and there. Just a note. Maybe somone can help confirm? -
What prestige are you in extinction mode ?+ Tips and Tricks
DueceCostello replied to way2g00d's topic in Extinction Mode
You can thank Kerednomrah69 and ob Blitz for pushing me towards the forum haha. Just havent been active at all for a while. Straight gaming. But im almost at the final prestige and want to try and get a game going with 4 ppl running all 5 relics. Just need 2 more ppl that are on late at night -
What prestige are you in extinction mode ?+ Tips and Tricks
DueceCostello replied to way2g00d's topic in Extinction Mode
This is my opinion on how to have an optimized team and what classes should be doing what. It is a strategy of many, but a strategy I have found extremely effective for myself and my team. This game mode is designed for each class to play a crucial role in the team. Escaping is largely dependent on all players communicating and coordinating what skill or item is being leveled up when. Everybody will be supporting one another with different things. You all kind of play off of eachother in a way. I'm going to mention what the main role each class should be playing. The first thing is, no matter what class you are, max it out before anything else. You will benefit the most by doing so. After your class, coordinate who will be doing armor, ammo, and any other support such as sentry guns. You want to make sure you have one of everything leveled up right around the time you are entering or had just entered the cabin area. (One person lvl armor, one lvl ammo, one lvl special ammo etc.) Overall what you need is: -Ammo Type- 1 person with regular ammo (Medic, Tank) 1-2 people with explosive ammo (Engineer, Tank, Medic) 1-2 people with armor piercing ammo (Specialist, Tank, Medic) Its good to have a reserve of stock ammo just in case and it helps in early rounds. Explosive ammo is generally the best due to increased damage and a small blast radius, which is great for crowd control. And armor peircing is the most effective against hunters and rhinos. Just make sure only one person is leveling each type. If two people have the same type, you can each throw down and stack off of eachothers to conserve money. -Team Support- 1 person with armor (Specialist, Tank) 1 person with feral instincts (Medic) 1 person with team explosives (Engineer) 1 person with any other (Specialist, Tank) You need the armor for obvious reasons, feral instincts for a faster escape most importantly and to see enemy positions easier, and team explosives to aid in battle and to help destroy barrier hives much faster. The last two people really have free reign. Whatever you and your team feel will be the most beneficiary. -Strike Package- Strike packages can really be anything. But by far the most effective are the sentry guns. All four players with sentry guns will dramatically make things run smoother. Also, certain strike packages are stronger with certain classes. Engineers do more explosive damage and weapon specialist do more bullet damage. So choose accordingly. -Equalizer- Same as noted in strike packages. Certain equalizers are stronger depending on what class you are. But for a default choice, i would recommend the riot shield. You can just leave it on your back and it will absorb any damage taken from behind. Main Objective of Each Class -Weapon Specialist- Scorpions in particular. Being the one that does the most damage, the best thing you can do for you and your team is focus on incoming scorpions and take them out quickly. You will be preserving the life of your team tremendously and when at barrier hives, not allowing the scorpions to attack the support chopper will destroy the barrier much, much faster. Things the weapon specialist benefits from in particular: Any bullet weapon including the death machine, armor peircing ammo for stronger enemies. -Tank- The tanks main job should be to take the fight to the enemy and act as a decoy for your team. You can group up enemies by charging them and have you team support you from behind. And you can also use your extra health to your advantage by running enemies through traps your engineer has activated. Things the tank benefits from in particular: armor on top of your extra health, a riot shield to charge your enemies with a vulture to cover your six when charging enemy groups. -Engineer- The engineers job is to activate traps and repair the drill when necessary. One of the best things you can do with any class, but especially the engineer, is to set your sentry guns in or on electrical traps. Enemies are attracted to sentry guns just like any other player. So by placing your sentry in a trap, you are luring them to their death without having to babysit your trap and worry about it being pounced on and taken out. Things the engineer benefits from in particular: any explosive such as lethal grenades, explosive strike packages and equalizers, explosive ammo, propane tanks and soflams. -Medic- The medics job is to revive those who go down and to assist the weapon specialist in taking out scorpions since medics are immune to the poisonous gas. Also, if gathering propane tanks for barrier hives is a strategy you use, the medic is a fast runner so take 2-3 people to form an assembly line and have the medic make the longer, initial runs to the tanks to make it go faster when gathering. It cuts down the time by a decent amount. Things the medic benefits from in particular: scorpion gas immunity and feral instincts, it will boost your movement speed even more. Please keep in mind this is just my opinion of a general format you should use, not a definitive "this is THE strategy". It has proven to be the most efficient way to play with four people of various skill levels for me and my crew. I just wanted to put something out there that may help some people advance further. If there are any questions feel free to ask here. If you would like more of an in-depth walkthrough or you just need a good player on your team to play with, message me on xbl. GT DueceCostello. Let me know you are from here -
Although everything that has been posted on this subject is true about the crawlers, he does have a good point with the webbed feet. I know some of you tend to shut out and cringe at the idea of "Atlantis", but the theory of the next map or future map being a water level is almost, the most logical given the amount of coincidences.. 1. Webbed feet. 2. Samuels specific quote about Atlantis. 3. Have any of you noticed on Whos Who there is what looks to be a life preserver from a boat or ship around the actual machine itself? 4. Along with that, when you spawn in Whos Who as your "secondary-self", the moment you spawn in, if you look closely, there are bubbles of what looks like air in water floating up from around your body as if you just jumped into water. And that would also explain the distorted view you have while in Whos Who. 5. When on the loading screen and you can see the next page of the book in the bottom-right corner, you can see what looks to be valves. Now i know some people have said it looks like a film reel, but if you look closely the is a second "valve" in the backround behind the first. Just my opinion, but that is quite a bit of coincidences
Step by Step Guide to Resetting Your Stats
DueceCostello replied to Edward Richtofen's topic in General Zombies Discussion
At first i was fairly upset about the possibility of being stuck at a skull due to not understanding how the ranking system worked in the very first weeks and months of the games release, and doing things like helping friends get perma-quick revive and screwing around trying to figure all the new things out. I was basically hell-bent on doing everything i could to fix my stats just so i could obtain a new emblem. But the more i read different peoples opinions and really think about it, Birdman is right. I think its better to not glitch your stats and erase your entire history just so you can have a picture of shotguns next to your name. Wouldnt you find it more satisfying to show how youve grown and learned how to be a better player over time? Just because you have shotguns doesnt mean your one of the best out there. But if you can actually spend the time to honestly increase your rank and climb the leaderboards by getting better and playing better games, then you are proving to the entire community that you both worked hard for and deserve your position. I dont think this new ranking system treyarch developed is flawed in the least bit. I actually think its ingenious. It shows true progression of somebodys skills both currently and over time. "Glitching" or resetting your stats is actually ruining the whole point of the ranking system that treyarch intended it to be. Its kind of like finding a "god-spot" in a level jist so you can get to lvl 100 or something so you can be #1. Obviously doing that is in a bit of a different ballpark, but its the same game... Granted this is just my personal opinion, but if you are really understanding the point im trying to get across here, am i wrong...? -
Keys To Improving Rank In Zombies
DueceCostello replied to DueceCostello's topic in General Zombies Discussion
First of all i was high and it was funny. Secondly, i forgot to clarify some things. Im NOT encouraging ppl to leave matches. Custom/solo strategy. Always always always keep you M1911 as your secondary. As for your primary get something along the lines of a five-seven or FAL. Something with decent damage per round. If not, you can pretty much use whatever, just my preferences. Then what u wanna do is go to a place where u are comfortable like diner or town, and train them together and keep them in a tight group, this is where ur 1911 is key. When they r packed tight like that, u get 5-7 hits per bullet. So line them up and blast away. When ur out of ammo, use ur primary and pop heads slowly till u get a max ammo. Avoid the mini nukes also. U want as many as possible. U can get 1-5 headshots per bullet while ur waiting for ur max ammo drop. This also hikes up ur headshots obviously. This sky rockets your accuracy and keeps all negative aspects to a minimum. Still workin on some other things that ill keep posting. This was all for fun, relax guys. I cant believe some of the hostility. Everybody smoke some weed, chill out, n lets all b friends. -
After months of not knowing exactly how the ranking system worked, i decided to take some notes and catagorize the 12 aspects of everyones individual stats. After being careless for so long, i was afraid i was stuck where i was. But then i chopped up and began to think , and by using basic math i believe i have figured out how to rank up regardless of what your current stats may be. Now, with an extreme amount of dedication, commitment, patience, and time, i truly believe that if you strictly follow these, you will be able to obtain maximum rank. So here is my attempt to humor you.(UPDATE)As for some of the replys go, i never finished properly and posted anyways. Why u ask? Idk, i just did. Anyways,First of all i was high and it was funny. Secondly, i forgot to clarify some things. Im NOT encouraging ppl to leave matches. Custom/solo strategy only. Always always always keep you M1911 as your secondary. As for your primary get something along the lines of a five-seven or FAL. Something with decent damage per round. You are going to want a gun where you have complete control over every round fired. If not, you can pretty much use whatever, just my preferences. Then what u wanna do is go to a place where u are comfortable like diner or town, and train them together and keep them in a tight group, this is where ur 1911 is key. I typically keep them in a group until they are done spawning and then startchipping away.When they r packed tight like that, u get 5-7 hits per bullet easy. So line them up and blast away with the 1911. When ur out of ammo, use ur primary and pop heads slowly till u get a max ammo drop. Avoid the mini nukes also. U want as many as possible. U can get 1-5 headshots per bullet while ur waiting for ur max ammo drop. This also hikes up ur headshots obviously. This sky rockets your accuracy and keeps all negative aspects to a minimum. I jumped my accuracy rating .12 in less tham a day with this strategy, and by being in a solo game, you can leave the game to keep ur k/d up. Still workin on some other things that ill keep posting. I assume that some of the 12 aspects that define your rank carry more weight than others so ill experiment and update as neccessary. 1. Accuracy is key 2. Aim for the head 3. Dont proceed untill they are all dead, kill 'em all! 4. Dont be modest with equipment, grenades/claymores are extremely useful 5. Communication. Be a team player, revive revive revive 6. Conserve your ammo 7. Movement is important, dont even give them a chance. The world is your oyster, open it up 8. Use your perks wisely, if they can wait, wait 9. Stay on your feet, do what you can to not go down. If you are about to, leave the game 10.DONT DIE!
If anybody wants some help with any achievements, im your guy. I myself am trying to do the Maxis side of the easter egg, but im willing to do Richtofens side again. Just message me on XBOX Live, gamertag is DueceCostello
Im looking for 3 people that are serious zombie players and want to complete the Maxis side of the easter egg on Tranzit. Please message me on XBOX Live. My gamertag is DueceCostello. I can also help with any of the other achievements if you would like. Im on pretty much everyday, all day. Thank you everybody! DueceCostello
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