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  1. whats a pylon and yea i know about nacht in tranzit :D
  2. i know im not the only one who notices this but Bo2 zombies is easier im sure of it
  3. i could be wrong but i think the denizens jumping off before town is of unimportance
  4. oh wow cant believe i didnt know that.....wow i do those all the time!!!! 115 in kino and the bears in tranzit thanks for clearing the "fog"..... :D
  5. well after reading that i can tell you did some work on it so thank you it really sums it up. great review
  6. i have heard alot about ee just wondering what it is

    Farm TV

    depending on where in china that is that might just be die rise but its only a thought
  8. inside the bus depot (where you spawn) there is a map in the middle of the room. if you look at the side where its facing the "crafting table" in the upper left hand corner it shows that at night there is five stops(the 5 stops in trazit). but then under it there is another 3 routes. think those will be other routes in dlc form(like in skyrim there will be new "spaces" to explore). if you get on top the diner next to mystery box spawn there is another road...case closed.
  9. what is your favorite mp map? it doesnt have to include any dlc but it can :D
  10. yeah i cant wait for more dlc but i was kinda sad they kinda dropped the story behind samantha
  11. THERYMAN13

    town map

    in the last map of Bo1 zombies you fire nuclier missiles down to earth.......my theory BOOM!!! town is one of the victims
  12. hi there im THERYMAN13 im new to this website but not new to zombies i have been making theries for years :)
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