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Speedo Cola

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Speedo Cola last won the day on December 24 2014

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About Speedo Cola

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  1. Most of my 360/PS3 friends weren't going to get this anyways, but the few ones that did pretty much canceled that plan. I feel bad for the 360/PS3 players, but honestly I think it's a sacrifice that has to be made so COD, as well as next-gen, can move on. Old consoles just can't support new games anymore.
  2. Looks dope until the tentacle monster lol. I'll give it a chance, it definitely beats TranShit. Collectors edition seems dope as well. I really hope the game ships with more than one map tho.
  3. Have fun! I bet it'll be amazing, oh and make sure to tell us about the playable demo that is supposed to be there!
  4. ​Took me a second to find but lol
  5. Thanks everyone!
  6. ​Exactly. Most MP players I know aren't even purchasing this game because of it being futuristic, which I say is stupid to do, but they're leaving COD behind nonetheless. Players hated Ghosts, and AW split players up, with half of the fanbase enjoying it, and the other half hating it and abandoning it. Some people had hope with BO3 being a Treyarch game, and being current-gen only, but now that's gone. To be honest, this is probably going to be a rocky launch for COD, and if this game isn't good, COD will probably have 1 or 2 more games before being done for.
  7. ​Thanks! It's nice to see the site all upgraded and stuff by the way!
  8. There appears to be many new members since I left, so I'm not sure if everyone will remember me, but for those that do, I'm back. And if you didn't, well I guess this is an introduction lol. Anyways, I disappeared because my music career has been taking off locally, and I've been devoting most of my time to recording and performing. However, I want to stay "in the loop" for Black Ops 3, and I miss the old days so I have returned. I won't be extremely active, but I'll post when I can, and hopefully, once I purchase the DLC for AW, I can get into that discussion also. Hope everyone's been doing fine. Oh, and I have a map idea I've been working on for a while that I will probably post in the coming months for those that are interested
  9. ^That's what I was thinking! Once I saw the test subjects snaps I knew it was connected lol
  10. I think perhaps the 3 is for 3 different settings, considering how diverse the snaps were. Past, Modern, and Future, thus appealing to all Cod Fans. Just imagine how diverse the MP would be, some maps are past, and you can have classes for the past maps, some are modern, so there are modern weapons, and then futuristic, which perhaps could have something to do with the bio-modification articles, or exos!
  11. Perhaps that's why Jimmy posted photos of some places a few months ago? Connect the dots time lol!
  12. Arabic, this correlates with the Desert Storm and War on Terror ideas
  13. Courtesy of Charlie Intel, apparently a filter made this appear :)
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