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Speedo Cola

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Everything posted by Speedo Cola

  1. Holy Heck! You used to be on my Xbox friend's list, I deleted you I think. You were Vic's friend, right? Wanna play zombs later lol
  2. When It showed the concept art at the beginning, I noticed a Ray Gun and a either Jug or Electric Cherry bottle in a gangster's hands. I also noticed what I thought was a RPD and molotov. Later in the vid, I saw some pap'd version of some gun called Reznov's Revenge, which reminds me of Vorkuta lol. I also saw the Juggernog emblem, as well as the Speed Cola Machine. I saw a key several times, as well as the thing in the corner of the Die Rise loading screen. I saw Max Ammo, Nuke, Insta-Kill, and Double Points. The only complaint I have is the point counter. I don't like it for some reason.
  3. This is just like one of my dream weapons that I never knew how to describe! Love it! Also, the thing about upgrading it in a unique way relates to my Sliquifier theory. Back on Die Rise, they didn't say upgradeable wonder weaponry to be referring to the Ray Gun lol :)
  4. Dude you have a good point! Prohibition was when alcohol was illegal, and mobsters hid alcohol. So maybe they're hiding perks?
  5. There's also hanging "men" shown in the trailer, when it shows the characters.
  6. Maybe it's not spawning. Aren't Hellhounds normally on fire? Anyways, you're probably right. Because Hellhounds were born in the 40's. But maybe, they were teleported back in time to the 20's? Oh, and to the guy who posted the data entry by Maxis (Good Job by the way for pointing that out), I think the Zombies were in the teleporter. Thus causing the first outbreak. And maybe that supposed "break-out" by prisoners discussed back then was a cover-up? Maybe that's why it was converted into a museum afterwards lol?
  7. I have a few thoughts. 1. The Red eyes. Maybe Gersh is in control... or even weirder... Samuel? Who knows, ecen though it's not purple, it might even be the Vril lol. 2. Future weapons are present. Perhaps Maxis took control and that sent everything back in time, or maybe the missiles he launched back on the Moon changed parts of the Earth's time. I mean think about it. Green Run looks like the 60's, Die Rise looks like early 2000's, and this is in the 20's. 3. Back in Prohibition, alcohol was illegal. I guess that means no perks However, back in those days, mobsters sold and drunk it illegally, so perhaps what the description meant by "mob-derived skills", was that certain mobsters drunk certain perks, so they'd have certain set abilities. Or maybe they made perks (a variant of Stamin-Up could be Motion Moonshine lol)
  8. These are nice! Good work!
  9. We all know Die Rise promised "new, upgrade-able, wonder weapon{ry**, so where is it? I have an idea. The -ry in weaponry implies it's more than one weapon. One is obviously the Ray Gun, so the other has to be the Sliquifier. Also, Marlton has a quote that goes something like,"With a few slight modifications, this weapon could yield a greater use! Gas zombies anyone?". I've heard theories saying the Sliquifier was unfinished, so perhaps our new survivors will find a way to upgrade it other than Pack-A-Punching? I hypothesize that it will be some unique method, considering the new features Treyarch loves to add. Maybe a pattern of shots or something. According to sunnyboy from BlackOps2Forum.com, he had shot the gold symbols in the spawn room with the Sliq. and heard a weird sound effect, but he says it may have been something the other players were doing since they were across the map. He said he will provide footage if he can do it again. I think it would be shooting the calendars or gold floor symbols. Some Forum Buddies think it's the T.V.s though. Anyone willing to try?
  10. I hope they don't really abolish used games. Microsoft is actually wondering which they should do. And that internet thing sucks too.
  11. there's fire tornadoes on nuketown
  12. yours was nice too, I hadn't seen it until now, so what's weird is that we both had wonder weapons that had the same main purpose, though there were some differences in the weapons. good job.
  13. Here is my map idea from another forum And here is the theory to support it The only reason I'm not posting them is because they are long and extensive, but yeah they are decent I guess. They revolve around a map called Terminus that takes place in Atlanta.
  14. got the unicorn on my an for the 2nd time yesterday. then, a little kid had his steam incorrectly placed so I died.
  15. The OP needs to be higher-priced if you ask me. Not sure if these have been posted, but: 1. Extended Clip: More ammo in each clip! 2. Hardened: Bullets rip through more Zombies 3. Knife-O-Rama: Increased Melee Damage and Range 4. Nade-Ade: Comes in a pitcher like Kool-Aid, it increases grenade strength and accuracy. 5. Take Control: Available in last DLC, allows you to control Samantha, Maxis, or Richtofen on Moon. 6. Gambler: Would be most likely overpowered, but would allow one to stop the mystery box. A little hard to get what you want though, cause the box is a tad bit faster.
  16. Oh, and I left one tiny detail off. The perk machines that took you to the moon/Aether were white.
  17. Yeah, I love making them on another forum: BlackOps2forum.com If you want links to them, just pm me. I don't post them here because it would seem like double-posting lol
  18. So I had a dream, sort of jumbled, but at least I got an idea of a map. It was like a mix of a Hospital, Factory, and Science Lab. I just loved the dream, and it was really cool. I remember the Easter Egg achievement description, it was something like,"Advance to choose one of the three leaders" or something like that. Strangely enough, the vril weren't in my dream too much. However, Samantha was. I remember there being a rusty bridge in the factory, with chasms/abysses on either side. I remember you had to actually pick up a navcard and insert it into a thing that looked like the machine in the campaign mission "Celerium", except the machine was rusty too except for the power thing from campaign, which was shining. I remember there were 3 perks hidden in an area, that did not count towards your slots, and when you drunk them, they cyrogenically froze you, and there was one to play as Richtofen, Maxis, or Samantha on the Moon/Aether. You had to do parts of the Easter Egg for them to show up. In each location that you wet too, there was a navcard that you had to pick up for the machine in the factory, however, it was hard to find and there were difficult enemies (Aether: Richtofen/Maxis, and Moon: Vril, or Zombies). You could only insert one in the machine, and only one player could have any of the three perks active at a time. Richtofen's and Maxis's were hard to find, considering they were both in the Aether. And each perk machine had a symbol on top of it. Such as, Samantha's had a bloody teddy bear on it, Richtofen's had a golden rod on it, and Maxis's had a radio on it. Maxis and Samantha were still working together, however, both wanted control, but Maxis didn't care too much how it turned out. He had been powering towers so that he or Samantha could generate enough power for the Navcard to transport one of them into the Aether, or in the Aether as the leader. If Samantha went in, Maxis would come out in physical form, so he'd still be happy. But if Maxis's navcard was chosen, he would take control of the Zombies and send the O3 plus Samantha to Earth. And if Richtofen's card was chosen, the celerium device would explode, revealing the world to be cleansed of Zombies. It shows hills and valleys, however, the camera pans for a few seconds, and the players can see a group of zombies marching. Richtofen then curses, as he has only made the Earth look decent, but has not destroyed the Zombies. I know this is short and not well thought-through, but it was a dream in my head, lol! I will perhaps edit this later and make a whole map idea out of it, so be prepared! Thanks for reading this lol
  19. I thin we all are in one way or another. Treyarch seems to be letting us down so far in terms of content. Every other map has been riddled with clues either visual or audio, but Green Run is lacking and Die Rise seems to have only a few. I hope they have big things planned like we all expected, and have yet to reveal the goods. What exactly were you worried about? About how are they to get each path to continue on a certain map. Such as if we're doing Maxis's side, you have to continue on the map that other people are doing for Richtofen's side. It seems a little confusing, because each path is most likely different goals, and the two would want you in different places in the end most likely. But this same concept worked in Campaign...
  20. I believe what you say is true, and I'm a bit worried about how each path will work on a certain map.
  21. Lol, party rock, they may as well stick a LMFAO sticker on it
  22. Could it be true? Edward Richtofen and Maxis? Perhaps maybe they will have to work together again in the future even though they're enemies?
  23. What's weird, is that an hour before the first tweet about rank, I tweeted him that I would soon be resetting my rank.
  24. I predict the next map will be a fight for power between Samantha and Maxis vs. Richtofen. Maybe the voices will keep switching, or maybe it depends which Die Rise Easter Egg we did. Maybe the voice Samuel heard was her.
  25. Excellent! Really informative!
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