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Speedo Cola

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Everything posted by Speedo Cola

  1. I'm sorry guys for not being able to type this out again, hopefully you'll forgive me for it, anyways check out the original thread. I think I have found the result of the next map. Here ya go: http://www.blackops2forum.com/showthread.php?t=16385
  2. Marlton says he was betrayed. So was gersch.
  3. I only saw a strategy section for black ops 1 maps
  4. I have come up with a new strategy for you guys. It's been fully tested by me and some friends. I call it, The Tri-Genocide So basically, 1. Stay in the spawn room for 3 rounds. Have 1 person on each window, and the other 2 watching a hole from the side. Also, grab each Trample Steam part available. 2. When Round 4 starts, have person with most money open door. Grab remaining Trample Steam parts. Then, have person with 2nd most open the next door to the PDW room. Have everyone buy the PDW. Camp in PDW room for 1-2 rounds. 3. Drop down to Trample Steam room. Build the Trample Steam. Everyone grab it. Camp for 3 rounds. During these 3 rounds, you should experience a minion round. Shoot, because this is a crammed in area, and it's safer to wait till you get a bowie knife or knuckles before you knife for free perks. 4. After those 3 rounds are up, jump down and go to the hallway in the Buddha room. Buy the AN-94. Camp until everyone has about 10k (approx. 3 rounds). Have 2 people at the window, and 2 in the hallway section close to the elevator shaft. 5. After everyone has at least 10k, open the 750 door and (optional) camp in Buddha Room until everyone has 15k. Or, head straight for power and turn it on. Proceed to PAP AN-94, as well as buy Juggernog. 6. Build Sliquifier. Camp for 1 round. 7. Head to roof. Kill for a round, but leave a crawler. Have someone watch it, and the rest of you jump to Trample Steam Room. Buy Quick Revive, Speed Cola, and Who's Who. Then, buy galvaknuckles or Bowie knife, and if you want, hit up the box. When you get back on the roof, let the player watching the crawler go buy his stuff. Also, it's recommended that you get claymores and semtex grenades, and when you're happy with your gun set-up, try the box for monkey bombs. 8. Place 1 Trample Steam in front of the barrier under the tower. Camp here. Also, Place a Trample Steam at the area leading down to the elevator, place one at the corridor leading to the other 2 elevators, and the last one can be placed at either ramp or the other window, though I'd recommend keeping one in-case the others break and you need to get back when you grab the other ones. 9. Goes along at the same time as Step 8. Assign positions. I say, let the Sliquifier person be a train-er, have 2 people shooting most of the zombies, and one player with the SVU-AS sniping oncoming zombies. Also, the trainer can lead zombies onto Trample Steams (he-he) 10. When minions come, knife 'em. Do this until you gain all 6 perks. Once you have Mule Kick, leave a crawler and get a third weapon out of box. 11. Survive. Thanks for reading my first strategy on this forum! I hope to post more!
  5. I will and as for you, simply epic, I love the avatar. Jak was a great game, especially the 2nd and 3rd one!
  6. Sorry guys, it was 72○
  7. When I went into theater mode, I noticed a lot of weird things that did not pertain to the EE. One such thing was a big green device found on the spawn room roof, on the dragon that's by the 750 points debris, one on a roof on the roof, and wherever the other one is, I don't know. I also noticed (only on Quick Revive) that there was a stop above the one at spawn. Also one for Speed Cola/Who's Who Another thing I noted was if you fly up in the spawn room, you can see a metal thing with writing engraved into it. One other thing I noticed is if you go all the way down by the back of the Buddha room, you can see a tower in the fog. And the tower's connected to the building and it's upside down. Also noticed a painting of Shi No Numa in Spawn Room Another thing I'd like to note is all the clocks. They show the same time on them everywhere. One is in the sewing area in front of the power room, one is in the 1st box spawn, I don't know where the other ones are. Also, there are a bunch of calendars scattered around the map and they seem to each have a unique Chinese symbol. On a final note, I noticed the fridge in the 1st box spawn showed the time and temperature, but the time conflicts with the clocks' time. It also says it's 72○. I still haven't used theater mode on the whole map, so I'm sure there's still much for me to discover, and I'll appreciate any thoughts or ideas you guys can gain from this. Thanks
  8. Speedo Cola

    Quick Idea

    I have no idea if this has been posted before, I seriously doubt it, but if it has moderators/admins can delete this. Anyways, I thought it would be cool to add more options such as WW's only, Shotguns only, and certain perks. Also, my main idea is what about the O4, well really O3 plus Samantha in Rich's body, but back to the point, them vs. Green Run team. And, Verukkt's Marine Team vs. Group 935 and Ascension Group vs. Green Run Team and etc? Since Grief only has tiny ties in with the story, it could become a more customizable just-for-fun experience. If you disagree, or agree, I'm more than happy to hear your opinion. Thanks.
  9. Thanks for the compliment, and yeah I always wanted to do them. It makes me feel incomplete. lol
  10. I went to Theater mode on Die Rise for the first time today (mainly due to just playing it) and noticed in the spawn room, there are two paintings on the left side of the staircase. And one of them showed what looked to me like a swampy area. And in the picture it showed some cabins. Now, I have no idea what this means. I also saw paintings which showed what looked like to me to be mountains and some looked like jungles. But I think this one is referring to Shi No Numa in some way. I don't have a capture device, I have it in my screenshots though, so yeah my Gt is in the sig if you need it. I mean, if you guys want I can post a phone pic lol. I'm not into bad quality, but I'll do it. Anyways, post your ideas as to what it means here.
  11. Welcome all! I have been lurking for a few weeks and decided to join and share my input on things. While I agree with some things, sometimes some of you seem to not know what you're talking about lol. But most of you do, so yeah whatever. Anyways, I am an Xbox gamer concerned with Zombies Games. Dead Rising, COD Zombies, you name it. I understand the storyline, and have done the Blops2 EE's. Sadly, when I really got into BLOPS1 Zombies, not many people played it, so I never got the chance to do those EE's. But I caught up the information and storyline. I am also into getting high rounds while keeping it fun. My gamertag is: SpeedoMonkey98 Send a message so I can delete players off my list. Thanks and I look forward to contributing a lot here. Oh, p.s. I'm also on blackops2forum! If you're on there too, hit me up. I'm mjroady
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